Steal the sky

Chapter 663 Serial Assassination

Chapter 263 Serial Assassination (Third Update)

Don't beg to take the great Yan Junchen to join the group led by Su Qin and Yan Bugui on the border of Donghai County.

Seeing that Don't beg for a safe return, Su Qin and Yan were relieved at the same time. In the past few days, Don't beg to stay in Donghai County, a demon puppet disguised as himself, has been assassinated nine times in a row. There are more than 3,000 soldiers in Donghai County who were implicated and killed by assassins by poison gas, poisonous insects into the bedroom, strange spells, etc.

Fortunately, the demon god puppet was not a bloody body, and there was no soul to attack. Although those assassins assassinated nine times in a row, except for one time they almost cut the demon god puppet into pieces, the other attacks were solved by Su Qin who came to hear the news.

The demon puppet, which was almost cut into pieces, only swallowed hundreds of pounds of copper ingots, and his body basically returned to normal. Su Qin also brought the demon god puppet here, and don't beg to take it back to his body.

Su Qin and Yan did not return to the grass and had a lot of the current situation in Donghai County. Don't beg to say goodbye to the emperor and minister of Dayan. Princess Pangle will follow Yan Dan and others to Anle County and Anyi County. Su Qin and Yan will transfer the control of the two counties to the Dayan court. Princess Pangle will spend a period of time to gradually release the people of Dayan from the world of mustard, so that they can take root in Anle County and Anyi County.

The first batch of people released must not be the total population of Pangu Continent brought by Dayan, at most the scale of tens of thousands of people. Only after Dayan completely controls the two counties can they gradually release all the people and fill the two counties. Not only the swallow, but also the people of the other five countries are sleeping in the world of Princess Mustard. Except for a large number of literary ministers and generals of the five kingdoms, other clans and children are still sleeping in the world of mustard seeds.

For a long time in the future, Princess Le will run around and gradually release the people in the mustard world according to the requirements of the six countries. This is a very hard thing, but for the sake of the six-n alliance, it can only be done like this.

Looking at the distant Princess Le and others, Don't beg looked back at the dozens of wind patrols standing beside him and said lightly, "Go back to Donghai County. Hey, those assassins caught the live, but no one would say who instructed them to come here?"

A patrol officer respectfully bowed to Don't beg, and he shook his head helplessly. After nine assassinations, those assassins were captured alive by seven or eight people, but there was a strict spell prohibition in everyone's soul. Su Qin once tortured one of the assassins with the soul search. As a result, the assassin exploded on the spot and almost didn't get Su Qin involved.

With a cold snort, don't beg Lu Chengfeng and others who have just been released by Princess Kangle and shook their heads: "Brother, brothers, this is the situation now! Everyone is at home, so they don't talk much nonsense. You have to get started quickly with the affairs of Donghai City and even Donghai County!"

Lu Chengfeng nodded. He hugged Begging and smiled and said, "This is nature. This is our brother's foundation. Naturally, we should take care of it with all our heart and soul!" Looking at the vast wilderness around, Lu Chengfeng sighed: "In the past, you and my brother were in the city. How could you ever think of today's creation? Hahaha, in such a big world, you and I have a lot to do!"

Don't beg for an order. The 100,000 iron armor heroes just released by Princess Le from the world of mustard seeds shouted together. Don't beg and Ao Bujun joined hands. The two rolled up a strong wind, and a black cloud rose in the sky on the flat. Hundreds of thousands of sharp soldiers trained by Lu Chengfeng and Zhang Hu over the years rose up with the wind and flew towards Donghai City.

These 100,000 soldiers are all the talents trained by Dayan over the years. Since Yan Bui and others sent the true secrets of heaven and earth and other ethnic skills back to Dayan, Dayan has recruited a large number of soldiers to practice the skills of the human race. These 100,000 jīngrui are the best among them, and because it is cultivated by Lu Chengfeng and others, there is absolutely no problem with loyalty.

Among these soldiers, the strongest can already compete with the monks in the Yuanying realm, and the weakest can also compete with the monks in the Jindan period. Although their cultivation is too weak in Pangu Continent, this is Pangu Continent, and their cultivation will definitely grow quickly. In particular, Don't beg can also make a lot of blood sacrifices to Lei Ji in exchange for strength. He is not worried about the cultivation of these soldiers at all.

With 100,000 bears in hand, plus a group of officials brought by Lu Chengfeng and others, don't beg Donghai County's administrative, military, penal, civil affairs and other shelves are complete. As long as the continuous adjustment resources are filled into Donghai County, plus the hundreds of millions of large swallows reserved by Princess Pangle, the future development of Donghai County will certainly reach a high

Ao Bu Zun, the freshly released golden fairy realm real dragon took action, and a long wind of thousands of miles blew dark clouds and rushed to the East China Sea City. It took more than a dozen hours on the road, and the Donghai City in front of it was already in sight.

