Steal the sky

Chapter 760 Ghost King Envoy

Chapter 760 Ghost King Special Envoy

Feeling the gradual changes in the bones in the body, don't beg for surprise and can't help laughing.

Golden Immortal cultivation, every move is enough to destroy the world. Don't beg to laugh. The roar is like thunder, and the sound waves are superimposed into terrible energy shocks sweeping all directions. The cave where he hid was near the foot of a mountain as high as thousands of miles. Now he laughs loudly, and the huge mountain above collapsed, and a huge mountain was shocked into countless rubble and scattered everywhere in an instant.

Laughter rolled in all directions, the nearby hills and mountains were uprooted, the thick rock layers were twisted and broken in the white sound waves, and the rock layers dozens of miles thick were scraped up. Rock layers hundreds of miles in size flew off the ground in the difficult and unpleasant sound. The twisted rock layers were shocked by sound waves and suddenly shattered into the air. Large and small rubble roared and shot around, bringing countless traces of white air waves in the air.

Don't beg for laughter. The other party's terrain within thousands of miles has caused a devastating change. With him as the core, a crater with a depth of more than 300 miles appeared out of thin air. The crater with a diameter of thousands of miles is as smooth as a mirror. Don't beg for laughter and the sound of the inner wall of

In particular, a river hundreds of miles away was also affected by the fish pond. The river was swept upside down by laughter and flew to the sky. Countless ferocious and ugly fish and water beasts in the river were blown up in the air, and all kinds of plasma stained the yellow river colorfully.

The laughter lasted for a full quarter of an hour before it stopped. When he couldn't stop laughing, he couldn't help looking around in distraught. He just smiled and caused such devastating consequences. Is this the strength of Jin Xian?

The rocks and sand of the ghost world are impregnated by ghost gas, and the strength is comparable to ordinary fairy artifacts. Even if the ordinary peak immortals run to the ghost world and exhaust his whole body's immortal power, he can only smash a big pit with a radius of hundreds of feet on the ground. Don't begging laughter can open a big pit with a diameter of thousands of miles on the ground. With his five-grade cultivation of golden immortals, this spread is really

Shaking his head, don't beg to pat Ao Buzun, who was shocked by his laughter on his head, and sighed in a low voice: "The power of the golden fairy is so powerful that you should be careful in the future! No wonder Dayu didn't allow those powerful immortals to enter the Pangu mainland. Well, if the golden fairy ran to the city and laughed loudly, wouldn't the whole city be killed cleanly?

Ao Buzun stuck out his tongue, and the saliva dripped on the begging hair. The aming was quickly absorbed by the begging hair, so that the begging hair became extremely shiny with a faint fragrance. Ao Bizun muttered in a low voice, "Isn't that the reason? In those years, I peeked at his daughter bathing in the Bai Emperor's palace, and a dragon sound killed thousands of guards, hehe.

Ao Bu Zun was here to brag about his glorious past, and a dark cloud of a hundred miles in the distant sky suddenly appeared out of thin air, with a loomy wind. The dark cloud rolled and flew towards Buqi. Don't beg for any eyesight. At a distance of more than a thousand miles, you can see two thin men in black robes and conical black hats on their heads, one holding black iron tokens and the other holding black iron chains standing on this dark cloud.

These two men are pale, and the wind is gloomy all over their bodies. From time to time, white phosphorus fire spewed out of their bodies and turned into Taoist ghosts behind them. Their eyes were full of green fire, which seemed to feel that the cold and piercing green fire shot out of their eyes for several feet long, so that they were full of miserable green all over their bodies, and the end was a yin atmosphere.

God carefully glanced at the two strangely dressed men, and I couldn't help but be shocked. These two men look thin as if they will be blown away by the wind, but the ghosts in their bodies are as vast as a sea of smoke. Their cultivation and realm are actually higher than that of not begging. At least don't beg can't see through their cultivation now.

However, the pressure of these two people not to beg is not as good as that of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance and Duobao Zizai Buddha, that is to say, they have not reached the realm of Taiyi, but two extremely powerful golden immortals.

This is the world of nine ghosts. Heaven and earth are full of strong ghosts and all kinds of evil spirits. The aura of heaven and earth that immortals can control and all kinds of five elements of vitality do not exist here at all. If ordinary immortals enter the ghost world, their cultivation will be suppressed to one, and the cultivation of ghost immortals or heavenly ghosts in the ghost world will become extremely strong. The immortal-level ghost immortals can exert the strength of the golden fairy level in the ghost world, and the peak golden immortals and the heavenly ghosts can compete with Taiyi in the ghost world.

So Don't beg's face has become extremely serious. His chaotic aura can also absorb the ghost qi of the outside world and all kinds of evil qi and turn it into his own use, but he does not have the means of ghost cultivation. After all, it is innately insufficient to fight with people in the ghost world. And the two powerful ghost fairies in front of them can also get the bonus of the ghost world. You don't need to be begging to know that it is difficult to be their opponents.

