Steal the sky

Chapter 826 Liangzhu Chaos

Take the body as the arrow, take the life as the arrow, and integrate all the essence of the body into this arrow, or the enemy dies or destroys itself.

The beast soul of the Weishan King was shot with an arrow, and the beast soul also turned into a golden light and integrated into the body of the Weishan King. The huge arrow turned by the king of Wei suddenly turned into a blood light more than a hundred feet long. In the void, it flashed in front of Begging and others. The first one to bear the brunt was the Yangshan King holding the Kunwu sword in front of him.

The king of Yangshan roared, and a cloud rushed up above his head. The dragon's nine sons rushed out with a bloody knife in his hand and roared up to the sky. As soon as the beast's soul came out, the tragic murderous atmosphere swept through the four directions, and the dragonfly roared down, and suddenly merged with the body of the Yangshan King.

The body of the king of Yangshan suddenly expanded, like steamed buns. When the arrows transformed by the king of Weishan approached his body for no more than three inches, the king of Yangshan had become a meat pier that was less than ten feet tall, but about ten feet wide and ten feet thick.

The amazingly large meat pier gives birth to extremely long arms, each of which is amazingly thick. Two hot white gas spewed out of the nostrils of the king of Yangshan, waved Kunwu's sword heavily and split the sword light that came to his face.

With a crisp sound, Kunwu's sword split into the arrow transformed by the body of the king of Weishan, and split it all the way from the arrow, splitting three feet deep. A large amount of blood sprayed out, the sharp Kunwu sword flew up, and the right arm of the Yangshan King made a landslide-like sound. From his fist to his shoulder, he was torn to pieces by a huge force, and countless flesh and blood were sprayed out, and the king of Yangshan, who was so painful that he fit with the beast, screamed.

The blood flew by and flew over Yangshan King's shoulder. Half of Yangshan King's huge body was shot away. A gap about the size of a water tank appeared on him. His right half body almost disappeared, and all his pink lungs were exposed. Blood spewed out like a cheap spring. The king of Yangshan howled and carved it on the ground, and his vitality quickly dissipated.

The skills of the human race are different from the fairy arts of immortals. No matter how powerful the human warrior is, even the strongest person in the realm of Hongmeng Pangutian, such as the King of Yangshan, is in danger of life after such a serious injury.

Immortals are different. The source of the power of immortals is their powerful fairy gems. Even if the body is turned into ashes, as long as a wisp of fairy gem exists. Immortals have no worries about death. Often, immortals are cut off their heads with a sword, and as a result, the head rises close to the light and walks away. Even if most of the body is left behind, it's not a big deal, but human warriors don't have such a magic secret method.

The upper half of the body of the Yangshan King was almost destroyed, which is an injury to mortals on the spot, and it is generally fatal to him. His body has been so severely damaged that he has lost 90% of his normal function. He can no longer absorb Pangu purple gas from the outside world, and he can't absorb Pangu purple gas to heal his wounds.

If this is on the ground, as long as the Yangshan King can stick to the earth, he can also transport Pangu purple gas into his body through the veins to heal his wounds. But this is the flying elixir, which is nearly a hundred miles away from the ground, and the last and strongest life-saving means of the human secret method are not used.

Ji Ao exclaimed, 'Father. He waved Kunwu's sword and cut down the arrow light transformed by the King of Weishan.

But don't beg to grab Ji Ao's neck and throw him far away. Princess Le turned over her little hand, and a large area of cyan anger was constantly injected into the body of the Yangshan King, quickly sealing his bleeding wound. At the same time, Princess Le's purple eyes flashed, and the strong Pangu purple gas appeared in the air. Even mortals can see the pangu purple gas rolling around at this moment.

Princess of Pangle is the king of Chaoyang Mountain. He drank a "disease" and a large stock of Pangu purple gas kept pouring into the body of the king of Yangshan. His broken body was quickly reborn, and the speed was like a dream, but his broken body was repaired as before, but it was far less intense than the original refined body.

But the king of Yangshan did survive. He was so seriously injured that he did not take any life-saving elixir. He survived!

Bai Huangzongzong screamed, "How can it be? Which magic do you practice? How can you gather Pangu Ziqi to heal others' wounds? Pai Huangzong's hearing is really about to collapse. No priest of Dayu has ever been able to do this. Even the great priest of Dayu Tongtian, who has both physique, can't mobilize Pangu purple gas to inject it into the body of an injured person.

The nature of Pangu purple gas and its strangeness. Only those who practice human forging skills can sense it and inhale it into the body to strengthen the body or repair the damage to the body. Princess Le's practice is clearly the spell of the ancient Shinto in the Tian Hall of Dayu Sitian Hall. How can she mobilize Pangu purple gas? If the priests of Dayu had mastered this method. Isn't it true that all the soldiers on the battlefield are immortal?

Think about it, on the battlefield with immortals or Buddhism, the soldiers of Dayu were bombarded by powerful immortals. At the same time, the priests of Dayu absorbed a large amount of Pangu purple gas into the warrior's body. These soldiers who had just been seriously injured immediately stood up and waved their knives to fight again. What a terrible scene

Slap Huang Zongzhan and screamed, "Kill this woman. Kill her, Golden Boy, kill her!"

Before he finished speaking, Xiang Huangzong shouted again: "Come on, kill all of them. A few immortals in the secret hall are coming this way!"

