Steal the sky

Chapter 718 The Emperor's Banquet

The banquet given by Hao Zunhuang is not delicious!

This may be the most tasteless meal he had after coming to Pangu Continent. As he stuffed wine and meat into his stomach, he tilted his head to look at the important ministers around him, and smiled sullenly in his heart.

The banquet of the emperor of the Dayu people has always followed the ancient tradition. The ancient ancestors struggled in the wilderness. Naturally, they did not pay much attention to food, so the wine and vegetables at the banquet were really a little unspeakable. The source of the meat is excellent. All the meat is the fattest part of the monster that has been selected as the climate, and all of them are the best materials. But the best ingredients are just stewed with white water, a little less salt, and no other ingredients are served like this. There are still traces of blood on the meat, and even dripping blood underneath, which is definitely not a good meal.

Use a jade knife that is not very sharp to get rid of a piece of flesh and blood that is cooked like old cowhide. Don't frown and stuff this monster tenderloin with a large amount of blood into your mouth. An unspeakable smell rushed straight up from your mouth. Don't beg for nausea and almost spit it out. But this is a banquet given by the emperor. No one can be rude. Don't beg. You can only grit your teeth and try to chew this extremely tough flesh and blood. The teeth and the old tendons in the flesh rub against each other and make a loud rattling sound.

These monsters that provide meat are all in the shape of spiritual cultivation. They are meat-eating monsters specially raised by the Dayu Dynasty. For monsters from orcs, their magic power is not very good, but their bodies are extremely powerful. These monsters can be cultivated, at least they have been cultivated for many years, and their muscles are simply stronger than sodium ingots. The body that is not begging is stronger, and those who are a little weaker will only be destroyed by these flesh and blood.

In addition to begging them to be strong enough to deal with these flesh and blood generals, a large number of them were physically weak priests or civil servants in the court. It is impossible for these people to deal with the meat of these monsters, so their food is boiled potatoes, green vegetables and so on, and the potatoes are not peeled, the green vegetables are not rooted. All the dishes are boiled in water, sprinkled with a little salt, and then the plate is served intact.

In a word, how did the ancient ancestors eat, and what about the dishes at the banquet given by the emperor of Dayu? Don't beg, and you will see a huge jade basin in front of the old man in black robe, who should be the senior priest of Sitian Hall, sitting opposite, with three very strong cabbages boiled in water. Without removing the roots or cuttings, the whole tree was cooked and served.

On the huge field, under the 36,000 huge totem poles, in the green light, countless courtiers tore the bloody flesh and blood with a blank face, and their mouths kept banging when the tendons were bitten off. Among them, there were a large group of dignified priests and literary ministers with gloomy faces. The egg held a half-cooked potato the size of a human head and a whole cabbage and bit it there. Don't beg always feel that this scene is very gloomy, weird, and full of a ridiculous sense of funny.

Slowly swallowed the flesh and blood in his mouth. When Begging's eyes swept to a short and dry priest in the oblique thorn, he almost burst into laughter when he saw him grabbing a few boiled carrots in the jade basin with a sad face.

Is this the emperor's banquet after the Dayu's canonization ceremony? No wonder Qiu Fengbo was extremely excited these days when they said that they were going to be crowned, but when it came to the banquet after the ceremony, their faces were more and more strange!

Dayu's tradition! Don't beg and hold your breath. As soon as his belly twitches, he can't help laughing.

There is no food, and naturally there is no wine. The wine here is configured according to the oldest brewing recipe. The kind of sour wine brewed in clay and tile pots in ancient times, even the most primitive low-grade wine that has not been cleaned. This kind of wine smells with a pungent sour taste, which smells as bad as over-fermented vinegar. If you drink it in your mouth, don't beg is really indescribable. The sour, floating, strange smell that seems to explode in your mouth, and when you pull your neck and swallow the wine, the slow feeling is like scraping your throat with a blade. It's really wonderful.

On weekdays, the military generals who like to drink happily have become decent men at the banquet of the emperor. It is not necessary. They will never raise their glasses to drink. But the old man who presided over the banquet, that is, the old man who begged them not to recite the book, must raise the glass to toast everyone every tea time, and everyone present must raise a huge wine title and drink with him, which is simply the greatest torture in the world.

This old man is the high priest of Dayu, who is responsible for the preparation and operation of various important ceremonies and ceremonies of Dayu.

It is said that every Grand Priest of Dayu is selected from the elders of the rich nobles by drawing lots, and every Grand Priest's daughter can't marry, and his son can't marry. It must have some strange connection with Dayu's banquet.

Anyway, don't beg to look at the distorted face of the high priest, and look at the angry eyes of many civil servants and generals present, and you will know how offending the position of the high priest is. The problem is that Dayu's banquet also has a complete set of etiquette. Before this set of etiquette is completed, even if you are the most powerful prince under the throne, you can't leave your seat.

