Steal the sky

Chapter 743 Little Frustration

Ordinary Gengjin's qi evolved weapon attack? Don't beg, don't be afraid to cry.

The black nine-ming scattered ghost flame soared into the air, and the filthy ghost flame turned into nine black dragons with a cold air and twisted and wrapped around behind him. The countless weapons that flew in were hit by the black flames and immediately disintegrated and smashed, no more soaring atmosphere just now.

But the biggest threat is the atractylodes in front of you. The big man opened his big mouth and took a breath, and the qi of Gengjin within a thousand miles instantly turned into a torrent rushing into his big mouth. Bai Shu's body burst into a dazzling light, and the silver light carried countless thorns, and each thorn was extremely sharp. When Bai Shu rushed to Don't beg, these thorns tore the void and brought up countless extremely fine black marks.

Bai Shu punched the door like a meteor falling to the ground. A rapidly flashing silver light beats on Bai Shu's fist, which was as hot as a flame, emitting a dangerous smell of palpitations. Where the silver light passed, the void was torn open like a smash, and the fist was still a few feet away from the door of the begging, and the cold wind had cut a thin blood mark on the begging face.

Take a deep breath, don't beg to smile at Bai Shu's secret. A black light rushed out of the top of his head, and the Xuanyin Star Tower quickly expanded in the black light, changing from the size of the fist to several feet high. The silver starlight of the Taoist road hung down from the edge of the Xuanyin Star Tower, twisting and winding in the air like an aurora, causing a magnificent colorful glow.

Atractylodes can dispel all the aura of heaven and earth within a thousand miles, leaving only the unique aura of hardware essence, which has indeed had a great impact on begging. But Baishu can dispel all kinds of aura, and there is only one kind of power that is extremely difficult for him to expel. This is the power of the stars shining on the whole Pangu continent in the sky. Even in broad daylight, the power of the stars still exists and still fills the surroundings.

The Xuanyin Star Tower was covered with a thick layer of silver light, and it was visible to the naked eye that the silver torrent above the sky dived down into the Xuanyin Star Tower. Don't beg and point to the Xuanyin Star Tower with a smile, and the speed of time nearby suddenly became a hundred times faster.

The sudden increase in the time flow rate made Bai Shu lose control of his body. His figure was crooked, and he rubbed Begging his body awkwardly and bumped behind him. Don't beg behind him quietly appeared a virtual shadow of a three-headed wolf." He gently recited a spell, and the huge star power absorbed by the Xuanyin Star Tower injected into the body of the wolf, making the wolf quickly expand from the size of his fist to more than ten feet long.

Three sad wolf roars came. Don't beg to pat the wolf's neck and point to Bai Shu's body. The evil wolf silently brought a vicious wind and rushed to Bai Shupin. The three big mouths bit the weak ribs of Bai Shu's neck, hind heart and waist respectively.

Bai Shu struggled to rise up, and the powerful white light trembled, barely getting rid of the impact of part of the time growth on his body. He waved his right fist and smashed at the three evil wolves. At the same time, he sneered and said, "How can you hurt me with the small means of seconding the star power? If the stars of the heavenly court control the original power of the stars, I am still afraid of them. "What are you?" Before the words fell, Bai Shu let out a sad howl. When the three wolves were about to touch his body with Bai Shu's fists, his figure suddenly turned into a thick smoke and dissipated, and then re-condensed directly on Bai Shu's body. Bai Shu's neck, hind core and waist soft ribs were bitten at the same time, and a large area of silver-white blood sprayed out. The three wolves shook their neck crazily and tried their best to tear the wounds on Bai Shu's body.

A strange venom penetrated into Baishu's body" made the skin near his wound quickly turn purple and black. As a descendant of the white tiger, the holy beast of the four directions, Bai Shu's body is extremely strong, and there is very little poison in the world that can hurt his body. However, the poison in the three wolves [body] belongs to the poison derived from the innate star road that has never been seen in the world before. The ancestors of Baishu have never encountered this kind of poison. Naturally, he can't get rid of this poison.

The roar of the tiger rose to the sky, Bai Shu's body bounced hard, and a large amount of blood spilled like a rainstorm. He risked to be tore dozens of pounds of flesh and blood by the three evil wolves, and fiercely broke free from the big mouth of the three evil wolves. With three bloody wounds revealing bones, Bai Shu rushed back awkwardly. He strode to a woman who was slightly smaller than him and also had obvious white tiger characteristics. He said angrily, "Mom, find me an elixir for detoxification. It's so cruel and weird. He borrowed the original star power of the star?" Don't beg and smile. He didn't have the obligation to teach and solve the confusion.

The power of the stars controlled by the heavenly court has been extremely well-researched by the monks in the world, and even what weapons and likes to eat in those stars have been widely spread among monks. But don't beg to borrow the star power is not the star power of the star king that the public knows today, but the power of the new star origin of the Vientiane star core.

Even if you want to break your head, you will never expect that you can get a Vientiane star core, and you have evolved a congenital galaxy in your own mustard world, right?

