Steal the sky

Chapter 682 Hostility

Mingu Prefecture, Yipin Shangzhou, which has the same status as Zhongzhou in the Yuzhou County system, is also the most strange state near Zhongzhou.

In a large state, except for a few plains and mountains, more than 0.5% of the land is a depression. One huge low-lying valley after another is all over Mingu Prefecture. From east to west, from south to north, countless low-lying valleys like the back of the human brain are everywhere.

Among them, the largest concave valley occupies 30% of the land of the Mingu Prefecture. This concave valley covers a huge area, and the proven deepest depth is 700,000 miles below sea level, and there are more and deeper dangerous valleys. Even the high priests of Dayu were not interested in exploring. Legend has it that Mingu was transformed by the navel of the Pangu Great Sage who incarnated the Pangu Continent. There is no saying that this valley is the deepest valley at all. As long as you look for it, you will definitely find a deeper valley.

Qinggu City, the state capital of Mingu Prefecture, is in a huge valley no more than a hundred miles deep on the edge of Min Valley. The vast Qinggu City is full of fertile and mature fields. The abundant sunshine and rich water vapor make the products here extremely rich. Mingu Prefecture is not only rich in all kinds of yin elixirs. At the same time, it is also the largest production area of various chalcedony, spiritual stone milk and other spiritual objects on the Pangu continent.

Naturally, the Wanxian League has so many strongholds here. There are too many deep valleys and too many hiding places here, and there are many talented treasures that are helpful to immortals. Even the output of monsters and spirits is more than a hundred times that of other big states in Dayu. Therefore, many immortals and scattered practitioners of the Wanxian League are scrambling to open up a cave in Mingu Prefecture. As for other Sanxiu families that do not belong to the Wanxian League, I don't know how many people have settled here.

Don't beg to get out of the moving array in the middle of Qinggu City." Several military officers in black robes have been waiting for the moving array. After verifying the tokens, letters and other things on Buqi's body, several military officers took Buqi and boarded a chariot driven by three green lions. The priest who controlled the chariot shouted softly, and a thin cloud rose under the chariot. He picked up the chariot and the guard brought by Don't Begging to rise dozens of feet high, and ran all the way out of the city like a wind and lightning.

Don't beg on the cart to have the opportunity to carefully trace a large number of Qinggu City. The layout and even shape of other cities in Dayu are exactly the same. The state pastoral mansion is in the middle of Qinggu City, and the Sijun Hall and the Sitian Hall are separated. The Sixing Hall is in the corner of the city, next to the underground dungeon. Basically, if you have been to any state city of Dayu Yipin Dazhou, you won't get lost after coming to Qinggu City. Because the orientation of all the halls and even the toilets are exactly the same, and even the size and specifications of the toilets have not changed.

The only difference between Qinggu City and Zhongning City is that. Because of different geological structures. The rocks near Qinggu City are slightly blue. Therefore, the whole Qinggu City looks green. He is a little more angry than Zhongning City, which is as dark as a dark cloud.

Flying hundreds of miles all the way, on the flat grassland, "Don't beg saw a floating platform hundreds of feet from the ground, with a big tent, a gate, a military camp, and soldiers performing on it. Compared with Bo Yunting's Chinese army cloud platform, the area of this cloud platform is several times larger, and there is a small hall in the middle of the cloud platform.

This is the Chinese military camp of King Yuqiu! At the bottom of the cloud platform, there is a large camp neatly arranged squarely. At a glance, there are more than 20,000 black tents. According to the Dayu military system, there are ten soldiers living in a tent, which proves that the number of soldiers here is at least more than 200,000 n

Over the well camp of the Chinese army, in the clouds at high altitude, hundreds of huge flying boats are patrolling in the air.

Occasionally, the priests of the Sitian Temple flew by, and from time to time, dark clouds and ghosts flashed in the sky. What surprised Buqi more was that occasionally there were a few faint beams of light around a hundred miles from the sky. When Buqi's body was covered by the beam of light, he only felt tight all over, and a little electric light spewed out of him.

This is a kind of magic power similar to the "Taixu Water Mirror Peep at the Virtual Dafa" in the fairy art. It is a magic weapon that can specially crack the stealth spell in the fairy art, which can well prevent the enemy from entering the camp to spy on the military situation. If someone casts magic spells to peep at the movement of the camp. This light beam can also give an early warning. Let the priests of the Sitian Temple who follow the army be ready at any time.

It's a very good magic power, but no one in the army commanded by Bo Yunting will use this magic power. Or this is a ban that only happens after some powerful magic weapon is turned on, but no matter what the situation is. It proves that the military treatment of King Yanqiu is much better than that of the Zhongzhou army.

Don't beg to look up at the sky. At least there are only three jade-shelled turtle flying boats in Zhongzhou, and he saw twelve! In terms of wealth, the ordnance of the 200,000 troops of King Yiqiu is comparable to the sum of all the armies of the four central states.

