Steal the sky

Chapter 716 Great Reward

Chapter 716 Great Reward

Edict of the Emperor:

The son of the king of Yangshan, Ji Ao, the king of Yangqiu, beheaded the leader of the immortals, captured the son of the leader of the immortals, Li Yu, Gong Ruoqiu Mountain, the king of Jin Yifeng, expanded the land of 20 states. Ji Ao can choose four sons to be awarded the title of Marquis of Jiupin Prefecture.

The king of Yiqiu belongs to the Fengbo of Yiqiu, who captured Li Yu, the son of the leader of the Wanxian League. He made great contributions. He was awarded the title of Marquis of Tangzhou of Sanpin and the affairs of Tangzhou of Sanpin Dazhou.

The king of Yiqiu belongs to Tan Lang, who killed the demon immortals and the leader of the immortals. He made great achievements. He was awarded the title of Marquis of Donghai Prefecture of Sanpin, and expanded his original territory, Donghai County, to Sanpin Donghai Prefecture. Don't begging directly lead the affairs of Donghai Prefecture, and

... . . . . . .

Don't beg and others knelt under the high stone steps and listened to the old man's slow manner of rewards on the scroll. The king of Qiuqiu was so excited that his face turned red. He clenched his fists, and the blood vessels on the back of his fist bulged high. Qiqiu Fengbo was also shivering with excitement. The Marquis of Tangzhou, the Marquis of Tangzhou, and the Marquis of Sanpinzhou. Their family has been a servant for generations, and he can be can be a marquis. Even if he is still a servant of the Wangqiu family in name, he is already a family of his own, and his identity and

Don't be awarded the title of Marquis of Donghaizhou, but it is also a burst of joy. With this marquis, it is much easier for him to act. Moreover, today's Donghai Prefecture is a wasteland, and there are only millions of people in the territory, and even the level of a slightly well-developed county in Dayu is not comparable. Since the emperor named him the Marquis of Sanpin Donghai Prefecture and expanded Donghai County to Sanpin Donghai Prefecture, at least the population problem of Donghai Prefecture will at least be solved by the Dayu court, and large-scale immigration is just around the corner.

As for the three brothers of Yanqiu Fengbo, as well as the subordinates of the King of Yanqiu, who made contributions in this campaign, they were all awarded the title of Marquis of Yipin to Jiupin. These generals were also excited. It was wrong that there was a bear hall here. They had already cheered loudly. With the title, they don't care about the rewards of money, beautiful women, horses, swords and so on. With the title, you have the territory directly under the jurisdiction, and with great power, don't you want how many of these things outside the body at that time?

The former King of Yangqiu, now the king of Yifeng, Ji'ao, also reported a lot of credit to Yuqi. Because of the identity and strength of the high priest of Yuqi Tongtian, he can enter the secret hall of Dayu to worship the elders and have great authority, and Yuqi can also choose two descendants at will to be awarded the title

There is only one Yulu Sheng. Yifeng Wang Ji'ao was angry with him and gave him a credit for his small report. The reward he received was a thin piece of gold, silver, jewelry and beautiful maid service and so on. It was accompanied by a good villa outside Liangzhu City and hundreds of thousands of acres of fertile land nearby. Other than that, Yu Benefits to any title. Seeing that Don't beg, he was sealed as the Marquis of Jiupinzhou, and even several personal bodyguards of the King of Yuqiu were sealed as the Marquis. However, Yu Yansheng was still white, and Yu Yansheng was so angry that his skin turned black.

The princes of the Dayu Dynasty have the fourth class of Shanshuizhou City.

In the king's head of the mountain, it is divided into four grades: mountain, peak, hill and ridge according to the top and bottom. The king of the water head is also divided into four grades: sea, river, lake and river. The king of the state head is divided into nine grades and eighteen according to the four seals of jade, gold, silver and copper and purple, blue, red, black and white five-color ribbons. Among the three princes of mountain, water and state, the king of mountain and water can only be awarded to the children of the clan, and the first king of the state can be awarded to the clan, the children of everyone and even civil and military officials of civilian origin who have made contributions.

The princes at the beginning of the city are only silver, copper, iron seals and white ribbons, which are only granted to civil and military officials of civilian origin, and the first-class titles are not hereditary as the kings of mountains, water and cities. If the descendants of the king at the head of the city are not successful and cannot establish merit to defend the king who broke down from the ancestors, the title will be reduced to the ninth-grade marquis.

In the Great Yu Dynasty, the children of the clan are very easy to be crowned kings, and civil and military officials of great clans and common people cannot obtain the title unless they make great contributions.

Under the king, it is the marquis. There are only three grades of marquis, state, city and marquis, each of which is divided into nine grades. The status is also divided by the seals of different materials and ribbons of different colors. The state marquis can get a state territory, and the grade corresponds to the grade of the big state he ruled. Just like the current Zhongzhou Mubo Zhongfu, he is the first-class Zhongzhou marquis. If the state marquis wants to improve his own character, or he is diligent in government affairs and can develop Jiupin Dazhou from a desolate place to a prosperous place like Yipin Dazhou, and his title naturally rises.