I just hope they are not here to make trouble for themselves, right?

Don't fly slowly into the sky, step on the dark clouds and float in mid-air. It has approached thousands of miles. For Jin Xian, the distance of thousands of miles is no different from that of ordinary people face to face. Don't beg, but you don't want to turn around and run away without asking the other party's intention.

The dark cloud soon flew to a place less than ten miles away, then slowly slowed down and finally approached Li Xu. The two men in black squinted at Don't beg. The dark clouds behind them rolled over, and dozens of extremely fast black shadows came out of the dark clouds and fog with a 'chittering sound', and looked at Don't begging one by one.

These two men in black are obviously ghosts and immortals cultivated by human beings, and the dozens of black shadows that come out from behind them are clearly powerful ghosts. Unlike the heavenly ghost tribe in the valley, the dozens of heavenly ghosts in front of them have extremely high cultivation, so their appearance has been transformed to the same as that of human beings, and their appearance looks roughly the same as that of human beings.

There is a row of dense and sharp bone thorns on the back of the ghost's head these days, and a shiny long tail with a row of bone spurs on the waist is wrapped as a belt. Don't beg, you really can't tell them from ordinary human beings. Compared with those ordinary heavenly ghosts who are completely monster-shaped, these heavenly ghosts have reached the realm of golden immortals, so they can recast their bodies. They have higher intelligence, which is no different from ordinary immortals.

Only the celestial ghosts who have reached the Golden Wonderland can control the greedy desire in nature. Even if they are the celestial ghost tribe in the valley that do not beg to subdue, they can barely maintain their intelligence in the ghost world. If they are allowed to go to the Pangu mainland, when they When it comes to the fragrance of the flesh and blood of human beings and other creatures, they will also be unable to control their instinctive killing and devouring.

Dozens of high-level heavenly ghosts stared at Don't beg. The man with a token among the two men in black suddenly asked, "Xianyou, have you ever seen a dark green dragon boat passing by? A few days ago, we felt that he appeared near here, but his breath quickly dissipated. I don't know if the fairy friend has seen him?

Don't beg beg for a moment. Are these two people with so many high-level heavenly ghosts just to find the ancient immortal who was subdued by Don't beg? Looking down at the huge crater caused by his own laughter, Don't beg for a smile and said, "Two fairy friends, it's a gift. The person mentioned by the two fairy friends has never been seen in poverty.

The two men in black looked at each other, and their eyes flashed for a while. It could be seen that they suddenly became much more decaden.

The man in black with the chain snorted coldly. He glanced at the huge crater on the ground and said coldly, "Since Xianyou didn't see him, forget it. Well, do you have the general documents issued by the thirteen ghost kings or 400 ghost saints in our ghost world? If there is, please show it to me!"

The general document issued by the Ghost King and the Ghost Saint? What the hell is that?

Don't beg to look at the two men in astonishment. The two men's faces suddenly changed, and the green light in their eyes suddenly spewed out more than ten feet long. The man holding the token shouted harshly, "Who are you? How did you sneak into my ghost world? We are the ghost king who sit down and patrol this ghost realm. We will report your origin quickly, otherwise it will be inevitable!"

With a smile, Don't beg suddenly retreated for dozens of miles. He said in a low voice, "Guys, I'm sorry, I really don't know how I got here. Well, the green dragon boat you mentioned? A few days ago, I saw it thousands of miles away. But the people on the dragon boat are so fierce that they dare not talk to him!"

With one direction, don't beg for a dry smile and say, "Go this way, about 7,000 miles. If you two rush over, you may still see the senior in a red robe!"

The two ghost king envoys are obviously a little at a loss. Don't beg for an unknown way. They must catch him and find out. But they must not let go of the dragon boat - their main responsibility is to find the dragon boat and capture the people on the dragon boat before they have fully gained their wisdom, which is also the main task entrusted to them by the Great Ghost King hundreds of years ago.

The ancient immortals on the dragon boat were mysterious. They were arrested several times with two special forces, and he escaped from him several times, which had aroused the dissatisfaction of their master. Therefore, don't beg to say that the dragon boat appears seven thousand miles away. You must rush to check it out. But what if you don't beg this person?

The two ghost fairies looked at each other and suddenly hissed, "Seven days ago, we only felt the breath of the man on the dragon boat, and it is impossible to find his trace when we rush there now. On the contrary, you are sneaky, or let us take you and take you back to work!"

The ghost fairy's wrist holding the chain shook, and the long chain suddenly decomposed into thousands of wrist-thick chain locks, covering the whole void with harsh shrills. A large net of huge iron chains covered the head, and the huge suction passed from the big net. Come on.

Dozens of high-level ghosts around them rushed into the dark clouds at the same time, and the shadows flashed around them. They were ready to attack at any time.

Don't beg for a strange smile. He shook his body and suddenly teleported thousands of miles away. RO