Steal the sky

Chapter 982 Don't mess with women

Above the nine heavens, in the boundless purple gas, outside the gate of the Palace, more than a dozen girls came out with knives, guns and halberd to stab the seven Buddhas. The Seven Buddhas sat on the ground with a blank face, allowing these girls to attack, at most a few ripples in the air in front of them. The weak attack could not even get close to their bodies.

The Seven Buddhas looked at the ground with a sad face. Their eyes could see what happened on the Pangu continent through the land block where the Wako Palace was located.

Compete for the rule of the human race and the control of the whole Pangu continent. This is the overall strategy jointly formulated by the seven Buddhas and nine paths. But in terms of specific implementation, these things are left to their disciples to complete. Obviously, their disciples are not competitive now. They are a little unsteady under the aggressive attack of Taoism. What should we do?

For a long time, the seven Buddhas have been suppressed by the nine Taos, so the power of Buddhism has always been inferior to Taoism. The seven Buddhas have always had an idea in their hearts, that is, to let the Buddha press the Taoist gate one day and truly become the largest force in the Pangu world, occupying infinite luck and merit. But at present, it seems that the background of Buddhism is still not as good as that of Taoism. The disciples of Buddhism have worked hard to collect the ghost kings of the nine ghost world, and the Taoist sect has completely subdued the demon world, the demon world and the spiritual world.

Not to mention that the seven Buddhas and nine paths are jointly refined. The list of gods used to collect souls and the whips used to seal gods are in the control of the nine paths. The seven Buddhas are responsible for blocking the door of the Wa Palace and not letting the Wa Emperor come out to make trouble.

The seven worried Buddhas looked at each other, and the lotus hu-thousand-character Buddha seal flashed rapidly in the eyes of the three Buddhas. They wanted to do something. However, the other four Buddhas gently shook their heads to stop their impulses. Even if the machine is in chaos today, "But the things on the Pangu mainland can't be hidden from others. If the Ling Dynasty is suddenly defeated, the "those heavenly vassals of the demon world, the demon world and the spiritual world suddenly died and injured a large number of Steal a hand to give a good look to Buddhism.

If you can't take action, you can only rely on the efforts of the disciples.

Suddenly, the girl's attack suddenly stopped, and the shouting stopped abruptly. All the girls put away their weapons, stood respectfully on both sides of the gate of the Palace, bowed their heads deeply and bowed. The fragrant wind is hidden. Wearing a dark yellow dress, a four-legged square tripod is looming on the top of his head. The Wa Emperor slowly walked towards the main door of the Wa Palace.

The seven Buddhas got up at the same time and put their hands together and said in a long voice to the Empress Wen family, "The poor monk has seen the saint of Emperor Wen."

The king's eyebrows are one, and his hands are in his sleeves." He said faintly, "The thief is bald. It has been blocking the door of my palace for so many years. Shouldn't it be time to open the door? You are calculating the human race, and you are not allowed to help me. This practice is too domineering and too lowly.

The real names of the seven Buddhas are no longer known. "They don't have the Buddha's name of the Eight Classics" but they each gave their own nickname. They are called guarding the heart, guarding the god, guarding the mind, guarding the tongue, guarding the foot, guarding the yuan, and guarding the qi

After listening to the great responsibility of the Emperor of the Washen family, he said with a bitter face: "Please forgive me, the saint of the emperor of the war. After this matter, the human race is still the human race." The saint is still the Virgin of the human race, and everything has not changed, but replaces the current Dayu with a better law

Wah looked coldly at her heart. She sneered and said, "When you created the human race, you didn't help." Now what qualifications do you have to deal with the human race?"

Shouxin smiled indifferently. He Feng saluted and said, "The saint of the Wa is lonely. In those years, he created the human race with the saints." Those chaotic demons who enjoyed the luck of the human race have now fallen, so we can deal with the human race!"

Wa Huangshi smiled and said, "This is shameless. Are you bullying me alone with a lot of people?"

The seven Buddhas saluted ten times at the same time, but they didn't say a word. They just rely on more people to bully you. What can you do to them? Anyway, they have done this kind of thing to block the door of women, and they don't bother to care about the rudeness in the words of the Empress. In a word, face-to-face is not much needed in the face of great benefits.

Looking coldly at the seven Buddhas dressed in Taoist costumes, Wa Huangshi sighed leisurely: "Those chaotic demons who created the human race with me" all fell under your design, right? On average, ten disasters have fallen to a chaotic demon god who has survived from ancient times to the present, and they are all the end of the soul. Your tricks are really powerful.

Shouxin smiled and said, "The saint of the Emperor was wrong. Also ask the saint to go to the same palace. When the major events in Pangu mainland are determined, the saint will beat and scold at that time. "It's all good to discuss. Now that the pangu mainland is so bloody, the saint still doesn't want to go out. "The shoes and socks of the saint are dirty."

, sneered, with a smile, Wa Huangshi looked up at the sky and sighed leisurely: "You are bald and well planned. Unfortunately, although I am a woman, how can you not have heard of that among mortals? The most poisonous thing is the woman's heart, but you shouldn't provoke me! You can compete for anything. You shouldn't attack the human race!"

