Steal the sky

Chapter 868 Candle Dragon Kills the Emperor

Emperor Haozun was stunned. He has lived in this hall for nearly three times. Since the time he ascended the throne, Dayu Da Sitian warned him that he would die in the plot of his son, he has basically never left the hall, and his daily life is in this hall.

This hall is the core of the whole defense array of Liangzhu and the control core of Xiongyuan's great spiritual cave. As long as Haozun Emperor sits in this hall, with the secret method of the human race, he can borrow the infinite spiritual power of Xiongyuan. With the help of the power of the ancestors of the ancestors of this array, Ascended to the peak of breaking the road. But today, he used the secret method to open the array without any reaction. Not only that, the endless power of stars and the aura of the earth veins projected from the top of the hall are also disappearing rapidly. The huge star power and aura that were constantly injected into him [body], which was originally roaring like a waterfall, has now turned into a weak stream of light with only the thickness of fists.

After a few more flicks of time, the last stream of light dissipated invisibly, and the hall suddenly darkened. A few faint candlelights in the corner of the hall lit up the huge hall. The light was really dark to the extreme, and the bodies of the group of people were hidden in the darkness, faintly like ghosts. Only the bronze Buddha's body emitted a faint turquoise light, which became the strongest light source in the hall.

Under the blue light, Hao Zunhuang's face turned pale green, and the real one was no different from the evil spirit.

The suffocating silence was finally broken by the voice of Emperor Haozun: "Reverse son, what did you do?"

The king of Xinshan laughed in a low voice, "Why did my father say this? How can this big battle be moved by the children? Please also ask your father to break himself and scatter Pangu's real body, otherwise don't blame the ministers for their timid reaction and overdoing things that are difficult to fulfill the moon.

The king of Lishan slowly took thousands of steps. His Buddha's golden body reflected a faint blue-gold light under the blue light, and the cold faint light made the hall die out of thin air. He said in a low voice, "Please ask your father to dissipate your skills. Your son should be careful to support your father. Now that your father can enjoy it, there will naturally be no shortage in the future."

Emperor Hao Zun snorted coldly, and he flashed his body and punched the king of Lishan.

The Buddha, who was like a bronze, smiled softly. He waved his hand almost as high as his body, and the thin and long strange-shaped diamond pestle lightly blocked the fist of Emperor Hao. Hao Zun's blow enough to break the stars was sucked clean by the light King Kong pestle. He punched as if he hit the void, and there was no more ripples. Not only was the strength of the fist being sucked away, but also because of a punch in the air, his body staggered forward three steps. The Buddha immediately seized the opportunity, and the King Kong pestle continuously bombarded the eighteen pestles to the Haozun Emperor. Each pestle hit the Haozun Emperor's body with fire everywhere, making a loud rumble like a bell. These eighteen pestle are used in the Buddhist secret method. Each pestle has the power of a dragon and elephant, and each pestle is ten times heavier than the power of the previous pestle. When it comes to the last pestle, the power of that blow is simply appalling.

, with a crisp sound, the demon pestle in the Buddha's hand was broken into three pieces. The skinny Buddha snorted, his tiger's mouth cracked, and a large area of purple-gold blood kept dripping. Hao Zunhuang also shouted that his clothes were beaten to pieces, and several small jade guards hanging around his waist were also destroyed. Several clearly visible blood marks appeared behind him. The palm-wide blood marks fell into Hao Zunhuang's body for about an inch, and the muscles below were shaken into meat sauce.

Emperor Haozun's body turned into a strong wind and was waiting to escape to the apse, but he had just flown up, and the King of Xinshan and the King of Lishan had stopped him. The whole body was made of unknown purple fibers, and the nodes were dotted with countless Buddhist relics, pearls and other treasures. Emperor Haozun, who ran away from the wind, exclaimed, and his body was caught out of the wind by the big net. Fortunately, he reacted fast enough. As soon as the big net withered on his body, he immediately turned aside and took a few steps away, which avoided the embarrassment of being covered by the big net.

"Reverse son!" Emperor Haozun was so angry that he trembled all over. He has seen that the King of Xinshan and the King of Lishan are not the reincarnation of Buddhas or Bodhisattvas. If so, they would have been dug out and cleaned up in the last great purge. They used the Buddhist secret method to forcibly integrate the fallen Buddha's golden bodies with themselves, thus obtaining nearly 70% of the strength of a Buddha out of thin air.

Obviously, the Buddha's golden body and cultivation of the fusion of the King of Xinshan and the King of Lishan is extremely high. Although they only got 70% of the Buddha's power in the golden body, the breath of Buddha's power emitted by them is not weaker than that of Hao Zun Emperor, whose strength has reached the peak of Hongmeng

Although this Buddha's power is easy to come, and the King of Xinshan and the King of Lishan can't control the soaring power freely, such power is enough for them to save their lives in front of Emperor Haozun. And with those wonderful Buddhist artifacts, they can even pose a great threat to the Emperor Haozun. Just as Emperor Haozun angrily scolded his two sons, the Buddha had rushed up quietly. His hands were formed into a flaming Dharma seal with a bronze firelight pressing heavily on the heart of Emperor Haozun. Emperor Haozun shouted bitterly and heard it. With a click, the bronze firelight printed a dark cyan anti-thousand-word Buddha seal on the skin and flesh of Emperor Haozun.

