Steal the sky

Chapter 774 Starry Night Fighting

Chapter 174 Starry Night Fight (Fifth Update)

Under the starlight, Princess Kangle, wearing a black palace skirt and long hair, had a small face as white as transparent, and a thin layer of fluorescence enveloped her petite body, making her look like a ghost who specializes in harvesting souls at night. She stretched out her arms flatly, and her fingers changed all kinds of secrets. In the low spell, all the plague viruses in the whole state were concentrated in the state.

The night wind blew, and the blue torrent kept pouring into the state pastoral mansion, constantly concentrating into the secret room where Yu Miao and others were. The plague virus transformed by the divine power of the disaster is tricky and vicious. Wherever it passes, the houses quickly corrode and collapse, and the mountains and rocks are rapidly weathered into sand grains. Princess Po Le controlled these viruses to avoid the ordinary people along the way. The state capital of this big state has long been turned into a dead place.

A sad howling sounded from the state herdsman's house. The whole family of the Ye family turned into hollow human skin in the shrill cry. Their flesh and blood nourished a large number of plague viruses and turned into blue smoke to rush into the sky, and then turned around and rushed down to the state pastoral government.

The jade family hiding in the state herdsman's house also made painful groans. The virus is corroding their bodies and devouring their flesh and blood. They are much stronger than the Ye family, so their spirit is also particularly strong. If they have enough energy to swallow the plague virus, they can live longer. But the pain of the blood vessels gradually infected by the virus became particularly long. They howled and ran around the state herdsmen in pain.

The golden body of the disaster god condensed by Princess Le is not only to control the plague virus, but also the so-called disaster god, which is possible for any disaster!

A running jade family suddenly stepped into the air. A stone step under his feet broke, and his body lost its balance and fell into the oblique thorn. With a muffled sound, the unlucky temple hit the sharp angle of the stone steps. His head exploded like an egg, and his brain spewed out several feet away.

Another jade family member was holding his belly and moaning in pain. The roof above his head suddenly collapsed, and a huge stone of several feet roared down, smashing him flat and flat, like a pancake.

A grandson of Yumiao couldn't stand the severe pain in his body. He roared and recited spells with his hands, and asked the power of the worshipped ghosts and gods to turn into a raging fire to wrap himself. He wants to burn the plague virus that is constantly invading his body and eliminate the virus that is growing in his body. But the severe pain in his body suddenly intensified more than ten times, which was more than the limit of pain that normal people could bear.

His fingerprints loosened, and the newly formed spell suddenly burst and devoured. The flame spewed out of his seven orifices and soon burned him into a mass of ashes.

In addition, Yumiao's son, who was as fat as a toad, pulled his legs desperately into the sky, and he took out a bottle of detoxifying and life-saving elixir with both hands. He easily opened the bottle and took out two elixirs the size of pigeon eggs and stuffed them into his mouth. But the saliva in his mouth was sucked out by the plague virus, and the two elixirs could not turn into juice, but rolled into his throat. The two elixirs blocked his throat side by side and pinched his trachea.

A good person is stuck by two life-saving elixirs. This is really bad luck.

In just a cup of tea, Yumiao and more than a dozen old people died because of all kinds of strange things. It's like the god of plague is directly possessed on them. All kinds of ways to die are simply strange, so that Yu Miao and others who have witnessed all this can't believe how their people have such bad luck.

This is the divine power of the god of disaster. A person who is locked by the divine power of the god of disaster. His every move and deed will bring him the disaster of killing himself, and any external factors will become the inducement of the disaster. Unless there is a mutual restrained divine power to resist the god of disaster, the people who are locked by the power of the god of disaster will definitely suffer all kinds of strange torture, and they will never stop if they don't toss you to death.

There are a lot of divine powers in the world that can restrain disaster gods, but the way of ghosts and gods cultivated by Yu Miao has no corresponding spells, and they have amazing strength. Their cultivation is much higher than that of Princess Le, but they can't help Princess Le's disaster god golden body to harm their people wantonly.

With a loud bang, the ground suddenly cracked a big gap, and the two jade direct descendants danced into the gap and broke their necks. Seeing that he was missing two more words, Yumiao's eyes turned red with his angry roar, and suddenly turned into a yin wind and rushed straight to Princess Pule, who was suspended in the air. Princess Huanle's eyes, as bright as stars, narrowed slightly, and her two small hands gently pressed to Yumiao: "Disaster!"

An iron-billed thrush suddenly appeared in front of Yumiao, who was sprinting at full speed. This kind of bird flies very fast, and an iron-bill can break gold and break iron, and has good penetration of various forbidden spells. There is a kind of broken crossbow in the army, which is made of the long be

Yusha dared to swear with the soul of his eighteen generations of ancestors that there was no iron-billed thrush in the sky within a hundred miles just now, but with the soft shout of Princess Yule, the iron-billed stork appeared in front of him and was flying at full speed!

