Steal the sky

Chapter 993 A Book

Thirty-three days, the sound of the Great Spirit vulture Mountain was shaking the sky and bleeding into a river, but the wood of the source of fire was as quiet as before. Yanjun Dajiao and several other people in the Taoist realm are sweating like rain, constantly spewing out a trace of smoke-like real fire like fog into the refining tripod. Don't beg to control the Tianding to refine the real fire of their original life and refine the picture of Pangu mountains and rivers.

The true fire of several people's great power has been extremely consumed, to the extent that they can't bear it. I haven't had this kind of internal organs for many years. It seems that my internal organs have been drained out, and my brain seems to be boiling in pain. Yanjun gasped silently, his eyes stared at Lian Tianding, and his body trembled violently.

Several other friends were also trembling slightly, with a trace of panic in their eyes.

Several people have scolded Don't beg in their hearts. What on earth did he refine? With the cultivation of breaking the peak of the Taoist realm, you can actually control several of the true fire sacrifice magic weapons of the Taoist realm. It has only been a few years since the outside world, but under the cover of the Xuanyin Star Tower, Don't beg and Yanjun Dajiao and others joined hands to promote the time growth rate. It has been millions

For millions of years, they have been spewing out the true fire of their own life, and the Tianding is almost predatory extraction of Yanjun's big horn. Even if they have reached the point of endless life and power, they are still tossed around. The Tianding and some things in the Tianding are simply devouring every trace of power in Yanjun's big horns like a black hole.

What puzzles Yanjun Dajiao is that don't beg, don't you want to refine a treasure that restrains the seven Buddhas and nine gods? They can understand that he keeps throwing all kinds of rare materials into the refining tripod, but why don't beg to throw all kinds of herbs into the refining tripod from time to time?

For this refining, Yanjun Dajiao and others have sacrificed all their lives. In addition to countless rare ores, there are also countless innate and acquired rare medicinal materials. They know some medicinal herbs, and they don't know some medicinal herbs, but what they don't beg to put in is not only the drugs they took out, but also the materials collected on some rare innate trees in the Yuanling Youjing.

And what constantly extracts the power of Yanjun's big horn in the Tianding is not a thing, but a lot of things.

They can't see through the situation in the Tianding, but they can roughly sense that there are dozens of large objects in the Tianding, millions of small thumb-sized and even mung bean-sized things.

Is there any secret treasure that is combined and needs to be combined with these parts?

Yanjun Dajiao has seven or six orifices in the level of refinery and alchemy, and naturally they have no say in front of begging. Don't beg to do whatever you want, don't beg to treat them as a large energy source**, a few Taoist power can only pitifully swallow the aura of the outside world, and constantly refine the true fire of life into the refining tripod.

But with the passage of time, the phagocytosis power in the Tianding is simply soaring geometrically. Yanjun Dajiao and others have the illusion that their bone marrow has been extracted. What kind of perverted treasure needs such a powerful force to support? Yanjun's big horns opened his mouth wide, and a long tongue hung around his mouth. A little saliva kept ticking down his tongue. He has made up his mind that when the refining of this treasure is over, he must beat him severely and not beg for a meal, otherwise he will not be able to vent his anger.

How many years have it been, and how many years since Hedao, who can make the power of Hedao realm as tired as a dog? Don't beg, just do it.

Suddenly, Begging, who had been throwing all kinds of refining materials and herbs into the refining tripod for millions of years, suddenly stood up and stepped into the refining tripod. Don't beg's body suddenly turned into a strong aura. In addition to the largest ball of things in the Tianding, countless other small things were all integrated into the body of Don't beg's body, turning into a dense breath and constantly rotating.

Don't beg for smuggling work!

Yanjun Dajiao and they provide the real fire of life for Don't begging to refine the Pangu Mountain and River Shejitu to fight against the seven Buddhas and nine paths, but don't beg to think that refining a Hongmeng treasure, if you sit like this dry, it is really a waste of time.

In the previous life, the old man Yuanling once wanted to use his own understanding of the strongest and most strange piece of "Tianyuan Guiyuan Technique", to elevate his body to the immortality, and truly achieve the realm of the first body in the chaotic demon god. However, the old man Yuanling was not very strong in his previous life. He worked hard for a long time. One could not make up the materials he needed, and the other he did not have enough cultivation to melt the materials he got. But how good it is this time. Several powerful Taoist realms are selflessly able to provide their own real fire. Don't beg to use them, and there are countless materials to be wasted at will. Don't beg immediately thought of the last 'Tianguiyuanshu' of the refining method. In this boring and boring process of hundreds of years, Don't begg to use the real fire of Yanjun's big horn to refine the magic weapon, and the other 50% of the power is used to sacrifice and refine the Tianguiyuan.

Anyway, although these guys are in line with Taoism, they basically don't know anything about alchemy and alchemy. They have to put up with it if they don't beg for anything.

