Steal the sky

Chapter 643 Demon Soul Defeat

The blood-colored space is about a hundred miles round, below is a sea of blood, and there are clouds of blood above, which makes people's minds shaken and can't be guarded. Between the blood clouds, a huge chair made of white bones suspended in the air, and a bloody magic shadow plate sat on the chair. There were dozens of naked women around them to do the magic dance of the day. All kinds of strange postures attracted people's blood.

Don't beg, Princess Bile calmed down and quietly looked at the shadow without making a sound. The little sparrow closed its eyes, and its body was protected by a circle of bright red flames like glass. It was difficult to invade in response to the devil's thoughts, and it was also to keep its own soul safe and sound. The flame on the little sparrow is the famous of the Phoenix family. The real fire is the fire of the south and the fire. All kinds of wonderful things are endless, and the guardian of the mind is only one of the paths.

This space is clearly made of the magic shadow with huge divine thoughts, which is similar to the fairy to the world of mustard seeds. In the fairy's mustard world, everything is real, no different from the outside world, among which countless people can live in it.

And the world made of magic shadow, or magic void, is more appropriate. This space exists between existence and existence. It is born with the thought of the magic shadow, and disappears with the thought of the magic shadow. There are infinite mysteries between birth and death, and the mystery is infinite. Don't beg, the four of them accidentally said, and were sucked into the hungry wolf into the void by the huge power of the true spirit demon soul condensed by the soul of countless creatures.

In this void, this magic shadow can transform everything with one thought and destroy everything with one thought, which really occupies a great advantage. Just like those dancing witches on his throne, this magic shadow is also manifested with the help of the power of divine knowledge. Every move is secretly in line with the devil's door road, one hand, one kick, all of which are dark and endless murderous. If you accidentally fall into the middle, it is the end of the soul flying.

The little sparrow knew that her age was young and her cultivation was shallow, so as soon as she was sucked into the void of the magic mind, she immediately released a wisp of fire brought by Nanming Li in the depths of the soul to protect the soul. She did not dare to be careless at all.

Don't beg and Princess Kuanle are not afraid of the dozens of dancing witches. Princess Bule is also ashamed to see the unbearable movements of those witches, while Don't beg is looking at those witches doing the heavenly magic dance. Hee hee and can't wait to applaud. If there is a dozen of The hot dance music, don't beg to wriggle with those witches.

On the ancient Heavenly God Avenue, Princess Bule refined the skills of ghosts and gods, and was best at dealing with all kinds of ghosts and evil gods. She was a witch in the sky, and she couldn't shake her mind. The magic power of don't begging to practice is enough to make all the evil immortals in the world who practice illusions, ecstasy and other spells vomit blood. His chaotic aura is incompassible. The turbulent magic spirit emitted by these magic dance these days are all elixirs to supplement his mana consumption. He

The bloody shadow pulled the four people into the magic void, and he didn't say anything. He waited for the four people to do other things after his magic calculation. He has just devoured the souls of countless immortals in one breath. Although this huge soul power has restored 30% of his true spirit and demon soul, he also has some indigestion. He is working hard to digest the huge soul original power in these souls, erasing some of the tough soul imprints, such as He is busy with these now. He also has no time to pay attention to begging and others.

For a moment, everyone stared at each other for a while. Ao Bugun, who was coiled on Don't beg's neck, suddenly "wow, shouted. After entering this magic void, Ao Bizun's pair of thieves eyes stared at the witches who were dancing wild

After the two sides looked at each other for a quarter of an hour, Ao Buzun danced all over his body. A wisp of saliva flowed down from the corners of his mouth, and then his body rushed forward with a sharp wolf howling and thought that the witches rushed up.

"Beauty, you just follow me! Follow me, eat delicious food and drink spicy food. Every night, I make you happy to die, die and die, live and die!" Ao Buzun's saliva spewed out from the corners of his mouth, and his eyes were shining and howled loudly, "I sweep the world with a dragon whip and treasure gun." Only you can know my kung fu!"

Those witches laughed softly, and a witch with extremely white breasts stretched out her hands and greeted Ao Buzun with a smile.

"Come on, come on, come on nm", the witch made a graceful call, and the spring waves in her eyes seemed to drip into the water. Ao Buzun cheered and rushed to the witch, and others stood up. "The two back claws firmly grasped the witch's chest, the two front paws grabbed the witch's face, and a big mouth full of saliva kissed the witch's light water red cherry lips fiercely.

The shadow sitting on the throne sneered and laughed. He slowly stood up, raised a finger and smiled, "One!" Princess Bule's eyes flashed. She cursed in a low voice, "This ** dragon is really shameful!" The little sparrow hurriedly nodded and echoed Princess Beile's words. She tilted her head and dis Looking at Ao Budge, he patted his wings gently.

