Steal the sky

Chapter 764 World of the Red Dust

Chapter 164 The World of the Red Dust

A very familiar star map appeared in front of him.

The seven stars of the Big Dipper, the six stars of Nandou, the gold, wood, water, fire, earth and the sun, all kinds of stars are all star maps that can be drawn by closing your eyes. He looked at the star map in a bruptly and suddenly found that something extraordinary was about to appear in front of him.

Prince Changqin looked at the star map in front of him and said faintly, "You can't walk from the ghost world, so take a detour from the world of the world of the world. Over the years, we have also arranged a lot of chess pieces in the world. Some of them have been destroyed, and some of them are safe and sound. You return to Pangu mainland from one of the channels, and no one can stop you.

Looking at Don't beggar with a smile, Changqin said in harmony, "You are a newcomer, and those ghost kings and ghost saints will not notice you. They will stare more at the old acquaintances under the command of Changqin. Your breath has not been touched by them. They can't lock your trace with the secret method, so if you turn to the world of the world of the world and return to Pangu, you are 90% sure of success.

Don't beg to look at Changqin and ask, "What is the world of the world of the world?"

Changqin frowned slightly, sighed with a little ugly face, and then shook his head and said something.

In the past, many ancient saints joined hands to create people, gathering the blood essence of countless mythical beasts, gods and birds to become the adult race. Therefore, the human race is born to be the spirit of all things. Adhering to the road of heaven and earth, it is integrated with the luck of heaven and earth, and is the natural owner of this

But the human race was born weak. At that time, those who ruled the Pangu continent were the ancient gods, those powerful mythical beasts and birds, and those strong and horizontal creatures born in Hongmeng. Human beings are the spirits of all things, human blood is a great nourishment, and human beliefs can help some powerful beings to unite the motogami for their practice.

Therefore, human beings are born, either captured and swallowed up, or fooled by captives, and their fate is unspeakable.

Then came the battle of the ancient gods that Buqi had already known. With great perseverance and perseverance, human ancestors led the weak human race to rise from the flooded Pangu Continent, gradually developed and strengthened, and expelled those powerful gods and creatures one by one. Among them, human beings who maintain the unity of the human race have practiced skills such as the true body formula of heaven and earth without begging, which is powerful but does not lose the foundation of the human race.

But one of the human beings, they learned from the secret magic power of the ancient gods and all kinds of creatures and realized the way of cultivation. They devoured the aura of heaven and earth, stole the opportunity of heaven and earth to nourish themselves, harmed the way of heaven and everything in the world and fattened themselves. If there is a meal to drink qi and cultivate the body outside, it will become an immortal way; if there is a person who does not tie bad internal relics, and does not sharpen the golden body outside, it will become Buddhism and Taoism; if there is a person who abandons the body and takes the yin qi from the soul to become an alien, it will become If you abandon what you don't want, you will become the side door of the devil and so on.

Whether it is immortality, Buddhist, ghost, demon or all kinds of side doors, it was collectively known as the Three Thousand Avenues in ancient times, which was separated from the vein of human beings. At the beginning, the hearts of these three thousand avenues were cherished by the human race. Even the human race fought to the death of the human race. I don't know how many wars have been destroyed, and finally killed, suppressed, suppressed and expelled those powerful gods and powerful creatures. The Pangu mainland was finally dominated by the human race.

At that time, not only the Pangu continent belongs to the human race, but also the billions of stars composed of countless fragments of the Pangu continent in the outer realm are also under the control of the human race. People, immortals, Buddhas and others coexist peacefully and jointly rule this extremely wonderful Zhoutian world.

But as time went by, the orthodox strong people of the human race gradually grew old and died with the passage of time, while those immortals, Buddhas, ghosts, demons, etc., they had an endless life span. They watched their former comrades-in-arms, former partners, and former clansmen die, and they finally found that The difference between myself and 'ordinary human'!

They are no longer 'ordinary', 'vulnerable', 'short-lived', 'small' human beings. They have become a brand-new race! Because of their endless life, they gradually gained the leadership of the human race. After the natural death of all the elders of the human race comparable to their generation, they became the leaders of the human race, and then they naturally thought that they should become the leaders of the human race.

What all the people of the human race can't face finally happened!

Those immortals and Buddhas who rule the human race, part of their skills come from the suppressed gods and creatures who have fallen or been expelled. They gradually find that the human race is not only the mother of their birth, but also the blood, soul and the power of faith of the human race have great divine effects on them.

Immortals can get all kinds of mysterious tripod furnaces from the people of the human race, such as the body of a plain girl, the body of a mysterious girl and so on. A little royal expedition can greatly enhance their cultivation. There is even the wonderful mysterious body, which can help the immortals break through the realm of the golden immortals or let

Ghost immortals are happy to find that they can devour human souls to enhance their own souls, and they can swallow human flesh and blood to enhance their cultivation. They can master more powerful forces by killing human beings. Negative emotions such as fear, worry and anger have become a powerful source of power for ghosts and immortals.

