Steal the sky

Chapter 649 Eye of God

Chapter 669 Eye of God's Punishment (Fourth Update, Ask for Monthly Pass!)

I was stunned and read the update of tens of thousands of words. I haven't eaten yet. Let's write a chapter first and update it!

Please, I'm hungry!

Don't beg, Princess Pangle looked up urgently, only to find that the whole immortal star had been wrapped in a thick telescreen that was as quiet as water. Words can't describe the terrible pressure when the thick and sticky telescreen slowly approached the ground. Don't beg that you are so scared that you are stiff all over. The innate soul is stiff, and you can't figure it out at all.

It's completely out of instinct. Don't beg for the stiff body suddenly waved its fists, and countless thunder, large pieces of cold air, the sky-high magic flame, and the blue horn hurricane rolled up on the flat ground turned into a group of chaotic energy and roared straight to the light curtain slowly pressed high in the sky.

There is no movement in the telescreen. Don't beg to integrate into the telescreen with all your strength. It's like a drop of water falling into the sea without any ripples. The heavy telescreen still slid down slowly with the breath of destroying everything, inch by step, like nightfall, erasing all the hope of time. Don't beg to stand there stiffly, sweating like raindrops all over.

Princess Le, who looked panicked, let out a clear roar. The colorful divine light behind her suddenly swirled, and the five-color light rose to the sky, turning into a bright glow and brushed the curtain that fell into the sky. At the sound of a faint thunder, the colorful light waved by Princess Le smashed. Princess Le staggered back a few steps, and suddenly a large amount of blood kept flowing out of the seven orifices.

Xiao Queer and Ao Buzun opened their eyes at the same time, and they looked at the falling telescreen.

The little sparrow doesn't know much about this telescreen. She is just like Princess Begging and Princess Le, she was so scared by the terrible power contained in the telescreen that her feathers were raised one by one, and her body, which had already rounded into a ball, became fat and swollen wolf. Ao Buk was almost choked to death by his own mouthful of saliva. He roared angrily, "F Damn it, what did I do to hurt God's reason? How can there be a thunderous punishment?

With a blink of an eye, Ao Buzun suddenly laughed out loud: "It's okay, it's okay, it's not a serious thunder disaster. His mother is a fake fake from the Tianting Thunder Department! Hey hey, this blow is at most equivalent to the full strike of the twelve golden immortals. Haha, it is far from the real thunder punishment! The real thunder punishment launched by Tiandao can kill the Taiyi Jinxian!"

Don't beg to grab Ao Buzun's neck. He shouted harshly, "Nonsense, the full blow of the twelve golden fairies. Do we have golden fairies here?"

Ao Bu Zun's long dragon beard was straight, and he howled, "God, I forgot that I don't have the cultivation of those years now! It's miserable and down. This is the thunder curse sent by the eye of the heavenly punishment imitated by the thunder department of heaven. In those years, I thought this thing was bullshit, but now I'm going to die here!"

Ao Buchung was so scared that he trembled all over, and this man was indeed extremely bad in character. He was so scared that tears flowed out, and his lower body kept spewing out one fart after another, and the so-called fart flow was nothing more than that. He howlsed, "I'm not convinced! I just had to return to my body, and my cultivation has not recovered. I'm even a boy dragon! I'm not willing!"

In Ao Buzun's hysterical howl, Lei Ji grabbed the falling thunder pattern and sent the thunder pattern to the beggar group. Lei Wei asked puzzledly, "What is this?" Did your enemy come to you? Well, the thunder contained in this rune is not simple, and your cultivation is not very high. How can you provoke such a powerful enemy?

Don't beg to look at the thunder pattern without saying anything. Ao Buchung's eyes turned white and almost fainted. He howled hoarsely, "Don't put this thing in front of me. God, Houtu, do you know what this is? This is a terrible thing!"

Lei Fu pinched the terrible thunder pattern that was enough to flatten the immortal star and all the creatures on the immortal star for a while. He shook his head and opened his mouth, and stuffed the thunder pattern into his mouth.' With a muffled sound, the surface of Lei Fu's body suddenly filled with dark clouds, and the lightning and thunder soared several times. Lei Wei exclaimed happily, "It tastes good. It's more mana than my hundred years of hard work!"

Don't beg to stare at you. Princess Kangle is tongue-tied. Ao Bujiun stared at the thunder monster and shouted, "Monster, you actually ate all the secret thunder lines made by the Thunder Department? So, this senior, have you eaten all the thunder all over the sky? Look at so many electric lights, how many years of hard work can you do?

Lei Wei laughed happily. He nod his head and said, "It makes sense. The telescreen here is thousands of miles thick, which is roughly equivalent to the mana of my 300 years of hard work. Hey hey, I didn't expect that this time, it was not only to enjoy a blood sacrifice, but also had such a big benefit. Then, you're welcome!"

Opening his mouth, Lei Ji sucked at the radio curtain that slowly fell from the sky, and heard the shrill 'squeak' roar, and countless electric lights fell into Lei Ji's mouth like running water. Don't beg to open the chaotic god's eyes. After seeing the electric light rushing into the thunder's big mouth, it was instantly transmitted to the opposite wilderness world full of lightning and thunder. The thunder sitting on the wasteland was forming a strange magic seal with both hands, and all the electric light constantly injected into his eyebrows.

