Steal the sky

Chapter 847 Fahai boundless

Chapter 877 The Far Sea is boundless (Chapter 4)

A large sleeve, as if heaven and earth are covered by this sleeve. Several mysterious runes outlined by silver silk threads shine on the cuffs, and each rune seems to contain the infinite mysteries of heaven and earth. The huge suction came from the black-like black hole's sleeves, and the body of the Six Great Bodhisattvas shook and waited to fly into the sleeves.

This sleeve, don't beg, just use the fairy power of thirty-six immortals.

Inheriting the memory of the previous life, the Taoism of "Don't beg" has reached an unimaginable point. Even though he has not integrated everything in his previous life, his Taoism has also broken through the realm of Taiyi, reaching the realm of Daluo, which is higher than that of Taiyi.

The Taoism is as deep as killing people. People who are low in Taoism are like young children, and they can't effectively kill the enemy with magic weapons. People who are high in Taoism are like a long-trained killer, and an embroidered needle can quietly kill a person. At this moment, the Great Bodhisattva of Purdue Six is the young child, and Don't beg is the killer. He rolled up his sleeves with the immortal power of thirty-six immortals, which can also force Purdue Six Paths to breathe.

With a wave of his sleeve, don't beg for it and said lightly, "This is the matter. Send Yu Ji and the others into reincarnation first."

Before the words fell, a gray Buddha's light suddenly flashed on Purdue's six paths' face, and there was a faint death in the obscure. The profound and mysterious Buddha's power surged out, and the sleeves of Don't beg were rushed upside down, almost covering Don't begging. Pudu Liudao put his hands together and shouted in a low voice, "The Buddha is vast, and the sea of France is boundless!"

With his shout, there was a continuous muffled sound of iron ring breaking in his body, and a vast soup made the terrible Buddha's power of Don't begging and Ao Buzun's coloring at the same time gushing out of the body of the six roads of Purdue. Like the collapse of the Yellow River, like the upside down of the Tianhe River, as if all the gods in the Zhoutian were crazy, the stars of the Milky Way in the sky were blown down to the world one after another. This huge and incredible Buddha power turned into a high mountain and spread around. Don't beg, Ao Bu Zun and the cat Go out.

Don't beg to be hit by this mana, and your body will fly back uncontrollably. The texture of this mana is not very good. Even the essence of the magic power at the peak of the golden fairy can't hurt Don't beg, but the amount of this mana is too large, just like a torrent, don't beg and rush him back. Don't beg to stabilize his body with eighteen hands, but the gray mana roared. Don't beg for being washed away for tens of thousands of miles, and he couldn't stop the momentum of retreating at all.

Ao Buchong roared, and one of his dragon's beard flew out and rolled up the cat, and then his huge body was rushed out by the mana. The scales on his body slapped, and each scale slid quickly like an oar. The extremely sharp scales chopped up the mana torrent around him, so that Ao Buzun's body could barely swim in the violent mana turbulence. However, the mana rushing out of Purdue's six bodies is too grand. Even if Ao Buzun's scales have the power to break the law, he still can't control his body well.

Pudu chanted the Buddha's name in a low voice with his six hands. His figure was restored to a six-foot golden body, and the red lotus fire rolled all over his body. The fire from his eyes shot directly on him. Don't beg, and he burned so much that his body was in pain. The clear Buddha flame burned the begging skin and burned straight into the depths of his skin. Although there was nothing strange about the skin muscles, the skin of the Buddha's flame was rapidly losing, and soon his body surface skin became withered like ashes after the firewood was burned out.

The almost condensed Buddha's power hovers around the six paths of Purdue, turning into forty double Buddha's treasure wheels shining gray light inside and outside. When the treasure wheel rotates, it makes a deep sound like thunder, and the huge pressure sweeps out in all directions, making it difficult to operate.

Don't beg to look at Purdue in horror.

He is still the peak of the golden fairy, the cultivation of the Buddha Bodhisattva, and the essence of his magic power has not been raised to the level of the Ming Taoist realm. If it shows that the magic essence of the power of Taoism is diamond, the magic essence of the peak of the golden fairy is ordinary mud. The soft and crispy mud collides with the diamond, and the diamond can easily break through the mud and crush it.

But when the number of mud reaches the level of abnormality, it is very difficult for a small piece of diamond to break through the mud.

The essence of the mana of Purdue Liudao at this moment is still the magic power of the golden fairy, but the amount of his mana is simply appalling. The total amount of Mana of Don't Beg Bapin Taiyi is more than 100,000 times that of the ordinary peak Jinxian, but the total amount of Mana of Purdue Liu Compared with the six paths of Purdue, the mana at this moment is a stream, and the mana of the six paths of Purdue is an ocean.

Overwhelming mana advantage!

Don't beg and Ao Buzun exclaimed in unison, "Frog!"

Purdue smiled slightly and waved calmly to Beg for a lotus flower condensed by the fire of the red lotus industry. He said faintly, "F freak? The poor monk sat in the underworld without a number of disasters, because of the grand wish in those years, he could not become a Buddha, but the poor monk fought here to refine the Buddha's power with the power of the six reincarnations and the water of the yellow spring. The Buddha's power can be regarded as the first person in Buddhism! Otherwise, why does the poor monk ignore the decree of Mitha?

