Steal the sky

Chapter 667 Buddha in the Palm

Chapter 667 The Kingdom of Buddha in the Palm

A dead bald donkey who doesn't keep his promise! Damn it, even your own apprentice is ** not good? Or did you feel dizzy and climb up the line of the wonderful heart fairy, relying on the support of the master of the palace, do you dare to think of something else?

Don't beg for countless thoughts, with a gloomy face, rushing out of the county guard with a murderous atmosphere. Twelve large flying boats bought at a high price in Donghai County soared into the air. Each flying boat was loaded with a thousand fully armed soldiers. Even dozens of priests in the Sitian Hall of Donghai County boarded the flying boat. With the yin wind wrapped around the black clouds under their feet, they rushed to the direction of Sanskrit singing.

Just in the east of Donghai County, at the corner of a small cliff that burst into the sea for about ten miles, a fat head and big ears are round and round, and the body is covered with white skin as delicate and smooth as solidified lard. The lips are ruddy like a girl, and the eyes shine like jewels. The long earlobes The monk, with a yellow monk's trousers, a monk's robe on the upper body, and grass shoes made of green grass, was sitting firmly on a reef.

A wooden fish cast of three feet of pure gold was firmly beside him. The monk held a wooden fish hammer with a long fist and hit the wooden fish one by one. This wooden fish hammer is forged with sterling silver. With one blow, the wooden fish splashed everywhere, and the loud and loud sound of the wooden fish scattered, which shocked people thousands of miles away.

The closer he approached the monk, the more harsh the sound of the wooden fish became. When it was not far from him, the sound of the wooden fish had turned into thunderous thunder, which shocked many soldiers below Huang Wei on the flying boat. The big monk smiled and looked at the beggars and others who rushed to kill fiercely. He slowly knocked on the wooden fish and recited word by word, "The sea of suffering is boundless, and turning back is the shore!"

Every word spewed out, there will be a golden lotus in the monk's mouth wrapped in a thick red flame and spewed out quickly. The so-called golden lotus is nothing like this. In the golden lotus trus, there are exactly eight large-character carriers the size of fists, constantly emitting thousands of golden light. The golden light was not dazzling, but the closer it was to the monk, the more the golden light became like a sharp knife, which made people feel pain all over.

Don't beg and say angrily, "Where did the bald man come from here? Get out of Donghai County!"

Donghai County is a place where you don't want to beg. Don't beg is like a beast with a strong concept of territory. Whoever dares to invade his territory will definitely fight back with all his strength. And don't beg to know how terrible religion is, especially the religion made by Buddhist monks with real power. Once their hands reach into Donghai County, the people, troops and officials of Donghai County in the future, will they listen to these monks or don't beg?

Buddhist disciples are absolutely not allowed to come to Donghai County to develop. Come and kill one by one, and kill a pair. This is a condition for not begging to negotiate with blood lunatics!

Seeing that this monk is so magnificent here using Buddhism to absorb believers, don't beg to break his head with one punch. How can he look good? Where can I deal with him with good words? Don't be extremely angry. The blood madman is a missionary under the Buddha's seat in the little Ruyi's free heaven. He should be able to control these monks who attract believers everywhere. Why did a big monk suddenly come to Donghai County to make trouble?

The great monk looked at Begging and suddenly grinned. He said gently, "Does this adult want to be the master of this territory? Isn't it as happy for me to be free from the pain of reincarnation from now on?

Without waiting, don't beg to open your mouth. The monk said with an open smile, "I have a vast Buddhist sect, and three thousand avenues can become a way. If you want gold and silver, I have it; if you want beauty like jade, I have it; if you want the power of life and death, I have it; if you want to be rich and noble, I have it. In a word, as long as you enter my Buddhism, you have everything. Why don't you convert to my Buddha, the adults and the army behind you?

Don't beg to snort coldly. He raised his right hand and shouted a 'bow' loudly.

Twelve flying boats surrounded the big monk in a semicircle, and countless hard crossbows were aimed at the big monk. The soldiers buckled a special spell bone arrow on the hard crossbow to deal with powerful monks, and the dozens of priests hurriedly crushed the bone charms, blessing more than 10,000 soldiers with all kinds of forbidden protection.

Don't beg for fear that these strong crossbows are not powerful enough. He muttered a few spells, bit his fingertips and shook them fiercely. A drop of blood shot out, turning into thousands of small runes attached to the arrows of those crossbows. The sad ghost roar sounded, and as soon as these charms were attached to the arrow, they immediately turned into black smoke and were firmly imprinted on the arrow. The arrow made of the originally dim bones twisted like a melted candle, and the arrow actually had a slight trace of a unicorn ghost head.

The big monk looked at Don't beg in consterdulment. His eyes swept over Don't beg's tall and straight body like an electric, and exclaimed, "How can you be a spell? Depending on your body shape, you should have practiced that brute force skill, right?

As soon as the monk's exclamation sounded, thousands of arrows came out with the harsh sound of the bow strings, and the roaring rain of arrows enveloped the body of the monk. The density of the arrows was too high, and the rapid air vortex rolled up between the high-speed flying arrows and the arrows, making a sad and long sound like a ghost roar.

