Steal the sky

Chapter 786 Rectifying the East China Sea

Don't beg for a sword to kill King Zhangqiu. Liu Bang, who has been away for hundreds of millions of miles, suddenly snorted coldly. He rolled up his sleeves. On a string of red jade beads on his left wrist, one of the twelve jade beads had been blown to pieces, and the jade powder was sliding down Liu Bang's

Zhang Liang, who followed Liu Bang, frowned. He sneered in a low voice and said, "Is King Zhangqiu dead? A lot of obedient chess pieces!" Liu Bang patted his wrist indifferently and said lightly, "It's just a chess piece. There is not much more than one, and one less than him. He died just in time. When he died, no one competed with that person for inheritance. He had to listen to us obediently." With a sigh, Liu Bang squinted his eyes and muttered in a low voice, "There are several side concubines born very well in King Zhangqiu. I wanted to hook up with them earlier, but it was not . Well, according to Dayu's rules, these side concubines can be remarried. "I, Tianhuang, noble, it's uplifting them to marry me as a concubine!" Zhang Liang smiled indifferently, just like Liu Bang. They didn't care about the death of King Zhangqiu like a dog. They never lack people who can be used by them, and King Zhangqiu is just one of the people they can use, not even the most important.

His fingers stroked the remaining eleven red jade beads on the string of jade beads. Liu Bang smiled faintly and shook his head gently. The Hunyuan sky-covering flag let out a sad roar, which suddenly turned into a shadow to tear the void. The group of people almost ran away for a trillion miles in an instant and flew straight to the direction of Liangzhu.

The destructive power generated by the self-explosion of the fire gourd was gradually absorbed by the Pangu Continent, and even the huge bottomless pit made by Gong Gong Huang was gradually recovering. With the naked eye, it can be seen that the ground of Pangu Continent is gradually moving, and the damage caused by Gong Gong Gong Huang and Yu Yan

Don't beg to put away the Xuanyuan Zhu magic sword array, and the blue Kunwu swords flew into his acupuncture points one after another to be nourished by his blood. At the same time, he kept swallowing the rich Pangu purple gas feedback from the outside world. Don't beg. The Xuanyin Star Tower spewed out Yuxiu, Huang very and others, and the huge jade armor Xuangui flying boat also spewed out. Huang and others seemed to have had a nightmare. They were still in the ghost world when they were in a coma. When they woke up, Begging had taken them back to the Pangu continent. There was a cold light flashing in the distance, and groups of flying boats came this way like crazy. Just now, a confidant of King Zhangqiu blocked the border, making it impossible to detect the movement here near Dazhou. But now that King Zhangqiu is dead, all the confidant generals around him have been killed. The generals under his command are running away in confusion. There is such a big noise here, and elite people from far and counties have been sent to investigate.

Don't beg for distress and grabbed the forehead. A good six-pin Jiazhou, the state Muye family was killed. Hundreds of cities disappeared out of thin air, and the place was rushed out of such a big bottomless deep pit, coupled with the self-detonation of the fire gourd, which is too troublesome.

Yu, Hugh is right. He pushed all the blame on Yu's head. Don't beg too lazy to shout with those Dayu officers and soldiers who came here, and hurriedly drove up the Xuanyin Star Tower to break through the void." He took Princess Bule and Huang very and others to break through the sky in the direction of Donghaizhou. Yuxiu stayed in place to explain to these officials of Dayu, and by the way, he drew the black pot on Yu's head darker and tighter.

The only surprise to Bu Beg was that when the fire gourd blew himself up, he did not find the whereabouts of Long Yangjun. Has he escaped smoothly? Is it possible? But Don't beg. At that time, he was busy dealing with King Zhangqiu, and he didn't care to monitor Long Yangjun, and he couldn't figure out how he escaped. Don't beg, I suddenly had some unpredictable and profound feelings about Long Yangjun, and secretly decided that I must give him more attention.

On the way, Don't beg to send back the soldiers sent by Ji Ao and ask them to go back and report what happened here to Ji Ao. In order to thank these soldiers for their hard work following Princess Po Le these days, Don't beg has given them a lot of benefits. Naturally, he gave a lot of gold, money and so on, and he also gave them a lot of ghost specialties from the ghost world.

These soldiers sent by Ji Ao were full of beggars, and they naturally returned to Liang happily one by one*. In particular, Don't beg to kill the king of Zhangqiu, which is a great good news for Ji Ao today. They will report the news, and Ji Ao will not be stingy with the reward. Since Ji Ao was crowned king, the king of Zhangqiu and Ji Ao are basically sworn enemy. I don't know how many times they have clashed in the open and dark. Ji Ao will definitely be very happy about the life and death of King Zhangqiu.

Break the void with the Xuanyin Star Tower, which is the magic power of the high priests on the Pangu mainland. Don't beg, don't hesitate to spend mana, and constantly stimulate the broken air array in the Xuanyin Star Tower to run forward. It happens that Princess Po Le is by his side. Princess Po Le can gather the energy of heaven and earth to replenish the consumption of Don't begging, so he can keep moving forward continuously. However, in just a few hours, when the eastern sunrise rose and the people of Donghaizhou began to go out to work, the group of people returned to Donghaizhou, which was very different from before. Don't beg to give Huang a great reward to others." Then let them return to their respective camps to rest and have fun. He and Princess Pule came to the newly built state pastoral house to gather the people around Don't begging.