Just in the blink of an eye, Lei Fu's body was a dazzling strong light spewed out, and Lei Fu's projection on Wanxianxing also soared out of thin air like eating a big tonic pill, and the blood light sprinkled in his hands was several times thicker. The blood shot down, not only poured into the body of Jiang Yun's ancestor and his party, Ao Bu Zun and the little sparrow, but also injected the body of Princess Buqi and Pule with a huge roar.

Don't beg and Princess Le look at each other and smile bitterly. Now the mana cultivation of the two of them has reached the limit that the body can bear. What they need is not the accumulation of mana, but the improvement of the realm of Taoism. Lei Ji injected so much blood into them, and the conversion into mana was also surging like a river injected into the body. In fact, it was not much good for the two people.

There is nothing to do. This is the useless power for him that Leihu absorbed the thunder all over the sky. Don't beg and Princess Kule can only inject the power they get into the world of mustard seeds, and turn this huge blood light energy into the energy for the growth of the world of mustard seeds. With the help of this force, the world of mustard seeds between the two has changed dramatically, which is very different from the weather just now.

It only took less than a cup of tea to absorb the high-altitude electric screen. He easily swallowed the electric light all over the sky, and then grabbed it with his big hand and smashed the void. More than a dozen immortals exclaimed and were carried out of the void by him. Lei Yu laughed and swallowed several of these Taoist immortals who were white-skinned and looked young, and then patted the three most old-looking immortals such as the Taoist Taoist in front of Don't beg.

With a wild laugh, Lei Fu pointed to the three old immortals and said with a smile, "It's just that they are making trouble. Hey hey, if it weren't for me, their thunder would have been able to kill all the creatures here, and even this big star can't be kept. Well, these three are in charge, and I'm not welcome to the rest. The flesh and blood sent to your door are the sacrifices of your blood sacrifice!"

Don't beg for both eyes and stared at Jue Lao. He shouted harshly, "Thieves, what kind of grievance do I have with you? Why do you use such a thunder method to trick me behind me?" Thinking of the terrible pressure when the telescreen fell just now, the more you think about it, the more afraid you are. Don't be angry and kick it in the face of the old way.

Jue Li Lao Dao and his two brothers were caught from the void by Lei Fu, and then slapped on the ground with a heavy slap on the ground. They were falling dizzy and had severe pain all over their muscles and bones. They were suddenly kicked in the face by Begging, and their big teeth were kicked out. When he saw that his brothers were swallowed by Lei Wei again, he couldn't help shouting in a trembling voice: "Dear brothers... You died so badly!"

The old man, who was full of blood, looked around and saw the plasma and the nearby white bones in the Wanling Blood Pool, he couldn't help screaming: "Blood sacrifice? How many people have you killed to sacrifice blood to foreign demons? The heavenly court explicitly prohibits blood sacrifices to foreign demons. Are you really not afraid of the punishment of the heavenly court?

Buqi and Princess Le looked at each other, and the two shook their heads at the same time.

The star shark's blade flew up, and the heads of the old road and the two younger brothers flew up with a blood light. Three bloody fairy souls rose to the sky and were about to escape. Princess Yule shot out a few ghost fires from her fingertips, imprisoning the three fairy souls in mid-air. The sad cry came from the fairy souls of the three people of Jue Lao Dao. Princess Le squeezed a lot of memories from their fairy souls with the soul-searching skill in the way of ghosts and gods.

Except for the core secrets of their fairy souls about their own cultivation formulas, which have been banned and cannot be used to find all kinds of code secrets of their teachers with the skill of soul search, their origin, their identity, and the tasks of their trip are all tortured by Princess Pule.

Born in Qingcheng, he is a personal disciple of the ancestor of Qingcheng. He served as an angel patrolman under the heavenly court survey. This patrol angel is like a brocade guard known to beg. He is a privileged envoy sent by the Great Heavenly Emperor. In the outer heaven, he is at the first level of official to any immortal king and emperor, and he has the power to be cut first and then play the power.

On this trip, they actually carried an eye of divine punishment refined by the thunder department, responsible for destroying the thirteen evil planets?

Don't beg and Princess Kangle looked at each other. The two knew that they were afraid that the plan of the father of the king of Yuqiu had leaked the foundation. Someone was working with the king of Yuqiu through the heavenly court! In those years, the people of Qingcheng broke the game of the father of King Yiqiu, and now the people of Qingcheng come to cut the grass and eradicate the root!

If it hadn't been for this alien, the situation of Wanxianxing would have been turned upside down. Originally, the kings and ministers of the six kingdoms had left Wanxianxing to develop in the outside world. They would have made a thunderous blow to the old road and others. All the creatures on the Wanxianxing It is turned into powder.

The only thing worth studying is, who has found out these secrets? Who gave these secrets to the heavenly court?

After meditant for a long time, I can't guess the identity of the person behind me. Don't beg and Princess Kangle look at each other and shake your head with a wry smile.

Lei Fu waved his hand and grabbed it high in the sky, wrapping a dark cloud around him, faintly emitting a purple-blue electric light, crystal clear like a gem, and a huge thirty-six-mile-long big eyes were caught from the air. Lei Li grabbed it casually, and he didn't know what forbidden law he had used, so he compressed his eyes into more than an inch long and threw them to Don't beg.

"This baby is a little interesting. It can absorb all the aura between heaven and earth to make people angry and hurt people! Hey hey, I, Lei Ji, am the Lord of Thunder, and I was born with my own magic weapon. Well, I don't need this baby either. Just take it as the head of this blood sacrifice and give it to you!"

Don't beg to hold this eye of God's punishment, and suddenly you can't speak for a long time. RO