Steal the sky

Chapter 851 Come at the end

Chapter 851 Coming at the end (third update)

The boundless chaotic gas wall suddenly broke a large hole with a diameter of thousands of miles, and don't beg to turn into an emergency electricity from it. He used all his magic to break through the void and flew to Pangu Continent at the cost of his vitality. With the cultivation of Don't beg Bapin Taiyi, and with his way of breaking the Taoism, he also made his mouth full of blood and almost vomited blood. It only took 20 days to return to Pangu Continent.

He fell heavily on the top of a high mountain outside He'an City. Don't beg threw out the people in his sleeves and pressed his palm on the ape's head, which was still a little red in his eyes. The rolling Buddha's power flowed into Yuanqing's body, expelling the trace of magic in his mind. Don't beg to look at the people who were a little uneasy and said with a wry smile, "It doesn't matter. Get rid of the devil for the time being. Well, in a word, there is a scapegoat for us to stop him. I don't know how long he can hold him, but he can't come here.

Pangu mainland is now the focus of the battle between the heavenly court, Buddhism and Dayu. If an invisible demon in chaos invades the Pangu mainland to cause trouble, I'm afraid it will be attacked by the heavenly court and Buddhism at the first time, right? Don't worry that he will bring more trouble to be begging.

With a long breath, Don't beg to count the harvest in your hand. There is no doubt that the Yuanling Youjing will bring great benefits to Don't beg and the people around him. After the elixir scriptures are taught to the doormen, the elixirs and magic weapons of the East China Sea will be in the world. The number of changes is really too small; as for those elixirs, don't beg, you are a little confident that you won't be killed after taking them, and others can't even take Princess Yule indiscriminately.

After calculating for a while, don't beg Qingxia, Baiwu, Qingyi, and Qingshen, and the four old immortals took everyone back to the East China Sea. He himself led Xiang Yu and Hu Hai to He'an City. Driving the clouds in the sky, don't beg for a helpless smile to Xiang Yu and Hu Hai, "I originally wanted to improve the cultivation of the two of you for a while, but I was disturbed by the devil. Well, there is a place suitable for you to practice. Would you like to spend some time in?"

Xiang Yu and Hu Hai looked at each other and nodded at the same time. Don't beg, open your mouth and swallow the two people in, and directly stuff them into the Yuanling Youjing. The Xuanyin Star Tower is also in shape over the Yuanling Youjing. Don't beg to do your best to adjust the time and flow speed of the Yuanling Youjing to the limit of 2,000 times the limit he can bear now. At the same time, he sent several blood demons to the two of them to teach them the Blood Sea Dafa and the Purgatory Sutra respectively.

Xiang Yu's cultivation of Chiyou's magic skill and the cultivation of the Blood Sea Dafa is really possible to become the immortal blood sea demon god's real body. As for Hu Hai, what he originally practiced was the Little Star Forbidden Method in Magic. Now he specializes in practicing the Purgatory Sutra, and he can also make great achievements in the future. Don't beg. Now there are immortals, demons, dragons, and heavenly ghosts, and there is a lack of demon monks.

"Find the right opportunity, and you have to find a way to add a vein to the door of stealing the sky. But which of those disciples is willing to be a monk? In the future, don't we have to find a few doormen who are broken and dead? Don't beg for some bad ideas and came to He'an City with a strange smile.

In the city, the monarchs and ministers of the six countries are gathering for a drinking party. Don't beg for inexplicably took people out for nearly a year. The alliance between the six countries and the East China Sea has been officially drawn up, but Don't beg is absent, and no one has the right to formally sign the agreement. In the past few months, Dayu has been more and more closely investigating the immortals and scattered cultivation forces in various places, and even the secret palace worship group has begun to walk on the Pangu continent. Ji Ao has led the bear army to destroy hundreds of immortal gathering points that survived in the rebellion of the Immortals League.

In this environment, except for Dayan's other five countries, they did not dare to let go. The kings and ministers of various countries simply gathered in Ancheng to drink all day long. The forces of various countries contracted with all their strength and put on the face of the good people, but avoided several inspections of the officers and soldiers of Dayu.

In the past few months, the old opponents and opponents of the six countries gathered together and got along quite well. Originally, everyone was a hero and a hero, with great complementarity in personality and means. After the emergence of Don't Begging to kill the possible struggle of the six countries invisibly, the monarchs and ministers of the six countries, who know that they are all hard allies in the future, intend to have a good relationship with each other, and they actually have the feeling of a big family.

Anyway, don't beg to walk into the city guard house in He'an City. Seeing the life-and-death enemies Bai Qi and Lian Po hooked up to drink together. Su Qin and Zhang Yi hooked up to talk about the long legs of a dancer. Gui Guzi and Xun Kuang hugged the wine jar and talked and laughed Singing together, this strange scene made Don't beg for a long time.

Seeing that the heroes of these six countries were almost in a fight, Don't beg and couldn't help slandering, "If you could have been like this in those years, I'm afraid you would have swept the world long ago, right?" However, don't think about it. Fortunately, the emperors and ministers of the six countries on the earth did not act as they did in front of them, otherwise they would have been completely cleansed by the supervision force of Buddhism.

After struggling for a while, Don't beg to stand in the hall and laugh, "Your Majesty, your ministers, the boy is back. As for this covenant, we have to find a good day to officially sign it, and then we have to find a good day to crack the black forbidden curse on you!"

