Steal the sky

Chapter 971 People's hearts are unpredictable

Within ten days, the affairs of the Ling Dynasty continued.

Except for the tragic death of Qingcheng Heyang Zhenren, who praised military and political affairs beside Liu Bang, the king of Han, and dozens of his friends, in the next few days, some low-key but important figures in the Ling Dynasty were killed one after another. Among them, there were even three little stars in the lower world who helped the Ling Dynasty. Inexplicably, their heads were taken away in the retreat cave opened outside Wanling City.

And everyone's soul is scattered. The refining of the seven Buddhas and nine paths is specially used to collect souls, and the foreign treasures used to prepare for the future gods have no effect at all. The person who killed them must have the treasure-level treasure of Hongmeng to cover up the breath and isolate the induction of the strange treasure, so that they can completely destroy people's souls so easily.

The Ling Dynasty was shaken, and Zhang Tengyun, Liu Bang, Lv Buwei and others made a decision in panic. The Ling Dynasty army quickly disengaged from the East China Sea and changed from active attack to passive defense. At the same time, the Ling Dynasty quickly expanded its army and quickly marched in the north and south, sweeping large and small human countries from the outer world like flood monsters.

And the speed of the arrival of the outer realm to the Pangu mainland has also suddenly increased several times. Those heavenly kings and immortals who are in the outer realm of the outer realm do not hesitate to urge those huge land blocks to march towards the Pangu mainland. It is expected that all the outer realms will be re-integrated with the Pangu continent in It fell into the hands of the heavenly court and Buddhism.

At the same time, the Jing Dynasty in the western Xinjiang also made such a big fight. They hung a war-free card in front of the flying bear army led by Ji Ao, but set off a frenzy of attack in the northern and southern frontiers, and a private country was swept away by them.

According to the analysis of the high-level officials of the Six Kingdoms, the Ling Dynasty and the Jing Dynasty were aware of the terie atmosphere between the heavenly court and the Buddha. Even in private, in places where the beggars did not know, the heavenly court and the Buddhist sect may have even had a small-scale and low-intensity friction, Both sides are working hard to collect the human power in the outer world, and strive to occupy the largest share of the human royal spirit, and then defeat Dayu together with his competitors.

And the information sent back by the son-in-law also proves the speculation of others. During the period when the Ling Dynasty and the Jing Dynasty collected the soldiers and horses to break away from the contact with Dayu, three suzerains of many Buddhist sects inexplicably disappeared. According to the rumors in Buddhism, these three cultivations are almost better Great existence, they seem to have suddenly fallen.

The heart suzerain, the Italian suzerain, plus the King Kong suzerain, the status of the three major sects in Buddhism far exceeds that of the Huanxi Sect, especially the Vajra nose is known as the first in the golden body of Buddhism. Very early" In order to compete for the alien treasure generated by a certain heaven and earth, the King Kong master who traveled outside once had one person fighting against twelve Taiyi golden immortals alone. He let them fly sword magic weapons, thunder and flames to attack, and the golden body was not damaged at all. He abruptly grabbed the strange treasure from the twelve Taiyi The sacrifice of virtue has added another thing to the Buddha's door.

Such a powerful figure suddenly fell, and he didn't know what had happened. Don't beg to secretly light the fire for both sides." They also began to attack along the fire, and the only thing that can stop these small frictions, they seem to be happy to see this kind of thing? In short, they did not say anything to stop the actions of their disciples.

The situation has become unpredictable, but it is very good for not begging. Don't beg and don't go out to add obstacles to the Ling Dynasty." He devoted himself to training troops in the East China Sea, and selecting people with excellent qualifications from the soldiers spent a lot of resources and energy for special training.

If there is a war together in the future, no matter how many ordinary soldiers are cannon fodder, Taiyi will be defeated, and ordinary golden immortal-level soldiers will be vulnerable. Well, to stay active in future struggles, the East China Sea needs more Taiyi-level existence.

Think about the countless hibernation offerings in the hall, and think about the strength of the disciples who have been hidden for so many years. "Don't beg, you can't help but feel numb. Together with the turbulence in the future, unless we escape into the chaotic world, we can't escape this great war at all. But if he is not begging to leave everything now and escape into the chaotic world as a hermit, how can he be willing?

The Xuanyin Star Tower is fully moving, and his time has accelerated to a full 100,000 times, and the immortals, priests and soldiers under his command can practice for 100,000 years in a year. Except that the aura in the spiritual cave is not enough to use, everything is going well.

It is almost crazy to accumulate military strength, and half a year has passed quickly.

Within six months, there was no war in the East China Sea and the Western Xinjiang. The Ling Dynasty, the Jing Dynasty and those human countries fought fiercely. Don't beg to control Da Wu also took advantage of the opportunity to annex a large number of territory and population, and abrupt many benefits from the mouth of the Ling Dynasty and the Jing Dynasty.

The interior of Dayu is calm, and Emperor Haozun is trying to restrain the hearts of the people, especially in the southern Xinjiang that was once occupied by Xinyu. He even paraded day and night with many civil and military ministers in southern Xinjiang. He worked hard to control the people's livelihood and civil affairs there. In Xiongyuan, several political princes are trying to control the new army. The treasury of Dayu is all opened, and endless resources are poured out. Then they use a perverted speed to cultivate a new army that is absolutely loyal to the emperor.

