Steal the sky

Chapter 688 Loyalty is commendable

Chapter 688 Loyalty is commendable

After an hour of full of time at the valley bottom array in the map of mountains and rivers, Don't beg finally shook his head.

"Your Majesty, you can only roughly see the layout of the array from here. To peep through all the reality in it, you need to survey it on the spot."

Even if you don't beg to say that few people can compare with his achievements in the array, the array he inherited is too old after all. He suffered a dull loss in Miaoying Palace in those years, and he dared not say that he could crack all the arrays. The bottom array in front of you looks like a star array, but if you want to see through all its reality, you have to explore carefully outside the valley, instead of seeing the array through this kind of long-distance remote sensing.

King Yiqiu held his hands in front of iōng and looked at the mountains and rivers with a length and width for a while. Then he asked faintly, "Where did you learn your formation?"

Don't beg for a moment. He took out a palm-sized yù piece from his sleeve. This yù half a cloud head with a simple shape, carved with extremely beautiful stars and mountain uā pattern block yù rustic, with sevenè spots invading the interior of the block, looking ancientè with an ancient fragrance of vicissitudes. Thick taste. Don't beg for the yù block, and handed the yù block to the king of Yangqiu with a little reluctance.

"This is a map of the array that my subordinates accidentally got when I hunted in the barren mountains of Anle County!"

Don't beg reluctantly at the yù piece received by the king of Yiqiu, and whispered, "There is also a fairy's cultivation formula in it, but no matter how hard I try, I can't practice the law, so my subordinates are single-minded to study the formation, and ignore the others."

Although the heavy piece of the king of Yuqiu is only the size of a palm, it weighs nearly a thousand catties. The texture of the pieces is very good. It is the best cloud soul. It is the best material for making all kinds of fairy yù simple. The information in it is huge. In addition to a set of completed explanations from one yuan, two instruments, three talents to the Zhoutian star array, as well as various ancient secret methods such as divination, prediction, psychic, and communication of the stars and earth veins, it is a complete set of immortal cultivation formula Xuantai Shangjing!

The divine consciousness penetrated into the yù block and quickly looked through the information inside. The king of Yuqiu erased all the immortal cultivation methods recorded in the Xuantai Sutra, and returned the yù block with a smile to Don't beg. As you said, the array catalogue in it is very good, and you can study more when you have time in the future. But the method of cultivating immortals in it is the secret of evil bypass, so don't stay in it.

King Yuqiu's heart is very happy. Don't beg to give this yù piece to himself so frankly, which proves that he is very loyal to himself. In this way, everything is explained. Don't beg a general from the wilderness why he can break through the way. Just a quick glance, the king of Yoqiu knew that the array catalogue in this yù block was extremely extraordinary, much better than the array catalogue of all kinds of immortals collected in his palace.

Don't beg. The king of Fayangqiu also laughed in his heart that he just said that he couldn't practice the Xuantai Shangjing. It's strange that you can practice! According to the information obtained by the king of Yanqiu, 'Tan Lang' himself realized the method of absorbing Pangu purple gas to exercise his body in the wilderness and ran to Ancheng to join the army. As long as there is Pangu purple gas in the body, Yiying Xianjia's method cannot be practiced. This is the iron law that both the heavenly court and Dayu know.

"Funtely, this boy first understood the method of absorbing Pangu purple gas before he found this yù Jane, otherwise, there will be one less capable general under my command. Well, I'm really lucky. He's actually in the battle!" The king of Qiqiu looked at the begging happily and suddenly asked, "If you triple the land of Donghai County, can you ask me to copy a copy of the map of the array you have learned?" I can guarantee that in addition to me and yourself, there can be up to three people in the world to study this catalogue!"

Don't beg to know that this is the condition issued by the king of Yuqiu. As the prince of the leading army, it is impossible for the king of Yuqiu to see the value of the formation catalogue in this yù block. Triple the land in Donghai County? According to the land area of Donghai County today, it is three times larger. Don't beg for a state! Even if the population of this state is less, it is a state after all!

With the total land area of a hundred thousand immortal stars, can there be a large amount of land owned by a state of Dayu?

Don't beg to decisively hand over the yù piece to the king of Yuqiu: "What is this thing worth? The prince doesn't have to say that only three people can study. As long as the prince's confidant is reliable, he can study it at will. My subordinates are more interested in leading the war. I really find it tedious to break through the battle!"

The king of Qiu smiled more and more satisfied. He took the yù piece, casually took out a piece of yù Jane copied all the array atlas in it, and then returned the yù piece to Don't beg and smiled, "Okay, okay, okay, Tan Lang, you are so loyal to me. Diligent and commendable, I will definitely not treat you badly!"

Gently waved yù Jane to a priest in a black robe behind him. King Yiqiu said in a low voice that he did not respect me, those... Covering fee... Well, I'll give it all to you! Later, I will make an official document and triple the land of Donghai County to the surrounding area. I will give you another batch of population, livestock, seeds and money, so that you can develop Donghai County as soon as possible!"

