Steal the sky

Chapter 669 Burning the Buddha Kingdom

Chapter 669 Burning the Buddha Country (Third Update)

The wrist bone was broken. Don't beg for an angry scolding. As soon as the wrist turned, a purple gas spewed out of the muscle, quickly repairing the broken bone as before. And don't be surprised to find that after the newly broken bone healed, the bone texture of the wound became denseer, and a faint trace of purple crystal light came out.

Don't beg and nodded thoughtfully. It was his distraction that three diamond pestles had been split on his left shoulder, back heart and waist and crotch. The sound of bone fracture sounded like fried beans. Don't beg for pain and howling.

Now his body is extremely strong, and his bones are tens of millions of times harder than steel. It is because his bones are so strong that the pain when his bones are broken is getting bigger and bigger. He couldn't bear the severe pain even if he didn't beg. The pain made his eyes black and he almost fainted. Fortunately, his current soul is extremely powerful. He has absorbed the soul power of more than 100 million evil spirits and the power of one-third of the immortal stars. His current soul even exceeds the souls of some golden immortals.

The powerful soul makes Don't beg no matter what kind of pain he suffers, so he has to bear this unbearable pain. The sweat flowed out. Don't beg for a large amount of purple gas constantly spewing out of the muscles, bone marrow and blood, and quickly repaired the place where the bone was cracked. The newly repaired bone was at least 30% tougher than the newly broken bone.

It's just a time to breathe. Don't beg has just repaired that part of the bones, and more than a dozen King Kong pestles have roared down with a dull sound of breaking the air. With the blessing of Buddha's power, these leading people who are far less capable of begging have exerted their terrible power compared with Jinxian. The Buddha power of the whole Buddha country is surging and echoing these leading people. The huge power of faith of more than tens of millions of devout believers turned into an indestructible Hongtao injected into the bodies of these leading people, urging them to turn into the angry King Kong of Buddhism, and it was a violent beating against Don't begging.

Ao Buzug's mouth was so angry that the corners of his mouth shivered. Hearing the sound of bone fractures from Don't beg's body, Ao Buzum wanted to show his body and teach these leading people a lesson. In Ao Buzun's view, he abandoned the secret skills of the dragon clan and cultivated the magic power of Buddhism. This is to deceive the master and destroy the ancestor, and this is the great rebellion and unfilial piety! The dragons of the dragon clan can eat, drink and gamble, kill and set fire to people, plunder the world, use treasure guns to pass through the world, go to the graves of the ancestors to dig up the corpses and spirits of the ancestors, let them turn red, and let them play the last trace of residual heat for the prosperity of the dragon clan.

But instead of practicing the kung fu of the dragon clan, instead of practicing the magic power of the Buddha's bald donkey. This, these leading people have given up their identity as the dragon clan! This is something that Ao Buzun can never tolerate. He wants to teach him a lesson... No, he wants to kill these leaders, and then kill all the bald donkeys who control them behind their backs, turning all their female relatives into bedmates on his bed.

Sensen's black light spewed out of Ao Buzun's body. Ao Buzun was about to take action in anger. Don't beg, but he pressed Ao Buzun's body and did not allow him to move.

More than a dozen King Kong pestles hit Buqi's body, and more than a dozen of his bones were broken, and there were shattered bones in several places. However, under the continuous nourishment of purple gas, the begging bones are broken and reconnected, crushed and re-condensing. The newborn bones are several times more powerful than the original bones, which is dozens of times faster than his own cultivation. Now Don't beg has reached a bottleneck. He wants to make the slightest progress, which requires a lot of effort. With such a convenient way to increase his strength, how can he make Ao Bu respect disturb the situation?

Severe the pain, don't beg to stretch out your hands and arms, and curse at Duobao's free Buddha. From Duobao's mother's father, to his grandchildren, to his master and master, don't beg for all the most vicious words. The wording is vicious, and the words are inferior. These leading people who guard the Buddha's country, which have rarely gone out for thousands of years, have exploded like a bomb.

It is not entangled with the question of whether Duobao Zizai Buddha will have a master's wife. The three hundred leading people howled around the center, and lifting the King Kong pestle was a violent smash. These leading people were furious. They didn't say anything such as 'the sea of suffering is the shore', and they didn't say the professional slogan of 'Fuddha is predestined'. They just surrounded and didn't beg to fight.

Don't beg for finger bone crushing, wrist bone crushing, arm bone crushing, shoulder blade crushing, rib crushing, neck bone crushing, spine crushing, skull crushing, pelvic bone crushing, thigh bone crushing, knee crushing, calf bone crushing, ankle crushing, foot bone crushing, toe bone crush

But in his muscles, blood, bone marrow and meridians, a large amount of purple gas gushed out rapidly. Under the nourishment of purple gas, his bones can be repaired immediately in just one breath, and the hardness and flexibility have been greatly improved.

