Steal the sky

Chapter 858 The beginning of chaos

Imprison Bo Wangjun without killing him, in order to avoid over-stimulating the heavenly court. Even if Bowangjun is humiliated, as long as he does not die, the heavenly court will not rashly act too radically - when their final plan is launched, the heavenly court will not fight for a big man who provokes trouble for the sake of women, unless you don't beg to kill him.

In the same way, don't beg to drive Bo Yangjun away without killing him. What's the benefit of killing a second-grade immortal?

It is nothing more than stimulating the heavenly court to attack the East China Sea, and the third prince of the heavenly court was born with incomplete soul, which caused him to practice too slowly? This is an excuse for you to coax the ghost! God knows that there are some invisible grudges and grudges hidden behind the three princes. Maybe there is a certain power standing behind him. Don't beg, but don't want to provoke too many people rashly.

In a word, that's it. Let Bowang suffer a little first. As long as the heavenly court does not move, don't beg will never move.

Don't beg and return to the underground spiritual cave, continue to practice the Heavenly Dharma, continue to consolidate your foundation, and improve your own mana cultivation. With the wisdom of the previous life, coupled with the various supreme secret books obtained in this life, don't beg to integrate it with the method of refining the sky, and only feel that the Taoist mind is clear, which is a big step forward than what has gained in the previous life.

In this practice, don't beg to pull Princess Po Le and practice together. He is not in a hurry to continue to improve his mana cultivation, but wholeheartedly put all his heart to improve Princess Po Le. The ancient Shinto is mysterious and has great power. It can often kill people invisibly, which is an extremely rare help.

Don't beg, even if there is iron all over your body, how many nails can you hit? He must have a strong enough assistant.

So Princess Le also entered the refining tripod, and she was trained by the fire day and night with Don't begging.

In addition to the Don't Beg and Princess Le, who desperately enhanced their cultivation, Jiang Yun's ancestor began to study the elixir of Don't beg. With his two wives and the three brothers of Qingxinxianren, he began to refine a large number of all kinds of elixirs with more than 10,000 talented disciples who were very talented in alchemy.

Anyway, countless ordinary herbs are planted in the spiritual cave, which is enough for these disciples to practice. There are all kinds of ingenious celestial trees in the Yuanling Youjing, which can also allow Jiang Yun's ancestors and other immortals with profound cultivation to refine the excellent Taiyi elixir.

The Three Fire Venerable inherits the Book of Don't Begging. It is really easy and pleasant for Tan Chang to refine all kinds of magic weapons with the Three Fire Venerable of flames. He led more than 10,000 disciples who stole the sky and changed the sun gate, plus tens of thousands of craftsmen from the East China Sea. The refinery method developed in the previous life forged all kinds of magic weapons for immortals, demons, ordinary carts and priests in the East China Sea.

With the achievements of the old man Yuanling on the refinery, some ordinary tricks can greatly improve the power of the magic weapon. Under the spirit of the three fire venerable's painstaking research and excellence, the utensils of the East China Sea are better than the standard equipment of Da Yu and the heavenly court.

In order to prepare for the inevitable chaos, all the people from all over the East China Sea mobilized, and the veins were secretly cut. Countless ores, spiritual stones and fairy stones were sent to the forging room of the spiritual cave. In this spiritual cave with a flow rate of 10,000 times, first tens of thousands of craftsmen make all kinds of war instruments day and night, and then hundreds of thousands of craftsmen, millions of craftsmen... every time. In the spiritual cave, a group of immortals and soldiers will leave the spiritual cave. They rushed to all parts of the East China Sea. Supervise the construction and expansion of the city and Xiongguan. Especially the important checkpoints everywhere. It has even built a military town of amazing scale. These military towns have moved to each other. In order to prevent people from moving the array with the art of sealing the iron void, dozens of spare moving arrays are generally arranged outside the military town. It is convenient for the mobilization of reinforcements at any time.

A batch of newly recruited soldiers are constantly sent to the spiritual acupoint, and a batch of taxis that have been brainwashed and are extremely loyal to the beggars continue to come out of the spiritual acupoint. The weakest of these taxis are equivalent to the cultivation of the 18 immortals who are specially forged bodies Once gathered, it will be a powerful army that can shake the four sides.

But these soldiers were secretly scattered to the barracks and ordinary cities and villages in the East China Sea. Before it was necessary, no one knew how many soldiers had been cultivated in the East China Sea.

Now, hundreds of billions of people have moved into the territory of the 30 major states in the East China Sea. According to the proportion of 100 people supporting a soldier, Don't be able to form an army of one billion people in a short time! This is also the most helpless place for Tianting and Buddhism to take Dayu. No force dares to fight a long war of attrition with Dayu, and any force that dares to compete with Dayu for consumption. Including the ancient gods, they have been swept into the garbage heap of history and will never turn over. The fast-growing human skills and the huge population base are not hindered by some objective conditions. Dayu's army has long been sweeping the outer world like locusts, and even the gates of the heavenly court and the Buddha's gates.

The East China Sea has accumulated its own strength little by little. All kinds of ordnance in the warehouse, such as flying boats, bows and crossbows, arrows, knives, swords, armor shields and shields, have been piled up like mountains. According to the highest instruction of not begging, the East China Sea is preparing ordnance on the scale of 10 billion people killed and injured in the 10,000-year war. And Changzhu is still constantly mobiling all kinds of ordnance to the East China Sea. As long as you don't beg for an official document to send to Changzhu, all the large-scale ordnances, spiritual charms, bone charms, etc. he applied for have never been detained.

