Steal the sky

Chapter 810 A Hundred Years in a Moment

Chapter 810 Instant Hundred Years (First Update)

It is still a month and a half before Don't beg to participate in the big festival of Lao Shizi. In other words, Don't beg is the fastest time to control now. He has 3,000 months to retreat and practice. Three thousand months, two hundred and fifty years!

Don't beg to suddenly understand why once Dayu needs it, he can cultivate a large number of powerful soldiers and priests in a short time. If it hadn't been for the life expectancy of the human race, which would have limited this crazy acceleration of time, I'm afraid that Dayu can really walk all over the ground, and the golden fairy is not as good as a dog, and restore the spectacular scene of the ancient flood and wilderness.

Human skills are easy to achieve quickly. In addition, the Tongtian Tower increases the time flow rate. Maybe in three or five days from the outside world, Dayu can cultivate a large number of golden fairy-level existence. No wonder Dayu can stand against the heavenly court for so many years. Even using the sea of people's tactics is enough for the heavenly court to have a headache. A golden fairy needs to spend a lot of time to practice slowly, but Dayu's cultivation of golden fairy-level warriors and priests can harvest a stubble in three or five days like leeks in the ground. The contrast of the potential of war is too obvious.

It's not that Dayu is conservative and traditional. The ancestral teaching is just to take care of the territory of the Pangu continent. I'm afraid that the heavenly court has long been beaten by Dayu.

There is a depth of 100 million miles underground in Xiongyuan, and the concentration of aura and Pangu purple gas here has reached the level of almost crazy. Have you ever seen crystallized aura and Pangu purple gas? The underground here is all such a perverted existence. In the liquid aura sea, there are thousands of aura crystals of miles away, and some aura crystals that are compressed and condensed to the pole. The energy contained inside them is too powerful, and the leakage of energy can distort the nearby space.

The mouse fell into the rice barn and can't describe the feeling of not begging now. He sacrificed the Xuanyin Star Tower and plundered the aura around him, but the aura around him did not decrease at all. All the disciples who stole the sky and changed the day, don't beg all the available people around you, and the millions of carefully selected troops in Donghai Prefecture have been hidden in the Xuanyin Star Tower.

The viscous liquid aura and Pangu purple gas rushed into the Xuanyin Star Tower. Millions of people in the tower were caught off guard and were flooded by the liquid aura. Countless people were rushed everywhere by the rapid tide of aura, and even exclaimed for help. Xuanyin Xingchen Tanai suddenly became a mess. But soon these people found out what was pouring into the tower. Those soldiers in Donghai Prefecture had no idea. The immortals such as Jiang Yun's ancestor, the Holy Spirit King, and the Three Fire Venerable had already exclaimed and sat cross-legged into the deep practice.

Don't beg to open your own world of mustard seeds. Chaotic aura gushes out crazily, plundering these mountains and wandering around like colliding with each other's energy crystals. Oh, my God, tens of thousands of miles of crystalline aura and Pangu purple gas, Don't beg's eyes are green. He excited to swallow huge energy crystals into the mustard void. At the same time, he kept running Wanxiang Guiyuan Dafa, absorbing the vast and endless aura around him.

If there is a drop of water missing in the Pacific Ocean, will anyone care?

Naturally, no one cares about this, and no one will pay attention to it. And don't beg for such a crazy plunder of the aura in this endless sea of aura, which is equivalent to being a small sip of water in hundreds of millions of Pacific Oceans, and no one found his noise in the depths of the ground.

This is the main reason why Dayu strictly prohibits any immortals from approaching within 10 billion miles of Xiongyuan without permission. As long as any immortal sneaks into Xiongyuan and can smoothly enter the depths of Xiongyuan, he can make full use of the endless aura to practice. And the amount of aura underground in Xiongyuan can't be counted. Dayu can't monitor the flow of underground aura at all. Therefore, in order to avoid immortals using the aura here to strengthen themselves, Dayu simply closed Youxiongyuan. Unless it is a special envoy of the heavenly court like Liu Bang, other immortals who dare to approach

Even a special envoy of the heavenly court like Liu Bang is always under the surveillance of Dayu. They can use the strong aura of the ground to practice, but if they dare to sneak into the ground, they will immediately be violently suppressed by Dayu.

Only the Tongtian priest of Dayu has the privilege to enter the underground of Xiongyuan at any time to absorb the aura and Pangu purple gas here. All major families in Liangzhu have Tongtian priests, so there are always masters in their clan, which also maintains the status and power of the powerful families of the Dayu family in Pangu. Now Don't beg is also a Tongtian priest, and he has been awarded the title of King of Donghai Prefecture. Even if he is found to be madly plundering aura underground, outsiders just turn a blind eye to it.

Of course, the number of soldiers in the Xuanyin Star Tower is a little more, but which big family of Dayu doesn't secretly train more strong private soldiers for themselves? Not to mention others, let's say that there are millions of private troops under Ji's command. These are all armies that can be officially organized with the permission of the emperor. How did he train these millions of troops? Everyone knows it well!

