Steal the sky

Chapter 914 Ascension to Immortals on the Flat

Gui Guzi's words forced Wu Diyu to speak.

What kind of character is Gui Guzi? Both of his apprentices can stir up the world of the Warring States with a three-inch tongue. As their master, Gui Guzi is even better. Wu Diqi is just a powerful minister of the Great Wu Dynasty. In terms of reason, where is the opponent of Gui Guzi?

Wu Di, who was blushing, stared at Gui Guzi for a long time, and finally forced out a sentence: "How can your majesty rule on the employment of a national teacher?" This matter must be discussed in the court for the Manchu Dynasty.

Don't beg, hey hey, Yi Le, he shook his head and said, "What the regent said makes sense."

Wu Diqi looked at Don't beg suspiciously. Now it is clear that he and these three Taoist people are rivals. Why do they follow their own words? Frankly speaking, in terms of Wu Diyu's control over the court now, if it is really discussed in the court, Wu Tianming's any decision will not pass.

Wu Tianming seemed to have thought of this stubble. He looked at Don't beg, a little helpless and a little angry.

Don't beg. He just nodded with a relaxed smile: "Your Majesty, let's call the Great Wu Wenwu Dynasty to discuss this matter. It's good to have a good name for everything!" When it comes to the four words of justification, don't beg to stare at Wu Diyu, which aggravates the tone of these four words.

Wu Diqi's reaction was as expected. His black face was purple, and his eyes bulged as if he was going to draw a knife to kill someone. This man is indeed a martial artist, and he can't have anything in his heart. Of course, he can rely on his power to run for a while, but in the end, he will definitely have bad luck.

With a slight smile, don't beg to turn back to the white crane's back.

Wu Tianming took a deep breath. He looked at Wu Diqi with courage and shook his hand to hit a slap-sized gold medal. Before long, the towering and magnificent palaces in the city sounded a high and clear golden bell roared. Everyone looked down condescendingly. The main doors of the houses in the neighborhood near this palace opened, and hundreds of horses rolled out surrounded by the escort of the brigade. They quickly walked to the main gate of the palace.

shook his head slightly. After all, the Great Wu Dynasty was a small country from the outer world, and the weather in this court alone could not be compared with that of Dayu. Um, when Dayu was not divided at the beginning, he did not go through two major turbulences. There were ministers in the bear hall, and the total number of courtiers from all families and ethnic groups exceeded 300,000. As for the Great Wu Dynasty, there were only two or three hundred ministers who entered the palace, and the gap between them and Dayu was so big.

Seeing the ministers enter the palace, Bemao and his party also fell into the clouds and landed straight into the palace. A group of eunuch Gong'e greeted him. They surrounded Wu Tianming and entered a hall. In it, Wu Tianming wanted to bathe, change his clothes and change the court's dragon robe. Half an hour had passed since he was busy.

Don't beg the three people and Wu Diqi are waiting outside the hall. Gui Guzi and Mo Zhai close their eyes and are too lazy to pay attention to Wu Diqi. Don't beg is staring at me and I staring at you with great interest. Wu Diqi's anger is extremely heavy, and his eyes are full of threat Don't beg also stared at him without showing weakness, and his fierce eyes swept around everywhere in Wu Diyu. The subtle eyes made Wu Diyu feel uncomfortable. Not long after, Wu Diyu was defiant by the eyes of Buqi. He even turned his head a little timidly and did not dare to look at Don't beg again.

Don't beg deliberately laughed a few times." When Wu Diqi heard the laughter, he turned his head angrily and stared at Begging. But Don't beg's eyes suddenly became extremely evil. His eyes became dark, and his deep eyes rotated slowly like a whirlpool. Wu Diyu's eyes were absorbed by Don't beg's eyes. His soul moved and was almost sucked by the whirlpool in Don't beg's eyes.

Wu Diqi, who was so scared that his soul flew out of the sky, shouted, "I jumped back so far away."

His soul trembled in the sea of knowledge, as if to fly out of his body. Wu Diyu hurriedly took out two bone charms from his sleeve and slapped them in one palm. Two spiritual charms that solidified the soul to ward off evil spirits and eliminate disasters flashed and imprinted a spiritual light on his eyebrows. Only then did his ** uneasy soul settle down.

Wu Diqi, who was sweating all over, pointed angrily at Don't begging and wanted to scold loudly, but the curses were all around his lips. "He suddenly woke up. Now Don't beg is not the party members attached to him of Da Wu, not the people who let him beat and scold him. The terrible feeling of being sucked away by external forces made Wu Diqi turn around on the edge of death. He didn't even dare to look at him, so he didn't say that he didn't beg.

Suppressing the panic in his heart, Wu Diyu lowered his head and rolled around desperately. Wu Tianming suddenly recruited the three people to come back, which had a great impact on Wu Di's power in Wu. But how to respond? Wu Diying tossed the little brain in his skull in distress, and he racked his best to find any good strategy.

After thinking about it for a long time, Wu Diyu couldn't help looking in the direction of the hall ahead. "His party members are waiting in the hall, and there are also a few wise people." Maybe they can come up with a good way for themselves?

With a cloud board, Wu Tianming, after bathing and changing clothes, walked out surrounded by the eunuch Gong'e. Several little eunuchs drove over a Kowloon car pulling a car with green deer, and waited for Wu Tianming to board the car and sit down. Wu Tianming turned his head and waved to the three people with a smile: "How about the three national masters sharing with me?"

