Steal the sky

Chapter 671 Emergency Countermeasures

Chapter 671 Emergency Countermeasures (Fifth Update)

The fifth update is sent. Do you have any brothers and sisters?

Let's hit it up again. The seven days at the beginning of the month can roughly determine the direction of the month. Let's work hard together!

Pig's feet are sweating, sweating! Try to type words!

The burning flame really had the divine effect of burning all the void. As soon as the black flame came out, a big hole was burned in the Buddha's kingdom. All kinds of Buddha' access control system completely failed, and the rich Buddha power leaked in an instant. The body of the 300 leading people and millions of monks, who were originally arrogant, soften It seems to have changed from a giant dragon to a caterpillar.

Don't beg and snorted coldly, and the chaotic aura spewed out again. A large area of aura covered the whole Buddha country. The leading man, the great monk, the Buddha's cultivation in scrowns and the tens of millions of devout believers all wailed and were suppressed by the mustard world Ao Buzu's eyes were sharp and his mouth was fast. He selected a few white and beautiful men and women from the countless believers and swallowed them in one bite, and chewed it happily.

The bodies of these believers are almost flesh and blood, but they are condensed with the power of faith and the power of Buddhism. In Ao Buzun's words, the bodies of these believers are fragrant and tender, without any fishy smell, and even their bones are crisp and fragrant, like lotus root, which is the best meat. Those magic fairies, ghosts and immortals, in the era of Ao Bu Zun, when the bigwigs among those evil immortals entertained guests, there were not a few Buddhist believers and golden arhats on the table to make wine and vegetables. You were embarrassed to post to your relatives and friends.

In some hidden corners of the outer world, on the black market opened by those magic fairies, some butcher shops sell these Buddhists as the best meat. Who told these believers in the Buddhist kingdom that their bodies are so fragrant, and there is no impurity, and there is a strong aura and soul power in it. Only the meat of those powerful fairy beasts can be compared with them.

Ao Bujin's words made you don't beg for light in your eyes. It seems that you have gained a lot this time. The monk Mingli involved himself in the Buddha's suppression, and the result gave him great benefits.

The chaotic aura continued to spray, and the mountain with a radius of 100,000 miles was also involved in the world of mustard seeds. Together with the boundless clear water and endless lotus leaves, they were swallowed by Begging, quickly digested by the chaotic aura, and added into the world of mustard.

What makes Don't beg happy is that he actually found eight volumes of Buddhist scriptures from the temple at the highest point of the mountain, which records a lot of good Buddhist skills, from the most ordinary little monk to cultivation to the first-class golden arhat, and even how to condense the Bodhisattva lotus platform from the first-class golden- The methods of Sa's achievements have been recorded.

It's just that the Dharma above the Bodhisattva realm is missing, which is also the reason. The monk Mingli's own cultivation is not high. He is now at the level of nine-grade golden body arhats. What's the use of the classics above the Bodhisattva's realm?

God's consciousness swept through the eight volumes of Buddhist scriptures and kept all the secrets of Buddhism in it in his heart. Don't beg to throw those scrolls into the world of mustard seeds. Very good, very good, don't beg for a while of joy. With these skills, he can use the secret method of the seven Xuansheng spiritual formula to catalyze the Buddha's power with chaotic aura, and practice all kinds of Buddhist magic powers. At that time, he can act as a monk of Buddhism.

Laughed three times, don't beg to wipe out the Buddha's country, and slowly refined the 108-way relic Buddha light into the world of mustard seeds. Then the burning flame of the sky burned through the void. He flew out with Ao Bujiun with a human leg in his mouth.

As soon as he returned to the coast of the ocean, Don't beg saw that Huang Li was actually entangled with the Mingli monk like a crazy beast. The two really were more bloody and flesh-and-blood beasts killed there. The situation was simply extremely tragic. The Mingli monk, who was obviously thousands of times stronger than Huang Yu, was actually suppressed by Huang Li. The two were entangled with such a 'intreacherous love', sweating and blood all over, and his voice gasping and cursing. Don't help but pick out his thumb to praise Huang Li's bravery.

In the distance, the Holy Spirit sent a voice to Don't beg, and described Huang Yu's performance just now. From the beginning of Huang Li, he ordered Bu Xuanjia to fight against the enemy in all directions, until he did not abandon the soldiers and escape alone, but told him not to beg for the matter of pulling out his knife and killing the monk Mingli after being defeated by the monk Mingli.

Don't beg, you can't help nodding repeatedly. Huang Li's performance today is really good!

Seeing that Huang Yu bit the monk Mingli's nose, the middle finger of both hands protruded and stabbed the hole in the monk Mingli's ear. Don't beg to jump over and kicked the monk Mingli's soft ribs. Don't beg to be beaten by the three hundred leading people in the Buddha's kingdom, but he got great benefits. Now his physical strength has really increased to a level beyond common sense. This kick is kicked out, and half of the ribs of the monk Mingli are smashed.

Grab the monk Mingli's neck, don't beg to hold down the crazy Huang Yu, and make him stand aside.

The monk Mingli roared and struggled crazily and abused, but he didn't pinch the big tendons on his neck with two fingers. The monk Mingli suddenly collapsed like a dead snake and could no longer move. Don't beg for help like the wind. 360 prisoners flew out, restrained the monk Mingli's whole body, and then pressed the monk Mingli's head with his right palm. The silent man's curse became a triple prohibition of imprisonment of the soul, which blocked the monk Mingli's last way to escape from the relic.

