Steal the sky

Chapter 639 Magic Flames

Chapter 669 The Magic Flame (First Update)


The once vibrant Immortal Star is almost empty! In addition to the deep mountains, old forests, deep pools and valleys, in addition to the bottomless trench of the ocean and sea, in addition to these dangerous places, there are also some demons and monsters who have escaped by chance to hide, and all other creatures have turned into white bones.

The once thistles in the capital of Dayandu City fell hundreds of miles out of thin air, and thousands of miles into a deep pit. On the edge of the huge deep pit, countless corpses were piled up, and a large amount of plasma flowed out of the mountain-like corpses, filling such a big pit. The dense corpses and white bones were spread out, and the area of hundreds of thousands of miles was full of corpses and blood, and even an inch of land could not be seen.

These corpses are not only human bones, but also the bones of countless beasts, birds, sea fish and sea beasts, and even those one-inch-long shrimps, three-point-long centipedes, half-foot-long green snakes, finger-sized insects. Countless creatures have piled up here, some have become white bones, and Semi-rotten, and some have just been killed, and the blood is constantly oozing out of their bodies into the huge deep pit.

In the high sky, the dark clouds came down, only more than a hundred feet high from the ground, and the dark clouds were hundreds of miles thick, with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles. It seemed that the sky was only so far from the ground. This heaven and earth made people feel extremely depressed. From time to time, there was blood and magic flames in the dark clouds flashed by. The red è blood light, and the green è magic flame flashed quickly with the whistling sound of the wind, bringing a pungent smell of blood.

In this hellish land, there are no flies, no baldnesses, no wild dogs, no maggots, and no creatures who like to move on the pile of corpses. Because all creatures, including flies, veultures, wild dogs, and maggots, have been killed and become part of this sea of corpses and blood.

"Oh my God! Open your eyes! Do you really want to extinct me, a Miao descendant?

With a sad roar, a dark flying sword with no luster soared into the air and cut off the head of a man of Long Bo, who was a hundred feet tall. The thick blood column spewed out dozens of feet away, and the blood was injected into the huge blood pool. A thin bubble tumbled up in the sticky blood pool, and he happily received this new blood.

The sad roar was an old dragon bell, so old that his skin was cracked like pine bark, and there was only one breath away from death. The old man was dozens of feet tall, with a wooden stick in his hand, and his hands were shouting up to the sky. The corners of his eyes cracked, and some faint blood slipped from the corners of his eyes. No tears or drops of blood flowed out of them. The old man is so old that his body function has dried up, and there is not much blood left.

In front of the old man, a team of Longbo people are being slaughtered by the flying sword. Around the old man, there were about 50,000 or 60,000 Longbo people in a neat line, stepping on the mountains of corpses and walking to the huge blood pool step by step. As long as they are close to the blood pool, the flying sword will circle down and cut off their heads with a sword.

The old man hissed and roared, but the sky was speechless, and no one responded to his howling. Those Long Boguo people who lined up were clear-eyed, with angry and fearful expressions on their faces. They clearly knew what was going on around them, but they could not control their bodies. An evil force controlled them and led them slowly to the blood pool.

These Long Bo Guo people are the last remaining ethnic group on the Wanxian Star. When the sudden attack came, the people of the Long Bo Kingdom with strong strength, they awakened several old people who were sleeping in the clan. Those old men with immortal cultivation joined hands to defeat the enemies who peeped at the people of the Long Bo Kingdom again and again.

But the battles exhausted the power of these elders, exhausted their blood, and the attacking enemies became more and more powerful. When the last old man was killed by the enemy with a high-quality fairy sword that emitted high temperature, the people of Longbo came to this nightmare-like place like other ethnic groups of Wanxianxing and went to death step by step.

The old man who roared up to the sky was the last priest of the Dragon Bo Kingdom on the Immortal Star. Seeing that his clan was killed one by one, the souls of all the clansmen could not ascend to heaven, but injected into the blood pool with the blood. The old priest understood what the enemy wanted to do and knew that his tribe had The old priest burned his soul and broke free from the evil force that imprisoned his body. He looked up to the sky and roared, trying to seek the help of the ghost gods in heaven and earth to save his clan!

The sky was speechless, and the ghosts and gods lost their voices. In the place shrouded in dark clouds, no ghost or god responded to the call of the old priest.

Tens of thousands of dragons who survived cried at the same time, with tears like rain and blood in their tears. They cried bitterly, weeping for the death of their people, weeping for their own fate, and at the same time, they were saddened that their dragons would be completely destroyed.

Among all kinds of human races, Longbo people may be the most united, traditional, conservative and stubborn human race. Among the human population, only the Longbo people never attack their own clans. All Longbo Kingdoms have the same feelings as those of each other. Although there are tribes, all Longbo Kingdoms have the same feelings. When they saw that their people were cruelly killed, all the people who were still alive were broken.

Blood and tears rolled down, and the huge howling even washed up the dark clouds in the sky several feet high.