Don't beg and Princess Wanle sat hand in hand on a purple crystal with a diameter of more than 100,000 miles, and their bodies extracted the aura around them crazily like a black hole. There are also 108 Kunwu swords that form the Xuanyuan magic sword array to devour the aura around them, purifying the aura and directly inject them into the bodies of the two people. Don't beg and the soul of Princess Pule are also closely combined. Don't beg to send all the feelings of stepping into the realm of Taiyi to Princess Pule, and do not hesitate to spend your own blood and the origin of the soul to forcibly improve the realm and cultivation of Princess Pule's soul.

The great light of the Buddha's Buddha's great light is not bad. In the scriptures of the Buddha's great divine power, there is the Buddha's supreme divine power. This is the divine power that the Buddha's master's great power has been exerted on the Futu Buddha, which can inject his own Taoism, magic power, essence

Don't beg, there is more Wanxiang Guiyuan Dafa, which can not only devour foreign objects and make up for yourself, but also reverse the skills to transfer all of yourself to Princess Kangle. The huge essence and heavenly enlightenment are constantly injected into Princess Po Le's body. Princess Po Le has steadily risen step by step from the level that has just stepped into the kingdom of the kingdom of Wonderland. Her understanding of the ancient Shinto is also getting deeper and deeper, and she has mastered more and stronger and stronger various Shinto secrets.

And Princess Huanle's perception of the ancient Shinto is also constantly lost and returned to Don't beg, which contrasts with everything Don't beg knows, making the two people's understanding of heaven become more and more profound.

Under the guidance of Don't begging, and inheriting the complete ancient Shinto, Princess Kangle is a bright and smooth road in front of her. She only needs to spend a little time and strode down this road to push the boat to the Taiyi realm, which is the level of the so-called innate ancient gods of the ancient gods. All she lacks is the savings of magic power, and this is what she is best at.

In the Xuanyin Star Tower, except for the two splits of the blood demon gods left outside to confuse the ears, some of the other 16 blood demon gods are turning into the appearance of not begging. They sit seriously in the halls of the Xuanyin Star Tower, teaching them not to beg for different objects. All kinds of Taoist codes.

The orthodox immortals such as Jiang Yun's ancestor are solemn and obedient. Don't beg to teach the innate pure Yang Puhua treasure, a Taiyi-level treasure book from the leader of the Wanxian League. At the same time, there is also a wisp of fire around them that is too empty and pure. The huge aura is constantly injected into their bodies. They don't need to spend any effort to absorb the aura to improve their cultivation. They just need to work hard to understand the boundless method of not begging for teaching.

Taixu's pure glazed god is slowly integrated into their bodies, and the three fires beside them have begun to have cyan glazed flames all over their bodies. For playing with fire, the Three Fire Venerable is particularly talented. He has begun to master the mystery of this innate god. In the future, if you don't beg to steal the sky and change the sun, you are bound to have another master of alchemy.

Hen the Holy Spirit King, the cattle, the Dragon King of the East China Sea and many aquariums, as long as it is possible to cultivate into a real dragon, all of them gather next to a split. This split is exerting the magic power of the dragon to teach them all the secrets of the dragon clan. Ao Buzun's lazy disk was on the side. While practicing by himself, he opened his mouth from time to time. Each sentence was just right, just like the evening drum waking up the spiritual light of these water demons in the morning.

On the side of the disciples who steal the sky for the sun gate, the disciples of the human race are gathering in a hall to listen to the inheritance of all kinds of secrets, and the disciples of the demon clan are receiving the guidance of the secrets of the demon clan. The virtual shadow has given Don't beg for the complete inheritance of theft, and there are all kinds of ancient demons in it, which are appropriate to teach the disciples of the demon clan. Some of these demon disciples included in Buqi actually have the thin blood of the ancient demon. In just more than ten years, they have actually stimulated their own bloodline. Their cultivation is naturally thousands of miles a day, and the momentum of rapid progress is shocking.

In hundreds of huge palaces, millions of East China Sea soldiers are receiving almost cruel training. With cruel physical training and uninterrupted education, don't be confident that these soldiers can die for themselves at any time when they leave the Xuanyin Star Tower to end their 250 years of training. Many of these people are also very qualified, and the skills of the human race are the fastest. In just over a decade, someone actually broke through a member of Pangu's heaven, which shocked everyone.

At the bottom of the Xuanyin Star Tower, Don't Beg has opened up a medicine pot of hundreds of thousands of miles, and several idle blood demon gods are carefully taking care of all kinds of herbs planted in it. From time to time, Princess Le will pause her practice to help in the medicine potentiary. With her magic power, the growth of these elixirs is extremely gratifying, and the materials equipped with some basic longevity elixirs are already very abundant. In this way, the millions of soldiers in Donghai Prefecture no longer need to worry about Yangshou's death when they leave the Xuanyin Star Tower.

With the help of the endless aura of Xiongyuan, the people around you are undergoing earth-shaking transformation.

Don't beg, from time to time, personally enlighten Lu Chengfeng, Yan Bugui and other close people to improve their cultivation. In just a few years, Lu Chengfeng Yan Bugui and others were promoted to the realm of immortals, and then their cultivation progressed rapidly in a day.

With the efforts of Don't Beg, his power has increased rapidly. RO