Steal the sky

Chapter 768 Immortal Linfan

Chapter 748 Immortal Linfan (Fourth Update)

First, a white sword light was as smart as a snake, lightly sticking to the thin clouds and fog to greet Don't beg. A young Taoist in the sword light said in a long voice, "Do you dare to ask where the Taoist friend is coming? I don't know what's important for you to find Uncle Miaoyuan?"

Don't beg to look at the sword light that is coming, and a trace of blood flashes in your eyes.

Cigarettes are floating in front of Qingcheng Mountain, and countless believers are shuttling through the Taoist temple. Those true or false Taoists and monks are splashing all kinds of fragmentary decorations to pilgrims and tourists. What's more, rich people offer rich incense money in the hall, which is a school of prosperous peace. Scene.

But behind Qingcheng Mountain, the faint murderous intention echoes between heaven and earth, and the killing intention of beggaring has wrapped the whole Qingcheng back mountain densely. He squinted at more than a dozen swords rushing towards him and sighed in a low voice, "I'm here to kill people, not to make friends with you!" Miaoyuan Daojun, I found you!"

Shouted down casually, the blood sword turned into a large piece of blood and fell into a large piece of blood, and the blood turned into a large piece of light net to wrap more than a dozen white sword lights in it. With the intention of Don't begging, more than a dozen sword lights were smashed, and the Taoist in A large amount of blood sprayed out, and the souls of the Taoist people were torn to pieces by the blood sword.

"Miaoyuan Daojun, won't you come out to see me? Ha ha, do you actually have a fairy charm given by a fairy? The fairy charm that can trace back time, your life is so big!" Don't beg for a low smile. His laughter is not loud, but it easily spread all the caves and blessings in the back mountains of Qingcheng, all the Taoist temples hidden in the mountains, rocks and rivers, and the green trees and valleys.

The sound of the low bell sounded, and there were large clouds on the top of many peaks in the back mountain of Qingcheng, which turned into a cloud barrier and wrapped the whole back mountain in the blink of an eye. There are colorful Buddha lights and Ranxian lights on the cloud barrier. There are countless tourists on several cliffs in front of Qingcheng that exclaim in unison. They have taken out all kinds of cameras and other things to shoot this rare spectacle. They don't know the horror killing in this magnificent scene at all. They don't know the great crisis of the bloody sea of corps .

Don't beg to float in the air without moving at all, and let the mountain protection array in the back of Qingcheng roll himself in. The spiritual light kept flowing in the depths of the white clouds. Don't beg for the clouds around him to roll, and he was involved in the most lethal array of the mountain protection in the back of Qingcheng.

White clouds are wrapped around the mountains, and there are only a dozen peaks looming in the vast cloud sea. Each peak is full of Taoists in blue and monks in yellow and red robes. The number of Taoists in the back mountain of Qingcheng obviously accounts for the vast majority. Only one Taoist among more than ten Taoists is mixed. After all, Qingcheng is a Taoist resort, and the monks living in seclusion in the back mountain are also mainly Taoist monks.

The clouds all over the sky condensed into dozens of huge cloud flags around Begging. When the flag was rolled, there was great power to imprison the body of Begging, and a large area of spiritual light turned into countless flying swords around Begging. The cold edge of the flying sword made of these spiritual lights is sharp, and it is no different from the sword forged by hardware. In addition to the imprisoning flag and the murderous flying sword, there is also a large area of dark clouds on top of Don't beg, and there are faint thunder gathering in the dark clouds. At his feet, there was a large area of red clouds flying, and the hot fire rushed straight into the sky. There was a trace of poison in the red fire, which was a poisonous fire from the depths of the cave.

Don't beg to nod secretly, this big array is not bad. There are means of imprisonment, the killing of flying swords, and the thunder and earth fire to prevent people from escaping. If there is a powerful magic weapon to control the eyes, the immortals below the 30th grade do not need to get out of this array. Even if the middle grade immortals can break this array, it will take some effort.

It's just that in front of Begging, who is proficient in all kinds of arrays, this mountain protection array behind Qingcheng Mountain is really not enough.

The divine consciousness swept through the huge back mountain of Qingcheng, and the differentiated divine consciousness locked all the Taoists and monks in the mountain, and mastered all the monks who practiced in the secret cave of the cave. Don't be lazy to talk nonsense with these monks. The blood sword has turned into countless blood in the air.

Each piece of blood is several miles long, more than a hundred times thinner than hair. The blood jumps like flying like the wind, and the places where they pass, whether they are cloud flags, flying swords or even high mountains, they are easily torn apart. The monks who looked at the begging side from the top of the mountain were hoarmed. They sacrificed the take-off sword weapons one after another to meet the blood pressed by the head, but the blood sword is an innate spiritual weapon, which is extremely powerful. Where can they fight against these acquired magic weapons?

The flying sword is smashed, the magic weapon is smashed, and the bodies and souls of those monks and Taoist people are also smashed. These monks in the back mountain of Qingcheng only have only three or five magic weapons, which are the opponents of the blood centipe sword.

From the bleeding sword to all the monks around him were killed by him, it only took him a deep breath. The strongest cultivation of thousands of monks is the peak of Yuanying, and the weakest cultivation is just the first innate. They thought they could see a good show of defeating demons, but they didn't know that this 'demon' easily exceeded all of them.

The angry roar came from the waist of a mountain in the distance: "There is no Amitabha Buddha in the south, the evil is bold!"