Today's Donghai Prefecture is very different from that day's Yuge to Donghai County, which is not begging. Although Donghai County was huge in size at that time, it was only 30% of the land of a state, and its population was only a small million. After years of hard operation, Otter Peak Wang Ji'ao deliberately encircled, Donghaizhou divided a large amount of uninhabited land from several neighboring states, but the land of one state is comparable to the size of the four or five neighboring states combined.

Don't be begged to be awarded the title of Sanpinzhou by Haozun Emperor, and Donghai Prefecture was designated as Sanpin Dazhou by Dayu. Sanpin Dazhou has strict regulations on the population, so don't beg to go out these days. Dayu officials began to immigrate to Donghai Prefecture from the 300 major states under the rule of Zhongzhou at the same time.

In the 300 major states, those two-grade and three-grade prefectures have given one billion to the population of Don't begging, and those of eight-grade and nine-grade prefectures have given the population of eight-grade and nine-grade prefectures have given three or five million people who don't begging. Together, the Donghai

Hundreds of billions of people can't fill the vast Donghai Prefecture, and all the people actually live on the peninsula that extends tens of thousands of miles into the sea, where Donghai City is located. Princess Po Le is busy looking for Yu Xun's bad luck these days. She ignores all the daily affairs of Donghai Prefecture. Fortunately, there is Lu Chengfeng, a hard-working administrator. He works hard day and night to take care of the daily affairs of Donghai Prefecture.

At this moment, Donghai Prefecture is divided into a thousand counties by Lu Chengfeng. Each county has nearly a thousand large and small cities, and the division of villages and towns is in an orderly manner. After all, new cities are completely built from a blank and wild place, so the planning of all cities and villages is as neat as a chessboard, in the most convenient way to manage.

The county guards and daily administrative officials of a thousand counties are all the children of the Dayan clan and the family selected by Lu Chengfeng. Leaving aside Lu Chengfeng, Princess Bule's generation in the Dayan clan is extremely high. The children of these clans are the gray grandson of Princess Bule, and Princess Bule is in charge. There is no doubt about the loyalty of these clan's children. And those children of the family are all the wandys that Lu Chengfeng made friends with in those years. They have a deep friendship with Lu Chengfeng, and they are easy to use.

These people don't know anything about not begging, and they don't have any feelings for not begging, and they don't have the slightest loyalty to begging. But don't beg and don't care. He just needs them to manage the affairs on his territory, and he ignores everything else. Lu Chengfeng is his brother, and Princess Le is his lover, as long as these people are loyal to Lu Chengfeng and Princess Bile!

As for other things that are plotting to seize the foundation, don't beg and don't worry at all!

The military power of Donghaizhou is in the hands of Begging, and the strongest combat effectiveness is controlled by Begging. He himself is the most powerful existence in Donghaizhou. As long as he holds the barrel of the gun tightly, will he be afraid that people will take his foundation?

It's nothing more than hundreds of billions of mortals. A magic immortal who is cultivated as a first-class immortal. He sacrificed a top-level magic weapon and slaughtered more than 100 billion mortals. In the view of such a strong man, mortals are mortals, just a numerical concept. As for mortals can threaten such people as Beg Jokes.

With the method of relieving the curse of the black forbidden god, the backer behind him is the prince of Dayu, and now he has a relationship with the holy emperor of the human race! With such a tough background, why should he be afraid that he can't control Donghai County?

In the state pastoral government, Don't beg gathered important figures under the command of Lu Chengfeng, the Holy Spirit King, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, the clam, the ancestor of Jiang Yun, and the elders of the Long Bo Kingdom, and carefully discussed the future development direction of Donghai Prefecture with them.

According to the highest instructions of not begging, in the future, Donghaizhou only needs to focus on two things: First, have more children, whether it is the demons in the East China Sea, the demons who steal the sky and change the day, the ordinary people in the East China Sea and the people of Longbo, they all have to work hard to have Don't beg will come up with a generous reward clause to reward families who have more than three babies. The more you give birth, the more rewards.

Second, accumulate more troops. Whether it is the navy in the East China Sea, the monks who steal the sky for the day gate, the immortals under the door of Jiang Yun's ancestor and Qingxin Laodao, or other forces in the land that should work hard. How can we hang out on the Pangu continent without a strong army? In particular, Don't beg learned the Xuanyuan magic sword array. This sword array is inclusive of everything. No matter how many troops can enter the array to enhance the power of the array.

After soliciting everyone's opinions, Don't beg to divide the responsibilities of the people under your command.

And this time, the responsibilities are divided. In the future, after Begging for a high position that everyone can't imagine today, the people around him still bear the same power and responsibility as today. It's just that at that time, the unknown people who are still registered in the Pangu mainland today were already famous.