Steal the sky

Chapter 740 Farewell to Liangzhu

Chapter 704 Farewell to Liangzhu

The process of merging with the glout soul reminds Buqi of the ceremony of the fusion of the beast soul of the water snake that he saw in the depths of Mengshan when he and Yan Bugui first met.

In the slow ballads of the priests, in their deep spells, the glampant's soul flew out of his body with 90% of his cultivation, slowly and the innate chaotic soul of no begging merged with each other. When the glorious soul entered the innate chaotic soul of the begging, the beggar suddenly found that something was wrong. The begging soul was strange and very strange.

But without waiting for the glour to roar out the strange soul of Don't Beg, his soul has been integrated with the innate chaotic soul of Don't Beg. According to the rules of animal soul fusion, a trace of glmant's spirit entered the deepest part of the soul and fell into a deep sleep in the soul of not begging.

This silk spirit will only be awakened when the life of the beggars is exhausted, and the glman will regain control of his soul at that moment. At that time, because his soul merged with the soul of the begging soul, he was nourished by the soul of the begging soul, and became more complete and powerful. When the soul of the glaughter entered reincarnation, he would have a more wonderful new life.

But the innate chaotic soul of the don't beggar will not give the gluttony this opportunity. As soon as his trace of spirit has entered the core of the don't beggar soul, the chaotic aura has devoured all the gluttonous spirit of the gluttonous beast soul, which has always been known for greed

The secrets and instincts of the glourie family have been integrated into the body of Don't beggar.

90% of this glout's cultivation is gradually injected into the body of the beggar with the fusion of the beast soul and the begling soul. I have to say that the king of Yangshan is very attentive to his thirty-seventh son. He doesn't know how much it costs to come to this pure blood glman with excellent adult qualifications. This big guy's cultivation is much stronger than today's No Beg, and he has almost reached the peak of the four-grade golden fairy.

The huge power is rolling in the body of Begging. His soul strength and body strength are soaring, and his mana is also growing rapidly. The benefits brought by the fusion of the glourned beast's soul to Beg beg are unparalleled. Now his chaotic aura is full of an instinctive devouring force. Be beggar has slightly mobilized the power of the beast's soul, and a terrible suction power comes out of his body.

The loud sound of 'woo-hoo' came from the body of the begging body. The soul of the gluttonous beast suspended on the top of the begging head, raised the sky and opened its mouth to swallowed crazily. The body of the begging seemed to have become a huge aura of heaven and earth around the black and After the initial fusion of the soul of the glout beast, the speed of absorbing the aura of heaven and earth is ten times higher than that of his previous full power. With the continuous integration of him and the soul of the glout beast, his future absorption speed may be 100 times, a thousand times, or even 10,000 times that of today!

The glutton is famous for greed and tyranny in the legend. Many gluttons are because they have devoured too much food, resulting in their inability to digest the food in their bodies and being supported to death. With such a strong body and such a powerful digestive function of the mythical beast, it can't absorb the devoured food, which shows how fast the devouring speed of the glour.

Nowadays, there is no problem in the realm of Taoism. His biggest problem is the lack of mana. His Taoism has reached the peak of Jinxian, and the use and control of mana have also reached the highest limit of Jinxian. What hinders him from begging is that the speed of accumulating mana is too slow, but now he has a tower that can control the speed of time flow, and the soul of the glout beast that can strengthen the absorption of reiki. God seems to be helping him, and all problems have been solved.

The king of Yangshan beside him smiled and watched Buqi launch the beast soul power. He nodded to Ji Ao with a smile.

Ji Ao smiled. He took out a piece of bone charm and shook it casually. The bone charm turned into a thick thunder and roared at Don't beg. Bu Begging, who was sitting cross-legged, opened his eyes slightly. The soul of the gluttonous beast above his head opened its mouth and sucked. The thunder bombarded out by Ji Ao was swallowed into his mouth by the gluttonous. Without chewing, it turned into a grand heat flow into Begging's body and became

Ji's beast soul is good at singing. A roar can smash the world and tear the enemy's soul into pieces.

And the soul of the gloured beast that you can get can devour everything. Except for a very small number of innate dangerous and poisonous things in the world, there is basically nothing that glampious people dare not eat. As long as it is under the limit of the body, any physical and magic attacks will be swallowed up by glouring. With the chaotic aura in Don't Begging's body, the special begging has now become a complete monster.

Unless there is a powerful blow to beg not to kill, any attack will be swallowed up by the soul of the glmant beast and become the mana not to beg for yourself.

After closing your eyes and practicing for a full hour, don't beg to slowly put the soul of the gloured beast into the sea of knowledge. He has erased a trace of true spirit, and the soul of the beast has completely become a part of the innate chaotic soul. The benefits brought by the soul of the glout beast are too great. In just one hour of practice, it is almost better than the benefits of ten years of hard work outside the bear field.

