Steal the sky

Chapter 842 Buddhism Domineering

Chapter 842 Domineering Buddhism (First Update)

holding a jade-like lotus flower in one hand, the Bodhisattva, who imprisoned the soul of the three daughters of Yu Ji in the lotus, looked at the Bodhisattva from afar and suddenly laughed: "Why did the beneer say this? These three are my Buddhist followers. They are predestined to my Buddhism. The poor monk made a great wish and wished to cross all the ghosts of the underworld into the Buddha's door, so as to achieve the golden body of the Buddha.

He waved his hand and sprinkled a Buddha's light on the head. The Bodhisattva said indifferently, "The benevolent is a living person, and this is the residence of the dead spirit. The benevolent still leaves quickly. Don't disturb my quiet place of Buddhism."

A faint Buddha's light contains infinite mysteries. In the extremely tenacious Buddha's light, there is a faint shadow of the world. This Buddha's light actually contains all the power of the Buddha's kingdom in the palm. The Buddha's light is still dozens of miles away from Begging, and the huge pressure coming to his face shattered the clothes on Begging and others.

It seems to be an understated blow, but in fact, it has already killed the begging party. The power of this palm Buddha country is enough to suppress ordinary golden immortals. Even if you are infinite in strength, you will be forced to be suppressed by this Buddha's light. As for where he will be sent to be treated after being suppressed, only the people of Buddhism know.

With the attack of this Bodhisattva, many other Bodhisattvas and Arhats came together to praise: "The Great Compassion and the Great Compassion and the Great Bodhisattva of the Six Paths and the Great Bodhisattva." With the singing of these Bodhisattvas and Arhats, the power of the Buddha's light suddenly soared ten thousand times.

The cultivation of the Bodhisattva is only the peak level of the Bodhisattva, and there is still a slight gap from the realm of the Buddha. He is also the highest among the eight hundred Bodhisattvas. The cultivation of other Bodhisattvas is very different from him, and the other four strongest Bodhisattvas can However, after he waved the power of this Buddha's light soaring ten thousand times, the power of suppression was no different from the random blow of the ordinary Buddha. He actually exerted the Buddha's strength as a Bodhisattva.

Don't beg for a cold snort. His body suddenly swelled to the size of a hundred feet. The dense dragon scales came out of his body, and the two dragon horns on his forehead emitted dazzling colorful light. With a long roar in the sky, the endless waves of the underworld yellow spring swayed up. Don't beg and raise your hands to meet the Buddha's light.

"I've heard for a long time that Buddhism is grand and profound. Today, let Xiao Wang Haosheng learn from it!"

The Buddha's light fell lightly on the begging hands. The huge pressure fell, and the clouds under his feet couldn't help sinking, so that he could be suspended and fell into the yellow spring. A large area of clear and glass-like Buddha's fire gushed out of the Buddha's light silently, entangled in the body of Begging and burning quietly. Don't beg the dragon's top of the body to emit purple-gold light, which is entangled with the clean fire. From time to time, there was a dull explosion.

There was an extremely gentle and generous voice in Don't beg's ear. This voice constantly persuaded Don't beg to wash your heart and return to Buddhism, and persuaded him to put down the butcher's knife to become a Buddha from the ground. This sound kept penetrating into the sea of knowledge, but all the sounds that penetrated into the sea of knowledge were cleanly swallowed. This is the naturalized divine power of Buddhism, which turns the supreme power of Buddhism into a wisp of Xuanyin to cross people into Buddhism.

The essence of this naturalized divine sound is the extremely pure Buddhist Zen power. Don't beg to practice the strong hegemony of Wanxiang Guiyuan Dafa. Didn't these Zen powers penetrate into his body and take the initiative to send supplements to his door? Don't beg to hold the heavy Buddha light with both hands, and let the naturalized divine sound constantly be injected into his deep sea. His soul is like a glutton. He opens its mouth excitedly and devours these pure Zen power, and constantly digests and nourishes himself.

After such a stalemate for a quarter of an hour, the little half of the arhats on the mountain were already dry and unable to open their mouths. When their faces began to turn white, Bu Beg finally punched and smashed the Buddha light above their heads. The power of the world was destroyed by the begging life. When the Buddha's light was smashed, the lotus platform where the Bodhisattva sat down made a crisp sound, and a lotus petal suddenly cracked a very long crack.

Don't beg for laughter. These monks steal chickens and don't eat rice.

Those arhats who look ugly and can't even speak are the unlucky ones who inject their own Zen power into the Bodhisattva's light and turn into a naturalized divine voice to attack Don't beg. The naturalized divine sound of their attack on Buqi was digested by Buqi in just a quarter of an hour, and the empty thought in their heads no longer existed at this moment. If you want to return to Dingsheng's cultivation, it will take at least three or five months to adjust the interest rate.

After draining the thoughts of tens of thousands of arhats, he shattered the Bodhisattva's lotus platform into a crack. Don't beg to hold your hands in front of your chest and sneer at the Bodhisattva and said, "Let go of the souls of the three girls, let me escort . If not, hey hey, I will break your bald heads and destroy your dojo. Let's see how your Buddhism intervenes in the six reincarnations!" With the sneer of Don't begging, the Xuanyin Star Tower silently emerged from the top of his head, and countless silver-purple starlight sprayed down. Tens of thousands of water tank-sized stars are condensed in the void. The roar of the stars when turning went straight into people's internal organs, which made people's hearts and lungs tremble.

The useless Bodhisattva's face changed slightly. The lotus in his palm turned into a wisp of white light, and even the soul of the three daughters of Yu Ji disappeared without a trace. He has incorporated the souls of the three women into his palm Buddha country, which is obvious that he does not want to hand over people.

