Steal the sky

Chapter 885 The Return of the Emperor

The smoke rolled, the King of Xinshan, the King of Lishan and several other princes left to the south with the rich family who were almost half righteous in Liangzhu.

Three hundred flying boats were lined up into a phalanx, and the huge phalanx covered the sky and drifted south like a dark cloud. There are more than 300 such large flying boats. The flying boat is full of soldiers of the Flying Bear Army, the private guards of major families, the family's family members, and countless genius treasures they have accumulated over the years.

More than a thousand Sky Tower guards left near these flying boats, and thousands of priests flew around each Sky Tower.

There are countless generals riding dragons, unicorns, Dapeng and other mounts flying all over the sky, urging the team to drive quickly to the south. The generals of the Great Yu were all profound. Their laughter, separated by thousands of miles, could still be transmitted to Liangzhu City like thunder, which made them angry to stand on the wall of the south gate and watch the Yangshan king of these people leave.

Don't beg to threaten the lives of the King of Xinshan, the King of Lishan and the people around him. I don't know how many of the Tongtian priests around them are reincarnated, but the only Buddha is forced not to hurt any of the worship of the secret halls.

Don't beg, you can break the jar and break the only Buddha. Even if it leads to a large number of deaths worshipped in the secret hall because of him, as he said, he is originally a person in the wilderness. He is originally a worthless Li Min. Even if he commits a felony, he is just being chased and killed by Fifteen years later, he is another good man.

But the only Buddha doesn't have the courage and don't beg for such a play. If the only Buddha kills the reincarnated Buddhist members among the Tongtian priests, not to mention how the Buddha's Lord Amitabha will ** the only Buddha, that is, those reincarnated people's masters, family members, relatives and friends will set off the only Buddha's ashes, and ensure that the only Buddha will never die, but he Taste the boundless purgatory torment.

The only Buddha is also the core high-level of Buddhism. Naturally, he knows that in order to calculate Dayu, Buddhism began to calculate Dayu before dozens of generations of Buddhas. From then on, he began to secretly tamper with reincarnation and mix some important Buddhist figures who were not originally reincarnated in Dayu into Dayu's family. Among the more than a thousand Tongtian priests who have been held hostage in front of him, there are more than a hundred Buddhas. If any of the forces they control are in a dilemma with all their strength and the only Buddha, it will make him in a dilemma.

So the only Buddha gave in, so the King of Xinshan gave in. Therefore, everyone sat down, calmly, and carried out "friendly and restrained negotiation". After three days and nights of intense deliberation, the two sides finally reached an agreement, signed a formal treaty, and issued their vows to ensure the smooth completion of the agreement.

The King of Xinshan, the King of Lishan and all the people related to them obediently appeared and left Liangzhu with their families to follow the King of Xinshan and the King of Lishan. Almost half of the rich families in Liangzhu have betrayed the important members of Dayu. They took their own people to pack up, drove in a flying boat to form a huge phalanx to leave Liangzhu, leave Xiongyuan, and go to the Dazhou under their own control in the south to establish a foundation.

In the newly formed Flying Bear Army, 70% of the soldiers betrayed Dayu, and they also left the army. In the turmoil of that day, almost all the important figures in the Tian Hall of Dayu Si were killed. "The rest were also people related to the King of Xinshan.

Seventy-seven of the soldiers of the Flying Bears abandoned Dayu, and the remaining three of the soldiers were killed by their comrades-in-arms on that day.

After the rich family led by the King of Xinshan left, Liangzhu almost turned into an empty city. Except for the political princes such as the King of Yangshan and the private guards of those rich families who are still loyal to Dayu, Liangzhu no longer has an established army.

Almost half of the family betrayed Dayu. Dayu's national strength was immediately weakened by more than half. Those who leave Dayu are not only the people of these families in front of them, but also the states and counties in those places they control outside. There is no doubt that those places no longer belong to Dayu. In this way, Dayu's territory is like a tattered fishing net, which has been cut into pieces. Once a conflict breaks out between these big states, it means that the whole Dayu is in chaos.

Just like near the East China Sea, the three major states of Zhengnan, Southwest and Zhengxi are controlled by the nested people who are killed by the beggar. Once the cause of death comes to those people, don't beg and believe that they will not attack the East China Sea. At that time, the East China Sea will be attacked on three sides, and if there is a war, it will be very lively.

The loss of the rich family is just that, and the worst loss is still in the Sijun Hall and the Sitian Hall.

Sijun Hall did not say, "The generals loyal to Dayu from top to bottom were assassinated, the big division army and the left and right division army were killed, and even their families were slaughtered by the flying bear army in a short time. Nowadays, there is no more established regular army around Liangzhu City. Donghai County, which is not begging, is actually the most elite and powerful force outside Liangzhu City today.

But what makes the Yangshan kings want to wipe their necks is the loss of Sitian Hall. Sitian Hall, left and right Sitian and the hosts of each hall have been poisoned one after another. In addition to the traitors who betrayed Dayu, such as Chaobu, other priests loyal to Dayu died cleanly in one day. Now the only thing that can be used around Liangzhu is the priestly power of the princes and the rich families.