Putting aside the merits and virtues of heaven and other means that are almost cheating, if Jin Xian wants to be promoted to the first level, not only to get a breakthrough in Taoism, but also to improve his mana cultivation accordingly. The mana of a product is often more than a hundred times different. Every time Jinxian improves the mana cultivation of a product, he often needs to measure the time of the robbery to absorb the aura of heaven and earth into his own mana.

Now don't beg to have a Tongtian tower that can control time, and a glaught beast soul that can increase his speed to absorb the aura of heaven and earth, his future cultivation speed will certainly advance rapidly, and it will be difficult for others to resist him.

Ninety-nine's cultivation is injected into the body, and the body and mana of Don't beg have instantly been raised to the level equivalent to the peak of the five-grade golden immortals. Feeling the strong body and the full mana in the body, don't beg to stand up contentedly and salute to the king of Yangshan, "Thank you for your success!"

The king of Yangshan nod his head and said with a smile, "The sword is given to the hero. This glouring beast soul is just the same as Tan Lang! In the future, Haosheng will assist Ji Ao!"

Don't beg to hold your fists, and once again bowed deeply to the King of Yangshan: "Tan Lang knows that he will definitely assist the King of Qifeng wholeheartedly in the future!" After getting so many benefits, Begging also felt that Ji Ao was his lucky star. He followed him on an expedition once and got so many benefits without taking any risk. In the future, I will try my best to support Ji Ao. If he is lucky enough, he will really sit on the throne one day...

When you think of this, don't beg, you can't help but be turbulent. The so-called water rises, don't beg in the Pangu mainland with a shallow foundation, and you can only borrow the power of others to help yourself.

The king of Yangshan laughed happily. He clapped his hands. A team in the corner of the hall was dressed in blood robes, and his face was also made of metal. The priests covered with his face came up quietly. They carefully surrounded by the gluffian, gently recited spells, and gluffered their huge bodies. When it is suspended, it gradually becomes smaller and smaller. When the glouter's body shrank to about three feet, they lifted the glouter's body and slowly walked into the hall.

Don't beg to know that according to the etiquette of Dayu's fusion of the beast's soul, the glampant's body will be preserved in the secret method. After the reincarnation of the glort's soul, if he gets a better creation than this world, such as getting a perfect qualification body such as the innate Taoist body, that this is all that; if the body he gets in the next life is not satisfactory, he can return to the Yangshan King and take back his body of his life.

Any beast soul has been compatible with the soul of the warrior of Dayu for so many years, and their souls will be strengthened and complemented from the origin. Even if they don't get better creation in the next life, they will have no choice but to take back to this life. Relying on a stronger and more perfect soul, they can only feel the speed It will be faster than this life.

The longevity of human warriors is limited, unless it is Ji Ao, a lucky person who has been rewarded by the merits of heaven to rob Yangshou, these mythical beasts spend tens of thousands of years to fight for a greater bright future, which is really a very cost-effective thing.

No matter how the Yangshan King deals with these hand-tail problems, after integrating the soul of the gloured beast, he became much closer to Ji Ao. Under the leadership of Ji Ao, Don't beg has traveled inside and outside Liangzhu City for half a month. This is the longest time that foreign ministers can stay in Liangzhu. Don't beg must leave Liangzhu. Ji Ao has the right to participate in the military affairs of the imperial reward. Now he has the privilege of living in Liangzhu for a long time. The king of Yangshan has helped Ji Ao set up a royal palace in Liangzhu City.

It's time to separate for the time being.

Don't beg to count the more than 10,000 trusted soldiers and horses he brought to Liangzhu in the military camp outside Liangzhu City, and prepared to return to Donghai Prefecture with Huang Yu and other trusted generals. This time, Huang Li and others have also been rewarded by the emperor. Although they have not been awarded the title, their military ranks have been promoted several degrees. The so-called one person has been promoted to heaven, and Huang Li and others have followed Don't beg for a few years. The benefits of this official position are great.

Feng Lingling took a group of people mixed with the army of Beggar and was ready to rush to Ji'ao's fiefdom.

Ji Ao is more than enough to lead the army to fight. When it comes to rectifying the internal affairs of the fief, it is a little dark. Originally, yù Luansheng was also a good player in administration, but Ji'ao and yù Luan's life and death were not good-tempered. Now yù Luansheng became the staff of his eldest brother Ji Dai, and Feng Lingling was sent to Ji'ao's command by the King of Yangshan.

According to Dayu's rules, after reporting to Dayu's military hall, he got the documents sent back by the military hall. Then Ji Ao spent a lot of money to help him buy a large number of powerful ordnance from the military hall to take him back to Donghaizhou.

Ji Aoyuan sent Don't beg for 30,000 miles, and didn't beg for leaving Liangzhu.

Those who left with Beggars were also those generals under Ji's command who were also awarded the title of marquis. Under the operation of the King of Yangshan, these people have obtained very good functions and have left Liangzhu today.

When you come to Liangzhu, Don't Beg is just a little man who is not famous.

When he left, he had left a deep imprint in the hearts of many people in Dayu. RA