Huang Li, who was beaten so dark and forgot where he was, shouted and wanted to continue to rush to the monk Mingli, but don't beg to wake up Huang Li. He was covered with blood, and his nails were covered with minced meat, his mouth was full of flesh and blood. Only then did Huang Li, who was still embedded with two He stepped back a few steps and sat on the bow of the flying boat.

'Hey hey' giggled a few times. Huang Yu looked at Don't beggar and giggled, "Your Excellency, I, I'm not dead?"

Don't beg for a deep look at Huang Li, nod and said, "You're not dead. Well done this time. Go back and reward you with more gold, silver, jewelry and beautiful women. After a pause, Don't beg to throw the Mingli monk on the deck of the flying boat, and said lightly, "You have done a really good job this time. I will reuse you in the future and cheer yourself up. You will have more things to do in the future."

Gold, silver, jewelry and beautiful women are Huang Li's favorites, but don't beg to use him again, Huang Li's eyes can't help but light up. He knows that he is not a confidant of Don't Beg, and the person he trusts the most has always been someone else. Since he came to Donghai County, Huang Li has always felt that there is a thick dark curtain covering everything in Donghai County. He is in the dark curtain and can't figure out the details of not begging at all.

Don't beg to reuse yourself now! Huang Wei stood up, knelt down on his knees and swore to Buqi, "I will definitely assist you wholeheartedly. Please rest assured that I will definitely do things faithfully in the future!"

Seeing Huang Yu's performance, Don't beg for a smile, and then stamped heavily on the face of the monk Mingli. Don't beg angrily and scold, "Had donkey, why did you come to my Donghai County to find a quarrel? Dayu is so big, why don't you go somewhere else and come to my Donghai County?

The monk Mingli looked at Don't beg in a daze, and suddenly hissed and shouted, "You, have you destroyed the poor monk's palm Buddha country? How can it be that it is a Buddha country refined by the poor monk. Without the cultivation of the Bodhisattva, how can it be broken? Is it possible that you, you..."

Is it the palm Buddha country refined for him by the master of the monk Mingli? Don't beg and nodded secretly. No wonder the weather and scale of the Buddha's country are not the level that monk Mingli, a nine-grade arhat, should have. It's just that everything in the Buddha country has been cleaned up, and a good Buddha country has been completely destroyed.

After a moment of meditation, Don't beg ordered Huang Yu to return to Donghai City, re-red thousands of soldiers, and sent those who were shocked by the Buddha's name to the barracks for recuperation. He drove the twelve flying boats back to the East China Sea City, and then transferred the execution masters of Rock's enemies to torture the monk Mingli.

Rock's enemy is tolerant, fierce and ruthless. In the past few years under the command of Lu Chengfeng, he has gradually been responsible for the 'thorn' raised by Lu Chengfeng and the dark forces such as lynching and lynching. Because of his personality, he gathered a group of cold-blooded ruthless and even mentally distorted penalists around him. Don't beg to hand over the Mingli monk to them for only half an hour. The Mingli monk, who was tossed into a human form, completely confessed everything.

The master of the Mingli monk is one of the eight Bodhisattvas under the throne of the Buddha. The Buddha is famous for forging various Buddhist artifacts in the Buddhist sect. He is the top refinery master of Buddhism. The seven-treasure golden body universal Dharma Bodhisattva is the best among the eight disciples of the Buddha. With the cultivation of nine-pin arhats, the Mingli monk can condense the Buddha's kingdom, which is the credit of his master.

In this chaos between the Wanxian League and the Dayu Dynasty, Buddhism took the opportunity to sneak into the Pangu mainland to develop believers and expand its territory. In addition to the happy Buddha behind the blood maniac, the other seven other seven Buddhas also sent their own missionary messengers. There is something wrong with the Buddha and the Buddha. The disciples of the two disciples often have some disputes, so the blood madman preached in Zhongzhou, and the monk Mingli came here eagerly.

Because the blood madman preached in Zhongzhou, and for more than a year, the blood madman's mission in Zhongzhou has achieved great results, so the monk Mingli deliberately came to dismantle the blood madman. After listening to the confession of the monk Mingli, Don't beg, you can't breathe in your throat for a long time - what does your Buddhist infighting have to do with Donghai County? Why did you come to your door with this scourge?

The monk Mingli suffered a great loss in Donghai County. The Buddha's kingdom in his palm was destroyed, and his master, the seven treasures, the golden body, the great Bodhisattva, must have felt something. The Buddha sent eight disciples of the Buddha to preach in Pangu mainland, which should be related to some big plans of Buddhism. Maybe the matter of the monk Mingli will directly startle Duobao's free Buddha. Maybe there will be a Buddha secretly sneaking into the Pangu mainland to support his disciples.

"You don't call it Mazi, you fucking call it a cheater!"

Thinking of the possible consequences of the monk Mingli being picked up by himself, Don't beg's scalp is numb.

After mediting for a long time, don't grit your teeth, don't do it, just play with you! Do you still dare to have a blatant conflict with Dayu officials in Pangu? The monk Mingli dares to do this. As a Buddha, his words and deeds can represent the Buddha's opinions. Do you dare to get involved in this muddy water?

Cut off the head of the monk Mingli and let Ao Bulun devour his relic. Don't beg for the bloody head. He led the 10,000 troops to the location of the army camp of the army led by Bo Yunting. Don't beg to participate in the war again, and at the same time, put a black pot firmly on the head of the monk Mingli.

Buddhism interfered in the fight between the Wanxian League and Dayu. This black pot is very important, isn't it? RO