Steal the sky

Chapter 905 Curse Kill Again

Chapter 954 Curse Attack Again (Fifth Update)

The Tongtian priest sent by Haozun Emperor to send the jade puppet for the death is the death of the chief priest of the Sitian Hall under the command of the seventy-seven generations of the former emperor who have just awakened from the worship hall. He still has more than 130 years of life. He volunteered to enter the worship hall to hibernate and

The dragon surname has a special meaning in Dayu. There are many people with the surnamed dragon in Dayu, but in the court of the Dayu Dynasty, the dragon clan is divided into thirteen branches, each of which is a mixture of the human race and the dragon clan. These thirteen clans are collectively referred to as the thirteen blood descendants of the dragon vein, and

The so-called hermit family is a family that rarely shows up in Dayu, lives in the dark of Dayu, and undertakes all kinds of confidential duties for Dayu. Like the thirteen blood descendants of the dragon vein, they are the dragon family of Dayu. All the mounts and beast souls of the dragons in Dayu are provided by the dragon clan they raised. Moreover, it is said that up to now, many ethnic groups of the thirteen blood descendants of the dragon vein have also matched with the adult-shaped dragon clan, giving birth to many half-dragon people with extremely high dragon blood, with unique talent and magical powers that are very different from the dragon race and the human race.

Long Yan is a half-dragon man with a particularly powerful dragon bloodline. There are two horny bulges the size of a baby's fists on his forehead, and the bulge that emits a faint dragon breath is obviously not a mature dragon horn. His pupils were also the majestic, indifferent and ruthless broken golden pupils of the dragon clan. Occasionally, when he encountered strong light, his pupils suddenly changed from round to strange oval.

Even a few small cyan dragon scales were born on the back of his hand, all of which represented his unique bloodline.

The dragon died in the secret hall. Because of his unique dragon blood, the secret methods and poisons laid by the only Buddha in the worship hall failed to hurt him. Therefore, after the Dayu Sitian Hall and the Secret Hall suffered heavy losses this time, the Haozun Emperor, who was eager to use people, awakened the worship of a group of the thirteen blood families of the dragon vein led by the dragon death, and added them to the secret hall and the Sitian hall.

Because these offerings to Yangshou are almost exhausted, Emperor Haozun didn't know where to get a batch of Kunlun Mountain specialties. He sacrificed his blood to share this batch of awakening offerings and food, which added nearly a thousand years of Yangshou to each of them, which is more or less to alleviate the problem of insufficient manpower in Day

Sitting in the main hall of the beggarship, Long Zhen's eyes always looked at Ao without respect intentionally or unintentionally.

The Holy Spirit King and the catfish are both powerful demons and immortals cultivated by dragons. The breath on their bodies is very familiar to the dragon's. The dragon's dragon's dragon's dragon's dragon's dragon's dragon's dragon's dragon's dragon's dragon's dragon's dragon's dragon's However, Ao Buzug always gives Long Yu a strange feeling, a kind of height that is inviolable, just like the trembling but warm feeling when Long Yu saw their blood ancestor when he was a child.

grinned, Long Zhen told himself that it was an illusion. Ao Buzum was sitting there, twisting around like a convulsion from time to time. No matter how you look at it, it is a newly formed little monster. How can there be the dignified and inviolability of the elders of the dragon clan?

Looking at Ao Buzun deeply, Long Zhen took out three hundred palm-sized jade puppets from his sleeve and gave them to Don't be beg one by one. He said in a low voice, "King of the East China Sea, distribute these substitute puppets to important generals and literary ministers in the East China Sea. These substitute puppets are magic weapons made by the secret hall that have spent a lot of money over the years. Each substitute puppet can resist the curse of the ordinary people of the nine taboo clan. If their elders take action, each scapegoat can also resist them from killing with all their strength.

Hearing Long Yu's words, Don't beg hurriedly distributed the scapegote to the people in the hall, especially Princess Pang Le, who was forced to take three scapegote puppets by one person. Everyone drops a drop of blood on the scapegoat, and the puppet has a sense of intimacy with people. If someone curses himself, the puppet will bear all the power of a curse in his place.

These jade puppets are only a small part of all the materials brought by the dragon's death. He also brought a large number of introductions related to the taboo clan, as well as the spells, techniques and coping methods commonly used by the taboo clan. The palm-sized jade with a large capacity is 124 yuan, which records a large number of things related to the taboo family.

Princess Po Le took over these jade slips. With these, at least the East China Sea will not know nothing about the taboo clan. As long as Princess Po Le understands the various spells recorded in it, the Donghai Sitian Hall can make various countermeasures against the taboo clan, and will no longer be confused.

Originally, Long Zhen had to return to Liangzhu after giving these things to Begging, but because the breath on Ao Buchun made him feel extremely strange, Long Zhen took the initiative to stay and introduced to Begging that the curse of the taboo clan was so powerful.

Don't beg, Princess Pangle and others listened to the story of Long's life. All kinds of secrets were unheard of before, and they listened to them with great interest.

