Steal the sky

Chapter 685 Heavy Reward

In the secret room of the backyard of the Chunqiu business, Yuanhua Laozu and Lv Buwei sat opposite each other.

The interior is simply furnished, with a cloud bed and two pums. A mountain-shaped incense burner is placed in the middle of the secret room. The warm fragrance makes people warm all over. However, once it is inhaled into the [body], it turns into a cold spring to circulate the whole body, stimulating people's spirits and has the effect of

There was a faint blood light floating under Yuanhua's body. A blood rose from the top of his head and turned into a three-foot square cloud platform on his head. Three blood-colored lotus huā the size of a water tank were constantly up and down. There are obviously eighteen lotus platforms in the middle of the three blood-colored lotus huā, but there is nothing left in the lotus platform.

This is the position of the condensed blood demon head in the Blood Sea Dafa learned by Yuanhua's ancestors. On each lotus platform, there should be a blood demon cultivated by hundreds of millions of living spirits and souls. In the heyday of the Blood Sea King in the Yuanhua ancestor [body], the weakest of the eighteen blood-leaching devil heads he condensed had the cultivation of nine-grade Taiyi. The eighteen-headed blood-leaching devil heads joined hands, and he even dared to break into the heavenly court alone to plunder the fairies around the emperor for fun.

It's just that now there is only a wisp of broken true spirit and the fusion of Yuanhua's ancestors. Although all the Blood Sea Code has been passed down, he can't figure out who killed him, and he doesn't know what the ancient demon god's blood has to do with what has to do with the Blood Sea King. These eighteen bloody devils are naturally gone, and they need Yuanhua's ancestors to work hard to condense by themselves.

If you condense 18 blood demons from the invisible out of thin air, the consumed blood soul is a today's number, and the energy consumed is also extremely horrible.

But if you can get 18 heavenly ghosts with cultivation. After letting it devour a large amount of the same kind and blood. Refining it from tangible and tangible things into intangible bodies in the blood sea magic flame can save a lot of time to condense into a blood demon head.

More importantly, the blood demon made of the heavenly ghost has the power of the heavenly ghost through the void and the void. With the use of the Blood Sea Dafa, the power will be increased by a hundred times. If you can get the most powerful Undead Ghost King as the body of the blood demon, the power is just a little bit to think of it, which is enough to make Yuanhua's ancestor crazy.

The sea of blood was turbulent, and the blood lotus was surging. Yao Hua's ancestor concentrated his luck and slowly said the mystery of the Blood Sea Dafa word by word. Every time he spit out a word, a thumb-sized blood lotus fell from the blood cloud above his head. Once the bloody lotus huā fell on Lv Buwei, it immediately integrated into his body, turned into a pure mana to circulate around his whole body, and quickly merged with his fairy soul.

Lv Buwei only felt fluttering all over his body. The blood in his [body] is getting thicker and thicker, and the mana in his blood is getting stronger and stronger. His blood flow gradually accelerated. Gradually, his blood vessels expanded. The plasma was like an angry dragon in his veins. The sound of blood stirring echoed in the secret room, shaking the high bronze incense burner buzzed in the middle of the room.

Just by inheriting the foundation of Yuanhua's ancestor's Blood Sea Dafa, Dao Wei noticed the great benefits. In particular, in order to collect Lv Buwei's heart, Yuanhua's ancestors did not hesitate to spend his life and blood to increase Lv Buwei's achievements. Lv Buwei himself has condensed the body of the heavenly ghost "with a trace of the breath of the immortal body of the heavenly ghost" with the help of the ancestor of Yuanhua. Lv Buwei only felt that his body seemed to be on fire, and his whole body was hot, and the endless power was breeding in his [body]. Gradually, he could The impulse.

Originally, Lv Buwei's cultivation was not very high, but with the transmission of Yuanhua's ancestors, his cultivation was thousands of miles away in an instant, constantly soaring. The Blood Sea Dafa is strange and evil, and there is no limitation of Taoism at all. The cultivation is thickened, and the Blood Sea is enlarged. The road has risen a lot. All mana is stored in the sea of blood, and there is no obstacle to the body of the person who is practicing.

When you get the blood sea Dafa Mahayana, the body and the blood sea are integrated, you only need to take the essence blood of the creature and the soul to evolve into the blood pool. You can quickly improve your mana, just as Yuanhua Laozu did in Wanxianxing. If you can concentrate trillions of blood and soul into the blood pool of all spirits at the same time, and completely absorb the blood pool of all spirits with your own blood sea, you can achieve the realm of Taiyi in a day!

Yuanhua's ancestor constantly taught Lv Buwei the essence and wonders of the Blood Sea Dafa. Lv Bufeng was so relaxed that he almost didn't laugh. He respectfully listened to the secrets of all kinds of Blood Sea Dafa from Yuanhua's ancestors, and waited for Yuanhua's ancestors to collect the blood sea and blood lotus huā. When he didn't say anything, Lv Buwei didn't need Yuanhua's ancestors to talk any more. He jumped off the cloud bed and knelt down respectfully to pay homage to Yuanhua's ancestors.

, "The master is above, and the disciple Lv Buwei is predestined to worship the master." He must be filial to the teacher wholeheartedly and do his best to carry forward his own sect!" Lv Buwei smiled so much that his eyes narrowed into a line. Yuanhua's ancestor was obviously a powerful immortal. With the support But it's much better.