With a sneer, the Bodhisattva, who was dressed in gold silk lattice, decorated with golden mandala flowers on his head, and pink lotus flowers on his shoulders, said coldly, "I don't know which prince you are? Why did you break into the quiet place of my Buddhism and disturb the pure land of my Buddhism? If you don't retreat quickly, do you have to cause a conflict between my Buddhism and Dayu?

Don't beg for a daze. The Xuanyin Star Pagoda on his head can use the shape of the dragon's killing power. He killed three Buddhas in this way, robbed the Buddha, and killed tens of thousands of Buddhist monks. His shape should have been widely spread in Buddhism, right? The great Bodhisattva in front of him actually doesn't know who he is?

And his words are just accusing him of begging for sandalwood to break into the quiet place of his Buddhism. Why don't he say that his people have forcibly captook the people who don't beg?

He snorted coldly, and didn't beg to grit his teeth and said, "I am the king of the East China Sea of Dayu. A few months ago, I was still the Marquis of the East China Sea."

Hearing the title of Don't beg, the Bodhisattva just shook his head: "King of the East China Sea? The poor monk has never heard of your name. No matter what kind of person the benester is, as long as the beneme leaves the underworld, the poor monk can not investigate the great crime of today's beneuror's trespassing on our pure land!"

Don't beg for amazement. He looked at the Bodhisattva in astonishment. He didn't say anything about his thick face. He didn't mention the matter of Yu Ji's three daughters. But he doesn't know his name? I want to kill three Buddhas by myself. After robbing the Futu Buddha, the Buddha's master Mituo should have given him a wanted notice. How could he not react at all when he heard his name?

Ao Bu Zun muttered aside, "Is this guy Pudu Liudao? I've heard of his name. He is older than the current Buddha's Buddha, Mitha. It's wrong. He should be older than the qualifications of the recent dozens of generations of Buddhists. He served the Buddha's great shelter of the Buddha for hundreds of generations of years. He was the eldest disciple of the Buddha's throne. Later, when the Buddha attacked the underworld, he issued an boundless wish to sit in the six reincarnations.

Don't beg, your eyes flash. He vaguely understood something. He coughed. He smiled at the Bodhisattva and said, "Please ask the Bodhisattva to return the souls of the three girls... Xiao Wang sits in the East China Sea, but there are also several Buddhists, just like Futu Buddha, which is Xiao Wang's most intimate friend of life and death."

As soon as the palm of his hand was turned over, Don't beg to take out the string of golden Buddha beads robbed from the Futu Buddha.

He said to the Bodhisattva with a smile, "Look, this is the congratulatory gift from the little king of the East China Sea and the Futu Buddha to the little king." This string of golden Buddha beads is a royal Buddha treasure refined by Amitabha himself for the Futu Buddha. Don't beg to take out the Buddha, and suddenly the auspicious clouds swept thousands of miles, and the light of the Buddha shone on the sun. Even the surging yellow spring water suddenly became as clear as a mirror.

Other Bodhisattvas have looked at this great Bodhisattva. But the great Bodhisattva just glanced at the Buddha and smiled sarcasm at the corners of his mouth. He shook his head and said, "The benegist is a fallacy, and everything comes from one thing. Things should not be confused. The poor monk and the benester discussed the great crime of the beneme trespassing on the pure land of our Buddhism. Even if the benemy knows a few descendants of my Buddhism, it can't wash away the great sins on the benemy!"

Don't beg to listen. The mirror in my heart is as bright as snow. Do you call the Futu Buddha the descendants? This general road is really good! Obviously, he and the current Buddha, Amitabha, are not the same person, so there is no need to use these small means to deceive.

After stuffing the Buddha's pearl back into the world of mustard seeds, don't beg to point to the Bodhisattva and shouted harshly, "The bald donkey, I and I are so talk to you. Finally, I'll ask you. Can you hand over the souls of those three girls? If you hand it over, I will turn around and leave. If you don't hand it over..."

The Bodhisattva sneered, and he turned his eyes and shouted harshly, "Unfortunately, there is such an unworthy disciple to collude with such an arrogant person as you. Come on. There are six mandala arrays to surpass this villain for the poor monk!"

Sit for a moment. The Bodhisattva said directly, "That string of Buddha beads is the most precious treasure of my Buddhism. How can it fall into the hands of outsiders and kill this villain quickly?" Welcome that string of Buddha treasures back to my Buddhism!"

Ao Buzun was so angry that he scolded: "A bald donkey. If you want to kill and rob, just make it clear that his grandmother said it was so nice. Why?

With a sonorous sound, Ao Buzun pulled out his special machete.

The Bodhisattva smiled indifferently and said, "The demon is talking nonsense, and the poor monk is just to eliminate demons and defend the way!" Six mandalas, get up!"

With the roar of the Bodhisattva, a large amount of spiritual light suddenly rushed out of the huge light wheel of the six reincarnations in the distance. The Buddha Bodhisattvas and the mountains at the foot of the arhat trembled. Dozens of giant beasts slowly broke through the mountains and flew up to the sky, slowly integrating

A large array shaped like a mandala flower was firmly buckled in it, and the Bodhisattva flew up with many other Bodhisattvas and occupied the key points of the array.

Don't beg them to speak. The smallpox condensed by the boundless Buddha's pure fire fell like raindrops. The terrible high temperature swept over, and Xiang Yu's long hair suddenly. Huh, it was burned to ashes.

If you don't beg them for any chance to speak, you will be killed directly. These Buddhist disciples are so domineering.