Steal the sky

Chapter 822 There is a bear army chaos

The king of Baishan rebelled and colluded with immortals to plot against him.

After the news that the king of Yangshan was sent back to Liangzhu, Dayu was shocked and Liangzhu was in chaos.

As the most important witness and the most direct victim, dozens of bones were broken all over his body. Don't beg under the order of the Haozun Emperor, who had just picked up the bones with the nine-death elixir, rushed to Liangzhu City with the brigade that came to pick him up. When dozens of giant flying boats were flying at high altitude, there were endless high-pitched bells in Liangzhu City, which was the alarm bell that Dayu would ring when he encountered a great crisis.

The king of Yangshan stood in the bow of a flying boat. Don't beg beside the king of Yangshan, who had just 'heated from his injury' but 'greatly injured'. Princess Pangle carefully helped Don't beg. Princess Pangle, who was originally strong, put on an aggrieved little daughter-in- Flashing, it looks like she will never live alone if she doesn't beg to die.

With the pale face and a wisp of gray in the middle of the eyebrows, the two are really desolate and lonely, but it is quite in line with the current situation. He was attacked into his own palace, and he was killed from top to bottom without leaving an inch of grass. More than 10,000 guards and soldiers around him were killed, leaving only dozens of generals with the highest cultivation. Anyone who encounters this kind of thing should also look like Don't beg and Princess Le, right?

The king of Yangshan turned his head from time to time to look at Don't beg. He quickly thought about the current situation of Don't beg.

Don't beg for a heavy general, but it's not his surprise. The King of Baishan is the Prince of Dayu, who is as famous as him. He has a strong potential force in the palm of his hand. It is natural to gather two or three high priest-level figures of Tongtian to work together to calculate. Don't beg

However, the strength around Don't begging is a little beyond the prediction of the king of Yangshan. After being crowned as the king of Donghaizhou for just over a year, Don't beg has gathered dozens of generals at the peak level of Pangutian. I think he has cultivated such a group of capable subordinates by using the accelerated The figure who has stepped into the realm of heaven and has been sealed as the king of Donghai. Such a person is not only a problem of crowding, but also a problem of pulling him to his own camp with all his strength.

Although his son Yue Feng and Wang Ji'ao have a good relationship with Begging, how can we make Begging really become their own people? She glanced at the flower and moon, and naturally had a noble princess. The king of Yangshan began to think that there were still a few unmarried daughters in his family, and it had to be the kind of daughter of the mother's family with a high status. Otherwise, don't beg beg for a daughter born by a maidservant. The king of .

Facing the strong wind coming to his face, Don't beg for a few gentle coughs: "Old prince, have you reported what the little king said to the prince to your majesty?"

The king of Yangshan, who was in a trance, was stunned. He looked at Don't beg and said, "Your Majesty is furious, and the whole dynasty is shocked. No one expected that the King of Baishan, as the family of Dayu, was divided into generations, and his four generations of Gaozu and the king were still the brothers of his relatives. I didn't expect him to do such a rebellious thing.

After meditating for a moment, the king of Yangshan sighed: "Since he fled from prison and led the army to attack the heavy minister of Dayu without permission, these two charges have allowed him to be executed by the whole family. But the other things mentioned by the king of the state are not that I don't believe it. It's not that your majesty doesn't trust you. It's really too sensational, so I asked the king of the state to go to your majesty to explain the matter in person!"

Don't beg to nod slowly without saying a word. The King of Yangshan narrowed his eyes and said in a low voice, "It's a matter of great importance. I really can't believe it... The bear army of Gongwei Dayu actually had different intentions, that... That..." "

There is the Xiong Army, the core army in the formation of the Dayu Forbidden Army, which specializes in selecting the children of the Dayu clan and the rich family to join. Among them, the soldiers with clan bloodline account for more than 60%, which is the most elite and most loyal and reliable strategic force of Dayu. The Xiong army has an extremely large size, and the materials and equipment are all the top goods of Dayu. There are five armies in the front and back of the Xiong army, which is responsible for guarding Liangzhu and guarding the Dayu Palace. It is the real personal army of the emperor.

The predecessor of this army is the invincible division of the human race that the Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor conquered the demons in all directions on the Pangu mainland. Whether in terms of tradition or actual combat strength, the bear army is the first army of Dayu, and the army in the world is not the right one.

Only in terms of combat strength, the reserve vehicles of the bear army are all elites at the peak of the Taishi Pangutian. Only soldiers who break through the realm of one yuan Pangutian can be regarded as soldiers with the official establishment of the bear army. The lowest-level soldiers in the bear army are all lieutenants. They are divided into the third class of the lieutenant, the third class of the school, and the third class of the general, which corresponds to the realm of the nine-star heaven of one yuan Pangu. But don't beg to tell the king of Yangshan that he tortured the bear army from the soul of the king of Baishan and found that most of the soldiers had a problem. This information not only scared the soul of the king of Yangshan, but also the emperor Haozun was almost scared to fall off the throne.

Putting aside the strategic power of Dayu such as the Secret Hall, the bear army is the strongest military force of Dayu, which belongs to the category of the most important weapon of the country. If there is a problem with the bear army, the country of Dayu will be shocked one by one. The soldiers of the bear army are all the children of the Dayu clan and the rich family of the Dayu family. If they have problems in loyalty, doesn't it mean that the family behind them also has different intentions?