In fact, the taboo family and the thirteen blood descendants of the dragon vein are generally, which are basically a mixture of human and foreign. However, the thirteen blood descendants of the dragon vein are mixed with the dragon clan, and the ancient saints made human beings, which were integrated into the dragon bloodline. Therefore, the human race can also be regarded as the descendant of the dragon clan, and the mixed race with the noble dragon clan is not excluded by the human race. On the contrary, this is a very glorious thing.

But the mixed-race objects of the taboo clan are not the bloodlines of dragons and phoenixes. They communicate with foreign demons and other messy things that can't tell the origin of foreign countries. They only focus on the pursuit of stronger and more strange power, so they do not hesitate to do anything. All kinds of strange mixed-race descendants have emerged one after another, and even they have worked hard on the taboo soul.

The human race was born with three souls and seven souls, which is the rule stipulated by the law of heaven when the Washuang clan created people, because half of the blood of the human race comes from Pangu Dasheng, and Pangu Dasheng has three souls and seven souls, which is the standard number of human souls stipulated by Tiandao.

But the taboo clan, in order to have stronger power, they do not hesitate to tamper with the soul. The strange existence of seven souls and one soul, eighteen souls and nine souls, and one soul and thirteen souls have been taken out by them. Even among those souls, there are also distracted gods from foreign demons and alien beings. The existence of some taboo families has simply become the split of foreign aliens.

In this way, the taboo clan is no longer human at all, so they have been killed by the human race.

But the spell of the taboo clan is also getting stronger and stronger with the mutation of their bodies and souls, just like the five clans of the taboo clan who are not begging for life but can't reach the golden elixir realm. Their bodies are so weak, but their souls are completely different from human beings. They may have more than a dozen souls, some of which belong to themselves, and the other souls belong to some extremely powerful beings in the outer region.

Those who are not bound by the laws of heaven in this world can play a lethality beyond human imagination. In particular, several such powerful beings take action at the same time, and the power of their spell killing is enough to make such a great power to drink hatred without being on guard.

The curse killing of the taboo clan is not only because of their strange souls, but also because of their curse killing tools. The refining of various spell killing utensils of the taboo clan has exceeded the peak level of the human race. Every seemingly ordinary spell killing tool is actually refined with a huge amount of genius treasures and great energy.

is like the seemingly ordinary cork carved statue to kill Don't beggar. It is likely that the spiritual root of some powerful congenital wood is sacrificed with the blood of a large number of powerful creatures, and then a large number of powerful immortals, Buddhas or powerful priests are injected with mana to concentrate everyone's power to curse the beg.

The five taboo clansmen who are so weak that they seem to be simply hit hard and don't beg, but in the process of their simple curse killing, in fact, it may contain the hard work of hundreds of Taiyi's realm. Don't begging is fighting with hundreds or even more powerful beings at that moment.

This is the essence of the forbidden family's spell killing. The strange and unpredictable existence of the outer territory, coupled with the huge refining spell killing instruments, and the strong horizontal mana power of a large number of powerful inputs melted in these utensils, this makes the curse killing of the forbidden clan have the terrible power of gods blocking gods and Buddhas blocking the killing Buddhas.

As for the most suitable geography, the most suitable time and the most suitable person to carry out the curse in the process of spell killing, the considerations of time, place, people and all aspects are even more complicated. In short, the taboo family has interpreted the spell almost to art, and all kinds of subtleties are beyond the reach of the priests of Dayu's secret temple and Sitian's temple.

After all, Wu Xian and Wu Peng are the most powerful priest families of the ancient people when they were still in the tribal alliance. Now the priests of the Secret Temple and the Sitian Temple are still the figures of their disciples and grandchildren. The oldest part of mankind's spell inheritance is all retained in their clan. In the face of the endless wonderful spells of the taboo clan, now Dayu can only passively defend.

In terms of magic cultivation, the current priests of Dayu are indeed not the opponent of the taboo clan. The only way to the taboo clan for so many years is to kill and kill them. Once they find their clues, they will immediately use the power of the country to chase them.

Because of the mixed blood, it is extremely difficult for the taboo family to reproduce children, and any family is extremely important. For example, the killing of the five of them this time can be regarded as a great result.

Don't beg and Princess Pangle are very modest to ask Long Yu for information about the taboo clan. Long Yu also knows everything and says everything, and teaches everything he knows in the heart of the younger generation.

At this moment, a faint golden firelight came out of Beggar's sleeve.

Don't beg for a moment. He took out his sleeve and took out the storage bracelet that Nandou Emperor had just compensated for him.

The golden beads held by the nine dragon mouths on the storage bracelet are emitting a faint firelight, rising like a smoke-like flame, forming a square-square-meter fire mirror on the bracelet. Don't frown and throw out the storage bracelet, but the bracelet suspended in front of him. The face of an old man with horns like a husband's sheep flashed by in the fire mirror.

"Taboo family!" Long Yu jumped up and shouted.

The storage bracelet was smashed, and the substitute puppet on Princess Le's body exploded into a blue smoke.

Don't beg, your face has turned pale. RO