And the core of the East China Sea City has also become a deadly city under the design of Mo Zhai. Thousands of miles long and wide. Thirty-six walls inside and outside. The underground of the huge city is made of five elements of fine gold. It has the ability to fly in the air like Mocheng, and has countless organs and powerful array prohibitions, including strong horizontal arrays such as Zhou Tianxing's array and Xuanyuan's magic sword array. Mo Zhai used all his ideas in the construction of Donghai City. In order to help Mo Zhai expand the city, he did not hesitate to spend blood to cover the whole Donghai City with the Xuanyin Star Tower, forcibly accelerating the local time flow rate of Donghai City.

When it took 1,300 years for Donghai City to finally expand successfully, don't beg for God's knowledge to sweep the new Donghai City, but whispered: "Damn it!" He didn't bother to say anything about this deadly city. Although many of the powerful equipment in this city came from his hands, Don't beg really don't have any opinion about this perverted city.

Non-Taiyi Golden Immortals can't approach the city. Within thousands of miles, they have the power to kill immortals and Bodhisattvas below the peak golden fairy. This is the new East China Sea City!

Just as the soldiers in the East China Sea were preparing to respond, some bad signs finally began to appear.

First of all, there are a few Jiupin Dazhou, which are far away from the east side of Dayu. Some exiles raided the government and conquered a few counties in those Jiupin Dazhou. Those exiles who don't know where they came from put up the banner of 'the emperor is incompetent to harm the world and reorganize the human race another day'.

When receiving this official document directly from Liangzhu. Don't beg to curse your mother subconsciously.

Can the exiles conquer the county? Even in the county seat of Jiupin Dazhou, there are always 30 or 50 soldiers stationed there. Even the soldiers and priests who have cultivated to the realm of Yuanying can't be dealt with by ordinary people, can they? Especially the exiles, under the strict control of Dayu, where can there be any exiles?

No more. Where did those exiles come from? If it is a natural disaster, the speed of disaster relief in the local government in Dayu is still very efficient. Powerful soldiers are enough to cope with most natural disasters, abundant food and fodder are enough to settle any number of disaster victims, and powerful spells can absolutely ensure that these disaster victims have houses to live in, clothes to wear, and fields to cultivate in the short term.

Dayu is a dynasty that can't produce exiles at all. Why did it happen that exiles captured the county?

Then more and more strange things happened.

A northeastern state of Dayu. A phoenix fell on the hill, looking up at the sky and shouting 'the new emperor should stand\'

Forty-nine voices died.

In a state in the southwest of Dayu, a nine-color dragon fell from the sky, and the dragon carried the stone tablet engraved with the words "Dayu should be destroyed".

In a few days, three thousand and eight hundred and eighty-eight main rivers of the giant water system in the west of Dayu broke out floods at the same time. Floods have washed away a large number of homes and displaced countless people. At the end of the flood, there is a black turtle with a stone tablet on its back standing on the top of the mountain, and the golden characters on the stone tablet are clearly visible to hundreds of millions of people. A line of golden characters is the birth of the Holy Emperor. The emperor abdiced.

After more than a month, the barren land at the junction of the three southeastern states suddenly collapsed tens of thousands of miles deep.

In the huge dark hole, countless ghosts tore up all day long, "Dayu has no way to harm the people, and the Holy Emperor was born to save all sentient beings." The shrill roar drifted around day and night, and the sound even spread to the realm of Zhongzhou.

The official of Dayu had not been able to refill the sinking place, and tens of thousands of meteors fell to the ground in the void. These meteors cracked after hitting the ground. In each meteor, a strange ape with a white body, black head, red tail and green claws rushed out. These monkeys jumped and ran like the wind. They wandered around on the Pangu continent. If they saw the people of Dayu, they shouted, "You know, you know, Emperor Hao Zun will die in March. The Holy Emperor will be born, The Holy Emperor was born, and it will be another day!"

Or when you meet the local officials of Dayu, these monkeys who run very fast and ordinary generals of Dayu can't catch up at all will shout: "Don't you care about your own life? Run away. Run away quickly, Da Yu has no way, and the emperor's anger collapses. Dayu should be destroyed, and the new emperor should rise!"

The furious Hao Zun Emperor sent a large number of highly cultivated priests to chase and kill these monkeys everywhere.

But these monkeys don't know what kind of different species they are. They can actually tear the void and walk at will, even if the priests of Dayu are cultivated. But no one could successfully catch and kill even a monkey to Emperor Haozun.

With it, all kinds of bad signs continue to appear from all over the Pangu continent. There was a rain of blood in the sky, a sinking on the flat ground, and a dead body from the grave and injured people. There are also good pregnant women who give birth to babies with all kinds of magic. Even pregnant women in some places actually gave birth at the same time on the same day. The children who gave birth were all dressed in armor and held weapons. They jumped out of the door and said that they were going to Liangzhu to kill the incompress.

For a moment, everyone was panicked. The civil unrest has become a mess.

Just as the wind and rain were shaking, another emergency document was sent to Don't beg.

In the outer realm of heaven, there began to be friction between the organized manufacturing of immortals and the marquis of Dayu, and thousands of marquises have been killed in the friction. The soldiers under their command were either killed or captured. In just a few days, Dayu has lost control of a wide range of the outer world.

And this kind of friction is getting worse and worse.