When Huang Zong listened to almost crazy shouting. The King of Yangshan and Ji Ao shouted in a shrill voice with green eyes, "It's wonderful. What kind of method is this? King of Donghai Prefecture, if you can dedicate this method to Dayu, we will guarantee that you will be promoted as an exception to the Prince of Shanshui who can be promoted to the throne!"

Bai Huangzong thought of the heavy casualties that this kind of divine means that could be used by Dayu to the battlefield may bring heavy casualties to the heavenly court and Buddhism, and the king of Yangshan and Ji Ao also thought of this!

If Princess Le's magic method can be learned by the priests of Dayu, the combat effectiveness of Dayu's army should be increased more than tenfold out of thin air. That is, it is equivalent to Dayu expanding his army tenfold without consuming more resources. What an amazing thing! With this credit, it is not too much to be promoted to the prince of the Dayu clan!

Don't beg, his eyes lit up. He smiled and said, "Wonderful, this method is also simple. At that time, let Zixuan pass it on to the high priests of the Sitian Hall! Hey, kill!"

Before Don't beg to speak, an arrow light transformed by the king of Weishan had approached the body of the king of Weishan, and there was a sharp roar in the blood light. The king of Weishan recited the vicious spell and completely forced all the spirit out. The light of the arrow suddenly soared several times, just like a crazy bloody The Lord swallowed it together.

Don't beg and raised Kunwu's sword. He clenched the hilt of the sword with both hands and split the purple gas of the vast soup to the bloody sword light.

The king of Weishan screamed with a hiss, and he suddenly burned part of his soul and urged the speed of the arrow light to the limit. This arrow has gone without success. Kill and don't beg. You can't let him bring back the complete information he got from the King of White Mountain back to Liangzhu; killing Princess Le, this deadly means of controlling Pangu's purple gas must not let her teach it to the priests of the Sitian Hall.

Seeing that Kunwu's sword was about to collide with the arrow light, Don't beg suddenly smiled strangely. A starlight spewed out above his head, and the Xuanyin Star Tower flew up and smashed the void. Don't beg and Princess Yule flashed and moved forward more than ten feet in the starlight, just avoiding the deadly blow of the Weishan King.

Even though twelve high priests on the periphery blocked this void, this space has been as strong as a copper wall and an iron wall. However, in the small world of the illusion of heaven and earth and the power of the twelve forbidden air arrays, Don't be able to escape in a short distance with the power of the Xuanyin Star Tower. With his move, the arrows transformed by the king of Weishan swept over the position of his net and brought a dazzling blood rainbow to shoot forward, rushing through without hesitation, and there was no power to turn back.

"Da Damn, Haoxu Xianren, is this the so-called twelve forbidden air arrays?" The hysterical roar of the king of Weishan came from afar. He burned his soul and accelerated the speed of the arrow light to fly. At this moment, he was unable to twist the arrow light. He could only watch the arrow light flying forward with his body and constantly consume the little power left in his body.

The black skeleton opened its mouth and didn't say anything for a long time. Don't beg, you can even break the air and escape, which is really beyond his expectations.

Emperor Bai was not allowed to respond. Don't beg has rushed out of the scope covered by the smoke and clouds of the ten thousand monuments of heaven and earth. He raised Kunwu's sword and cut down the baby's soul-taking skeleton. The blue light flashed, and the small skeleton was silently broken into two pieces. The sharp roar suddenly sounded, and the cracked skeleton exploded into a twisted black smoke and condensed into a dark ferocious twisted baby's face. He opened his mouth and flew to the begging heart.

Before this manifest curse approached Begging's body, Princess Le sniffed coldly and choked the little black gas, and a large piece of thunder flashed in the palm of her hand, smashing the curse into a trace.

Bai Huangzong was shocked. Although the possessed skeleton was destroyed, he still roared from the air: "You still don't rush to kill them. Do you have to wait for us to be chased by Dayu all over the sky?"

The twelve towers that were banned thousands of miles away from the void suddenly flashed, and they teleported to the edge of Feidan where Beqi and others were located at the same time.

The deep spell sound brought a large stream of yin wind to the beg people. The evil power filled the void, the surrounding light suddenly dimmed, the light and shadow were distorted, the space and time were frozen, and the begging people were banned from moving on the flying elixir. The twelve high priests of Tongtian joined hands. Before they issued a long-prepared blow, the momentum of the spell alone was suffocating, and the cultivation of Bapin Taiyi could not withstand this terrible pressure.

Just as the twelve high priests of Tongtian took action with all their strength, a polar starlight came from the distance, and in the blink of an eye, they arrived at Begging and others. The starlight flashed in the hole in 360 places around him, and Hao Zunhuang, who kept spewing out silver-purple strong light all over his body, came to help in person. He gently sent a soft palm to the void and spit out a spell in his mouth. The twelve Tongtian towers were smashed at the same time. The high priest

All the Tongtian pagoda of Dayu has a vicious prohibition buried when it is refined. This prohibition is only known by the human emperor and the first owner of the secret hall of all dynasties. It is the most secret and fatal means of control of Dayu. The twelve Tongtian high priests did not have time to lift the elbow armpits at all. Emperor Haozun just launched the prohibition of ambush in the Tongtian Tower, and did not consume any of his own strength to beat the twelve Tongtian high priests to death.

Don't beg and shouted, "There is a bear army that has infiltrated the anti-party, and the king of Weishan is the reincarnation of the golden light boy of Buddhism, and the emperor's hearing is the reincarnation of Haoxu immortal in the heavenly court!"

Haozun's face changed miserably, and his body trembled. Originally, his facial muscles twitched as if nothing had happened, and his appearance was like a fierce ghost.