Don't beg and laugh. He shouted in a low voice, "Nan Wu Amitabha? Which Buddha is this? Amitabha? Hey, is the Buddha Amitabha one of the incarnations of the world of the world? In the scolding, don't beg for a finger. Countless traces of blood merged into one and turned into a bloody centipede with several miles long and turned to the peak.

With a flash of blood, the peak was torn to pieces by the sharp blood centipede of its minions. The three red-robed old monks who had just turned into a Buddha's bare head relic flew up from the mountainside and howled miserably. Their bodies were swallowed by the blood centipede. The relic on the Their flesh and blood were strongly inhaled by the blood sword, leaving a little ashes falling.

The exclamation came from the far edge of the sky. In that direction, there were seven old Taoist robes in lavender robes and had long been locked by God's. Like the three old monks who flew out, these seven old Taoist are the cultivation of the realm of the motogami. In the world of the earth, which is specially used to raise human beings, the realm of the motogami is already the strongest cultivation that monks can have.

These monks who have been crossed into Taoism and Buddhism are all of excellent qualifications, or they were devout believers in their previous lives, so they have the blessing of stepping on the way of cultivation in this life. When they cultivate to the peak of the yuan god, they will usher in the first heavenly disaster of the immortals. Once they successfully overcome the heavenly disaster, they will leave the world of the world and fly to the heavenly court or the pure land of Buddhism.

This kind of soaring is the kind of 'soaring' that people in the world are familiar with. All the monks who have survived the heavenly disaster will be forcibly led to the heavenly court and the Buddha's land. From then on, they will become the immortal officials of the heavenly court and the guardians of the Buddha's. Those scattered cultivations in the outer realm still have a choice. They can choose whether to work for the heavenly court and Buddhism, but the monks in the world of the world do not even have the opportunity to choose. They must become the low-level existence driven by the heavenly court or Buddhism.

Don't beg for a cold snort, turn the blood cicada sword into a bloody rainbow and roar out with his fingers, stopping his waist and strangling the seven purple robes. The seven old men snorted coldly in unison. When they raised their hands, more than a dozen dazzling magic weapons flew up and greeted the blood sword one after another. These magic weapons are of good quality, 90% of which are of the quality of top-grade magic weapons, and there are actually three of them that are of the lower-grade spiritual weapons.

But the blood sword, which is a congenital spiritual weapon that surpasses the golden fairy weapon, is a congenital spiritual weapon that can compete with the Taiyi immortal weapon.

The blood light was gently twisted, and more than a dozen magic treasures were smashed. Don't beg for a move, the blood rainbow swirled around the seven old paths, and their bodies were twisted into two parts. The seven old men shouted in unison, their foreheads exploded one after another, and the bloody yuanshen was about to escape with secret methods.

But in the face of the golden fairy-level existence of the monks in the realm of the primordial realm, it is as if a paralyzed child wants to escape from the black hole, which is not possible at all. Don't beg to hold it casually. The void of the other side suddenly closed inward. Under the huge pressure, the old gods didn't even have time to let out a miserable howl, and had long been twisted into pieces by the collapsed space.

"Miaoyuan Daojun, why don't you come out to see me? When are you going to hide in that hole?

Don't beg for a soft cry turned into a thunderbolt in the ear of Miaoyuan Daojun, who was hiding under a mountain. The huge sound shocked Miaoyuan Daojun's seven orifices of blood and howling. At the same time, the peak above his head also exploded into countless rubble in all directions in a huge scolding, Xiadongfu.

Miaoyuan Daojun, who held his ears in his hands and howled, fell to the ground and twitched. Suddenly, a spiritual charm floated on his body, and the spiritual charm stained with Miaoyuan Daojun's blood burned in the wind. Ran Ran Qingyan turned into a jade shape and flew straight, disappearing into the sky in the blink of

Don't beg to make other reactions. There was a burst of lightning and thunder in the sky, and the colorful aurora suddenly appeared over Qingcheng Mountain.

The aurora that could only appear in the polar regions actually appeared over Qingcheng Mountain, and countless tourists from Qianshan shouted loud cheers here. The aurora was magnificent and changeable, and the colorful glow instantly enveloped the back mountain of Qingcheng.

A round of light that mortals can't see with the naked eye flashed in the aurora, and three immortals in dark purple Taoist robes rushed out of the light.

"Bold upright, how dare you break into the world of the world of the world to make waves, guard the immortal king has an order, you will definitely die today!"

The three cultivations were at the peak of the first-class immortals, and the golden fairy was just a step away from the hands of the immortals. The three red flying swords entangled by the flames turned into ten-year-long fire dragons and beheaded.

The low sound of the Buddha sounded, and the three arhats also strode out of another round of light. They shouted in a low voice, "Miaoying is the decree of the great Bodhisattva to cross the world. How long will the evil barrier be captured if you don't give up?"

The three arhats also turned into ten-mile-high vajra pagoda and smashed down at the head. The flying sword and the pagoda were shining, and the strong pressure swept in all directions. The peaks in the back of Qingcheng collapsed one after another. How can these mortal mountains stand the peak The breath of Han is devastating!

Don't beg for a smile. He stamped his feet gently, and an invisible force penetrated the ground, killing the howling Miaoyuan Daojun and all the monks in the back mountain of Qingcheng.

The three immortals and three arhats who came from outside the world of the world of the world were furious. They shook their weapons and tried their best to beg not to kill. RO