Steal the sky

Chapter 801 Stealing Secret Sutra

With the injection of spiritual knowledge, a flood scene unfolds in front of Don't beg. ( Novel Network)

It was not long after Pangu opened up the world. On the new Pangu continent, there were countless innate and powerful figures. It can be said that Taiyi walked all over the ground, and the golden fairy was not as good as a dog. There is no such thing as Taiyi and Jinxian. Those great powers simply divide their strength into Taoism, truth and strength.

Compared with the current cultivation system, the power realm is the strength below the immortals, that is to say, the realm of pure brute force.

The real world is the collective name of immortals and golden immortals. They can borrow or use a little moral power, but they still don't go into the stream.

When the flood and famine first opened, the little things in the power realm and the real realm were not even better than ants. They belonged to the kind of existence that can be put on the roadside. You won't look at him more but you won't deliberately trample him to death. The real power is the role of Taoism, a strong man who is enough to reverse the void within a certain range.

The Taoist realm is divided into three levels, Mingdao, broken and Hedao. The levels familiar to today's immortals are Taiyi, Daluo and Mixed Yuan.

If the way of heaven is compared to a river, the power and the real world are just little people who draw water by the river. They see the river but it is still far away from the river. Or they can easily pick up two or three buckets of water from the river and drink one cold all over, which is their limit.

Ming Taoists, Taiyi Jinxian, they are swimmers in the river. They are familiar with the ups and downs of the waves, which is the so-called tide. But once the water exceeds the limit of their ability, these wise people will be overturned by the big waves and do their best for the rest of their life.

The breaker, Daluo Jinxian, luckily found a few stones in the river. They built them into a stone platform and could survive in the rolling river. If the big waves come, they are different from the Ming Taoists. They have the ability to break through the waves and resist the invasion of the big waves. The wave head, the meaning of the way of heaven, can break through the invasion of the way of heaven. So it's called Breaking the Way. However, the manpower is poor, and the waves that can be broken are limited. If there is an irresistible natural disaster, it will still be smashed by the invasion of boundless waves and whirlpools.

He Taoist, mixed Yuan Jinxian. These people no longer need to use external things. They have become water. No matter how the river turns over, they are already part of the big wave. They can use the big wave to extinguish their opponents, but they are unscathed. This is the horror of the Taoist. Unless the source of this big river dries up one day. All the river water disappeared. Otherwise, the Taoist can't be destroyed.

There are tens of thousands of power in Hongmeng who were born at the same time as Pangu Dasheng, and there are millions of innate gods born after opening up the world. In accordance with the way of heaven, there are countless creatures formed by integrating various innate breaths when Pangu Continent was opened. Many mythical beasts and birds have such a history.

The weakest of these innate spirits are the realm of Mingdao, because they themselves are the product of the cohesion of the road.

And the body of the virtual shadow is just an ordinary white mouse. If there is any difference between him and his current peers, it's just a pair of wings behind him. Let him leap like a fly. The speed is comparable to those top divine birds. This is also his only power. In addition, his body is an ordinary acquired aura-generated white mouse. A white mouse that likes to steal food everywhere.

In addition to all kinds of innate things, the opportunity of heaven on the Pangu continent and the acquired aura merge with each other.

Coupled with those intentional or unintentional creations, countless biological populations have appeared in just tens of thousands of years. The virtual shadow body was born in that era. When he was born, he only had the cultivation of the golden elixir period. In that year, it was the ant among the ants. A grain of bacteria on the ant's feet, no one will pay attention to him at all.

The virtual shadow does not have much ambition. At that time, all kinds of creatures in the flood and famine were extremely long-lived, and the small things like the virtual shadow also had a lifespan of several disasters. He just looked around for those elixirs and gnaweds all day long, and lived a carefree life.

After a long time, I don't know how many elixirs he has harmed. The white mouse suddenly became intelligent, and he began to consciously steal those capable items.

White mice have gradually accumulated huge abilities, such as medicine residues from energy alchemy, tea waste residues poured out of tea, and fruit core bones discarded from daily food. The cultivation has slowly grown all the way, and finally there is a cultivation equivalent to the current peak of immortals.

The white mouse is born with a very poor foundation, an ordinary mouse. Even if you have a pair of wings, how good foundation can you count on him? Although he is intelligent, the white mouse still belongs to the kind of person who instinctively controls daily actions. I can't use my brain at all. With the cultivation of the peak of immortals, he felt that he was great, so he actually started the brain of a big man in the realm of breaking the Taoism - stealing the nine fire elixir he refined.

With the cultivation of the peak of the immortal to provoke a figure like Daluo Jinxian, the white mouse is bold, but he succeeded!

With such weak strength, he successfully got the nine fire elixir from such a big man. What the white mouse did was appreciated by a wisp of the aura that contained the law of 'thieves' when heaven and earth were opened up, and smoothly integrated with this wisp of 'stealing qi'.

The innate first wisp of ghost spirit has achieved the nine ghost world, and the first wisp of innate demon spirit has achieved the demon world. There are not a few Taiyi in worlds such as the ghost world, the demon world and the demon world. This wisp of innate thief breath is completely integrated into the body of the white mouse, and he is equivalent to the same world!