Don't beg, you will smile. Ao Buji's origin is mysterious, and there are still many things to hide from him. If you want to say that the others around you may have been hit by this kind of romantic battle, maybe the soul will be sucked up by the witch and the power of the soul will be cheap. But where can Ao Buzun, a heavenly demon dance be conquered by this old pervert and a general in the romantic field?

Don't beg to remember that Ao Buzun seems to have boasted. Among his concubines in those years, there were several powerful figures in the outer demons. Ao Buzun is such a simple figure that can make the ruthless and righteous foreign demons give birth to children for Ao Buzun?

Boer nm crack" Ao Bu Zun and the witch had a deep wet kiss. His long tongue popped out half a foot long, and he hit the witch's mouth fiercely. Then Ao spit heavily disrespectably and cursed and complained, "This old devil must have never touched a woman in his life. How can't this transformed witch't her tongue move? This wonderful woman, the three-inch fragrant tongue, is as flexible as a snake, as dexterous as a fox, delicate as sand, and sweet as honey is the best. This hard and cold, that's the braised pig's mouth!"

The shadow who just stood up was stunned. He roared, "Aren't you confused by the ancestor's magic?"

Ao Buchung smiled strangely. His body flashed, and his body less than two feet suddenly turned into a black electric and ran out. His right front paw became the size of a fan, and his fierce claw was pulled out at the lower body of the shadow. Ao Bizun roared happily, "You are toolittle me! Seeing that I was shocked by the three worlds in those years, the emperor of heaven was frightened by the "flying dragon steals the peach hand!"

With a flash of black light, a dense rune like an ant colony flashed on Ao Buzun's right front paw. The strange rune flashed slightly and turned into a piece of black smoke covering his claws.

As soon as his five claws were pulled tightly, he heard a miserable howling. A large number of bloody things were caught by Ao Buzun, and then Ao Buzun immediately turned into a black light and returned to the shoulder of Begging.

The demon shadow roared and looked at Ao Bu Zun. He roared puzzledly, "This is the magic void transformed by the ancestor's mind! How can the ancestor be injured in this magic void? The magic body of the ancestor here is the manifestation of the true spirit and demon soul of the ancestor. There is no such body organs at all. How can you do it?


Ao Bu Zun smiled secretly and showed off one or two bloody treasures in his hand. He sneered and said, "I haven't seen any scene? In those years, there was also an idiot who was stolen by my wife and trapped me with the magic void, and wanted to refine Laozi's true spirit with the magic flame. It's a pity, it's a pity that I was trapped in the magic void for three months, and I realized that the flying dragon stole the peach hand!"

Throwing the three treasures casually, Ao Buzun wiped the blood on his claws on Begging's shoulder and said proudly, "You shouldn't use the magic void to deal with me!" Your true spirit and demon soul is an intersection of life relationship with your external body. What I take out is your true spirit and demon soul, but what I take out is the treasure on your body!"

Don't beg for fear. Princess Bule was stunned. The little sparrow lowered her head and covered her head with her wings.

Ao Buchun laughed wildly and said, "You have a wisp of distraction to see if your body has been castrated by me?"

The bloody shadow howled, and his body suddenly stiffened. Obviously, he had separated a wisp of distraction and ran out to check the movement of his body. Before long, the magic shadow roared wildly. He pointed to Ao Bujun and roared, "Despicable, shameless, dirty! You, what is your origin? How can you attack the ancestor's body through the ancestor's magic void? You, how can you use such a vicious magic skill?

Ao Bu Zun smiled and didn't explain the shadow at all.

Don't beg, hey hey, with a smile, he instinctively pinched his legs, stared at Ao Bul for a fierce look, and then a finger of his right hand, and a large number of forbidden law gods roared out. The purple and blue two-color Shenyan brought the high temperature that made all the gods such as souls, demon souls, ghosts, evil gods, and extraterritorial demons exist, which instantly filled the whole void.

Princess Yule also raised her hands slowly. She turned into hundreds of fire dragons roaring out with hundreds of fire dragons, which were thicker, hotter, better quality and more flexible than the forbidden magic fire sprayed from Begging from Begging.

The high temperature melted everything in the void, the blood clouds were burned through, the sea of blood was burned to dry, the witch turned into nothing, and the throne turned into green smoke. The demon shadow roared sharply and roared angrily: "Forbidden law Shenyan, how can you and other juniors have such innate immortal inflammation? You bastard, how can you have such innate spirits?

Don't beg and Princess Bile didn't bother to explain anything to the real spirit and demon soul. The huge forbidden law god Yan merged inward and tightly wrapped the magic shadow in it.

A miserable howl sounded, and the figure of the magic shadow was suddenly burned off.

The magic shadow exploded, and a line of blood [excited] shot out, and quickly emptied out of the magic void.

The huge amount of soul power in the void is out of control, and it rolls randomly in the void.

Don't beg, Princess Bule, and Ao Buzun are ecstatic. They hurriedly use their magical powers to absorb the power of the boundless divine soul.

In an instant, the three of them shared the power of the boundless soul, and then the void was smashed, and their souls returned to their bodies.