Shouxin smiled and said, "Do you dare to ask the saint what you mean?"

There was a smile on her face, but her heart-to-heart pumped into a ball. At the level of the Washuang family, she would never say anything. She even said the most poisonous words that were harmful to the woman's heart. Even if it was a serious tear, that is to say, the fact that the seven of her brothers blocked the door of the Palace was completely annoyed, and she was going to fight back.

But the most disturbing thing is here. How can she fight back? How does she fight back? She is alone in the same world. What means can she use to fight back? The Washuang family is in line with the great merit of creating the human race, and the realm of the three grades of Hedao. For so many years, her mana cultivation has been maintained at the level of the third grade of Hedao. In Zhou Tianhe Taoist realm Daneng, her real strength is the weakest one. What means can she use to fight back?

Is it just the maids of these fairy birds and divine birds in her palace? Shouxin sneered at the girls standing behind the Washu family. These fairy birds and divine birds had a deep foundation and hid in the Washu Palace for many years to avoid the world. The heavy disasters of heaven and earth did not affect the Washu Palace. From the time of Pangu's creation, the number of these girls living in the Washu Palace became extremely It's also extremely good.

Not to mention anything else, the number of maids who have been cultivated by divine birds alone is nearly 100, but what's the use of this? If you don't enter the Taoist realm, you are full of ants: But in the face of the power of the Taoist realm, what's the difference between those characters who break the Tao and the Taoist realm and the ants? There are hundreds of broken monks, but they can hit them hard with one palm.

smiled faintly and asked again, "Do you dare to ask the saint what this means?"

With his hands in his sleeves, he slowly turned around and took more than a dozen maids to the palace. She said lightly, "What do you mean? It's not interesting. My Nuwa is just alone, and some of her best friends have fallen. What's the point? Seven Buddhas and nine paths, 16 of you join hands to control the world of Pangu, "It's up to you to go!"

The voice of the Wa Emperor is flat and turbulent, but the heart-to-heart seems to float in mid-air. It is empty and unsteady. He looked at the back of the Empress Wah, and his mind only echoed the sentence just now. The most poisonous thing was the woman's heart. To what extent did the Empress Wah hate to say this? What means does she have to deal with the powerful alliance of seven Buddhas and nine paths?

After hesitating for a long time, he kept his mind and calculated for several hours, but he couldn't find any clues from the chaotic sky. He couldn't help but shiver with long eyebrows. It was wrong that Yanjun and the eighteen saints were mixed up. How could this heavenly machine look like such a pot of porridge?

Wa Huangshi slowly walked back to the palace and came to the hall where Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor and Yan Emperor Shennong sat.

Seeing the Wa Emperor return to the palace, Xuanyuan Huangdi and Yan Emperor Shennong hurriedly got up and saluted the Wa Emperor, "Our Lady!"

Wah Huangshi sat back on the cloud bed in the middle. She narrowed her eyes and said faintly, "You have endured for so many years, and you don't have to endure any longer. In those years, you could agree when you handed over the throne of the emperor, but you were afraid of those thieves who were bald and cow noses, so you didn't dare to rest assured. Today is an auspicious day, and they suffer for themselves. Let's do the same!"

Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor and Yan Emperor Shennong answered in unison. They sat back on the cloud bed, and the flesh and blood of their whole body suddenly disintegrated, and only a clear aura rolled in the cloud **. In the group of aura of the Yellow Emperor, there are golden horses, there are battlefields to fight, and countless sacred immortals dance and worship; in the group of aura of the Emperor of Yan, there are countless herbs and spiritual roots, countless ancestors are laughing happily, and thousands of beasts are dancing...

The Wah Emperor covered the breath of the two people with a big tripod on his head. At this moment, the way of heaven was in chaos, and the seven Buddhas nearby could not think of it. "In front of them, the two most important leaders of the human race today are taking advantage of the turbidity of the way of heaven.

Gradually, someone appeared in the two groups of aura. Seeing these two figures, Wa Huangshi nodded easily. She pointed to the big tripod and shouted softly, "The wisdom of the world, why don't you wake up? When will you wait? Suiren, Fuxi, stubborn neck, Yu, Yao, Shun, etc. have been reincarnated in countless lives in the world. Wake up quickly, wake up quickly!"

On the Pangu continent, sitting around the round table again, the monarchs of the Six Kingdoms, who were racking their brains to get some benefits from the Ling Dynasty, the Jing Dynasty and Dayu, suddenly stiffened. Countless strange lights in their eyes loomed out, and the faint smell of floods wrapped around them. Gradually, their

The huge power accumulated countless reincarnations woke up in their [body], spreading layer by layer like seeds sprouting, like spring breeze and rain, without alarming anyone. Their cultivation gradually improved from Taiyi Jiupin, all the way to the peak of the road.

sighed, and Qu Ping arched his hand to the crowd and said, "In those years, there were no number of disasters in the palace." I haven't seen you for a long time." Ying Zheng held a face and sighed unhappily: "Really...

. And what if someone wins this game? It's really boring to wake up now." The Wa emperor in the Wa palace didn't bother to pay attention to the complaints of winning the government. She pointed to the big tripod again and gently shook a trace of ripples.