Under the leadership of several military commanders, Don't beg stepped on the cloud platform of the central army of the King of Yuqiu. His guard was led to the barracks beside him to rest. After strict identity confirmation, Buqi finally entered the hall in the middle of Yuntai. "I saw the King of Youqiu, who was discussing the battle plan with the staff.

Whether it is the hall of Dayu or the big tent, they all like to use the magic power similar to the mustard space to compress the void to the outside. The hall that looks like the king of Yangqiu is only tens of feet wide and only a few feet high, but as soon as you enter the hall, you will find it. The length of this hall is more than ten miles, about seven miles deep, and it is even higher. There is no pillar in the hall. The empty space has caused great psychological pressure on people.

Under the walls on the left and right sides of the hall, hundreds of Long Boguo people in rock armor are standing close to the wall. Their eyes are shining with golden light, and the strong breath on their bodies makes people feel stuffy in their chests. These Longbo people are all extremely powerful warriors. Don't beg and even suspect that their cultivation has broken through to the realm of golden immortals!

Prince Dayu's appearance is really different from that of local officials. There are only more than a hundred generals under Bo Yunting's command who compete with Jinxian, but the King of Yangqiu only uses hundreds of Longbo people as honor guards, all of whom have the strength of Jinxian.

The Tianhuā board of the hall is inlaid with countless pearl gems, and the bright precious light shines down, illuminating a mountain several miles on the floor. The map of the vein is particularly eye-catching. The three-dimensional map of mountains and rivers is changing dramatically. From time to time, mountains and rivers flash from it, but most of them are deep valleys in one place, which look like a deep valley that makes people's scalp numb.

The lower body of the king of Yiqiu is half a dark skirt armor, with a lion belt tied around the waist, ** the upper body. He was only wearing a bronze protective goggle and half a shoulder armor. When the king of Sunqiu saw that Begging came in, he pulled the corners of his mouth slightly as a smile. He stretched out his hand to Begging and said in a low voice, "Lang Lang, come and see how the terrain here is!

With a finger, the mountains and veins on the ground changed with a burst of brilliance, revealing a length of about a hundred miles wide, shaped like an eye's eye. In the middle of the eyes, there is a deep pool stop, a valley. There are many stone peaks in this valley. The ground is full of extremely thin and straight stone peaks about a thousand feet high. Only the place where the pool is hundreds of miles away is a beautiful scenery. Near a hill by the pool, there are large palaces and pavilions of gold bricks and jade tiles, and the buildings are shrouded in a faint purple atmosphere. When the breeze blows through the fairy spirit, it is really a fairy style.

Don't beg for a fist to answer the promise, strode to the mountain and river vein map, and fixed his eyes at this valley, which is actually more than thousands of miles long, but only a few miles long in the hall's catalogue. This map of the mountain and river is thought to be a special weapon for marching operations made by the Dayu Military Hall. As long as you don't beg to look at a mountain peak, there will be information about this peak in the form of divine fluctuations.

I took a closer look at the valley. Don't beg to nod. This is a large array arranged with the help of natural terrain, and the level of the people who arrange the array is extremely high. There are a total of 36,000 large and small stone peaks in the valley, and all the stone peaks have turned into a large array of eyes. In this array, there should be extremely powerful fairy weapons as the foundation of the array, so it is extremely powerful. It is not a real array master. It is difficult to recognize the principle of this array at all, so let's not talk about breaking the array.

After pretending to meditate for a while, Don't beg slowly and said, "This seems to be a fairy's formation!

The king of Yangqiu raised his eyebrows and happily looked at Don't beg. He was about to speak, but suddenly a faint laughter came from the side: "Since you can see that this is the formation of an immortal, does the general have a way to break it? If the general can really break through the array of immortals as in the legend, the prince will never be stingy! However, can the general really understand the mystery of this array?

Laughter is full of ridicule, and the words are even more aggressive to beg. In a word. The person who opens his mouth is full of malice to don't beg.

Don't beg for a middle-aged man who looked up and followed the voice in a four-wheeled wooden chair, dressed in a neat white cloth robe, with a black ribbon around his waist, holding a long goose feather fan, with scattered hair, and a dusty smell. This man is also handsome and elegant. But his eyes full of disapproving ridicule and jealous malice.

With a sneer, Don't beg to hold your fist and ask the man, "Do you dare to ask Mr. Gao's name?"

The man shook his fan slightly, and his reserved self-respect did not open his mouth.

The king of Yuqiu glanced at the man and said lightly, "General Tan Lang, this old gentleman is the old gentleman of Yu Shengsheng (*)" is the owner of the Yumen Palace established by my father."

Yumen School? What a familiar name?

Yu Shengsheng? Don't beg and suddenly laughed. Isn't the generation of owners of the Dayan Yu family who suddenly prospered and the founder of Dayan Yumen Xuegong Yusheng? Isn't this old man dead yet? Don't beg to laugh at yourself that you and the Yu family really have endless fate. You can actually meet a person like Yu Shengsheng here!

No matter what Yu Shengsheng says for, don't beg for provocation. Don't beg, he just smiled and said, "So, can Mr. Yu break this big array?"

Don't beg for a word, and Yu Shengsheng's skin will turn purple.