There was a sudden silence in the hall, and everyone looked over at the same time. Lu Chengfeng was the first to stand up and handed a book made of gold pieces to Begging, which was the detailed provisions of the formal covenant he formulated on behalf of the East China Sea and the six countries. In this covenant, the East China Sea has absolute leadership, the six countries retain a small part of the independence rights, and other military, administrative, financial, people's livelihood and other powers belong to the East China Sea League led by Buqi.

Yan Dan, Ying Zheng and other six monarchs will exist as the elders of the East China Sea Alliance, together with the elders selected by the East China Sea Alliance to supervise the state affairs of the East China Sea Alliance. The literary ministers and generals of the six countries also have the status of ministers of the East China Sea League, contributing their knowledge and force to the development and growth of the East China Sea League.

Seeing that Lu Chengfeng handed the gold book to Don't beg, the monarchs and ministers of the six countries, including Yan Dan, bowed deeply to Don't beg at the same time and said, "We have seen the king of the East China Sea League!"

Don't beg to hand over the gold book to Lu Chengfeng, and solemnly return the word to the crowd: "Your majesty and ministers are polite. We are people of the same origin, from the same place. In the future, when the world is in turmoil, we have to support each other.

Man Hall of heroes claimed that when they saw that they did not beg for such cultivation, they were still so modest and polite that they couldn't help but put down a stone in their hearts. Although the six countries had to join the East China Sea League due to the situation, no one wanted to put a tyrannical and arrogant master on their heads. Don't be so obedient and polite, which makes everyone very satisfied.

Don't beg to glance at everyone, and nod and smile at everyone kindly. Especially those who had conflicts with him in the Qin Dynasty, such as Xu Fu, who was overturned by Don't beg for a drunken dragon, and don't beg, showed an extremely bright smile. I was a little sorry for them in Mengshan at that time, and now it seems that I have to compensate them more.

As soon as you say it, don't beg for a piece of jade slip in your hand. He smiled and said to Xu Fu, "Mr. Xu Fu, this is an ancient rune that the boy accidentally got. The boy knows that the old man has studied the art of ancient runes. This "Ancient God Book" is the most suitable for the

Xu Fu was stunned, and then he rolled up his sleeves and jumped up. He pointed to Begging and shouted, "Is it your boy who took me away from the camp?"

The heroes in the hall laughed wildly in unison. In the laughter, Xu Fu grabbed the jade slip. His divine consciousness was thrown into the jade slip, and he was shocked all over, and he could no longer struggle out of the vast and infinite ancient runes like a sea of smoke. Compared with the Ancient God Book, the inheritance of the ancient rune obtained by Xu Fu is really nothing compared with the firefly and the sun.

Everyone in the hall also saw the change of Xu Fu's expression. They immediately understood that they should not beg Xu Fu for a great cultivation classic, and their eyes suddenly became warm. Don't beg to meditate for a moment. He took out dozens of jade slips and engraved the secrets of all kinds of classics he has learned now to reach the peak of the golden fairy into the jade slips one after another, and distributed them to the monarchs and ministers of the six kingdoms.

Whether it is the innate pure yang universal treasure, or the Purgatory magic scriptures, or the wind song, or the Xuanjing notes, or other methods, these skills that you can't beg for are extremely exquisite. With these classics, coupled with the deliberate cultivation of don't begging, the future of the monarchs and ministers of

The princes and ministers of the six countries are all people who know goods. Originally, the skills they got can only be cultivated to the realm of the entry of the immortals, which is not comparable to the classics that do not beg for them to reach the peak of the golden immortals. Don't beg to give so many secret books to everyone, which is a big debt.

For a while, those who were the most arrogant among the monarchs and ministers of the six countries bowed deeply, and they had a much deeper affection for not begging.

Don't be in a hurry to return the gifts. Lu Chengfeng beside him has recruited the maid and replaced all the wine and dishes. Don't beg and everyone took their seats to hold a banquet and drink again. The planning in the hall was staggered and lively. The kings and ministers of the six countries got up one after another to toast, and those who didn't begged did not refuse, and they were happy with everyone.

Just when he was together with Ancheng, somewhere extremely remote in the Pangu mainland, a small white and tender hand suddenly tore open the void, and a group of glow flew out silently with a few figures. The black smoke of the body has disappeared, and the golden Bodhisattva who has restored the golden body of the Buddha's Bodhisattva stood behind the glow with no expression and said faintly, "This is the Pangu mainland, which is the fundamental place where the man escaped a few days ago. Dare to ask the senior, can the poor monk and others leave?

"Leave?" The voice in the glow suddenly smiled strangely: "How can it be? I'm short of a group of errand runners. So many of you are just my subordinates! Is it possible that I helped you bald donkeys decoy your karma, and that's how you repay me?

He snorted coldly, and said in a low voice, "Run for me for thirty-six disasters, and I will give you freedom. If you don't follow, your bald head should be broken. Don't you accept it? If you don't accept it, will you beat me? According to the rules in chaos, the big fist is the old man. Will you beat me? It's right for me to run errands for you!"

Purdue opened his mouth and didn't come to his senses for a long time.

The Buddhist Bodhisattvas behind him trembled with anger, but thinking about the terrible strength of this glow, they finally lowered their heads in frustration.

Looking at the boundless Pangu Continent, the glow suddenly sighed happily, "What a good place, it's mine!" RO