Steal the sky

Chapter 723 Unexpected Conflict

At the entrance of the secret hall, the priest who stopped him from bringing Ao Bu Zun and the dragon python sisters into the secret hall was sitting under a stone pillar outside the door of the secret hall. The dragon python sisters were quietly coiled together, and their bodies shrank to only one foot long. They carefully looked left and right. I am full of curiosity about everything in the secret hall.

Ao Buzun lay on the ground in embarrassment and greeted the priest's ancestors with a hoarse voice.

Don't beg to tie his mouth with Ao Bu-respect's body just now. But Ao Buzun didn't take much effort to untie the complicated bow on his mouth, and then he began to be restless. He either commented on several female priests who occasionally went in and out of the secret hall, or always wanted to sneak into the secret hall to find some benefits.

The priests in charge of taking care of Ao Buzun are annoyed by Ao Buzun. Although most of the priests in the secret temple are earthy, the mud Bodhisattva will also get angry when provoked. After Ao Buzun's thirty-seventh time, he wanted to sneak into the secret hall with escape and illusion. The priest took out a seal and pressed it on Ao Buzun's body, and pressed down his dead [town].

Lie straight on the ground. Ao Buzun can move except his mouth and turn around except for the eyeballs. He can't move anything all over his body, and even his claws can't lift at all.

The angry Ao Bu Zun began to greet the priest's ancestors, but the priest sat under the stone pillar and ignored Ao Buzun at all.

Just as Ao Budun kept cursing, an extremely old high priest took dozens of priests in white to the entrance of the secret temple along the long stone steps. When the old priest heard Ao Buzun's curse, he looked this way along the voice, and suddenly stopped. He looked at Ao Buzun with shining eyes and said with a smile, "Black Dragon! Five-clawed black dragon! Looking at the shape of his scales, it seems that he is still the blood of the ancient five-clawed black dragon god king family with pure blood! Strangely, is there such a pure-blooded black dragon now? With a click, the old priest looked at the two dragon python sisters again. He clasped his hands and praised, "It's wonderful. Dragon python, and it is the most ferocious flying ice fire dragon python in the dragon python! Oh, it is said that the internal organs and blood of the flying ice fire dragon python can be used to prepare the best elixirs, and bones, scales and tendons can be used to refine the best magic weapons, huh. It's wonderful!"

The old priest and the dozens of priests behind him were wearing white robes in the style of the secret temple, but his chest was tattooed with a ferocious pattern with blood-colored silk thread, which was very different from the star map on the jade chest. The pattern on the old priest's chest is a strange-shaped bone spur inserted into the skull of a strange demon god with six horns in this life, and a twisted blood vine was born from the mouth of the skull. The long vine coiled a few times on the strange-shaped bone thorn, and a gorgeous blood-colored flower bloomed near the bone thorn's handle. There was a ferocious and twisted ghost face in the huā budslit.

Wanling Hall, one of the branches of the secret hall, Wuyi Hall, the owner of Wuchang Mei, the Wuchang family of Dayu Sitian Hall. The Wuchang family is now the bearer of the right Sitian position in the Dayu Sitian Hall. It has a very high prestige in the Dayu Sitian Hall system, or the Dayu priest system, and is an important family that holds real power.

Now the Dayu Baihuang clan holds the duties of Da Sitian" and the Gou Chen clan and the Wuchang clan are also known as the three god witch clans of Dayu. The Wuchang clan ranks third among the three major clans. The clan especially likes to delve into the magic secrets of some evil spirits. The Wanling Hall hosted by Wu Changmei is such a palace specializing in playing all kinds of crooked evil secrets.

The priests of the Wanling Hall like to play all kinds of grafting tricks. It's like cutting off the head of a green dragon, and then pressing his head on the neck of Xuanwu to see if this newborn green dragon Xuanwu can have the strong power of the green dragon and the blood spell of Xuanwu at the same time. Or press the heads of the fire phoenix and the ice phoenix on the neck of a green phoenix at the same time. Let's see if this newborn strange creature can have the attributes of ice and fire at the same time.

Or, they forced Long Bo Guo and Yu Ren**. And take all kinds of secret drugs at the same time. Let's see if they can give birth to a brand-new ethnic group with wings but a huge body. They also forced all kinds of human-shaped monsters to ** each other. Strive to cultivate some powerful and fresh varieties of monsters. As for the truth and so on, they don't have this concept.

For the old qualified priests of the Wanling Temple like Wu Changmei. What they are most happy about is to find some strange experiments, especially the extinct bloodlines in ancient times, which are the rare treasures they dream of. Once they find any rare experiments, they never pay attention to the opinions of those experiments. They will coerce and lure or directly use violence to bring the experiment into the Hall of All Souls. Then...

Many times. The experimental products that entered the Wanling Hall never appeared again. There was also a priest apprentice in the Wanling Hall who chatted with his apprentice in the branch hall, inadvertently saying that the dragon hoof tendons were very chewy, and the roasted phoenix wings with honey sauce were very sweet and delicious.

