Steal the sky

Chapter 733 The Buddha Covers the Kill

Chapter 733 Buddha's cover-up (first update, ask for votes)

Somewhere in the garden outside Liangzhu City, under a tall bodhi tree, the king of Baishan is sitting opposite a handsome monk in a jade monk's robe. Around this bodhi tree, there are countless invisible and invisible prohibitions, and a large group of confidants raised by the king of Baishan are hiding in the dark surveillance, and no one can easily break in here.

The king of Baishan was holding a cup carved from black stone and sipful of tea. The scalp was shaved brightly, and the elegant monk smiled and played with a scroll made of silver-white snow-like silk in front of him. On the scroll was a picture of light and shadow, which was marked with the words 'the change of defense map of the garrison of the heavens in the west of Dayu'.

The sound of footsteps came, and King Zhangqiu and Long Yangjun, who was wearing a white robe, came shoulder to shoulder. King Zhangqiu bowed to the king of Baishan and respectfully called 'Father'. Long Yangjun smiled and slapped his hands gently. There were white lotus floating out of his fingertips. He whispered to the monk, "Late Longyang, I have seen Duobao free in the Dharma."

The Buddha raised his eyelids, glanced at the white lotus falling from Longyang Jun's fingertips, and laughed softly, "Longyang Jushi is predestined to my Buddhism, and there is no need to be polite. Little prince, has Tan Langke been sent to Prison Dragon Pool?

Long Yangjun stood aside with a smile, drooping his eyelids slightly without saying a word. King Zhangqiu's face was a little ugly. He said in a low voice, "Tan Lang actually practiced 'Dragon Killing', and his physical strength and magic power are not weak. Several priests sent by Xiao Wang set up a large array to capture him to the Dragon Pool, but they were smashed by him halfway and escaped."

The skin of the king of Baishan moved slightly. He sneered and said, "So, what about them?"

King Zhangqiu said indifferently, "I have taken the 'rotten corpse soul elixir', the flesh and bones are turned into mud, and the soul is scattered."

The White Mountain King's face suddenly relaxed, and he said lightly, "It's good to die. Their family is so good to give a pension." Putting down the teacup in his hand, the king of Baishan sneered at Duobao's free Buddha and said, "I have taken great responsibility to protect the Buddha here. Let's do this matter. I won't take risks for an insignificant boy. If the Buddha can kill him, then kill him. If he can't kill him, the Buddha should go back quickly!"

Duobao Zizai Buddha stuffed the scroll into his sleeve, put his hands together and said in a low voice, "My Buddha is merciful. Since the prince helped the little monk sneak into Xiongyuan, how can he draw his hand so easily? The old guys in the Sitian Hall that the prince said have already left Xiongyuan. I don't know if it's true?

King Zhangqiu interrupted aside: "The former Sitian Hall left Sitian Gou Chen Guang died tragically. Your Majesty was furious. Many elders of the Sitian Hall and the heads of all departments and departments have been dispatched to search Pangu mainland to find the murderer. Now the Liangzhu City may pose a threat to you to the Buddha, and he has left the There are only those people in the secret hall.

Duobao's free Buddha smiled. He slowly stood up and whispered, "Are you from the secret hall? The little monk never worries about them. Unless the little monk wants to rush into the palace to assassinate the emperor, how can those people in the secret hall take action? How can he stop the little monk from killing Tan Lang?

Looking up at the sky, Duobao Zizai Buddha sneered and said, "Since the two princes can't capture Tan Lang to the Dragon Pool, the little monk can only kill him in person. Since he dared to kill the messenger sent by the little monk, I killed him in Liangzhu, which saved some people from thinking that my Buddhism really had to swallow everything!"

The King of Baishan and the King of Zhangqiu looked at each other quickly, and the two exchanged glances. King Zhangqiu stepped forward and said, "If the Buddha wants to kill someone, please kill him openly. It's better to leave a book to indicate the truth of Buddha's murder. By the way, Tan Lang is now the most powerful confidant of Ji'ao, the king of Dongfeng. It is said that Ji Wei has the intention to cultivate him to be the high priest of Tongtian!"

Duobao raised his eyebrows, Jie Jie sneered a few times, and shook his head with a gloomy face.

"How can this kind of person exist as the high priest of Tongtian who practices both physique?" Duobao Zizai Buddha sighed softly: "I can only invite him to go to reincarnation. If he is interested, there is still a lack of a Zhenshan Dharma King in the little monk and Buddha's country. The little monk sees that he and my Buddhism are very predestined.

Long Yangjun put his hands together and sang a Buddha's name to Duobao's free Buddha with a smile.

The King of Baishan looked at Long Yangjun, then looked at his son, King Zhangqiu, and snorted coldly.

King Zhangqiu smiled. He looked at Long Yangjun, and then at Duobao's free Buddha. He didn't pay attention to his father's expression.

Duobao smiled subtly on the Buddha's face. He took a casual step and disappeared from the bodhi tree.

Outside Liangzhu City, Shantou is supreme. Don't beg to accept the inquiries of a group of officials of the Criminal Hall of Yusi, who are gloomy and rigid like fossils. Dozens of officials of the Criminal Hall, who have been cultivated up to one yuan and above the seven-star realm of Pangutian, carefully searched for all kinds of useful clues near the collapsed mountain. Twelve officials gathered around Beggars and kept asking him why he came here, what happened, who he met, and how to do it at the scene. Topics like this.

