Steal the sky

Chapter 695 The Poisonous Array

Chapter 659 The Poisonous Array

Update two chapters first, and update the third chapter when you go to 2935 in the evening!

Oh, it's still the old time and place. 2935 Let's fool around!

Pangu Continent is absorbing the chaotic atmosphere from the outer world all the time, and Pangu Continent is expanding rapidly all the time. It is said that when Pangu Dasheng's self-splitting body has just evolved into Pangu Continent, Pangu Continent will expand out one percent a day and night.

But after countless disasters, as the area of Pangu Continent becomes larger and larger, the chaotic atmosphere absorbed by Pangu Continent day and night makes Pangu Continent expand 1 million miles outward! If Pangu Continent is a disk, then Pangu Continent will increase the radius of 1 million miles in a day and night. This is an extremely terrible concept. Every day and night, the area increased by Pangu Continent is equivalent to the land of dozens of large states.

Therefore, although Dayu is the lord of the Pangu continent, Dayu does not occupy the whole Pangu continent.

According to the emperor's edict, all the people of Dayu have the natural responsibility to work hard to reproduce the population - to put it bluntly, the emperor encourages the people of Dayu to work hard to have babies, desperately to have children, and the more the better! Especially for the direct children of those aristocratic families in Dayu, each of them has thirty or fifty wives and concubines, and most of them have three, five hundred or even more than one thousand or two thousand wives and concubines. With their strong bodies, they sow seeds every night, so Dayu's big family has a lot of members.

Every 18 years, Dayu will form a group of children of a large family, and spread to all directions with soldiers and people to form new states, counties, cities, etc. Even so, Dayu's efforts still can't keep up with the growth rate of Pangu Continent. At the edge of Pangu Continent, it is often uninhabited in a radius of 10 billion miles. Only the newly born hills and peaks, only those tenacious vitality have covered all kinds of grass trees in these hills and peaks in a short time, All kinds of genius treasures produced.

Don't beg people are now near such a mountain that was just born three years ago.

This mountain is extremely far away from Mingu Prefecture, where the king of Yuqiu is stationed in the army. Even if he doesn't beg to fly with all his strength, even if he tries his best to run after his father, it is impossible to come to the edge of Pangu Continent without a thousand years. Fortunately, King Yiqiu was also accompanied by the high priest of Tongtian. With the ability of the Tongtian Tower to break the void, it took them three days to get here.

Looking far into the distance, you can see the dark sky and twinkling stars in the distance, and you can see a strong gray and white turbid aura on the sky. Those turbid auras are the legendary chaotic auras. Pangu mainland directly takes the chaotic aura from the four-way sky and turns them into its own mountains and rivers. Occasionally, there is a chaotic aura, which turns into all kinds of spiritual grass that immortals dream of.

Because it has just formed for about three years, the celestial phenomena within a radius of 10 billion miles near the mountain are extremely unstable. It is not clear here in summer, autumn and winter. For a while, there was a thunderstorm in the sky. In a moment, the roaring geese and heavy snow fell, but the heavy snow just fell for less than a quarter of an hour, and hail the size of a hill poured down from the sky with a terrible roar.

When I came here in the broken void of yù, I was hit by a terrible hail.

Don't beg. Now I have seen a lot of knowledge. I have seen countless terrible natural dangers in those nine days, but this big hail still makes Don't be speechless. The smallest hail is about a hundred feet in diameter. It is said to be hail, but it is actually the aura of the acquired water with a high degree of cohesion. Each haildrop falls from the sky with a long halo like a meteor. Once it falls to the ground, a huge mushroom cloud bursts out. The scene is like millions of nuclear warheads The ground broke out, and the terrible power made the earth tremble violently in a radius of 10 billion miles.

But it's just trembling. The rocks and soil of the Pangu Continent are particularly strong, especially this fresh land that has just emerged from chaos, which is so hard that ordinary golden fairies can't shake it at all. Although the power of these hail is strong, those mountains have not even fallen a stone. Instead, after the hail exploded, it turned into a large amount of sticky and cold water and poured around, sprayed thinly on those mountains thousands of miles high, turning into countless dragon-like waterfalls and roaring to the earth.

Each drop of the water liquid transformed by the aura of the acquired water weighed 10,000 catties. Such a waterfall poured down from the top of the mountain as high as ten thousand miles. The power and strength, even the generals of the one-yuan Pangutian realm who followed him couldn't help but be shocked. They couldn't help retreating a few

"It's no wonder that the emperor has a ban. Unless the new land has been stabilized for more than ten thousand years, it is strictly forbidden for the people of the great Yu below the realm of the ancient heaven to approach easily." A general shook his head and praised, "It's not our strength. Ordinary people are killed when they are involved in this waterfall!"

Don't beg, you can't help nodding. This damn place is really terrible. However, it is really a supreme treasure house. The rare acquired water spirits are rolling all over the ground. If you can condense all kinds of water generae here, you don't have to consider the lack of materials at all!

Don't beg for a moment, and his eyes lit up. On the top of the mountain, there was a seven-leaf single stem with twenty-one green and blue fruits. The spiritual grass burst out a strong light. This spiritual grass is like a black absorbing the water melted by the hail near the mountain. The blue of the twenty-one fruits was a little stronger, and then the spiritual grass flashed. Before you could reach out to pick it, it disappeared into the mountain and disappeared.