So knowing that Don't beg was seriously injured, Emperor Haozun gave an order that the King of Yangshan could only take 3,000 soldiers of the bear right army, cooperate with a private guard in his palace, and drove 30 giant flying boats to escort Don't beg to Liangzhu.

Yue Feng and Wang Ji Ao received a reward from Hao Zun Emperor after killing the leader of the Immortals League. He was ordered by Hao Zun Huang to control the military power of Liangzhu and the bear right army. Therefore, he read the escort did not enter Liangzhu. It was Ji Ao who deliberately transferred the 3,000 reliable soldiers of the bear

Don't beg the attacked palace is only 100,000 miles away from Liangzhu, and the speed of the flying boat is only a short journey that can be reached in half an hour, which is equivalent to the suburban area of Liangzhu. With the elites of the three thousand bear army and the escort of some elites of the Yangshan Palace, it is impossible to have any problems no matter how you look at it. If anyone dares to attack this escort team outside Liangzhu City, he will really find himself to die.

The silent Yangshan King's mood on the bow is complicated. While thinking about how to completely encircdle Don't beg, he also wants to think about what to do if Xiong Jun really has a problem. With the ultimate power of Dayu as known to the king of Yangshan, if there is a real problem with the bear army, it is just a thorough purge that will kill all the soldiers with the bear army today. The most terrible thing is that these soldiers with the bear army are not only involved in themselves.

With a wry smile, the king of Yangshan shook his head gently and sighed. Don't beg to look at the king of Yangshan. He also shook his head gently and sighed. He turned around and asked the two bear generals who quietly walked behind him in a low voice, "Why did the two generals come here?" Just now, the king of Yangshan sighed a little distracted and didn't notice the movement around him. Ji Ao also frowned and didn't know what he was thinking about, and he also didn't hear the movement behind him.

But the god of don't beg has long completely locked the emptiness of tens of thousands of miles. These two generals with Xiong Youjun, who have reached the peak of one yuan Pangu Heaven's nine-star cultivation, can't hide from him.

Hearing the voice of Don't begging, Ji Ao hurriedly looked back at Zizi. He raised his eyebrows and shouted in a low voice, "Dongyihuang, Dongyimo, what's the matter?"

Dong Yihuang, wearing heavy armor and cold-faced, Dong Yimo put his right hand on the handle of the knife on his waist and shouted in a low voice, "King of the East China Sea, you can't enter Liangzhu!"

Don't beg. Princess Kangle looks as usual, just looking at these two with a smile.

The king of Yangshan and Ji Ao's faces changed greatly. Ji Ao scolded harshly, "Unbridled, do you know what you're talking about? What do you want to do? You...". The Dongyihuang and Dongyimo brothers are the left and right army of the bear army. They are Ji Ao, the deputy of the general army with the bear right army. One is responsible for the daily training of soldiers and horses, and the other is responsible for the dispatch and distribution of logistics materials. They are the old people with the right bear army. They are also the right

But looking at their words and deeds today, it is obvious that there is a big problem with Xiong Jun!

Don't beg into Liangzhu. This is the edict of the Emperor Haozun. The words just now in Dongyihuang and Dongyimo are clear that they do not respect the oradict. This is the most important to pay attention to tradition and law rules. It is definitely a felony of raiding the family!

Dongyi roared, and he pulled out a long knife and stabbed Don't begging.

Don't beg took a step back in a hurry. The king of Yangshan has stopped in front of Don't beg, and his right palm hit the heart of Dongyihuang in front of the long knife like lightning. The King of Yangshan is also the top master of physical strength to break through the Hongmeng Pangu Heaven. In front of his iron palm, his body is as fragile as a bean curd brain.

Only a crisp sound, the upper body of Dongyihuang exploded, and a soul was caught in the hand by the king of Yangshan with a bloody light.

But taking advantage of the time when Dongyi pulled out the knife, Dongyimo took out a black skeleton the size of a fist. He bit off his tongue and sprayed a mouthful of blood on the skull's head. Suddenly, a sharp child's cry rose to the sky. When Yangshan King and Ji Ao heard the sound, they immediately screamed A large amount of blood. Fortunately, both of them had the alien treasure specially refined by the high priest of the Sitian Temple for them to protect their souls. As soon as their souls were shocked, the alien treasures immediately launched to protect their souls.

Two groups of red fire wrapped around the King of Yangshan and Ji Ao. They sprayed blood and stared at the black skull in Dong Yimo's hand like a ghost. Obviously, they recognized the origin of this skull and knew who the skull represented behind it!

Seeing that the king of Yangshan and Ji Ao were hit hard by the child's crying, don't beg to do your own luck immediately, and a large amount of cheap blood also spewed out of the seven orifices. These bloods are transformed from chaotic aura. Don't beg to spit out 30 or 50 catties. It's not heartbreaking at all. A large amount of blood wandered out, and soon stained the body. The ticking blood flowed down his body to the deck, looking extremely sad.

rolled his eyes, don't beg for his body to lean against the arms of Princess Pow Le.

Princess Le snorted coldly, and the colorful light behind her rolled up, and Thor's golden body was wrapped in a faint thunder light and circled out of the colorful light. The void condensed a thick red thunder light of the water tank out of thin air, and it hit Dong Yimo's body with terrible high temperature.

Dong Yimo howled miserably and was struck into smoke by a thunder of Princess Le. But the black skull flew up, and a sharp cry kept coming out, turning into a black ripple and rushing towards Princess Le.