The essence of the Sitian Hall was almost swept away, and what was more heartbreaking was the loss of the secret hall.

The first master of the secret hall and the elders of the elders were killed by the only Buddha with unknown cults, and the first master of each hall was also killed by the only Buddha. Although the fire line promoted a group of surviving Tongtian priests to take over the duties of these branches, the living power of the secret hall was at least 40%.

As for the worship of the Tibetan Temple, the only Buddha kept his promise and did not kill them, but the only Buddha used the Buddha's "dream bubble reincarnation method, trapped these worship souls in hibernation, and even used some strange secret medicine to control their bodies. If these two prohibitions cannot be lifted, those offerings will be useless even if they are awakened. The whole secret hall worship group was almost disintegrated, which was a devastating blow to the foundation of Dayu's rule.

These are the losses on personnel, and the losses on other materials are even more difficult to describe.

The candle dragon destroyed the whole palace. 90% of the huge wealth accumulated by Dayu stored in many secret libraries in the palace was lost to occupy 90% of all the classics and savings of the Sitian Hall, which were swept away by the nest and others. The various classics in the secret hall were preserved by secret methods, so they did not suffer much loss, but one The precious materials were swept away, and the losses made many political princes who listened to the list of losses fall into a coma.

Not to mention anything else, half of the Tongtian pagodas in the secret library of the Sitian Hall, which consumed countless materials, were swept away. "It was mentioned in the negotiation. Don't beg for force to force the King of Xinshan to leave half of the Tongtian pagoda. I'm afraid it Inside, even if Dayu uses the secret method to promote the birth of the Tongtian priest, he will be reduced to the dilemma that there is no Tongtian Tower available.

Zero all kinds of losses, which made the Yangshan King and others cry bitterly and almost cried to death.

In the old site of the original palace of Dayu, a group of servants of Dayu sat on the ground and shed tears quietly. How did Dayu ever suffer such a heavy loss? Even Begging, who had nothing to do with himself, was infected by this sad atmosphere. He sat beside the King of Yangshan with his head droopingly and weakly, holding the original Ao's tail and shaking him around like a windmill.

Ao Bu-zun, who shrank into a foot long, was dizzy by Begging." He lazily hugged Begging's arm and refused to let go. Don't beg threw away his tail, and Ao Bun proudly climbed on the top of Don't beg's head. He stood up on Don't beg's head and walked around his head in all directions. It's just that he looks like a little dragon now, but he learns to walk in all directions in a human form. It's a little funny no matter how you look at it.

Ao's self-feeling is extremely good." He waved his two front paws and muttered proudly, "Who can step on Yuanling's head like me! Tut, even the strongest demon gods in ancient times don't have this treatment! Tut, I step on it, step on it, I step on it!"

He was jumping on Don't beg's head, and a sudden figure appeared behind Don't beg without any movement. Ao Buzun glanced at the man, and suddenly his feet were crooked. "Oh, his voice fell from Begging's head.

"What the hell" What the hell! The corpse was cheated, his grandmother's, the corpse was cheated!" Ao Buzun shouted loudly, his two claws formed a magic seal, and a magnificent dragon-shaped thunder smashed the figure in front of him with a terrible sound of explosion.

The dragon clan is the god of wind and rain thunder. Ao Bu Zun, the ancient ancestor dragon, is the master of all thunder. Shocked, he instinctively turned his own vitality into thunder, and the power of the thunder was so great that it was scary.

As soon as the man came out from behind the begging, he was firmly stuffed in his face by Ao Buzun.

Ao Bu Zun's speed of thunder was too fast, and the speed of the ancient Zulong's original god thunder was tens of millions of times faster than the ordinary thunder. In addition, this thunder light with the magic power of Taigu Dragon's evil and broken armor, the man was blown out by the thunder before he could react.

A loud thunderbolt exploded" The man who had been blown up for hundreds of miles fell to the ground heavily, and a thunder pillar broke out near his front door, turning into a terrible thunderbolt tens of miles in diameter and roaring and spreading around.

The king of Yangshan and others jumped up at the same time. "They, who were deflated by the continuous changes these days, suddenly found the best way to vent their anger. The king of Yangshan howled and shouted, "Catch the bold thief" and kill him piece by piece!" The seventeen political princes shouted and rushed to the man. .

The man flew up awkwardly from the big hole blown up by the thunder, and coughed a few times in embarrassment.

The king of Yangshan suddenly stopped. They looked at the man in disbelief, and at the same time let out a little surprise, a little incredible, and a little unbelievable exclamation.

A golden sword spirit rose to the sky, and the vast power swept in all directions.

The king of Yangshan and other political princes and many civil and military ministers knelt to the ground at the same time and shouted respectfully, "I will see your majesty!"

Ao Buzun pinched two small paws and was dumbfounded for a moment.

"I flew the emperor with a thunderbolt? Mother of a bitch!",