Ao Bu Zun hid in Begging's ear and sighed in a low voice, "Good baby, it's a pity that I didn't get it. Taixuanshui jīng fruit, also known as Guishui Shenglong fruit, is an innate spirit. If the ordinary dragon takes it, it can immediately become a white dragon of the genus of water and master the innate god of water control. Tut, for the dragon clan and Jiaolong, this is the supreme treasure.

Don't beg. His eyes lit up. He shouted, and his body rotated rapidly like a top, bringing a strong purple gas in the air, like a meteor coming out of the entrance of the Tongtian Tower, and a heavy punch hit the mountain. He wants to smash the mountain and get the fruit of the Taixuan water.

With a click, Don't beg's fist hit the mountain, and a large area of sparks spewed out. The mountain did not change at all, but the wrist bone of Don't beg was shaken into two sections. Fortunately, the ability to repair the real body of heaven and earth is extremely strong. Don't beg. Just take a breath, and the wrist bone quickly returned to its original state.

"Damn it, what a hard stone!" Don't look at the mountain in front of you in surprise. How can this mountain be so hard?

As several generals who rushed here to see the hunting, they also jumped up in the air like Don't begging, and then punched heavily on the mountain.' The howls kept coming. Don't beg. It's just a broken wrist bone into two sections, and this group has used all their strength. Their cultivation is above the seven-star heaven of one yuan Pangutian. The generals who are enough to compete with the four-grade and five-grade golden immortals have all been shocked and smashed from their

The mountain that has just condensed from the chaos is almost the same strength as the innate spiritual treasure. If such a mountain is changed to Taiyi Jinxian, can you find a way to exist at the Jinxian level... It's better not to mess with it!

Don't beg looked at those generals a little dumbfounded. A group of generals whose muscles and brains were almost replaced by muscles were also you. Look at me. I looked at you and laughed awkwardly one by one. Before he saw the enemy, he hurt himself. If it spread, the king of Qiuqiu had to skin them!

A soft cough came, wearing a black robe like a ghost. yù slowly walked out of the Tongtian Tower. Seeing Don't beg for a few people here, they giggle and snorted coldly, "A group of kids don't know the depth of heaven. This is the mountain bone that has just condensed from the chaos. It has not been popular and has not been stained by the acquired spirit! Even if Taiyi Jinxian wants to smash them, it will take a lot of effort, you guys..."

shook his head and sighed, "I've seen a fool, I've never seen such a fool!"

A group of people scolded Don't beg and shouted, "Tan Lang, if you want to arrange a big array, do it quickly. My strengths are not in the formation. I can't help you refer to the detailed map, but if you need something when you are in the array, I will naturally help you!"

Don't beg to bow to yù he said respectfully, "Naturally, there is an old place to rely on yù at that time, please show your magic power."

King Yuqiu wants to kill the leader of the immortals, and at the same time, he wants to monopolize this credit, so he is unwilling to leak this information. Therefore, if he wants to design and kill the leader of the Immortals, he can only rely on his own soldiers.

The best way to ambush a powerful enemy is to lay a large array to kill the enemy. But except for a yù Lusheng and his disciples, no one knows the way of formation. And the king of Yiqiu is not willing to use yù Lusheng, so the matter of the array can only be done by begging.

As for yù the high priest of Tongtian, his cultivation is Tongtian, but he studied all kinds of evil poisons and fierce spells in the Sitian Hall. All his power is on these two knowledge. He knows nothing about the way of formation. This matter can't be expected. 49; It's good.

Don't beg to look at the mountain near the mountain, look at the distance for a while, and finally choose a good place to lay the array.

It is about a thousand miles long, less than a mile wide. Looking down from a high altitude, it looks like a valley with fine seams. This fine valley goes deep into the ground nearly a hundred miles, densely covered with a kind of sticky and heavy black è poison gas - the spirit black element. This kind of acquired murderous atmosphere is extremely heavy. If the immortals accidentally touch it, there is a danger that the Taoist foundation will disintegrate and the fairy soul will dissipate.

"A good place, it's really a good place!" Don't beg to take a look at the valley and point out with a smile, "We just need to arrange a small mí array and a small killing array in the valley now. It's better to have a rough and shallow array that people can see at a glance, which is the most appropriate!"

Then Don't beg to point to the hilly hills near the valley and smile, "The terrain here is complex, and the porous passages in the mountains are the best way to decorate our real array!" The enemy is powerful, so we don't need to talk about any aboveboard means. Let's directly use the all-poisonous array. Although we have lost some damage, it is a good formation to kill people!"

A salute to yù with a smile. Don't beg for a smile. Your all kinds of poisons can be displayed!"

He grinned proudly and patted Don't beg on the shoulder with appreciation.

This boy is not bad. He knows that he is very proud to make a poison array. He shakes his head and wants to make a poison array. His countless evils and evils of the high priest are absolutely indispensable. This is equivalent to giving up more than half of the credit to yù!

This boy is very good. He also feels that the king of Yuqiu has found a capable talent this time!

With the transfer of everyone, everyone acted quickly. RA