Steal the sky

Chapter 910 Joyful Buddha Disaster

Chapter 910 Happy Buddha Disaster (Third Update)

Golden lotus is everywhere, Bodhi Sensen, clear springs are gushing everywhere, and strange fragrance flows in the wind. The muttering chanting spread in the air and turned into a sound wave, which decorated this underground cave in a radius of thousands of miles to be particularly sacred and solemn.

360 head-sized golden relics suspended in the air, constantly spewing out of the strong aura, blending into the golden pure land of Buddhism below. These relics, like the magic tripod on the Jade Bone Fairy Valley, communicate with countless flag gates and small gathering arrays in the outside world, gather a huge amount of aura, and finally create such a cave in the cave.

If someone can see through this land, they will see a pink lotus occupying the whole underground cave. After the underground cave, which was originally only a few miles long and wide, was occupied by the lotus, it actually evolved into a pure land full of golden lotus and bodhi forest with tens of millions of miles. The golden pagodas are everywhere, and the edge of the dense forest and spring is full of soft and white cushions.

Countless beautiful women with beautiful faces and figures, countless strong and handsome men, on this pure land of Buddhism, on the soft and white cushion, performing the most primitive reproduction movement of human beings. The strange movements of these people are simply unimaginable. Their violent **, their bodies collide with each other and make a violent 'pop' sound, but their faces are full of sacred solemnity, and their mouths are constantly chanting scriptures, and the chanting sound that fills the whole void comes from their mouths.

Suddenly, a strong man who was riding on a beautiful girl's body suddenly chanted the Buddha's name. Two golden torrents visible to the naked eye poured into the strong man's body from the girl's body. A faint pink Buddha light formed behind the strong man's head, and his eyebrows also appeared a very light thumb. Pink lotus print. The girl was sweating profusely. She turned over and raised her two long legs to clamp the lion-like waist of the Han Dynasty. She shouted charmingly, "Congratulations, brother, for your success. Please take care of me in the future!"

The strong man likes to laugh. He sang the Buddha's name with his hands, waved a large piece of pink Buddha's light with his hands, and more than 30 girls sitting around under the shade of the bodhi tree to rest their faces turned red at the same time. They looked at the big man who had cultivated the fruit of the arhatically Before long, more than 30 girls gathered around the big man at the same time, and the more fanatical unobstructed conference began.

The big man enjoys the body of these girls like a machine that will never get tired, and the golden torrent of Taoism continues to pour into the body of the big man from the body of these girls. The Buddha light behind the big man's head became brighter and brighter and gradually condensed, and the pink lotus print on his eyebrows became clearer and clearer, as if a real lotus flower had hit his eyebrows.

On this pure land, from time to time, a long roar of joy rises to the sky, the Taoist Buddha light flashes everywhere, and the air is full of a pink ** smell.

In the middle of this pure land, eighteen golden pagodas towering into the clouds are surrounded by a circle. The top of each pagoda has no spire, but a spacious cloud platform. The eighteen Buddhas with fair skin color are like girls, and their bodies are as fat as elephants. Buddha sits lazily in the middle of the cloud platform, lying around them full of naked and beautiful girls.

Eighteen Buddhas released infinite bright light behind their heads, and their bright light was intertwined in one place, which increased the time flow rate in this void by 7,000 times. This is also the result of their joint action. If they do it alone, they can accelerate the time by up to 2,000 times, and 18 people together, which improves the efficiency a lot. After all, they are proficient in happy meditation rather than the magic power to control time. Usually, the feelings of their 18 brothers are excellent, so there are 18 people coming together.

A little golden light flashed in the void, and dozens of beautiful heads flew down with pink refinement with a smile. The skin of the leader is light golden, and there is a lotus flower in his eyes. Obviously, it is a great power of Buddhism that has cultivated the true fruit of the Bodhisattva.

The happy head stood on a white cloud in the middle of the eighteen towers and bowed to the Buddha around him: "Buddhas, I have a great harvest on this trip. In the past few days, there have been wars in 37 countries outside the mountain, and the civilian people have been displaced. The disciples have bought more than 70,000 foundations with a lot of money.

Toutuo waved his hand, and more than 700 pink lotus flowers floated out in the light of the Buddha. On each lotus flower, there are a hundred beautiful girls with excellent bones. Look at the age from seven or eight to fifteen or sixteen years old.

A Buddha laughed happily and said, "Wonderful, so that those disciples can practice faster. Brothers, please work hard and plant happy Zen seeds in these furnace tripods, and cooperate with the disciples after they practice!"

Those Buddhas claimed to be good, and they waved their hands one after another, and dozens of lotus flowers floated into their hands. These Buddhas reached into the lotus and took out a girl. His fat body pressed heavily on the girl's body, and his face was full of smiles, which almost brutally invaded the girls' bodies. The sleeping girl suddenly broke her body. They screamed in pain and struggled repeatedly, and some people tore the faces of these huge monks with their long nails.