As soon as Wu Changmei saw Ao Buzun, his saliva almost flowed down; and when he saw the two dragon python sisters, Wu Changmei's body shivered violently. The purebred blood of the highest royal family of the ancient black dragon clan, and the descendants of the extinct flying ice fire dragon python, how precious these three experimental materials are, these three best food weapons.

Hm. Wu Changmei patted her belly. Let's not talk about the ingredients first. First, take these three experimental materials back to cram and peel. Or you can force them to ** each other. Legend has it that the bloodline of the dragon python is extremely strong. "Any genus of dragons and dragon pythons are born after the descendants of dragon pythons, so the royal blood of the ancient black dragon and the dragon python ** "What will they be born?

Flying Ice and Fire Black Dragon?

Thinking of this endless possibility. Wu Changmei felt that her cold blood had suddenly burned. His dead heart suddenly became extremely fanatical.

In his long life, he has harmed enough of the species of creatures that can be found on the Pangu continent, but now he has suddenly found a new target!

Taigu black dragon and ice fire dragon python, he decided to slowly recuperate these three experiments this time. At least they have to be concocted for 10,000 years!

With "cluck, strange laughter, he was only about four feet tall, and he was as thin as wood. The witch with two palms like chicken feet swayed to Ao Buzun. He shook his huge head and smiled strangely, "Come on, come on, hey hey, what a little black dragon? Hee hee, come on, raise your buttocks and let the ancestor see if you are male or female?

Ao Bu, who was cursing at the priest beside him, shouted angrily, "Is it male or female? I won't die. Do you think I might be a female dragon? It's a bastard. When your parents gave birth to you, they must have tied you in the wrong direction and fed your buttocks as your head, otherwise how could you ask me if I was male or female?

Wu Changmei, Huo Huo Huo Huo, with a sharp smile, he [Xing] danced vigorously and said, "Oh, it's really energetic. This little guy is really lively, so fresh! Tut, how long is your body? After a while, the ancestors will cut a few catties of black dragon meat and fry it in the frying pan. Ouch, "The royal blood of the ancient black dragon family, it really tastes like..."

The middle-aged priest in charge of taking care of Ao Bujiun suddenly opened his eyes and jumped up. As soon as he saw Wu Changmei, his pupil suddenly shrank to the size of a needle, and he shouted in horror. A large piece of cold sweat oozed out of his forehead. He grabbed Ao Buzun and the dragon python sisters, and the priest shouted sharply, "Master Wuchang, this dragon and two dragon pythons, they are..."

Wu Changmei's body shook, and no one could see his movements clearly. The middle-aged priest had spit out blood and flew back. He fell from the top of the stone steps as high as dozens of miles from the entrance of the secret temple, and the middle-aged priest fell dozens of miles deep. The middle-aged priest, who was beaten unconscious in mid-air, fell to the ground heavily, with at least 80% of his bones broken.

He punched away the unlucky man who was in the way, and Wu Changmei pinched Ao Bujiun's neck. He affectionately stretched out his pale green tongue and licked Ao Bujiun's face. The smelly saliva covered Ao Buzun's face, and Wu Changmei shouted with joy, "What a pure black dragon breath, tsk, those bastard black dragons now can't compare with him at all! What a fresh and sweet taste!"

There has always been only Ao's share of cannibalism. Has he ever been licked like a food material? Ao Buzun was so angry that he trembled all over. He roared angrily, but the rune on his back was too powerful. He couldn't move at all, and he couldn't resist any action of Wu Changmei.

After licking Ao Buzun's face a few times, Wu Chang's mysterious eyes fell on the dragon python sisters who were caught in the middle of his body by him.

Hey hey, with a strange smile, Wu Changmei stretched out her tongue to lick the dragon python sisters. The dragon python sisters, who had shrunk to a foot long, suddenly made a rattling sound at the same time. Their bodies quickly expanded, and suddenly turned into a huge dragon python with a body length of miles and a thickness Accompanied by the shocking sound of dragons. The two sisters opened their mouths and put Ao Bu-respect in their mouths, and the other had a big mouth, and a silver torrent roared out, wrapping Wu Changmei and all the priests around him.

Since Henggu, since the establishment of the secret hall of Dayu, even when heaven and earth were robbed, even in the war period when the heavenly emperor and the emperor of Dayu fell. There has never been any fight in front of the door of the Dayu Secret Hall.

But today, the fierce dragon python sisters brazenly took action, and a silver torrent flew out. The stunned Wu Changmei and the dozens of disciples behind him were blown away by the extremely cold torrent. Countless black ice spewed out of the silver light, causing the cliffs near the secret hall to collapse, and those beautifully carved sculptures It's like a ruined blockbuster.

The dull alarm bell sounded, and the early warning system of the secret hall was launched.