And Yuanhua's ancestor also nodded with satisfaction. With Lv Buwei, a disciple who was obviously rich and had many descendants, he could rebuild Yuanhuamen! When he turns all his disciples into immortals, his cultivation should also be restored to the full picture of that year. At that time, he must go to him not beg for revenge!

After a few ferocious smiles, Yuanhua's ancestor began to fantasize about the wonderful thing that he would not beg to smash the corpse and grab Princess Bu Le for fun! As long as there is Lv Buwei's cooperation. Let him constantly summon countless ghosts from the ghosts into his sea of blood, and then absorb a lot of blood in the Pangu mainland to restore his power. It won't be long before he can ask for revenge.

What a powerful figure Lv Buwei is. Yuanhua's ancestor smiled fiercely, which made Lv Buwei see through the trace of ** evil spirit in his heart. Lv Buwei smiled, respectfully withdrew from the secret room, and then invited several of his grandchildren. Before long, more than a dozen beautiful and beautiful girls were sent to the secret room, and Lv Buwei frankly admitted to Yuanhua's ancestor. This is a little bit of his filial piety to his master.

The door of the secret room slowly closed, and Lv Buwei stood in front of the door of the secret room and listened to the movement inside. When he heard the cracking of the silk inside and the girl's screams and begging for mercy, Lv Buwei laughed with satisfaction. Shaking his sleeve, Lv Buwei laughed in a low voice, "What are you begging for mercy? What are you crying about? It's your destiny to serve the old immortals! Hey hey, if he could give birth to a son and a daughter for the old fairy, "Hmm!", his eyes flashed, and Lv Buwei told his grandchildren to carefully guard the door, and then he walked out. In the conference hall of the backyard. Lv Buwei summoned his children and grandchildren and told all his children and grandchildren about his worship under the ancestors of Yuanhua. He asked all his children and grandchildren to start checking the resources in their hands, and quickly change from the mode of the operation of the Chamber of Commerce into a special mode of operation.

Lv Buwei already has an idea in his heart. With Yuanhua's ancestor, he can use Yuanhua's ancestor to control the Lv family behind the scenes. Create a school of immortal cultivation on the surface. In this way. The strength in his hand can be enhanced by another point, his Lv family has another cover, and the safety of the Lv family has been greatly improved.

, "Don't beg boy, hey, the love of the day, I will definitely calculate with you one by one! Lv Buwei narrowed his eyes and suddenly laughed a few times. After thinking for a while, he gave various instructions to his children and grandchildren, and the huge Lv family immediately ran at full speed.

A few days later, Lv Buwei asked Yuanhua's ancestors for advice on various secrets every day. The Lv family began to concentrate all resources and manpower. A large number of the Lu family's clan and subordinates who were subdued by them worshipped the Yuanhua's ancestors. In just a few days, more than 3,000 disciples were collected for the Yuanhua Gate newly established by Yuanhua's ancestors, of which there were 60 immortals.

The newly established Yuanhua Gate is much stronger than the sect that Yuanhua's ancestors worked hard to run for dozens of yuan. What satisfies Yuanhua's ancestors more is that Lv Buwei's financial resources are extremely rich. The magic weapons, spiritual weapons, fairy weapons, etc. distributed by all disciples are the best choice. Those disciples with outstanding qualifications, even the most ordinary golden elixir monks, have distributed magic weapons of several levels beyond their level. Not to mention their portable utensils such as elixir charms, which are also the best of the boutique. How can Yuanhuamen in those years be compared with the army of money carefully created by Lv Buwei?

Yuanhua's ancestor was overjoyed and immediately taught the Blood Sea Dafa all kinds of exquisiteness according to the level of cultivation.

The Blood Sea Dafa is a first-class magic method in ancient times. The speed of practice is extremely fast, and there is almost no bottleneck except to prevent the danger of the heart demon's counterattack. But even if the heart demon eats back, as long as the guard is made in advance, the heart demon will be swallowed up by the sea of blood and become the head of the blood demon in the sea of blood!

In just half a month, many people in Yuanhuamen have initially condensed their blood all over their bodies. A small sea of blood condensed in the [body].

The sea of blood is 30%. Unless all the blood drops are instantly destroyed by people, as long as a drop of blood escapes, it will not die.

With such a strong ancient magic skill, the arrogance of Yuanhua Gate suddenly rose. Lv Buwei, who was full of confidence, began to discuss with Yuanhua's ancestors. How to invade the foundation of the Huluxianfang, it is best to kill the Huluxian, and then take over the cave.

The only thing worth worrying about is that I don't know who the controller behind the gourd fairy is, and the spiritual vein aura under the gourd fairy square is not very good. The gourd fairy square is not a good place to open the door.

Just as Lv Buwei and Yuanhua's ancestor were discussing this matter, the deacon disciples under the Huluxian Sect suddenly secretly conveyed a message to the immortals of all the big and small forces in the whole Hulu Fairy Square: someone offered a heavy reward for the head of a personal guard around the King of Dayuchangqiu. Those who can kill And other materials.

If someone can give the pro-sanitary capture called slander to the gourd fairy, the person who offers the reward will give a fairy vein cave as a reward!

A fairy vein cave!

Lv Buwei and Yuanhua Laozu were immediately moved!