At the beginning, the King Kong pestle hit the body of Begging, which made the 'pop' sound of steel smashing the dried tofu, followed by the 'bang' sound of steel hitting the tree trunk, followed by the 'dong' sound of steel hitting the stone. An hour later, the King Kong pestle bombarded on the body

At the beginning, these leaders tried their best to bombard Don't beg, and Don't beg's body will be blown away more than ten feet, and then they will be hit by another King Kong pestle and fly elsewhere. But with the change of the sound of bone fracture, his body flew shorter and shorter every time he was hit. When the bones of Begging collided with the King Kong pestle and the roar of gold and iron, Begging could already stand firmly in a lotus flower, stretching out his hands and leaving his legs to let these dragons bombard at will.

Don't beg standing there like a mountain. The 300 King Kong pestle smashed him with a piercing golden light, but it could only make his body sway and never fly out like just now. Each blow can still crack countless lines of his bones, but it can no longer break his bones or break his bones.

Millions of monks were stunned and formed a circle in the distance. These monks looked at Don't beg in horror, puzzled where the monster came from. He is so strong that he can withstand the roar of the three hundred and eight heavenly dragons guarding this Buddha country.

A minute and a second of time passed, and gradually two hours passed, and the three hundred leaders were panting and sweating all over. They finally found that something was wrong. Every time they hit it, the body of the beggar did not move. Instead, it was bursts of soreness and pain in their own palms. The diamond pestle splashed everywhere. Every shot of the diamond pestle was bounced high, but the body of the beggar was just gently shaking, and the be The sound of the skeleton breaking.

A tall leader looked up to the sky and let out an angry dragon chant. He roared, "The magic flame is soaring, and the Dharma is boundless! Invite Duobao to be a free Buddha, and lower the boundless Buddha's power to defeat demons! My Buddha is merciful, you evil!"

With the roar of the leader, the million monks sat in the void at the same time. They threw down the white jade meditation staff and put their hands together to praise the Buddhist scriptures. A large number of monks in robes flew up from countless temples on the mountain. Tens of thousands of holes were suddenly opened on the mountain, and countless devout believers in monk clothes came out of them.

A total of more than 30 million believers chanted Buddhist scriptures at the same time, and a lot of faith rose to the sky. 90% of the power of faith was sucked away by 108 white siphons in the air, and the remaining part of the power of faith was shot into the air and injected into the body of the three hundred dragons. The bodies of these leading people are gradually compressed, and their skin has become golden like pure gold casting. When their bodies were compressed as high as ordinary people, they waved and shrunk a lot, but the light became more and more eye-catching, and the diamond pestle, which had been covered with a layer of pale golden flame, rushed over to Begging.

Three hundred people were divided into more than thirty teams, like a windmill around the begging. They turned around the begging body, and the diamond pestle took a large amount of bright light and hit the begging all around the body. The sound of steel pounding on the wood sounded again, and the begging bones, muscles and tendons were once again broken under the diamond pestle.

The more severe pain came. Don't stand still in place with an angry roar. The huge chaotic aura in his body rotates rapidly and quickly assimilates with the purple gas ejected from his muscles. Every ten parts of chaotic aura can be assimilated into a purple gas. The thick purple gas filled the whole body. Don't beg and giggle strangely, and swallow the Buddha power around you with a big mouth.

Not only the power of Buddhism, don't beg, but even grab the power of faith surging down in the void with these leading people around you.

Qixuansheng Lingjue specializes in chaotic aura. With the characteristics of chaotic aura, any power and any substance can be swallowed up and absorbed by chaotic aura. Don't beg, his body has condensed into a world of mustard seeds. His absorption and plunder of Reiki are more than ten thousand times stronger than those of the leading people around him? Under the competition for no begging, the power of Buddha and the power of faith in the Buddha country gradually took no begging as the core, turning into a huge golden whirlpool and quickly injected into the body of no begging. After the catalysis of the mustard world, it turned into a pure chaotic aura circulating all over the body, and then quickly

Crush, repair, then crush, and repair again.

Don't beg for screaming in pain, but it's so happy that he screams. With the cooperation of these 300 conscientious leaders, the physical strength of Don't beg has once again been greatly improved. Break the road with force, break the bottleneck with brute force, and don't beg for a strong light that people dare not face in your eyes. His strength has increased bit by bit, and a large amount of light has appeared in front of him.

Under the leadership of the mysterious formula in the seven Xuansheng spiritual formula, the torrent quickly flowed through the heart without begging.

The large amount of light in front of him quickly expanded. Don't beg. He felt that his whole body was shrouded in incredible bright light. The strong light shot out from his body and sprayed around through every pore of him. A large piece of dead skin fell off his body surface, and a large amount of dirty black smoke came out of his head In the smelly black smoke, there is a faint trace of strange fragrance.

With a strange smile, Don't beg suddenly laughed sharply and said, "I'm really predestined to be with your Buddhism!"

In the laughter, the dark-black burning flame spewed out of the eyes, like two ferocious poisonous dragons rising into the air, burning through this square void in the blink of an eye, and burning a large hole with a diameter of more than a thousand miles in the air of this Buddha country.

The hidden light comes from the outside world, and don't beg for great progress to burn through the space barrier of the Buddha country in one fell swoop. RO