Slowly swallowed a piece of fishy flesh and blood, don't beg to suppress the boat and sighed.

Ji Ao took a look at Bu Begging, reached out and patted him on the shoulder and sighed in a low voice: "Every courtier of Dayu hopes to make contributions and get a title, and everyone who has a title hopes to improve his title. But the banquet after this canonization ceremony..." Shaking his head, Ji Ao said in a low voice, "It is said that the only son of this grand priest is working for Xiong Youjun, and I will assign him a mortal task!"

Don't beg to look at Ji Ao: "The only son?"

With the national policy of encouraging fertility, the high priest is also a heavy tool of the national dynasty, and there are at least hundreds of concubines. How can there be only one son?

Ji Ao said lightly, "His other sons have been killed decades ago."

Don't beg silently cut off a piece of flesh that is still bright red, and slowly stuffed it into your mouth.

There is no wine and food, but Dayu's banquet still has musicians and singers to cheer up. However, when the ancient ancestors gathered to drink and eat flesh and blood, they often remembered their ancestors and dead brothers and sisters. Generally speaking, unless it is an important sacrificial ceremony, the ancient ancestors will not gather together to enjoy the precious "wine" and eat flesh and blood for no reason.

Therefore, these musicians and singers played the "Requiem", "Mured Song", "Soul Song", "Thinking Song" and so on of the ancient ancestors and the people who died in the sacrifice ceremony. The tunes of these ballads are gloomy and sad, and the lyrics are more ghostly. In particular, the singers selected are the kind of singers who are as white as snow and have no beauty, with only a sharp and thin voice...

Under the green fire, countless men in black robes sat silently under the huge gloomy totem pole, happily gnawing at the blood and flesh, gnawing at the big potatoes and cabbages, and all kinds of strange food. Around them, there were a large group of singers in white who sang incomparable sadness. A kind of ghostly ballad, this situation makes those who want to laugh, don't beg, but want to cry again.

He turned his head and took a look at the bear hall lying on the high stone steps like a monster. Don't beg and scolded in his heart. No wonder Emperor Hao Zun sat on the throne and did not play, and did not participate in the banquet. Maybe he was also afraid of this terrible banquet?

If Hao Zunhuang has to participate in every banquet in person, the courtiers of Dayu may only participate in several banquets in their lives, and even if Hao Zunhuang is awarded a courtier once in a hundred years, how many times will he participate in the three Yuan meetings? However, according to the ancient etiquette, it must last until late at night. The feast?

Looking at the sun slowly sliding down the mountain in the west, don't beg for a kind of grief that you want to cry without tears. Now it's only dusk. The banquet must last until midnight. The sky is above and the soil is below. How many kilograms of this uncooked monster meat will he eat today?

With a sound, a large and semi-solidified monster blood in an uncooked blood vessel spewed out from the corners of Don't begging's mouth. The blood just sprayed on Ji's armor, but Ji'ao did not react at all. He raised the rough jade knife with almost numbly, gritted his teeth and The meat, with the grief that the hero will go away, stuffed a piece of monster meat that was half boiled red and dead white into his mouth.

"Squeak" and "squeak" many Dayu courtiers moved their big teeth neatly and slowly stained the food in front of them, like eating machines.

While chewing flesh and blood, Ji Ao whispered to Bu Begging and said, "Eat slowly, eat slowly. The etiquette at the banquet is made according to the ancient rituals. The dishes in front of you will be added immediately after eating, so eat as slowly as possible. But before the banquet is almost over, all the wine and vegetables in front of you must be eaten, otherwise it will be a great disrespectful charge and will be cut off!"

Yangqiu Fengbo beside him had a hiccup full of fishy and bloody smell. He muttered in a low voice, "When the prince first attended the banquet, he didn't understand the mystery. He came to eat a plate of flesh and blood. As a result, he killed the meat and dirt of seven one-horned fire cows.

Also had a hiccup with a bad smell. Ji Ao muttered in a low voice, "So, eat slowly, eat slowly... Tut, that fool, obviously the first time he attended the banquet, and no one told him this trick. Everyone can't waits to see someone unlucky!"

Don't beg, turn your head and look over. I happened to see several attendants holding a pot of boiled potatoes with water and smiling in front of a faceless young man. The young man's face was full of potato gas. He looked at the potatoes in front of him with difficulty, and his body trembled slightly.

Poor, this young man is a civilian official. He has not cultivated the body or spells. He is just an ordinary person. How can he stand so much terrible food?

Don't beg for mercy and look at the young man, lowering his hair and killing the flesh and blood of the monster weighing more than a dozen pounds in front of him.