Don't beg to respectfully give a fist to the king of Yuqiu. He thought to himself in his heart that he actually knew what he had blackmailed about the family? Well, the king of Qiuqiu should have a lot of eyes and ears in Zhongning City.

casually stuff yù pieces back into the sleeves of the battle robe, don't beg and don't care about the array catalogue transcribed by the king of Qiuqiu. He killed so many immortals and scattered practitioners in the Pangu Continent, and there were hundreds of array catalogues and cultivation methods he grabbed. The array he dedicated to the king of Yangqiu is nothing more than doubling to doubling the power on the basis of those scattered cultivations in the Pangu mainland. For the complex and huge array in the stolen scriptures, it is the scale of a small stream by the sea, which is not worth mentioning.

The Xuantai Shangjing was obtained by him from the collection of some top-grade immortals killed by him. Although it is a good way to cultivate immortals, don't beg is really not seen. Putting this secret method in yù block is just to make the king of Yiqiu believe the words of not begging.

And this piece of yù is a piece of yù Jane made by hand after showing the ability to break the array in the Bo Yunting army. He used Le Xiaobai's method of forging cultural relics and antiques in those years, coupled with his current magic power, he deliberately created such an ancient & è mottled yù Jane, in order to be a round lie.

A general who was born in the wilderness, has no foundation, no background, and is practicing the true secret of heaven and earth. How can you crack the big array of Bo Yunting's 100,000 army? Individuals will have such doubts, and don't beg to make such a piece of yù Jane, one washes away his suspicion, and the other is dedicated to the king of Yiqiu, which represents his loyalty. Killing two birds with one stone, this matter can't be more cost-effective.

Sure enough, this water-in-fishing array map that does not look at all has brought tangible benefits to Begging. The territory of Donghai County has rapidly tripled, which is the land of a state. And it is not under the jurisdiction of Zhongzhou. Don't beg is equivalent to the local emperor of Donghai County. No one cares about what he likes to do. This business is really cost-effective.

Not to mention the population, livestock, seeds, money and other things promised by the king of Siqiu. With these things, Don't beg can completely increase the development speed of Donghai County. In particular, the filling of a large number of foreign people, and the big swallows who are still left in the world of Princess Pangle mustard can also come out to breathe.

The king of Yuqiu was very happy, and don't beg was also a burst of joy. Many of the subordinates of the king of Yuqiu in the Chinese army hall looked enthusiastically at the black-robed priest and carefully touched the yù Jane in his hand. These days, King Qiu's army has been brain-wracking in front of all kinds of arrays laid by the Wanxian League and suffered a lot of great losses. With this array of Taoist atlas, hey hey, I'm afraid it's going to be the turn of the Wanxian League, right?

Because it is a map of the array of Don't begging, and he doesn't seem to understand the meaning of this array of maps for the king of Yangqiu and even the whole army of Dayu. This is really a simple and simple young man! The generals around King Yangqiu also looked at Don't beg kindly, but they were jealous in their hearts - originally, the boy's Donghai County was ridiculously big, but now the land has expanded three times. Good boy, didn't he have a state in vain?

The land of a state is still the land of a state directly under the king of Yiqiu! There is no doubt that Donghai County will become the most important nail of the King of Yiqiu around Zhongzhou, and the one who directly controls Donghai County will also become a very important member of the power system of King Yiqiu! With Donghai County, which is not begging, the king of Yiqiu officially reached into the periphery of Zhongzhou, which directly affected several Yipin Dazhou nearby!

Even if yùJing can be regarded as a subordinate of the king of Yangqiu, but yù the family depends more on the old prince. How can there be a loyal and reliable confidant who is directly discovered and promoted by the king of Yangqiu?

Don't beggar and the king of Yiqiu, who were all overjoyed, ordered the troops and horses of the brigade, rushed out of the camp all the way to the huge valley ahead. Along the way, the king of Yangqiu would not beg to greet him by his side. He personally introduced to the changes of the large array in front of him and the various scenes when he damaged the people and horses in the large array. The generals beside him looked at this scene with envy and jealousy, and knew that he knew that he had become a big red man in

Tens of thousands of troops were like a torrent breaking through the dike, but in just a quarter of an hour, they clashed for hundreds of miles and came to the huge valley.

The human voice was boiling, the sound of the mount roared straight to the sky, dozens of flying boats roared over the head, a large number of priests of the Sitian Temple suspended in the air, and the huge spiritual power swept in all directions. Such a big movement immediately shocked the immortals of the Immortals League in the valley. Dozens of immortals flew up from the valley and stood on the top of several stone peaks thousands of feet high, smiling and greeted this way.

"King of Qiuqiu, are you here to fight again? How many people are you going to lose this time?

A man, wearing a seven-star apricot robe, carrying a seven-star dragon tooth sword on his back, and holding the dust in his hand, his long beard fluttered. He was really a white-bearded old man who was beyond the mortal fairy spirit to provoke the king of Yangqiu, and his words were full of ridicule and pride.

The king of Yiqiu looked at the man deeply, but he was not angry. He just said lightly, "When I break the big battle, I will definitely kill you ten thousand times. Your wife nv, I will make the army of the camp treat you well!"

With the sound of King Yoqiu's words, Don't beg to ride to the edge of the valley and stared at the concave valley in front of him. RA