After getting the innate thieves, the white mouse realized the general mind method of stealing the scriptures in just three years, and in another three years, he realized all kinds of strange methods. So he began his vigorous burgle. If the bones are not good, he steals the bones of others; if he has insufficient understanding, he steals the understanding of others; if the blood is not good, he steals the blood of others. At first, he still stole it secretly. As his cultivation increased, he simply turned into a squatting on the road with a big stick, hitting the desired target with a stick, and then stealing what he liked at will.

Compared with the behavior of the white mouse in those years, Don't beg is simply a moral model of love.

After seven years of unscrupulous thieves, the white mouse stepped on the realm of Taiyi from the peak of the immortals. He became Taiyi in seven years, which was sensational even in ancient times.

But this is not all. It took him decades to easily step into the realm of breaking the Tao from the realm of enlightenment, and then it took hundreds of years to integrate from the realm of breaking the Tao into the realm of Hedao.

not to mention how much ancient power has attracted the attention of the white mouse's crazy improvement speed, how did he improve so quickly along the way? Basically, all the powers in the flood and famine period have been poisoned by him. Either his own family has been harmed by him, or his descendants have been cleaned up by him, and there are even a large number of Mingdao-level powers that have been forced to become a mortal by him!

A phoenix suddenly turned into an old hen holding a nest, which will make many people gloat.

Ten phoenix suddenly turned into an old hen holding a nest. This will make many great people grin behind their backs.

A hundred and a thousand phoenixes suddenly turned into an old hens in their nests, and they are also the kind of old hens who have lost their reproductive function and can't even have eggs. This will make all the powerful people worry about whether they are the next one!

As a reason, the pursuit alliance against white mice was established, led by the horrible existence of several legendary Hedao Realm. All the existence of the broken Taoist realm and the Ming Taoist realm in the world will kill the white mouse with countless shrimp soldiers and crabs. All the power of Zhou Tian chases the white mouse at the same time. Even if he has become the peak of the broken Tao, he can step into the Taoist realm at any time, and he is still beaten to death. There was only time to separate a little vitality, condensed the jade card that inherited the Tao Te Ching and threw it into the vast void.

This is the origin of the virtual shadow. This is the origin of the theft.

Spiritual knowledge was slowly injected into the soul of the begging god, and more information poured in. At the time of the flood, it was common for the Qixuan Thief's Heavenly Vein, which can naturally extract the aura of the outside world for its own use. At least the white mouse has encountered no less than a thousand creatures with the Qixuan Thief's Heavenly Vein, such as turtles, eight, crabs and lobsters. However, after the white mouse is besieged, those great power is likely to carry out some kind of extinct means to the seven Xuan Thieves' heavenly vein, so that the white mouse's last point of vitality condensed jade card has been rolling in the world of the world of the world for countless years, but still can't find a suitable inheritor.

Don't beg if you are wrong. When will we find a new heir?

This is the reason why the white mouse was conceited when he entered his door with emotion. It was really that he suffered from the joint encirclement and suppression of all the power of Zhou Tian. Even the Wanhuangshi, who was the least willing to use force among the saints, personally smashed his thirty-six tripods! It can be imagined that if Don't beg becomes his descendant, once the existence of Don't begging is discovered by those who can, what a miserable fate he will suffer.

Don't beg for a burst of cold all over your body. He quickly terminated this part of the association.

With the injection of spiritual knowledge, more the stolen scriptures began to integrate into the gods of begging. Don't be in a hurry to check the true essence of this part of the stolen experience. His attention was focused on the other part of the information.

Where are the caves of the treasures opened up by the white mouse in those years?

Who are those powers that join hands to hunt white mice?

What are the countless cultivation classics that the white mouse seized in those years?

A steady stream of information about the era of flood and famine, including information about the existence of the Wah Emperor and several other Taoist realms. Don't beg to read through these materials. Although it exists in your own sea of knowledge in the form of a spiritual body, don't beg can't help smoking air conditioning. The methods of these people are really incredible. Don't beg. Now that you have reached the realm of Dayi, you are still amazed at their mysterious means. Just like a towering mountain standing in front of you, don't beg only to look up and marvel.

At the same time, compare some of the information from the flood and famine power from the white mouse, and then compare the information obtained from the fragmented memory of the Futu Buddha, most of the power of the broken realm and the realm of Mingdao have fallen in the past disaster of heaven and earth. Don't beg, you can't help but insert your heart in bursts, so many ancient power. It's so easy to fall! No wonder the priests of the Sitian Temple are extravagant to refine the nasal fragrance with the body of the ancient Buddha!

Countless information was slowly injected, and the last hazy mysterious breath was injected into the soul of Don't Beggar.

This is the breath of the first innate thief! The white mouse passed on this breath to Don't beg!

If he can't be promoted to the realm of Taiyi in 60 years, he can't be predestined with this breath for the rest of his life!

But now this thief's breath is really integrated into the soul of don't begging.

(To be continued, please visit: to read the latest chapter. Mobile phone access:) H