Wu Diyu's face changed. Don't beg for a smile and said, "Your Majesty, please be careful.

Wu Tianming was stunned. He looked at Wu Diyu with an ugly face meaningfully, and slowly nodded and said, "What the national master said is reasonable."

After waving his hand, an old eunuch shouted in a shrill voice, and the group went straight to the front hall.

In the royal hall of the Great Wu Dynasty, the princes, ministers and chief officials who were qualified to attend the court were divided into more than a dozen small groups to discuss in a low voice why Wu Tianming summoned the ministers today. The Great Wu Dynasty usually had a court meeting every three days. The usual government was directly decided by the regent Wu Diqi in Zaifu [the house], which had nothing to do with Wu Tianming at all. Today is not the day of the Great Dynasty meeting. Wu Tianming, who was completely overhead, summoned the ministers to discuss the matter. What happened?

At the sound of three jades, the eunuch's sharp voice reminded the ministers Wu Tianming to arrive. The ministers returned to their respective positions lazily and slowly. After Wu Tianming sat down on the throne, more than 70% of the ministers took a look at Wu Diqi who came out with Wu Tianming at the same time. Then they knelt to the ground together and worshipped Wu Tianming. The ground hummed coldly and walked down to the jade platform where the throne was located, and slowly walked to the position of the head of the ministers. Before Wu Tianming opened his mouth, Wu Diyu had already waved his hand: "Your Majesty got up. Today, your majesty summoned all the ministers to discuss the matter. It was your majesty who visited the three national teachers for my great Wu. Hahaha, will the ministers discuss this matter?

National teacher? The courtiers of Da Wu raised their heads in confusion. Don't beg the three people to stand beside Wu Tianming, which is very eye-catching. Only then did they notice that Wu Diyu's face was so ugly. More than a month ago, when Wu Tianming's father, Wu Diyu's brother, and the former emperor of the Great Wu Dynasty were strangers, his face was not as ugly as today.

All kinds of thoughts in the hearts of the ministers are churning. The former emperor of Wu was suddenly killed just three days after he came to Pangu mainland. The incident happened suddenly, and no one in the Manchu Dynasty had time to react. Then Wu Diyu made the decision. From among the many princes, Wu Tianming, the lucky man with the weakest cultivation and the lowest reputation, ascended to the throne. Wu Tianming has been completely overheading, and the power of the government belongs to Wu Diming alone. At this time, Wu Tianming suddenly got three national teachers out, among which Xuanxu is really worth studying.

There was a silence in the hall for a while, and an old man who seemed to die at any time slowly walked out of the train. He asked shiveringly, "Do you dare to ask the three immortals, He De, how can he be my great Wu master?"

Manchu Dynasty Wenwu Qiqi asked, "Dare to ask the three immortals, He De, how can he be my great Wu master!" The words of the ministers were of one mind, and Wu Tianming's face suddenly turned dark. Wu Diyu suddenly became energetic. He straightened his chest and looked at Man Chao's literature and martial arts proudly, with a sense of raising his eyebrows.

Don't beg to take a step forward slowly. He said lightly, "We have three brothers, and we are proficient in fighting and fighting. No one can stop them. The poor Taoist brother Greedy Wolf Taoist King's astronomy and geography, star divination, heaven and earth ghosts and gods are all in one hand, and other agriculture, fishing, animal husbandry, forests, merchants and merchants' economy are all in everything. As for the second brother of the poor Taoist, he is proficient in the way of alchemy, and the weapons he refines are all magic weapons, and the alchemy... With a smile, Don't beg took out one of the elixirs he refined with the Buddha of Joy Buddha, and slowly presented it to Wu Tianming.

"Your Majesty, this is the nine-turn great fire elixir refined by the second brother of the poor Taoist. It can make people ascend to immortals on the flat ground. I don't know if your majesty is willing to try it?"

Wu Tianming's action was beyond the expectation of everyone in the hall. Before Wu Diqi could speak, and before the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu objected to him grab the elixir in his hand and swallowed it into his stomach. Begging was scared by his action. The emperor was so anxious that he was about to jump over the wall, right? Otherwise, would he dare to do such a desperate thing?

Fortunately, this elixir is not poison, but a real supreme elixir.

Wu Tianming swallowed the elixir, and every pore of his body was spraying a very fine golden light outside. The golden light gathered into a rich golden glow wrapped around him and a large piece of sticky black impurities rushed out of his [body]. Jin Guangrui rose flat, and a faint fragrance floated out of Wu Tianming's [body]. Wu Tianming's body shivered in waves. He suddenly opened his mouth and spewed out three purple and golden lotus huā. Suddenly, the fragrance of the hall suddenly smelled, and the powerful magic fluctuations gushed out of his [body

The nine-turn great elixir is not only integrated with one-tenth of the essence purified by the happy Buddha, but also copied and imprinted all his Taoism by the means of the past. Wu Tianming's mana cultivation directly broke through from the Yuanying Realm to the 18-grade Golden Immortals, and then the huge Jingyuan savings in his [body]. His trance eyes looked at the sky. This is the Buddha's Taoism is blending with his weak motogami.

Don't beg for a light cough. He said faintly, "Nine-turn fire elixir can make people flat and become golden immortals."

Looking at the stunned ministers in the hall, don't beg and ask softly, "Do you dare to ask, are the poor Taoist brothers qualified to be the masters of the State of Wu?",