The immortals are also happy to find that the human body and soul are simply a big treasure house. They torture the human body with the most cruel means, kill the human soul, let the three souls and seven souls of human beings decompose, condense all kinds of demons from it, cultivate the boundless demon head split, and thus get the supreme magic power. There are also all kinds of cruel means of condensing the sea of blood and extracting the essence, which have become a necessary cultivation method of magic.

As for the Buddhas, they don't need to do anything with human souls and flesh and blood. Except for the very few Tantric Buddhist monks who need to control a good furnace tripod, other Buddhist cultivation only requires the huge power of believers to condense relic and refine their bodies. A Buddha cultivation with hundreds of millions of believers may achieve the fruit of arhat and Bodhisattva in a short time, and the Buddha's cultivation without the worship of believers must take countless reincarnations to achieve considerable cultivation.

For all immortals, Buddhas and other practitioners, the human race adheres to the road of heaven and earth, and the human race integrates the luck of heaven and earth, so the human race is protected by the heavenly way! That is to say, they can use the human race to get the power of the heavenly way from the human race. The effect of the power of merit is extremely mysterious and has endless wonderful uses, such as helping to resist the heart demon and the heavenly disaster, which is nothing more than the path.

Therefore, there are monks who raise human beings and use various means to get merits from human beings! For example, it is said that in a certain place, the people of the people are unable to make a living. A monk worked hard to send heavy rain with immortals to save all sentient beings, and naturally there is a power of merit!

The world of the world of the world is such a nourishment!

From the 108 most powerful ancient Buddhas in ancient times and 124 ancient Taiyi Daizun joined hands to use the bodies of 99,999 killed ancient gods and strong creatures as materials. These great energy consumption cost a lot of hard work to forge the world of the world of the world!

One sand, one world, one flower, one red dust.

The wonderful method of Buddhism and the magical power of Taoism are perfectly integrated, and the world of the world of the world, which raises human beings for self-interest, has taken shape.

Don't beg for the earth to be born is an integral part of the world. How many are there in the world of the world? This number is only known by those ancient power that created the world, but Prince Changqin has been peeping into the world of the world with the Kunlun mirror for so many years, and the world he found alone is as many as 860 million!

The world of eight hundred and forty million red dust, they all exist on the earth.

Those ancient great power, the space where the earth is located is compressed, broken, distorted and pieced together. In the small space where the earth is located, there is not only the earth that you are familiar with, but also 8,999,999 earths. They coexist in a void, orbiting around the same sun, being rotated by the same moon, and the carefully arranged stars shine on the 84 billion world at the same time!

But every human being in the world can't connect with other people in the world!

It's like a one-dimensional world, a two-dimensional world, and a three-dimensional world all the way to the world of eight hundred and forty million dimensions. The eight hundred and forty million earths are in the same position in the void, but the creatures above can never meet other people in the world!

They live, grow old, get sick and die, and they are sad and happy. In their myths and legends, there are plausible stories about the Pangu continent, the ancient gods and the origin of human beings. This is the memory left in the human blood, even if those who use the supreme secret method failed to deprive these memories. With these fragmentary memories, with these fragmentary memories of Pangu Continent, fragmentary memories of their ancestors struggling to survive in the world of the world, the reincarnation of generations, the ups and downs of generations.

Under the gaze of the gods and Buddhas, these human beings who have been stripped of the human body are living humbly!

Their history is created by those gods and Buddhas, their development is controlled by gods and Buddhas, and their rise and fall is determined by the random plans of gods and Buddhas!

Whenever human beings in a world develop to a period of high civilization, when the power they have is about to pose a threat to the gods and Buddhas, the gods and Buddhas do not hesitate to launch the 'catastrophe of extinction' to completely destroy this civilization, and then the human beings who have been beaten into the primitive society have to re-develop on the

On the earth where Don't beg, Atlantis is such a destroyed civilization. The legendary ancient Kunlun Kingdom is such a destroyed civilization, and even the ruins are still preserved. The Mayan civilization located in the South American jungle is nothing more than their priests who suddenly awakened the bloodline of the gods in their bloodline, suddenly With the strength to break the barrier of the world and discover the true thoughts of the world, he was mercilessly killed by the gods and Buddhas.

Don't beg to listen like sweat all over, and listen to him trembling all over his bones and keep making a crisp sound.

He shouted harshly, "How can they do this?"

860 million red dust world, this is only the red dust world that Changqin has discovered over the years. In fact, how many red dust worlds are there, and how many human beings have been played by them? How can they do this? They are also born of human beings. How can they be so cruel to their people of origin? How can those high-level immortals, Buddhas and other great power do this?

Prince Changqin looked at Don't beg gently. He whispered, "So, many years ago, we began to make some arrangements in the world of the world. The ancestor of King Yifeng, the lord you serve now, is one of the candidates responsible for the actual implementation of this plan. Until now, the king of Yangshan, today's king of Yaofeng, they are all our people!"

Don't beg to look at the prince's piano.

Prince Changqin's eyes were very warm, which dispelled the chill coming from the bottom of his heart. RO