Steal the sky

Chapter 699 Minor Conflicts

In the valley where Don't beg to arrange a large array of poisons, the jade is carefully preparing a sale of poison soup.

A black clay jar that seems to be very ordinary, which is about the size of an ordinary tile jar. Three dark stones set up the most ordinary fire pond. Dozens of straight-cut bones were burning weakly in the fire pond, and some phosphorus fire spewed up, so that the colorful soup in the jar kept coming out small bubbles. A pungent smell floated around, and all the smellers wanted to vomit.

The taste is really indescribable. It seems to be a rotten corpse, stinky fish and stinky shrimp, plus a latrine that has not been replaced for 3,000 years, and other messy things that can be imagined. Then a large bag of baking powder is carefully fermented for three or five years, and the mixture is moldy and rotten. It won't taste until ten years later.

At least when you just returned to the valley, you suddenly smelled the smell and your body shook. Your eyes suddenly darkened, and your stomach was rolling, and a mouthful of yellow, yellow and green bitter water spewed out. Chaotic aura can melt everything and devour it into chaos, but in the face of such a terrible smell, don't instinctively refuse your chaotic aura to digest this terrible smell. So don't beg and the four Gangqiu brothers vomit together, so that they are so soft that they can't move on the ground.

The smell is just so terrible. God knows what will happen if someone drinks the green poison soup in the jar. In particular, Don't beg to see that there is a large number of forbidden flashing light on the black clay pot. It seems that the smell of the poisonous soup has been covered up by more than 90%. Even if you just leak a little breath, you don't know whether you are dead or alive. This kind of poisonous soup is really sensational!

He looked at the clay pot in horror. It's easy to stabilize the internal organs and isolate the sense of smell and touch on the surface of the skin. Don't take a deep breath, and then it returned to normal. There is no such vicious poison skill in the ancient god road inherited by Princess Bule. The stolen scriptures record all kinds of poisonous things in heaven and earth, but there is no specific poison methods. Except for the drunken dragon incense and other drug formulas that are beneficial to theft, other poison formulas are not mentioned at all.

Look at the terrible smell of the poisonous soup prepared by Yuqi. Don't beg. He suddenly felt that he should learn some of these strange skills.

Think about it, if the disciples who steal the sky and change the Japanese gate in the future can be quenched with poison on their flying swords, even if their cultivation is slightly lower, can they also threaten powerful immortals? Don't beg to quickly improve the strength of your disciples. As for what uses poisons that are not very open and aboveboard, it is not a problem for him.

Standing beside the jade. Don't beg, look at the jade tail carefully taking out a palm-sized three-tailed red scorpion from his sleeve and throwing it into the crock.

Stirred in the crock with a jade stick for a while, and the jade snake took out a six-headed poisonous snake from his sleeve and threw it into the crock. Then there are iron-blue translucent toads, large earthworms with a wrist thickness of three feet, blood-sucking bats with a square radius, and strange poisons such as turtles with three heads and three tails. They were all taken out of their sleeves and stuffed into the crock.

I don't know how much space there is in the jade pigeon's sleeve taro. Anyway, he escaped more than 300 strange poisons and threw them into the crock. The small crock was about half a foot in diameter, but those poisons with a radius of tens of feet were easily stuffed into the jade. Obviously, the crock was also a rare good thing.

The colorful poison soup became more and more strange in color. The sticky poison soup slowly rummageded with blisters, and the strange smell slowly drifted away. Don't beg, I feel that there is a sticky layer of water mist on him. It gave him the illusion that he was breathless.

With the current cultivation of don't begging, you can survive forever without eating, drinking or breathing, but the breath of this poisonous soup almost suffocates Don't beg, which shows how poisonous the poison in the soup has reached.

Shake your head and look at the poison soup that this jar is going to be used in the poisonous array." Don't beg whispered to Yuqi about what he encountered when he took the Yanqiu brothers to explore the situation of the ice fire dragon python. Don't beg to say that they captured the son of the Lord of the Immortals alive. Yuqi couldn't help looking at Li Qianye in the hands of the Changqiu brothers in surprise.

Li's eyes also smelled the smell of poisonous soup leaking from the crock. It's a pity that he was imprisoned for all his cultivation and was unable to resist the invasion of poison gas. Don't beg and the Yanqiu brothers both controlled the vomiting. He is still spitting green bubbles crazily. He even spit out the bitter bile, and now the God who spits out knows what it is. Look at his green face. "If he is allowed to vomit again, he will really vomit until he dies.

Yuqi nodded his finger and knocked him unconscious on Li Qian's forehead. He praised, "Well done, this boy is more useful to live than to die. You four guys, you got a lot of luck this time! Hey. Which one of you is going to get the marquis? I also have a great-granddaughter, who is very beautiful, but I can marry you to be a wife!"

Don't beg and smile. Yuyu, an old man, can do business and get a great-granddaughter to come out. You can immediately pull in a freshly baked marquis. There will also be a state fief under the name of the marquis. It's worth it to exchange such a great benefit for a great granddaughter. It's worth it!

