Steal the sky

Chapter 790 Close to the door

Liu Bang bid farewell to the White Mountain King with wine, beauty, dozens of boxes of gold, silver, jewelry and precious toys, and returned to the Changle Palace he built with full interest. His mood was originally excellent, but when he suddenly saw someone standing in front of the Changle Palace, Liu Bang's face suddenly became extremely ugly, as if a beautiful girl went out in the expensive boots she had just bought, but stepped into a pile of shit.

The whole day's interest suddenly collapsed, and Liu Bang almost jumped up and scolded his mother.

Especially when he saw that a fragrant forest a hundred feet away from the gate of Changle Palace had been cut down, and a large group of craftsmen from the craftsmen' workshops under the Yu Palace were jingling to build houses, Liu Bang even had the intention of pulling out a knife to stab people.

That is, when Liu Bang had fun with the Baishan King in the White Mountain Palace and made some secret transactions by the way, he did not beg to ride Ao Buzun and took a total of four dragon pythons, the Golden Horn and Silver Horn Brothers and the Jinyu and Silver Feather Sisters into Liangzhu City. With the jade card given by Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, don't beg for the emperor to enter the Dayu Palace and meet the Emperor Haozun at the first time.

It is still the hall of ancient and simple vicissitudes, and Emperor Haozun is still dressed up. He sat on the throne, and the purple stars swarmed down from the top of the hall and constantly injected into his body. The breath of Emperor Haozun rolled like a bottomless abyss, and the whole hall and even the whole Dayu Palace were shrouded in his breath.

is different from the ceremony when Don't beg to be awarded the title of the Marquis of Donghaizhou on that day. At that time, in front of the Wenwuzhong of the Manchu Dynasty, the breath of Emperor Haozun was extremely restrained, which seemed to be harmless to human animals.

But today, just don't beg one person to go into the palace to see him, and Emperor Hao Zun opened his breath. It is as unfathomable as the bottomless abyss, as powerful as the scorching sun. Emperor Haozun sat on the throne, exuding a strong breath all over his body that he dared not face. He really appeared in front of Don't begging like a sun.

Don't beg to salute Emperor Haozun respectfully and show the jade card given by the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan to Emperor Haozun.

Emperor Haozun nodded slightly and said in a low voice, "The Holy Emperor has sent a special envoy to tell me about this matter. I know the purpose of your trip. Although you do it wholeheartedly, no one can hinder your action in Xiongyuan.

For a moment, Haozun said indifferently, "The Liu Gang, the king of Han, is the reincarnation of the son of the Emperor of Heaven. He has a special identity. Now he is also an angel of the Heavenly Emperor of Heaven, who is responsible for coordinating the affairs between the Heavenly Court and me. You can't hurt him."

Don't beg to take the order, and then put forward a few of your own requirements to Emperor Haozun. Emperor Haozun did not hesitate to agree to the request of No Begging. Immediately, thousands of specially made jade cards representing the inner ministers of the Dayu court were handed over to the hands of No Begging. He also sent the craftsmen directly under the Dayu Palace to the gate of the Changle Palace of Liu Bang, the king of Han, outside Liangzhu City to

Hao Zunhuang issued an inexplicable will - he heard that Hou Tanlang of the East China Sea was proficient in rice hybridization technology, so he specially ordered Tan Lang to enter Liangzhu to teach secret skills to Sinong Hall to improve Dayu's grain production.

This is a will to make all the important ministers of Yu Wenwu who hear the details be confused. Hybrid rice? What the hell is this? Dayu Si Nong Hall is only responsible for supervising the people of Dayu to sow and harvest on time, and is responsible for the management of granaries in Dayu. When did Sinong Hall also play the method of technical improvement?

The land of Pangu Continent is fertile, and the endless aura makes the land here fertile for years. As long as the ordinary people of Dayu are willing to spend time and throw all kinds of crops and seeds into the fields at will, it will be a bumper harvest in a month or two. Overall, Dayu's grain production is extremely surplus. It is completely meaningless to play with hybrid rice to increase grain production.

But Emperor Hao Zun ordered like this, so if there are any questions about the literature and martial arts of the Manchu Dynasty, they can only be kept in his heart. Anyway, with this will, don't beg to live in Liangzhu. Although he is a foreign minister and is not qualified to live in Xiongyuan for a long time according to Dayu's rules, since Emperor Haozun specifically asked him to teach the skills of hybrid rice to Sinong Hall, he could live in Liangzhu before the officials in Sinong Hall learned the skills of hybrid rice.

As for when the officials of Sinong Hall can learn the skills of hybrid rice, Emperor Haozun doesn't know, and the literature and martial arts of the Manchu Dynasty don't know, and he can't even figure out the exact answer to this question. Because don't beg doesn't beg, he only knows the term hybrid rice at But since it's just an excuse, don't beg to provide Emperor Hao with such an excuse that is enough to make everyone in the world vomit blood. Farewell to Hao Zunhuang, Don't beg took thousands of craftsmen out of the Dayu Palace and came to the beautiful Baisha Bay outside Liangzhu City with great interest.

Liu Bang was not happy with the residence of the last angel in Liangzhu, so after he became the angel of the heavenly court in Dayu, he immediately chose the beautiful place of Baisha Bay to build a Changle Palace for himself. He has a wide range of beautiful fairies and nuns in the palace, and tens of thousands of maids are allowed to enjoy it. Every day, the wine and meat are singing and dancing in the Changle Palace. This seems to be a place of luxury and enjoyment of Xiongyuan.