With a few sneer, Don't beg to look at the dozens of men and women who rushed behind Bai Shu. He gently stroked the bodies of the three wolves beside him and shouted in a low voice, "Ao Bu-respect, be careful of yourself. How much you can take advantage of it depends on your ability!"

Among the men and women who rushed to kill, two couples were obviously descendants of the mythical beasts of the dragon dragon clan. They had dragon horns on their heads, faint dragon scales on their eyebrows and necks, and their whole bodies exuded a strong and pure dragon smell.

Ao Bujiun smiled strangely. He rose into the air, and his body quickly turned into a ten-foot-long dragon image, and an unusually strong dragon spirit was released.

The two men and women who rushed in were suddenly shocked. They looked at Ao Buzun and shouted harshly, "The ancient dragon clan?" Ao Buzun hadn't said anything yet, and the dragon python sisters couldn't wait to release the unique breath of the flying ice and fire dragon python. Well, the flying ice and fire dragon python was the natural enemy of all dragon clans in the flood. As soon as their fierce breath was released, the two couples screamed and almost instinctively turned around and fled.

Don't beg for a gentle hook of your fingers, and a few mysterious runes quickly formed at his fingertips. These runes come from the "Ancient Divine Book" inherited from the scriptures. They are a great representative of the great power in the ancient divine texts. They are broken, crushed, and offensive runes with the meaning. They have the powerful power to crush all existence in the world and destroy everything in the world. Don't beg and injected a trace of the original star power of a star representing one of the killing and death in the one thousand stars into these runes, and then injected all the huge star power rapidly absorbed in the Xuanyin Star Tower into these runes.

The rune, which was originally only the size of a thumb, suddenly expanded to the size of a basin, and the rune wrapped in black air but flashed with magnificent silver light shot out silently and quickly. Under the lock of the god of not begging, the flying rune hit the hearts of the two couples who turned

The sound of the dragon in pain rose to the sky, and the two couples were beaten to the three flavors of real fire mixed with the blood of their life, and the dragon blood like magma was full of fire. The black rune bombarded into their [body] with silver starlight. The two couples showed their original shape uncontrollably, but they were two green dragons and two white dragons.

The green dragon is poisonous, and the white dragon controls the water. These are all collateral bloodlines with low status in the dragon clan. Nowadays, the four dragons that are several miles long have generally cracked a huge gap on their backs. Their bodies were almost blown up by the begging runes, and a large area of golden blood is constantly spewing out of the wound. Through their wounds, you can see that their keel bones and tendons have been blown open.

"I'm really embarrassed to bully you dolls!" Ao Buzun roared crazily, "But bullying is the foundation of happiness! Well, these two little girls are not bad!" With chatty nonsense, Ao Buzun rushed to the four dragons that were forced to show their original shape with a dark shadow, and opened his mouth wide to devour them.

The heads of the two male dragons were bitten by Ao Buzun, and a large amount of black light spewed out of Ao Buzun's mouth, and the two huge dragon bodies were swallowed into his stomach by him. The two female dragons made a hoarse dragon chant. They twisted their bodies desperately and struggled, but they did not have much strength at all when they were severely damaged. Ao Bujiong stretched out his front paws with a strange smile, clasped their heads, and forced them to shrink their bodies and were pinched by Ao Buzun's hands.

"Alas, kill his husband and take his wife. When did the old car become so evil?" He smiled strangely. Ao Buzun [Xing] was so excited that the scales all over his body were shivering: "I, I have always been like this! Hey, how many years has it been since I did this old business? You two are not allowed to move. As long as you have slept with me once, you will never forget it in your life... Fuck!"

Two black ancient divine texts came, accurately hitting the foreheads of the two female dragons and smashing their heads.

Ao Buzun turned his head aggrievedly. Don't beg for cold eyes and shouted in a low voice, "I don't care about killing and arson. Don't do this kind of immoral thing!" You eat them. Why did you take them and do that kind of thing? Well, the Ming media is getting married, ** can't be plundered!" Ao Bujiong looked up to the sky in disappointment and roared. He lowered his voice and complained, "What is this? What is this? Tut, what two beautiful girls! Is the media getting married? Oh, man, who is stupid enough to marry the media? Is it so much fun?" With a long sigh, Ao Bujiun didn't feel guilty at all, and stuffed the two female dragons into his mouth and ate them.

Don't beg, you can't help grinning. Ao Buzun was definitely not a good thing before, but now he is more sure of this. Even the most ferocious evil would generally not devour his own kind, but Ao did not respect the four dragons to eat. No wonder this guy had been killed before, and he was cramped and made into a storage ring. This guy really deserves it!

Shaking his head, don't beg at dozens of men and women who looked a little ugly and sneered, "I don't know if you killed your son in the poison array! But are you looking for trouble for me? Damn it!" With a casual finger, 360 clusters of silver light [excited] shot out in the Xuanyin Star Tower, turning into a silver light the size of Li Xu and hanging high in the sky.

The strong power of the stars covered the surroundings, and the void suddenly turned into a silver ocean. Don't beg has quickly arranged a large array!