The Buddha's seal released a faint light." Emperor Haozun only felt as if he had opened a mouth on his body, and his spirit was spraying out along the cold and piercing mouth in the back of his heart. He angrily turned around and pointed to the Buddha who retreated sharply and scolded, "This is the seal of the evil Buddha. Are you the descendant of the evil Buddha who was expelled by the Buddha?"

At a point, Haozun's fingertips shot out dozens of extremely thin black smoke, and in each black smoke, there was a faint light shaped like a star spinning rapidly. The smoke flew extremely fast and powerfully. When it flew, it was like a real star tearing the void, and there was a suffocating wind in the hall.

The Buddha laughed in a low voice: "The poor monk is the ancestor of the evil Buddha, the only Buddha." How did the heir say?"

The only Buddha retreated sharply, and every step he stepped back, there was a green and bronze-like lotus gushing out at his feet. Lianhuā quickly expanded to the size of several feet, and the void around trembled. The black smoke lit by Haozun Emperor touched the lotus huā, as if it had fallen into the mud and the speed became extremely slow.

Emperor Haozun praised, "It's worthy of being an evil Buddha. The art of reversing the void of Buddhism has really reached the realm of fire and perfection."

With a sigh, Haozun's eyebrows suddenly cracked a gap, and a purple eyepiece came out of his eyebrows. With a high-pitched sword, a golden and simple sword flew out. The body of this sword is carved with the sun, the moon and the stars on one side, and the mountain and grass on the other side. On the one hand, he wrote about the art of farming and raising livestock, and on the other hand, he wrote the strategy of unifying the world. As soon as the sword came out, a forceful emperor suddenly filled the hall, and hundreds of blue lotus huā from the edge of the sword suddenly cracked left and right.

The only Buddha shouted tragically, and a blood mark was cut straight from his eyebrows to him**. Purple-gold blood gushed out of the blood mark. In a short flick of his fingers, the blood sprayed from the only Buddha [body] was equivalent to all the blood of dozens of normal adult men.

The King of Xinshan and the King of Lishan, who had just taken out two small pestle from their sleeves and were ready to shoot at the heart of Queen Haozun, knelt to the ground. They were shocked by the vast emperor's spirit on the sword, and their bodies knelt on the ground uncontrollably. The king of Xinshan shouted harshly, "Xuanyuan Sword!"

Emperor Haozun held the Xuanyuan sword and said coldly, "It's the Xuanyuan sword! If you want to kill me, it's far from enough to destroy the protective array of Liangzhu!" The King of Xinshan and the King of Lishan looked at each other in panic, and the only Buddha who was seriously damaged by the terrible sword spirit of Xuanyuan Sword howled angrily. He shouted fiercely, "If you don't do it, what are you waiting It was cut off, but the hall suddenly darkened, and there was no more light.

Only a sound of physical penetration came, and Emperor Haozun roared in a low voice for a while, and then there was a muffled sound of the human body falling to the ground.

The light in the hall gradually recovered, and the originally broken power of the stars and the underground Wuqi poured into the hall again, falling on the huge throne of Emperor Haozun like a waterfall. It's just that Emperor Hao Zun, who used to sit on the throne, is now lying on the ground, and his chest has cracked a big hole and his internal organs have been smashed by one blow. He is dead.

An old man with a white beard who was ten feet tall stood by the body of Hao Zunhuang with a blank face. He was holding the Xuanyuan sword in his hand, and his fingers gently flicked the hilt of the Xuanyuan sword. He said lightly, "The only Buddha, tell them that the benefits promised to me the old candle dragon should not fall at all. The old candle dragon should be the first treasure of the Buddha, the Buddha, and sit on an equal footing with the Buddha. He is one of the two great masters of the Buddha in the future!"

The only Buddha looked at the old man with white beards with great fear, and then looked at the Xuanyuan sword that was held in his hand without any difference. He whispered, "Senior Zhulong, don't worry, my Buddhism is the most trustworthy. If I agree to your matter, there will be no mistake at all."

After a slight pause, the only Buddha greedily pointed to the Xuanyuan sword and said, "As for this sword...

White-bearded old man candle dragon, that is, the manifestation of the huge candle dragon mountain under this palace. He stroked Xuanyuan Sword and smiled faintly, "The Holy Emperor gave me the right to take charge of Xuanyuan Sword in the face of danger, and the emperor died violently. This Xuanyuan Sword naturally belongs to me. In the future, I will incarnate the Buddha's Buddha's treasure flame candle dragon king. This Xuanyuan sword is the treasure of my [

The only Buddha was silent for a moment. He touched the three-inch deep sword marks on his body and smiled gently: "Naturally, there is no objection." He took a deep breath and looked at Xuanyuan Sword reluctantly. The only Buddha said in a low voice, "Two princes, please do it quickly. Where is the imperial edict prepared in advance? It's time to use the seal quickly.

The king of Xinshan hurriedly took out a roll of the imperial edict of the emperor from his sleeve. He took out three seals of different sizes from the body of Emperor Haozun and covered the imperial edict one by one.

It can be faintly seen that there is such a line of handwriting on this imperial edict.

“... Therefore, follow the heart of heaven, follow the will of the people, and pass on the throne of Yangshan Wang Jikui!",