With a simple smile, the monk's nine ring scars on his head spewed out a large area of golden Buddha light, condensing into countless fist-sized Muni beads all over the sky.' With a crackling sound, thousands of arrows were twisted and broken by the jewels. The arrows exploded and spewed out a large area of black smoke, and a large area of firelight burst out. Thunder and water vapor rose to the sky, and all kinds of forces of earth, water, fire and wind kept spewing out of the arrows.

"Buddha is predestined!" The big monk looked at Don't begging and smiled solemnly and said, "It's a pity that you are not a predestined person. The people behind you are the predestined people of the poor monk!"

As soon as the palm was turned over, two golden lotus flowers spewed out from the palm of his hand. The big monk smiled strangely. The lotus in the palm of his hand covered Don't beg, and a great suction gushed out. Two golden lights wrapped around Don't beg, and he sucked him in with Ao The golden lotus merged inward and turned into a piece of golden light and suspended in front of the great monk. The fat monk laughed a few times and said to the stunned Huang Li and his party, "You beneers are predestined to be poor monks. Come on, let the poor monks tell you the magic of Buddhism and open up the wisdom of your previous life!"

After a few proud smiles, the monk shook his head and said, "You predestined bene givers, remember that the poor monk is the messenger Ming Li, who preaches under the throne of the Buddha. Lords, when you enter my Buddhist sect, you are asking for a thousand times, and you are all right, and you will have no worries for life!"

Huang Yu looked at the monk tremuchly and summoned up the courage to raise his right hand: "In array, Xuanjia does not move in all directions!"

Xuanjia eight-way fixed array, the defense array commonly used by human warriors must rely on large-scale combat equipment to be used. Following Huang Yu's order, the twelve flying boats were combined inward, and the four in the middle were locked according to the four elephants, and the eight outside were locked according to the eight gossip. The side decks on both sides of the flying boat slowly lifted, and countless bronze chains spewed out of the deck, colluding with each other into a thick net.

There was a deep hum in the flying boat, and a faint blue light spewed out from the bronze chain. The blue light gradually became strong, covering the twelve flying boats. The only dozens of priests in Donghai County flew up and hit a large number of bone charms according to the direction, controlling the real change of the mysterious armor. With the low incantations of these priests, the blue halo gradually condensed into a thick giant tortoise shell. The eight trigrams on it were clearly visible. The tortoise shell was covered with clear runes everywhere, and each rune was faintly outlined into a mountain.

"Interesting, interesting! The fate of your beneers is still a little short!" The monk Mingli smiled. He rolled up his sleeves and said eloquently, "Well, let the poor monk add a fire to the beneers, and let the benesters know what fate is!"

He picked up the huge wooden fish in his left hand and a thick wooden fish hammer in his right hand. The monk Mingli stepped on a white cloud and slowly flew to the side of Xuanjia's motionless array. He drooped the corners of his mouth and smiled at Huang Li, who was standing in command of the bow of the flying boat. The monk Mingli raised the pure gold forged wooden fish and swung up a large area of golden Buddha light, like a golden meteor, hitting the cyan tortoise shell fiercely.

Under one blow, a large auspicious cloud spread around. The large array of twelve flying boats was hit more than ten miles away by the Mingli monk. The soldiers on the flying boat were unstable and staggered and fell on the deck one after another. Dozens of priests who controlled the array snorted, and blood flowed from their seven orifices at the same time. Their fingerprinted palms bounced away as if they were bombarded by thunder, and the electric light burst on their fingertips, burning their fingers.

Huang Yu shouted strangely and shouted hoarsely, 'counterattack, counterattack'! With Huang Yu's roar, the soldiers stood up one after another and manipulated the flying boat to launch a storm-like attack on the monk Mingli. The flow of light, countless arrows, and a large number of javelins flew at the monk Mingli.

When it was a mess outside, Don't beg, who was sucked into the golden lotus, found himself in a very magical place.

There is no sun and moon in the void, but there is bright light as bright as day. In the auspicious clouds, the place where you can see is a large area of clear and clear water. The water is as thick as ghee, emitting a faint fragrance. The clear water was full of white lotus flowers. The breeze blew, the lotus flowers danced gently, and a faint fragrance came to my face.

There is a big mountain standing in the boundless clear water not far away.

This mountain is about a thousand miles high, with a radius of about 100,000 miles. The mountain is majestic like a crouching tiger circling between heaven and earth. There are countless temples, large and small, on the mountain, which are made of gold bricks, emitting a faint golden glow under the light.

There are 108 white gases across the mountain, and the hidden Sanskrit singing is constantly coming from the countless temples.

On the spacious stone-step road in the mountains, the male monks and female nuns in the brigade in monk's clothes were walking slowly with incense candles, shouting the Buddha's name of 'Great Compassion and compassion shines on the Zhoutian Duobao in the Buddha' all the way. Every time they chant the Buddha's name, they have a large amount of power of faith that cannot be seen by the naked eye soaring into the sky and into the 108 white gas in the sky.

Ao Bu-respect raised his head from the collar of the begging collar and cursed in a low voice.

"The fun is great. This is the mustard void refined by the masters of those bald donkeys, the small world, which is their so-called Buddha kingdom in the palm!"

One sand and one world, three thousand Buddhas in one world, the Buddha country in the palm of the hand, the most mysterious thing of Buddhism is also the magic power at the bottom of the box!

Those who can practice the Buddha kingdom in the palm of their hands are at least the existence of golden bodhisattva! RO