The red lotus hit Don't beg, but the fist-sized red lotus gave Don't beg an irresistible feeling.

Don't beg for a wave of your left hand, gold, wood, water, fire and earth on the five fingers turned into five swords and flew out and split into the red lotus. The fragile red lotus was broken, but the red lotus exploded and the red lotus fire gushed out of it. Don't begled his left hand shook, and it was dislocated by the rushing red lotus fire. The endless red lotus industry fire rushed to Don't beg, which scared him to flash his escape to the top of Ao's head, and he did not dare to compete with the red lotus industry fire that was enough to drown him.

Pudu Liudao turned around and looked at Buqi and Ao Buzun. He said lightly, "Stay here today. My Buddhism is vast, the divine power is infinite, and the poor monks are powerful. How can you imagine? Unexpectedly, they are all the reincarnation body of the chaotic demon god. The poor monk captured you and sent you into reincarnation, and squeezed the wisdom of the previous life in your soul into the possession of the poor monk. Even if the poor monk does not become a Buddha, he should also have the power of the Buddha.

With a strange smile, Purdue shouted harshly, "As long as the poor monk has the power of the Buddha, coupled with the grand power of the first person in this Buddhism, who in the world can still govern me?"

Don't beg to look at Purdue Liudao coldly. He said faintly, "A pure fool! Your mana is simply appalling. Even the Daluo Jinxian, who broke the Taoist realm, does not have such terrible mana as yours. It's thanks to you that you are in the underworld. It's a pity that even if you have such power, what's the use if you can't mobilize your mana at all?

Pudu Liudao laughed confidently: "What can you do if even Amitabha can't help the poor monk?"

Don't beg to take a deep breath. For the first time, Chaos Reiki runs along the skills of refining the Tian Dafa. With the mysterious fairy sound, a gray do not beg rushed out of the head. A translucent three-legged tripod was wrapped in a faint light and slowly gushed out from the top of the head.

"The Great Method of Refining Heaven, there is nothing that cannot be refined in the world!"

"The art of stealing the sky, there is nothing in the world that cannot be stolen!"

"Stealing and refining, it really complements each other!"

Don't beg turned into a faint light in the eyes of two pure black constantly rotating deep spiritual light. His divine consciousness shrouded the six paths, and suddenly his fingers shouted sharply: "The six great bodhisattva of the six paths, you rely on your Buddha's heart to control your magic power, right? Buddha's consciousness, come back quickly!"

With a hook of his finger, Purdue suddenly howled. A spiritual light flew out of his eyebrows and was swallowed by the three-legged tripod suspended above his head. The purple smoke rose in the tripod, and the fragrance overflowed. Before long, a loud bell rang, and a fist-sized jewel Ranran, which was the size of a white body and emitted a faint fragrance of dragon saliva, flew out of the tripod.

Don't beg to grab the jewel and throw it at Ao Buzun casually. Ao Buzun laughed with horror and joy, and swallowed the pearl in one bite. He looked at the begging strangely flattering and shouted, "The master's wonderful method is boundless. Unexpectedly, even the origin of the bald donkey's Buddha's heart can be refined into an elixir." Suddenly, Ao screamed in horror, "What the hell, how can the origin of the Buddha's heart be pulled out? How is that possible? This is the magic power of the Buddha's bald donkeys to practice countless reincarnations!"

In Ao Buzun's scream, the Six Great Bodhisattvas of Purdue also made a frightened strange cry. He still remembered countless Buddhist classics and secret methods in his mind, but he suddenly forgot the meaning of these Buddhist classics and secret magic secrets!

It's like a scholar full of scriptures in the hall of the examination, suddenly forgot all the knowledge in front of the emperor; he still remembers it, and he can still recite all the classics, but he completely forgot what these classics mean and everything that extends from these classics. Knowledge. Knowledge.

The forty-two Buddha's treasure wheels around Purdue's six paths collapsed. Although he worked hard to cultivate, he can no longer control his mana. These mana are around him, and he can sense their existence, but he forgets how to control them and how to use them to exert terrible powers comparable to the Buddha.

Don't beg and laughed. He laughed in a low voice, "It's a good harvest!"

With a casual finger, the dome above the head made a loud rumble. The huge mana around the six paths of Purdue turned into a torrent and injected into the tripod. Soon, the full mana of the six paths of Purdue were sucked clean by the begging.

Purdue looked at Don't beg fiercely and shouted, "You, you evil!"

Don't shrug your shoulders and smile at Purdue Liu seriously, "That's right. I also think I'm quite evil now. The Tao Te Ching and the Tian Dafa work together, which is simply too evil! If I could steal in my previous life, hey hey, how could I fall?

With a wave of the big sleeve, the six paths of Purdue were put into the sleeves, and then a finger was drawn out. The mountains stretching for thousands of miles on the edge of the six reincarnation treasure wheel collapsed, and all the Buddhist gardens on the mountain were turned into powder.

Cross your fingers across the void, don't beg to tear open the palm of the Buddha country of the six paths, and take out the souls of the three daughters of Yu Ji.

Then don't beg, and Xiang Yu, who was in the dark, was also spit out. RO