But even if they scratch and bite, the huge monks are still unmoved. They slowly shrugged their bodies at an extremely strange frequency, and gradually there was a Buddha glow floating out of their bodies. The bodies of these girls gradually turned faint red. Before long, they let out a joyful cry, and the corners of their eyes and eyebrows showed a strong spring feeling.

A pink cloud suddenly broke up in the void. Don't beg to take the people of the East China Sea to quietly invade this world.

The jade bone fairy stepped on a black cloud and respectfully bowed to him and said, "Your Majesty, this is the place where the 18 Buddhas of Buddhism are happy and Zen Buddhism. Because three of them, the Buddha and the little devil have practiced several Yuan meetings respectively, and the little devil's jade demon bone forging is also learned from the Buddha's golden body. The little devil has a little friendship with them, so he knows that they are practicing here.

Don't beg to take a look at the pure land of ** scenes everywhere, and you can't help grinning. Huanxi Zen is indeed worthy of Huanxi Zen.

Ao Bizun swallowed a big spit. He opened his eyes wide and smiled and said, "Good skill, it's really a good skill, a good place, it's really a good place. Tut, why can these bald donkeys rob women and have fun? In those years, I just found a few women to make a wish, and I was smashed to pieces by the explosion? There is no justice, there is really no justice!"

Don't beg for a glance at Ao Bu Zun. Although these Buddhist monks are also the furnace tripod who plundered the people from the outside world, they are not stupid enough to provoke too powerful opponents? They plundered the mortal women and asked them to practice happy Zen skills as the furnace tripod. Even if these folk women can practice to the realm of Bodhisattva, what can they do with them? Don't you see these happy Buddhas go to grab a few Taiyi fairies in the heavenly court as furnace tripods?

Princess Le looked at the messy scene below with disgust. She snorted coldly, "These bald donkeys deserve to die. Little sparrow, burn them all... Those women burned to death together and sent their souls to reincarnated! The souls of these bald donkeys are directly destroyed!"

The little sparrow answered, and she looked up at the sky and let out a crisp cry. A red flame gradually spread, covering the whole pure land of tens of millions of miles in the blink of an eye. The rolling heat wave swept in all directions, the golden lotus and bodhi forests below were scorched and burned one after another, and the clear spring was turned into steam to dissipate. A good pure land of Buddhism turned into a red-hot tile kiln in the blink of an eye.

The eighteen Buddhas, who were enjoying the fresh and tender body of the girl, suddenly jumped up. They looked up at the sky and shouted harshly, "Where are the Taoist friends in a dilemma? We are the eighteen happy Buddhas under the seat of the Great Sect of the Buddha's Joy Zen Sect, which is, Taoist friends..."

Don't beg quietly came to the eighteen golden pagodas. He stepped on a white cloud, and his ruthless eyes glanced at these Buddhas. The huge Buddhas only felt that Don't beg's eyes penetrated their bodies like blades, and the deep chill made them afraid to say one more word.

Breaking the Taoist realm has an absolute oppressive advantage over the Ming Taoist realm. Don't beg for the huge consciousness to turn into a storm and rain, hitting the eighteen happy Buddhas. The Buddhas, who are famous for their strong mind and strong consciousness, can't resist the invasion of the god's knowledge. They die one by one. Their It may be extinguished by the god of not begging.

The Buddhas spoke in despair. The Buddha's Amitabha could not suppress them so much. What could put so much pressure on them could only be a more powerful existence than the Buddha's Amitabha. The monk who broke the Taoist realm, how can there be a broken Taoist realm on the Pangu continent?

Those perverted power, shouldn't they abide by the iron laws set by several Taoists and Buddhas, and all go to the sky outside the nine-day world to live in seclusion? Is it, yes, yes, those people took action? They joined hands to attack the plot of Tianting and Buddhism this time?

At the thought of the horrors of those existence, the Eighteen Happy Buddha was so scared that he was in a cold sweat all over. His two white legs trembled and could no longer support their huge weight. They sat on the cloud platform almost at the same time, and the golden pagoda below trembled violently.

Don't beg to smile happily. These people are soft persimmons, which are easy to deal with.

With the precedent of the jade bone fairy just now, don't beg, but you will never reveal your identity as the king of the East China Sea. He pinched his voice and sneered, "The poor road is scattered outside the sky to practice clouds and pass by here. When I see you and other demon monks abducting the people's "

The towering Nanming Lihuo roared down from the fire and wiped out everything in the Pure Land.

In the wailing of heaven and earth, those Buddhist disciples who were practicing happy meditation became ashes one after another, and their furnace tripod was also swallowed up by the fire. Phoenix real fire can best purify dirt and wash all filth. In the clear flame, the souls of Buddhist disciples were burned to ashes and smoke, and the souls of girls who were pure and without any impurities flew up one after another, and they disappeared into reincarnation with a smile.

The happy Buddhas screamed. They only repeated the words 'senior' kindness' over and over again, and the souls were almost broken by the impact of the god of not begging.

Don't beg for a pitiful smile. He rolled all these Buddhas into his sleeves.

A purple thunder light quietly waved down the backhand, and with a crisp thunder, the cave and the mountain above turned into blue smoke and drifted away. RO