Four brothers, look at me. I looked at you, and then the three younger brothers pointed to Yanqiu Fengbo at the same time. Qiu Fengbo's face was a little ugly. "The corners of his eyes were lingering at the tile pot in front of the jade, and his three brothers looked like this, constantly glancing at the tile pot a few times.

The old man Yuqi is not very good-looking. In addition, he still has such a terrible poison. The Yuqiu brothers are really not interested in marrying his great-granddaughter. But since they all took the initiative to mention it, with his status in front of the king of Yuqiu. I'm afraid I can't refuse!

Marry a wife who looks like a jade in this life and mixes poison in the bedroom every day? Thinking of the terrible marriage life in the future, Qiu Fengbo's face turned green! But you can't refuse. You can't refuse. Qiu Fengbo looked at the three fingers in front of his nose and really wanted to cry without tears.

Don't beg and laugh in his heart. He didn't bother to pay attention to this group of entangled people. Looking at Shouyu, he kept taking out countless strange and strange poisons to add the creepy poisons to the crock, and he couldn't help but straighten his hair. A busy excuse to find out the layout of the base and leave.

also lost the jade pigeon, an old poison for years, otherwise don't beg to arrange a poisonous array. Although he knows the map of the poisonous array, which is indeed the terrible power of the ghost and god, don't beg where to find those terrible poisons? Fortunately, Yuqi has been practicing poison since he was a child. Is there any ancient monster in his Tongtian Tower? It is enough to gather a set of materials to arrange the poisonous array.

Dodged into the valley, and don't beg to see the accompanying soldiers of the Dayu carefully arranging array flags and killing weapons in the array everywhere. These items are all obtained from the military warehouse of the king of Yuqiu. Everything is the best. It is the most luxurious array in so many years. Even the most basic array plate uses the materials to refine the best fairy weapons. It can be seen how amazing the cost of this large array is.

The jade is parked at the stop. In the Tongtian Tower in the depths of the valley, there are masters and craftsmen transferred by the King of Yaqiu constantly refining all kinds of array flags and killing utensils. All the utensils are prepared according to the array map of the poisonous array given by Don't beg. The accompanying soldiers went in and out of the Tongtian Tower, holding a large number of newly successfully refined array flags and sending them to all directions.

Don't beg to explore around. All the arrangements are carried out according to his design. These Yu soldiers are well-trained elites. Every move is right at all." Don't beg to see it with joy. As long as you can kill the leader of the Immortals, not only for Princess Bule and Don't beg yourself, but also this huge credit is enough not to beg for endless benefits. Uh-huh, when you are proud, don't beg, you can't help but smile.

Just when you are not complacent, a proud voice suddenly came from a mountain beside you: "Is it wrong for you to set up like this, or let me teach you how to set up!" Move these three arrays to the west, so that they can echo those arrays in the distance!"

Don't beg for a moment" Then a burst of anger gushed out in his heart. This peak is one of the main support points of the West in the whole poisonous array. The array flags and other things above are cast with rare materials for refining gold fairy weapons. "Cering the position of the array flag at will is likely to weaken the power of the .

Don't beg to fly in the air and land on the peak. Without seeing the person clearly, he scolded harshly, "Which fool is talking nonsense here? Who said he would move the flags randomly?"

More than a hundred soldiers are placing flags on the mountain. There are also several rituals who are sketching runes on the ground. Seeing the arrival of the Lord in charge of this array, these soldiers and priests hurriedly saluted Don't beg. Only a few young men and women in white on the mountain peak are leisurely like going on an outing. They hold their heads proudly and look at them disdainfully and don't beg.

One of the young men pointed to Don't beg and sneered and said, "Lang Lang" You are just a rough man in the wilderness." Even if you get a large array, do you know what the array is? Do you know the meaning of the array? Do you know what the five elements of yin and yang are, and what do you mean by two instruments and three talents? You stupid, do you think the array that is not modified at all according to the array map is even a complete array?, another young man arrogantly pointed to Don't beg and sneered, "According to your array, it's no wonder that the people trapped in the array can't escape easily! Prince, I claim to be the first in the formation under the jade master's seat. For the sake of the prince's plan, I kindly point out these wastes under your hands. By the way, I will give you good advice to let you understand what it is..."

, "Call you mother!... Don't be too lazy to listen to the calls of these disciples of Yu Shengsheng. He rushed over. A punch and foot beat out the group of men and women who were eloquent but had not even attained Taishi Pangutian.

, "Get out! Dare to make trouble with me again. Even Yu Shengsheng can't save you!" Don't beg rudely beat down the two men who had just opened their mouths with big teeth, and the white teeth fell off all over the ground.

This group of men and women are very begging. He hurriedly picked up the injured companion and fled in confusion.

After escaping dozens of feet away, a young man turned around and pointed to Don't be angry and shouted, "Zhun Lang. You insist on going your own way and don't listen to our advice. If you let go of the enemy the prince wants to kill, you are a capital crime!" Don't beg for a beat. There seems to be something in these people's words?

......," ......,