Even if you don't beg to have the seal and documents of the Marquis of Donghaizhou as evidence to prove that he is a senior nobleman of Dayu, these officials of the Criminal Hall don't know what it is to do for personal gain. Regardless of the identity of Begging, they just regarded Begging as the most ordinary suspect and asked him all kinds of questions over and over again.

After nagging questions, don't beg for a quarter of an hour. Searching for those who have collected some melted corpse mucus, some crushed arrays and bone charms, and a few broken bone sticks and other items.

With the efforts of these well-trained officials of the Criminal Hall, they actually pieced together the fragments of the smashed array, and through reverse deduction, they actually found the direction where the array might pass on.

Prisoner Longtan, there is one of the most famous Jedi on the Bear Plain. In ancient times, there were evil dragons in the chaos of the original bear. At that time, Dayu was struggling from a heavy disaster of heaven and earth. The elites of the country lost more than 80%, and the remaining masters and strong men were also seriously injured, and they could no longer kill the evil dragon with strong cultivation. There was no choice but to use the power of the country to suppress the evil dragon in the prisoner dragon pool, and imprisoned the evil dragon with the help of the natural and dangerous prohibition of the prisoner dragon pool.

How did he know that there was a mistake for a moment? This evil dragon was suppressed, but he had great luck to control the dangerous prohibition system that breeds the heaven and earth in the prison dragon pool. Although the evil dragon can no longer get out of the Prison Dragon Pool, because he has mastered all kinds of prohibitions of Prison Dragon Pool, it has also become a famous fierce place in the Dingda. There are few people within a radius of thousands of miles, and even the figures at the level of the Heavenly Priest are too lazy to run there to provoke trouble.

If Don't beg is introduced into the Prison Dragon Pool, with his strength of the five-grade realm of golden immortals, he will definitely have a lifeless end.

The officials of the Criminal Hall have become serious, and they have become convinced that the big explosion outside Liangzhu City has nothing to do with begging. On the contrary, Don't beg is the victim. Some people want to send the newly released Donghaizhou marquis, who has been given extra favor from the emperor, to Prison Longtan with a small-scale moving array. This is murder, against the murder of the new nobles in Dayu. This kind of thing is a felony in Dayu, and it is a felony of quarreling and extermination.

Immediately, a signal was sent back to Liangzhu City, and more officials from the Criminal Hall rushed here and began to cross-exagate what the lives of those old people in the array were like. At the same time, more capable officers of the Xing Hall rushed here. They carefully searched for all the possible evidence around the peak. The degree of meticulousness made Beggars stunned. These people even found a few strands of hair left on the ground after the old man's bodies were melted.

Don't beg for someone to help him track down the murderer behind the scenes. He cooperated with the appearance of the old people in his memory, casually let a few pieces of dirt gushed out of the ground, and instantly turned into the lifelike statues of the old people. The people of the Si Xing Hall hurriedly uprooted several statues and sent them back to Liangzhu City. They wanted to trace the identity of the old people according to these statues. As long as they appeared in Liangzhu City, with the strength of the Si Xing Hall, they would be able to trace their identity.

After such a long interrogation, the officials of the Si Xing Hall have no extra questions about not begging. They solemnly warned him not to beg. Before this matter is found out, he'd better stay in Liangzhu City and not go out easily. After all, don't beg the Marquis of Donghaizhou. If there is an accident in Liangzhu, the whole Dayu will feel that his face is not bright.

Don't beg to respond. He was about to return to Liangzhu City under the escort of several officials of the Xing Temple. A white cloud in the sky suddenly gently rolled down to the top of the mountain. The clouds in the circle have a faint fragrance, with a trace of deep and straight soulful Sanskrit singing, which seems to be slow but extremely fast to wrap the whole mountain in it.

The officials of the Department of Criminal Hall fainted from the officers who had no cultivation at all to several practitioners who had reached one yuan of the ancient heaven and eight-star heaven. They snored gently and were swept in by the white clouds without any resistance and sent to an unknown place.

The white clouds covered all directions, and in the luck, Duobao, wearing a jade monk's robe and smiling face, slowly walked out.

As soon as he saw the solemn Duobao free Buddha in front of him, don't beg for a taunt to move his heart, and suddenly understood his identity: "Duobao is free Buddha?"

Don't beg to come to Pangu Continent, but you have offended several Buddhist people. But only Duobao is the Buddha who can find his identity as 'Tan Lang' and dare to sneak into Xiong Yuan to chase and kill himself. Don't beg to destroy the Mingli monk who killed his messenger, and also gave the head of the Mingli monk to Ji Ao as evidence and passed it to the Dayu court.

Don't beg to do anything casually, but let Dayu begin to make all kinds of arrangements for the small movements of Buddhism. Duobao can only be ghosts if the Buddha doesn't find trouble with him!

Duobao Zizai Buddha smiled slightly. He praised the Buddha and said, "Master Tan Lang, you have made my Buddhism suffer so much!"

With his right hand, a huge golden palm grabbed it with a thunderous Sanskrit singing.

A pig's head ticket with plaster code on the shoulder!

I'm too lazy to talk nonsense. Er, it's the end of the month. Everyone still has all kinds of votes to vote for the pig's head!

The cold is slightly better, but the rhinitis has always been accompanied by the pig's head. The otaku spends paper!

Anger, now the weather should be hot or cold. Every day when I get up early, there is a lot of blood in my nose. Alas, my nose is too fragile!

Ah, recommendation vote, let's vote more for the pig's head! RO