Like the arithmetic of the Ling Dynasty and the Jing Dynasty, Emperor Haozun also had a plan to complete his contribution in one battle and overturn all his opponents at once.

When everything seemed to be smooth and peaceful, Buqi, who was teaching the mysteries of heaven to many immortals in the spiritual cave, suddenly received an emergency communication from outside. From Liangzhu, there was a team holding the special order of Haozun Emperor. The leader was Ji Dai, the eldest son of the Yangshan King of Yangshan.

In the spiritual cave, don't beg to sit on a ball of purple clouds. In all directions of his body, a group of purple clouds are neatly connected, and it is not clear how many immortals, demons and immortals sit on it respectfully to listen to him explain the mystery of the way of heaven. Don't say that don't beg for such a person at the peak of the Tao. Other Taiyi golden immortals in the Pangu world are extremely stingy about their own heavenly way. They speak once or twice to their own disciples, that is, only three at most three times, each time is a few days of effort.

Like Don't beg, in the spiritual cave for 50,000 consecutive years, it has been passed on to the immortals under the door to solve the problem, which is simply a world-breaking thing. Including the ancestors of the seven Buddhas and nine paths, they will not take advantage of their disciples for nothing. Without a great contribution, they can't take a word out of their mouths. Don't beg when you meet them. It's the great work of these people. Now Don't beg has received the emergency communication from outside. Don't beg, who teaches the mystery of heaven and earth, is stunned, and this sercture has stopped. Countless immortals around opened their eyes at the same time. They took a deep breath, and the purple gas golden clouds released outside the body were included in [body] one after another. All the immortals bowed slightly respectfully and waited respectfully for the order not to beg.

After mediting for a moment, don't beg and say indifferently, "It's good to absorb these things I have taught."

After another pause, don't beg for talent and said, "From today on, set a rule. The immortal is the disciple of the outer door. The golden fairy can enter the inner door. When you get to the realm of Taiyi, you are my own heir. You should all work hard and don't lose my reputation.

Countless immortals got up one after another, knelt down respectfully on the ground and worshipped Don't beg, and Qi Qi answered the promise.

These immortals are now disciples of stealing the sky and changing the sun, including human immortals, demon immortals, demon immortals, ghost immortals and so on. Human immortals include ordinary human beings, dragon uncles, feathers, Jiao people, Tianmu people and other races. Don't beg to teach the road in the spiritual cave. Every time after a period of time, a group of disciples will rotate. The development of the gate has been great over the years. The strength of the disciples is far from comparable to that of that in those years.

Don't begled out of the spiritual cave. As soon as she walked out of the backyard of the East China Sea Palace, Qixia suddenly came out of Beggai. Qixia, whose hands were full of blood, affectionately wiped the blood sacrifice on Beggai's body and said with a smile, "Are you bored? Why are you so calm after staying there for tens of thousands of years? Accompany me to hunt whales. I just killed a heterogeneous unicorn dragon whale and got tens of thousands of catties of the best longanth.

He put his arms around Qixia's waist and said, "I'll go later, there will be guests coming... Well, hey, it's interesting!"

With a shaky figure, don't beg Qixia to escape, and appear in the council hall of the East China Sea Palace in an instant. As soon as he appeared, he heard the voice of Yu Shengsheng, who is still fresh in his memory: "The king of the East China Sea is really noble. My prince has been here for so long, why didn't I see him come out to greet him?"

Princess Po Le, wearing a black palace skirt, sat on the throne, but looked down on the proud Ji Dai and her party. As for the arrogant Yu Shengsheng with her hands behind her back, Princess Pow Le didn't bother to pay attention to it at all.

Don't beg to appear silently beside Princess Pangle, which scared Yu Shengsheng and Ji Dai. The two old men, whose faces were as thin as mountains, hurried forward to protect Yu Shengsheng and Ji Dai. Two small but palm-sized Tongtian towers emerged from their heads, releasing strong mana fluctuations covering the void around them.

Qixia squinted and stood beside Buqi without saying a word. She looked at Ji Dai and her party with great interest, and almost instinctively noticed that there seemed to be a funny prey.

Don't beg to stand in front of the throne. He bowed his hand to Ji Dai with a smile and said, "King of Qingqiu, Xiaowang has lost a long way to welcome him, but he is also handling military affairs. Please forgive me. Well, I don't know why the King of Qingqiu came from afar. What are you doing?

Ji Dai, who was born with a sinister and mean face, smiled and glanced at Princess Le and Qixia with greedy eyes.

Ji Dai didn't say anything, but Yu Shengsheng arrogantly took out a black scroll. He said in a low voice, "It's nothing else. It's just that the princes of the political discussion have put together. The king of the East China Sea has made great contributions and hard work, but according to the proposal of that year, he entered the

Don't beg, enter the throne of the King of Baishan Mountain, and then hand over the countless soldiers and horses of the East China Sea to the king of Qingqiu?

Isn't this picking peaches? Which bastard came up with this idea?

Don't beg's face suddenly changed, and the hundreds of Longbo people standing in the corner of the hall shook their arms and surrounded Ji Dai and his party in the middle.