In the farmland outside the city, countless farmers are serving the crops in the field with their hearts. The breeze blows through the fields, and the green light comes out in the sun. On the sea in the distance, thousands of white sails were sliding lightly across the smooth sea. The large trawl made by Su Qin fished a large number of sea fish under the drag of the fishing boat. When Buqi and others flew across the sea, a large net of fish was pulled up, and the fisherman's laughter floated on the sea.

Between the plain and the sea, in the mountains surrounding the huge Donghai City like an arm, some pickers and hunters are haunting the mountains and forests. Occasionally, powerful beasts flew out to attack them, and some soldiers in the East China Sea City, who had been trained to attack with iron shields and long guns, and killed these beasts that ordinary people could not deal with on the spot.

Ao Buzun controlled the dark clouds and circled around the area of Donghai City a few times. Lu Chengfeng and others looked at the vibrant city and town below and couldn't help laughing happily. This is a good place, ten to ten good places. Everything is so pleasing to the eyes, and everything makes people feel comfortable. Even the sea-smelling wind blowing on the sea is full of vitality and abundant aura. Everything here has a simple smell of wildness, like a carving waiting for Lu Chengfeng and others to study by themselves.

Seeing Lu Chengfeng's satisfied smile, Don't beg also nodded happily.

Jiang Yun's ancestors, who had never said anything, finally smiled. There is no need to deliberately look for spiritual veins. There is no need to hit the house. The aura of any place on the Pangu continent is more abundant than Wanxianxing. This is a good place to practice, and it is a real blessed land! It is hard to imagine how full the aura in it will be if you find a good house here and communicate a few veins to attract aura.

God's consciousness swept through the mountains in the distance, and the mountains were full of powerful spiritual power bō movement, obviously full of è spiritual grass. Looking at the mountains over there, there are colorful lights rising under the mud and sand, and all kinds of ores in the mountains are also extremely rich in reserves, thousands of times richer than the Star of Immortals!

"Pangu Continent is really a good place!" Jiang Yun's ancestor twisted his beard and smiled, and Qingxin Laodao also nodded and praised repeatedly. He breathed deeply one by one and smiled happily. Bai Yunxian and the disciples of the pure and earthly people also smiled brightly, and even some disciples with lower generation and shallow cultivation were a little unstable - the concentration of aura here is too big, and these disciples are 'intoxicated'!

Don't beg and say to Jiang Yun's ancestor, "Ancestor, first set up these 100,000 troops, and then iǎzi will accompany several ancestors to choose a blessed house! Several ancestors are all my ancestors who steal the day to worship the elders, and there are still many things to rely on in the future!"

Jiang Yun's ancestor and a group of old immortals nodded happily, and the two disciples were all happy. They really had a good time this time.

After a busy day, Don't beg finally settled down the person he brought this time.

100,000 iron armors were stationed in four battalions in the southeast and northwest of the East China Sea City, led by Bai, Rock enemy and others respectively. Lu Chengfeng became the highest administrator of Donghai County except for Buqi and Princess Pangle. He could make a decision on the affairs of many institutions such as Sijun Hall, Sitian Hall, Si Nong Hall and Simu Hall. Lu Quyuan and a large number of Lu Chengfeng's confidants immediately increased the administrative efficiency of Donghai County by more than a hundred times.

Jiang Yun's ancestor and other two ancestors and disciples opened up a mansion on a big smoke mountain about ten thousand miles west of the East China Sea City. A thousand children with excellent spiritual roots and excellent qualifications were carefully selected from the East China Sea County and sent to the Great Smoke Mountain. They were full of aura, endless cultivation resources, and a lot of new members. This made Jiang Yun's ancestors happy and dance with joy.

With the old dragon king of Wanying, who left Wanxianxing together, happily met his son here. In addition to several old dragon kings and many aquarium demons on Wanxianxing, as well as the Holy Spirit King and the cattle, they opened up a city in the sea near Donghai County and prepared to build a gorgeous crystal palace. Don't beg for bad taste directly named this Crystal Palace - Donghai Dragon Palace! And Wanying Old Dragon King was also driven by the bad taste of not begging, and changed his name to Aoguang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea!

After finally arranging the villagers in the most beautiful valley outside the East China Sea, Buqi finally had time to go to the dungeon in the city to visit several assassins captured alive.

yīn In the dark and wet dungeon, on the cross made of black stone, several thin and fierce men were naked and pierced by chains on the cross. They are unlucky people who have been assassinated nine times in a row, but in vain in the end. But they didn't know that what they assassinated was not the don't beg body at all, but the demon puppet who didn't beg to stay in Donghai County.

Don't beg to walk slowly to these assassins, frown and looked at their bodies.

"Say it, who asked you to assassinate me?" Don't beg shouted angrily, "You know, I've always been a seriously injured person. I've been lying on it and can't move. In this way, do you still want to assassinate me? Who has such a big grudge against me?

Several assassins looked at Don't beg. They smiled mysteriously, and their bodies suddenly swelled quickly.

A few loud noises, and the huge dungeon covering nearly 100 mu collapsed as a whole. RA