'Jie Jie' strange laughter came from a distance, and the flying sword, which was swinging rapidly in the void, suddenly stopped. A blood cloud fell from the clouds and wore a black #232; Taoist robe, iōng's mouth embroidered a white è Yuanhua ancestor of the skeleton held a fairy sword that emitted high-temperature Laughing and driving the blood clouds, he flew to these Longbo people.

"What are you crying about? What are you crying about?" Yuanhua's ancestor shook his head and said with a smile, "All the creatures on this planet will die. Why are you unhappy that you can die with all the creatures on this planet? After your death, you can turn into the immortal power of the ancestors and help the ancestors hit the realm of golden immortals. What's wrong with you?

When he proudly pointed to the blood pool, Yuanhua's ancestor laughed wildly and said, "With the help of this Wanling blood pool, the ancestor's blood sea Xuangong has great hope to break through the golden fairyland world! Hey hey..."

After a few jokes, the blood flashed in Yuanhua's ancestors' eyes. He frowned and said, "Strange, why do I have blood sea Xuangong? Why do I know how to build a blood pool? Hey, who am I? Am I the ancestor of Yuanhua? No, I'm the King of Blood? Wrong, am I the blood of the ancient demon god? No, no, who am I?"

After tilting his head and thinking for a while, Yuanhua's ancestor suddenly patted his head hard. He smiled strangely and said, "What do you care so much? When I have cultivated the golden fairy road, the senior promised that there will naturally be messengers to welcome the ancestor and worship the senior! Hey, the seniors have worked hard for so many years, and the ancestor finally had a chance to enter the seniors!"

Looking proudly at the many people of Long Boguo who cried bitterly in front of him, Yuanhua's ancestor shook his head proudly and suddenly laughed three times. After laughing three times, Yuanhua's ancestor was suddenly stunned. He turned around a few times and suddenly waved to the dark clouds above his head.

A blood cloud spewed out from the dark cloud, and the square circle of blood cloud was entangled by green è ghost fire. The blood cloud lined up dozens of stone piles, and countless images of evil spirits were carved on each stone pile. The two wives of Jiang Yun's ancestor, Qingxia and Baiwu, as well as the three Yun Xian and a group of clean core people were tied to the stone pile, and the seven orifices were locked by the ghost fire spewed from the evil ghost's head on the stone pile, and they could not move all over and speak.

Yuanhua's ancestor flew to Jiang Yun's ancestor with a smile and said to Jiang Yun's ancestor with a smile, "Jiang Yun, you are from the ancestor! Obediently followed the ancestors and killed the rest of the Longbo people in person. The ancestors became the golden fairy road, and you can also have a benefit!"

With a wave of his hand to untie the ghost fire on the face of Jiang Yun's ancestor, Yuanhua's ancestor asked with a smile, "Would you like to follow the ancestor?"

Jiang Yun's ancestor, who tended to collapse, looked at Yuanhua's ancestor in a daze for a long time. He suddenly howled: "No, no, no, no, even if the soul is scattered, he will never follow you! You are not the ancestor of Yuanhua, you are a foreign demon, you are... Bloody old demon! You beast, you have killed everyone on the Immortals!"

Yuanhua's ancestor frowned. He slapped Jiang Yun's ancestor in the face and cursed in a low voice, "Don't you kill a few people if you don't know what's good or bad? Of course, I am the ancestor of Yuanhua, otherwise who can I be? Bloody old demon? Well, is this name really familiar? Is it me? Not me? Who is the ancient demon god Li Xuezi? Pass it on to the teacher again? Am I a disciple of the bloodshed?

After muttering for a while, Yuanhua's ancestor shook his head and sighed, "Do you care so much? Am I me? Of course I'm me!"

With a cold snort, Yuanhua's ancestor looked at the three old ways of Qingxin, Qingyi and Qingshen. He smiled and said, "Jiang Yun doesn't, you also don't!"

The three old ways of Qingxin, Qingshen and Qingyi can't move and can't speak, but their eyes are shining with a firmness that they would rather die than surrender. Yuanhua's ancestor shook his head. He was too lazy to work hard to unlock the prohibitions on the three old roads. He just sighed deeply: "If you don't live, you have to go to the dead!" Is the so-called morality and the so-called nature so important?

As he spoke, Yuanhua's ancestor suddenly laughed wildly. He tore open the iōng clothes of the two nv immortals, Baiwu and Qingxia, and laughed and said, "Wonderful, do you care so much? I'm going to be a golden fairy, and I'm going to achieve the golden fairy! Hey, Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun, your two Taoist couples, let me suffer a lot! Anyway, you are all determined to die. Let me enjoy it before you die, and you will save two beauties!"

The two nv fairy faces, Baiwu and Qingxia, changed dramatically. Jiang Yun's ancestor twisted and struggled crazily. He scolded sharply, "Yuanhua's ancestor, you old beast, you are not as good as a pig and a dog, you are not a human!"

The roar was so loud that Jiang Yun's ancestor's vocal cords were torn, and blood spewed out of his mouth.

Yuanhua's ancestor just smiled strangely, grabbed the white fog fairy, and pressed her on the blood cloud. RA