Steal the sky

Chapter 657 Expedition to Pangu

Chapter 657 Expedition to Pangu (Third Update)

Outside Jidu, the emperors, ministers and soldiers of the six countries and the carefully selected people of Li, who are extremely loyal to the six countries, have stood neatly in an array of countless tens of thousands of people. The total population of the six countries is more than one billion. In addition to leaving some clans and generals to stay in the outer realms and slowly developing their own national strength, the essence of the six countries is concentrated here to prepare for the expedition to Pangu.

A billion people are concentrated on the plain outside Jidu City. There are a large number of immortals in the six countries today. This kind of thing is impossible. Ten thousand people are boundless, and once the number of people reaches 100 million, it is impossible to imagine what a terrible scene 100 million people line up on the plain is.

And here, there are a billion people!

The monks of the wrong six kingdoms kept flying over low altitudes, using all kinds of unique mantras to appease people's hearts. I'm afraid that these billion people have long been in chaos.

In this case, a billion people gathered together. At a glance, the plain was densely full of human heads. One billion people inhaled at the same time, and a strong wind rolled up on the plain. When they exhaled at the same time, the clouds in the sky were washed away by the airflow. As long as they stamp their feet at will, the earth will tremble up and down, and countless smoke and dust will fly to the sky.

On the high platform, the monarchs and ministers of the six countries stood in line behind the Beggar and Princess Kangle. They looked at the Beggar and Princess Kangle, and were full of curiosity to see how they could transport a billion people to the Pangu mainland. From the outer world to Pangu Continent, the travel expenses are an astronomical figure. If one billion people rush to Pangu Continent through normal channels, the huge consumption is enough to bankrupt the finances of the six countries 10,000 times.

Don't beg and look at Princess Le with a smile. His mustard world is chaotic. Although he can transform mountains and hills that are no different from nature according to his will, such illusions need to consume a lot of his energy and effort to control. However, Princess Le's mustard world has become a green mountain and beautiful water, with first-class fertile land and vast fields, which is enough to accommodate the short-term recuperation of these people in front of her.

Princess Huanle smiled, and she slowly raised her hands. The colorful divine light flowed out of her fingers, and the thin curtain of light turned into an arch in front of her. The hundred feet long and wide arch was hidden in the mountains and rivers, with the scorching sun and moon. There are flowers and trees, boundless scenery, and the rich aura of heaven and earth spreads from the arch. The cool and refreshing aura was sprinkled on the monarchs and ministers of the six kingdoms, which made them take a deep breath.

Yingzheng and others looked at the arch in horror. The aura diffused from the world of Princess Mustard alone was several times stronger than that on the Wanxian Star. It was really hard to imagine how much the aura in the world of mustard seeds had reached. In fact, it is the same. The total area of Princess Kangle's mustard world is not large now, but half of the spiritual veins of the three planets, Qingya Star, Baiyun Star and Wanxian Star are concentrated. Today, the aura concentration in Princess Kangle's mustard world is more than 200 times that of Wanxian Star in those years.

The colorful glow gushed out of the arch and quickly covered the phalanx of hundreds of thousands of people. A flash of thousands of people suddenly disappeared. The clouds kept spranging out of the arch. After countless Li people on the plain disappeared in the sunshine for just a quarter of an hour, a billion people and more than 10 million soldiers in the six countries were all sucked into the world of mustard seeds by Princess Pule.

The soft voice sounded in the world of Princess Le's mustard seeds. The ancient tunes had an indesicable and wonderful charm. People who were sucked into the world of mustard seeds seemed to have returned to their baby years, as if they heard their old grandmother gently singing a lullaby in their ears. In the strong aura that was almost condensed into liquid, one billion soldiers and civilians closed their eyes one after another and fell asleep quietly and peacefully.

The aura of heaven and earth slowly penetrated into the bodies of these soldiers and civilians, slowly changing their physical qualifications. Returning to the Pangu mainland from the outer realm, it will take several months to increase the speed around the great magic of Princess Po Le. In the past few months, Princess Le controlled the world of mustard seeds to improve the posture of these people. When they go to the world of mustard seeds, everyone's qualifications will take a great leap.

At least the tens of millions and nearly 20 million soldiers in the six countries, their speed of practicing human skills will increase a lot.

Of course, this adjustment is also targeted. If the benefits for the soldiers and civilians of Dayan are 100, then the benefits for the soldiers and civilians of the other five countries are at most ten. Princess Le is still very clear on this point. She has never been a good person!

If it hadn't been for the conclusion of the alliance between the six countries this time, Don't beg fiercely cheated the five countries. Not only did all the genius treasures that Dayan need to be given to Heiqi have been distributed to the five kingdoms, but also added a lot of water to it. If Dayan and Don't beg Physical qualification!

But now, since the five countries have been begging not to be slaughtered, they have begun to plan the strategy of scraping the land as soon as possible after reaching the Pangu mainland, so in order to make the five countries scraping the land more efficient. Let Don't Beg and Dayan get benefits faster, give those genius treasures to Heiqi as soon as possible, and let Dayan's monarchs and ministers get out of the control of the Black Green Forbidden Curse. Princess Le will naturally give them some benefits.