Because there are often fairies and nuns with exposed clothes near the Changle Palace, Emperor Haozun even issued a secret order. The young children of the rich families of all Liangzhu families are strictly forbidden to approach the Changle Palace within a hundred miles.

Compared with the conservative, closed and old-fashioned Liangzhu City, Changle Palace is like a naked woman suddenly inserted in a group of Buddhist monks who have been closed for a hundred years, which is so abrupt and out of place.

Baisha Bay is a river bay washed out by a tributary of a big river outside Liangzhu City. The bay with a radius of hundreds of miles is full of white thumb-sized best jade. The round jade reflects the sun, which is a rare wonder outside Liangzhu City. The vicinity of Baishawan is full of fragrant wood forests held by more than a dozen people. This kind of fragrant wood forest is also a rare strange tree. It is born with a faint longu fragrance, which can best dispel mosquitoes and all kinds of poisons.

Liu Bang chose Baishawan to build the Changle Palace, which took a lot of effort. Every day, I sit on the high-rise building of Changle Palace, and the breeze is refreshing. At a glance, the vast white jade beach and the emerald fragrant forest complement each other. The faint fragrance of the fragrant forest is wrapped around, and countless beautiful women entertain the eyes and ears. It is really a first-class enjoyment in the world. All the palaces and pavilions of Changle Palace are made of fragrant wood from the fragrant wood forest. If people have lived in this pavilion for a long time, they will be stained with a trace of elegant and meaningful fragrance, which can wake up the mind, and the beauty of it is difficult to tell.

Don't beg to go straight to Changle Palace with thousands of craftsmen. Regardless of three or twenty-one, he directly ordered the thousands of mu of fragrant trees in front of the main gate of the Changle Palace to be cut down and level a large area of open space. Then the craftsmen used the cut giant fragrant wood as the material on the spot, dug a deep trench around the open space, and planted a triple high fence.

These craftsmen in the craftsman's workshop directly under the Dayu Palace are all well-cultivated. They are not only skilled in building all kinds of buildings, but also at least have the strength to cultivate immortals. You should know that Dayu's construction of all kinds of palaces is made of giant stones. Without a handful of strength, how can these craftsmen move those huge stones that often weigh millions of pounds?

With such strength, the speed of these masters to build the Marquis of Donghaizhou is simply incredible.

The trenches ten feet wide and ten feet deep, and ten miles wide only cost these generals a cup of tea.

Three times inside and outside, the fence, which is a hundred feet high, is properly arranged in only a quarter of an hour. Then they temporarily left the various buildings of the mansion, and now five three-mile-high sentry buildings have been built in the middle and four corners of the mansion!

The base is thirty-six feet long and three miles high. Looking around from such a high sentry, everyone's every move in Changle Palace is clearly visible. Even if Liu Bang changed from this fairy's room to another nun's room in the middle of the night, he only needs to send a few priests who have practiced all kinds of eyes You can see it clearly from the sentry tower.

In fact, with the strength of the people around Liu Bang, all kinds of prohibitions can cover the Changle Palace tightly. But you can't stand this heart! Who is in a good mood to be in a place less than a hundred feet away from the door of the house, five sentry buildings three miles high? Don't beg that the sentry buildings built by these masters are really ridiculously high. The three-mile-high sentry buildings, since the founding of Pangu, whether people, immortals, demons, demons, ghosts and monsters have fought so many battles, such a demon-like thing has never appeared in countless disasters in heaven and earth.

The five sentries were stunned at the door of Changle Palace, and the five sentries up to three miles were so high. Even the great craftsmen who built these sentries were grinning and laughing secretly. This Donghaizhou Marquis deliberately added a block to Liu Bang, right?

Liu Bang returned to Changle Palace with beautiful women, wine, gold, silver and jewelry. He saw Don't beg standing in front of the Changle Palace, grinning at him. Don't beg, there is a half-foot-long Ao Bu-respect on his head. His tail is shaking and shaken like a skin snake. He is lying on his head with golden horns and golden feathers on his left shoulder, and silver horns and silver feathers on his right shoulder. The two pairs of dragon pythons are tightly hooked together I'm in the letter.

Liu Bang rubbed his eyes and looked at Don't beg for a while, and then turned his head to look at the five sentries in front of his door, and his white face suddenly turned dark. He threw away a red pearl the size of a Qin head that he was playing with. He jumped up three feet high and pointed to Buqi and roared, "Marquis of Donghaizhou, what the hell are you doing in front of my door? Your mother, is there such a high sentry building?

Don't beg for a smile and take out the special order of Emperor Hao from his sleeve and throw it to Liu Bang. He smiled and said to Liu Bang, "King of Han, Xiaohou will be your neighbor in the future. Please take care of me! Well, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. It's fate that you and I live so close! We must walk around more in the future.

Liu Bang grabbed Hao Zunhuang's special order and looked at it for a long time. He looked back at Zhang Liang, Han Xin, Xiao He and Fan behind him and asked, "Hybrid rice? What the hell is this? Er, has Dayu been short of food and fodder recently? Doesn't Dayu have countless grains and grasses burned as firewood every year? What else do you do to increase grain production?

Zhang Liang, Han Xin, Xiao He and Fan looked at Liu Bang blankly, and then turned their heads to look at Don't beg.

Don't beg to laugh so brightly, laugh so enthusiastic that Zhang Liang's heart is cold.