Or if the state marquis can establish enough credit, the emperor of the Yu will naturally raise your title, so that you can directly change to a large state as an official, which is also the only way to improve your own title.

The marquis of the city is also known as the marquis. It can have the territory of a county. According to the richness and population of a county, the county seat of Dayu is also divided into nine grades, and the ninth-class county marquis corresponds to the nine grade county seat. If the county marquis wants to improve his title, the way is the same as that of the state marquis. He will either work hard to develop the economic population or make contributions. In addition, the marquis and the state marquis also have a Qingyun Avenue to improve their own title - they have a good daughter in the family. If they are selected as a concubine in the palace, then their own title can also be promoted.

And the nine-grade marquis of Dayu is like the existence of Yuqi, but in fact, he is a general who leads troops to station in strategic places. They are either stationed in Xianguan or in an extraterritorial realm, and their rank is determined according to the importance of the garrison area and the number of soldiers and horses under their command.

The prince of Dayu has his own fiefdom. Everything they can decide on the fief at will, including the Sijun Hall and the Sitian Hall on the fief, are his own ministers. Even the princes of the city with the lowest status and the least fiefdom can do whatever they want in a county. Including self-built troops, as long as you can afford it, you can recruit troops without limit. Even for the laws on the land, as long as you do not violate the prohibitions and edicts issued by the emperor, you can promulgate your own decrees at will - such as saying that the people on the land only need to eat one meal a day or must eat ten meals a day, and the violators will be executed by the whole family. No one will

And the marquis of Dayu only has territory. The state marquises and county marquises can inherit the ruling power of a state and county, but this state and county are directly under the jurisdiction of the emperor. The Dayu court has the power to supervise and supervise the prefectures and counties under their rule. The Dayu court can also arrange a few officials or The marquis led a large army to be stationed in their territory. The marquis must comply with the decrees of Dayu and must pay a huge amount of tribute to the Dayu court every fixed period of time.

As for the Marquis, they don't even have territory, and their control territory is the territory where their army is stationed. If they are sent to the outer world, they will also be affected by the splint gas of the heavenly immortals and those powerful scattered immortals. Every year, Dayu loses a large number of foreign lords in the outer world, just like the jade killed by not begging, and Dayu generally has no way to take any revenge for the death of these princes It's not Dayu's territory.

The huge system of princes and marquises, large and small fiefs and territories, are like a huge spider web, covering the whole huge land of Dayu firmly.

Originally, the King of Qiuqiu was the third of the four-grade kings of Shan, Feng, Qiu and Ling, but now he has been promoted to the second-class 'Feng'. In addition to his status in the clan has been improved, his voice in the clan has been improved. His most direct advantage is that his fief has been expanded. And he can also choose four sons to be crowned as Marquis of Jiupin Prefecture at will, which is also a great reward.

His confidant generals, this time, Yiqiu Fengbo and Buqi were awarded the title of state marquis, more than a thousand were awarded the title of marquis, and more than 10,000 officers jumped into marquises in one fell swoop, which is a great expansion of the power of the king of Yiqiu. Not to mention that Don't beg and Yanqiu Fengbo hold the power of the two states, which makes the hand of the king of Yanqiu extend farther and farther. What is the concept of the more than 10,000 princes?

Even if the fewest marquises are at least a large army in their hands, even if only a very small number of people can stay in Pangu mainland, how can the army under their command be small? Is their influence on the locality unusual? When these princes were sent to their respective military towns, Xianguan and foreign heavens, and when they mastered the army on their own territory, the influence of the king of Yangqiu in the Dayu army will increase a lot.

In a word, killing the Lord of the Immortals League and sweeping the Immortals League has brought great benefits to the King of Yuqiu. He has jumped from many mediocre princes of the Dayu clan to a star that has been rare in recent tens of thousands of years, and his power and power have been greatly improved.

On the high stone steps, the majestic old man slowly recited the reward of the people under Ji'ao's command. Although the reward details of the following more than 10,000 marquises have been omitted, the rewards of more than a thousand people, such as Don't Beg, have made the old man read for more than four hours. Don't beg. They entered Liangzhu in the early morning, but now it's dusk, and the reward has come to an end.

It's just that Dayu's palace is always illuminated by the sun and the moon, and there is no difference between day and night. Don't beg their strong bodies. No matter how long you kneel on the ground for a long time, you won't feel tired. The long reward of more than four hours has finally been completed. Under the .

Don't beg for them, those great ministers who are qualified to enter the bear hall also marched silently.

The dark entrance of the Bear Hall is right in front of you. Don't beg always feel that it is a monster's open mouth, and an extremely ancient vicissitudes of life slowly comes out of the hall. When Don't beg walk to the door of the hall, you can't help but breathe.

Taking a strong breath, Don't beg followed the crowd into the core of power, which represents one of the two most powerful forces in the world, and entered the land of the magical land of Pangu.

As soon as you enter the Bear Hall, Don't beg will see the person sitting on the throne at the end of the hall. RO