The one-foot-two-inch-long iron mouth accurately pierced into Yumiao's mouth, and the long mouth and neck of the muffled iron-billed thre penetrated from behind Yumiao's neck. Yu Miao's big teeth were smashed by the iron mouth, and the blood mixed with broken teeth flowed down and dyed the unlucky iron-billed thripper.

This is the terrible thing about the divine power of disaster. As long as you are determined by his divine power, all kinds of strange disasters will fall out of thin air and cannot be prevented in advance.

Yu Miao, who was so painful that she could not rush to Princess Piao Le. He hurriedly pulled the iron-billed bird out of his mouth. The hard and rough iron mouth rubbed against his wound, and the pain made his muscles tremble and sweat coldly.

As soon as the palm was turned over, a black flame pressed heavily on the transparent hole in his neck with a lot of evil spirit. In the burning sound of 'squeaky' skin and flesh, Yumiao burned his wound to flesh and blood, and temporarily protected the fatal injury with this cruel secret method.

However, before Yumiao cleaned up the injury, a colorful divine light rushed out of Princess Huanle's head. The golden body of the disaster god sat in the gorgeous shrine, and her eyes released two lines of extremely fine evil light to lock Yumiao's body. The god of disaster Jin slowly raised his finger and snorted slowly to Yu Miao. I saw a meteorite suddenly falling rapidly on the top of Yumiao's head. The meteorite with a diameter of 100 feet is composed of extremely dense hardware essence. A piece of hardware essence the size of a palm weighs tens of thousands of pounds. The weight of this meteorite with a diameter of 100 feet is really scary.

Yumiao felt the evil wind coming from above his head. He looked up blankly at the meteorite that hit his head. His pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a needle. He hissed and roared, "Damn!" Yu Miao had a kind of sadness and speechless pain for a moment. Why did such a large meteorite go straight to his forehead?

Just after being hit hard by the iron-billed trobbling, Yu Miao is so numb with pain at this moment. How can he have time to resist the bombardment of this meteorite?

Seeing that Yumiao was about to be smashed into a pool of shredded meat by meteorite, the hidden elder, who was wrapped around the blue sky and flew straight here angrily. There was a layer of cloudy fire on the surface of the body to resist the invasion of the blue plague virus. The hidden elder patted the void with his hands, and two large hands on the jade head appeared with the sound of thunder. He held the meteorite in one palm, removed the huge impact force of the meteorite and threw it aside at will.

The elder stared at Princess Po Le. He gritted his teeth and said, "Ancient Shinto? Hey, you girl actually awakened the blood of the ancient god? You are the golden body of the god of disaster, aren't you? No wonder the old man was killed and injured so badly! Girl, you are so cruel!"

Princess Le curled her little mouth and sneered proudly, "Don't be old and immortal. Don't talk nonsense. If you hadn't calculated the territory of Mr. Zixuan, let's see how can Zixuan have time to toss with you? I'm too lazy to talk to you. In a word, all the people of your Zhongzhou Yu family will die today!"

With a seal in both hands, Princess Kangle recited a spell in a low voice.

The hidden elder's body suddenly had continuous explosions, and fist-sized blood pits kept appearing. The hidden elder was blown up to flesh and blood. A great power spell that had just ready to go out suddenly got out of control and devoured. A circle of ghosts spewed out of his palm and attached to him and nibbled The shriveled body shrank quickly, and the blood was quickly sucked away by those fierce ghosts.

Yumiao let out a sharp roar: "It's simply presumptuous. As a delicate woman, do you dare to destroy my Yu family? The elders joined hands to kill this witch, and we can't let her continue to rage.

Yu Miao's cry still echoed in the air, and more than a dozen jade parents, who were also exploding, had already turned into a strong wind and rushed to Princess Pule.

The plague virus was transformed into small bombs in their bodies and kept exploding. These elders' bodies were not as strong as the soldiers of Dayu. Their fragile bodies could not resist the salty force of the explosion at all, and they were almost completely smashed in just a few breaths.

With the shouting of Yu Miao. These elders gritted their teeth and suppressed the severe pain all over their bodies, and at the same time recited mantras to summon the ghosts and gods they worshipped.

Concentrate all your strength and quickly kill Princess Po Le, which is the only idea of these elders of the jade family at this moment.

Princess Le snorted coldly and waved her little hand gently. More than a dozen generals sent by Ji Ao shouted loudly. Except for leaving two generals guard beside Princess Le, the other generals rushed to the bloody jade parents all over their bodies.

A spiritual light suddenly flashed in the distant sky, and more than a dozen large flying boats were flying towards this side like lightning.

Yujiong came with a team of the Yu family, and now that he had tore his face with Yu Miao. Then we must kill Yu Miao, so that he can no longer have a chance to make trouble.

This is Yujiong's opportunity to completely master the Zhongzhou Yu family. How can he let it go easily?

Surrounded by three parties, Yu Miao and his party have fallen into a desperate situation.