A billion soldiers and civilians were included in the mustard world, and Princess Le turned to look at the princes and ministers of the six kingdoms.

The colorful glow flew down. Except for the monarchs of the six kingdoms and their most important civil servants and generals, the other members of the clan and the children of those families were sucked into the world of mustard seeds. Out of respect for the kings and ministers of the six countries, it is impossible for them to enter the Pangu mainland by smuggling, but their children have no preferential treatment.

Before long, there were only the monarchs of the six kingdoms and their most important ministers around them on the platform, and the total number was only hundreds. It was the group of old people that the king of Yangshan took the Wanxianxing to open up the territory of Wanxianxing and let them re-establish the foundation of the six kingdoms.

The kings and ministers of the six countries looked at each other with a complicated look, and then led by winning the government. The monarchs of the six countries laughed in unison, and then the important ministers of the six countries laughed one after another. With a wave of the winning hand, a chariot driven by nine dragons soared into the air. People from six countries, such as Don't Begging and Princess Kangle, flew into the chariot one after another. A black light rushed straight to the sky from outside the city of Jidu, and the kings and ministers of the six countries quickly flew

In Jidu City, several great Yan clan princes who stayed in Jidu knelt on the ground solemnly and worshipped the black light that disappeared rapidly in the sky. The future of the six countries is uncertain. Maybe they will start an unprecedented foundation in Pangu mainland. Maybe they will lose their soldiers or even the whole army in Pangu mainland. In a word, the future is unpredictable. I don't know when we meet again.

There are two old horses, Don't Begging and Princess Powle, leading the way. They quickly rushed to Yuhua Heaven. On the Guangchang field in front of the Xianfu Gate of Yuhua Xiancheng, they set foot on the moving array to Pangu Continent.

At this moment, the sword of Yuhua Fairy City is drawn, and the atmosphere is extremely strange.

The human garrison and the heavenly garrison are staring at each other. There is a meaning of starting a war immediately if you don't agree. The originally lively Yuhua Fairy City has become sparsely populated. In addition to some native monks and immortals of Yuhua Fairy City, as well as some merchants who still hang out in Yuhua Fairy City for money, such a large Yuhua Fairy City can't see any living people, and the whole fairy city is lonely and lonely like a ghost city.

Especially outside the migration to the Pangu mainland, east and west, the Tianting garrison and the human garrison are clearly facing each other on both sides of the Guangchang field. There were 3,000 troops stationed in Tianting, while 20,000 troops were stationed in Guangchang. Both sides were extremely nervous to move out of the camp. If it's a fairy or a monk who comes out, it's okay. Once an ordinary mortal comes out of the moving array, the military array on both sides will suddenly be in a mess.

Don't beg and Princess Yule looked at each other, knowing that it was the consequence of their erasing jade.

Yuqi is responsible for controlling the human garrison of thousands of large and small heavens near Yuhua Tianjing. He is the highest ruler of the Dayu Dynasty in Yuhua Tianjing. He was wiped out by two passing immortals, and the senior officials of Yu doubted whether the heavenly court intended to take action. Therefore, the tense atmosphere in Yuhua Fairy City is completely brought by Don't begging and Princess Huanle. They just killed Yuqi casually, but for the senior management of Dayu, this matter can't be seen in this way.

Pangu mainland is in a mess. If the heavenly court takes the opportunity to garrison the human army in the outer realm, the consequences will be too serious.

So the atmosphere is so tense. If there are mortals in and out of the moving array, there will be a burst of people and horses on both sides. The immortal officials of the heavenly court should guard against whether the newly dispatched general of the human race is coming, and whether the new general will launch a retaliatory attack on Yuhua Tianjing. The army of the human race is to protect its new immediate superior. If the new Yuhua Tianjing Protector Hou is still slaughtered, how can they explain to the superior?

Because of such an atmosphere, Buqi and others did not receive much cross-examination when they entered the moving array. With the attitude of sending the plague god, the little fairy officials in charge of moving the array hurriedly asked Buqi and others to select the corresponding moving array on the Pangu continent, and then opened the moving array to send them away.

For these heavenly court officials in Yuhua Heavenly Realm, strange monks should go to Pangu Continent. It's better not to stay in Yuhua Fairy City to cause trouble.

At this moment, Yuhua Fairy City is like a big fire medicine bucket, as long as a Mars can explode. If any passing immortal has a conflict with the human garrison here, it is bound to have a conflict that will sweep the whole Yuhua Tianjing. This consequence is that the highest immortal official of Yuhua Tianjing can't afford.

So don't beg the party's wife came to the Pangu mainland calmly. Along the way, Princess Le and Begging joined hands to show their magic power. It only took less than five months for the group to rush to the Wuqixian Pass, which is about three months away from Zhongzhou, which is deliberately selected by Begging!

Yan Dan, Yingzheng and other monarchs and ministers of the six countries have not yet recovered from the impact of the beautiful scenery and excellent natural conditions of the Pangu mainland. The human chariot of the brigade have surrounded them from all directions. The long spears and halberd, strong bows and hard crossbows shined .

A human general strode over, pointed to Beqi and others and shouted harshly, "They are all the thieves of the Wanxian League. Kill them all!"

'Bang', the muffled sound kept coming, and countless rains of arrows fell on the head.