For millions of years, Don't beg to manipulate the real fire of Yanjun Dajiao and others, and constantly purify and melt the real fire of several people. The first wisp of thieves innate spread around. By analyzing the true fire of Yanjun Dajiao's life, Don't begging has gradually mastered Yanjun Dajiao's natural power and the various heavens and earth avenues they have learned.

How precious is the real fire of the power of the Taoist realm. It is not easy to use, let alone let outsiders easily see what the real fire of their own life is. But by chance, don't beg for this treasure refining. Yanjun Dajiao and others dedicated their own life to the real fire.

And the real fire is the melting of their own spirit and the road of heaven and earth. Don't beg not to steal Yanjun's big horn. They are strong enough, but all the heaven and earth avenues in their real fire have been stolen cleanly in these millions of years. It's like Yanjun's big horns and their ears have been teaching their own way for millions of years. Their disciples have never done so hard.

At this moment, several capable heavenly enlightenments are integrated in the body of Begging. In the Pangu world, if you want to have a profound grasp of the heavenly way, even the seven Buddhas and nine Taos are not as good as today's Don't begging. Even because of the continuous improvement of the realm of Taoism, the strength of his consciousness has steadily reached the level of Taoism. His mana skills are as unpredictable as the abyss of the sea. The so-called power of breaking the Taoist realm is no longer an opponent in front of Don't begging. At this moment, don't be described as 'half-step road'.

It's just when to get along with each other, how to get along with each other, and whether to get along with each other, don't beg. After absorbing Yanjun Dajiao's sense of their heavenly way, you have a lot of other thoughts.

In the Tianding, dozens of powerful magic weapons that have been sacrificed over the years have been absorbed by Don't begging before they are formed, and a huge number of elixirs have been swallowed clean by Don't begging. The huge aura contained in these magic weapons and elixirs is constantly tempered into every subtle part of the body.

The body was sweating like rain, and a little sweat was refined into a crystal purple jewel in the Tianding. With the intention of not begging, the jewel turned into a Taoist streamer and empted out of the refining tripod, and constantly replenished it into the body of General Yanjun.

These jewels are impurities that are rejected by the body, but even these impurities are also first-class elixirs in the Pangu world. I dare not say other effects. It is really a top god to supplement vitality consumption. Yanjun Dajiao, who was so tired that they were about to faint, immediately refreshed and released a huge breath all over their bodies. The original dim and dull life was really uncontrollable, and it was injected into the refining tripod like a blessing river.

Don't beg to run the Tianguiyuan skill has reached the final state. Every time he breathes, it takes 36 years. Several of the natural fires of the Taoist realm directly burned his body, which made him painful. At the same time, he constantly forced out the impurities he didn't need in his body, pushing his body to a previous life It is a level that has no strength to reach.

A few people have 90% of the power of the Taoist realm, and almost 80% of the materials of the Yuanling Youjing. Such a huge treasure of heaven and earth have turned into an endless heat flow to melt the real body, and the huge energy will almost completely blow up the soul and body of the begging. However, with the help of Yanjun Dajiao and others, the real fire of several people's fate turned into a thick and incomparable fire under the control of Begging, firmly bound outside the body of Begging, forcing this amazing energy to slowly flow all over the body with the heart of Beggar.

Purple jewels continue to fly out of the refining tripod, constantly integrate into the bodies of Yanjun Dajiao and others, and the real fire from the outside world is almost crazy to temper the body of Don't begging.

A mass of anger piled up in the chest of the begging, and his skills gradually tended to be Mahayana. The tangible impurities in his body turned into jewels and flew out, and the intangible impurities turned into this mass of anger piled up in his chest. It's like a nuclear fusion reaction. With more and more anger, Don't beg's chests gradually burst out with eye-catching strong light, and the terrible heat even forced Yanjun Dajiao to suddenly disperse their true fire.

The firelight spewed out of the pores around him, bringing out the last impurity in his body.

In the refining tripod, a black and beautiful atmosphere is rotating. This is the aura mass that Pangu Mountain and River Shejitu has been refined for millions of years. It's like the chaos before the creation of the world. This aura contains the true shape of the magic weapon that you don't beg to refine, just looking forward to an opportunity to break this aura.

Suddenly, don't beg to open your mouth, and a fierce fire gathered by the anger roared out and hit the aura fiercely.

The thunder roared in the refining tripod, and every thunder lasted for 49 years. After a total of one yuan of thunder broke out, Don't begging suddenly shouted 'condensing'. The refining tripod trembled violently, and a firelight rose to the sky. Don't begging held a ball of white light in your left hand Fly out.

Don't beg for a seemingly ordinary white blank book with no words in your left hand, and there are three looming pieces of handwriting "Life and Death Book" on the cover.

In the black light of his right hand is a black brush that exudes a chill, and there are also three groups of insidious small words "Soul Pen" on the pen.

The treasure used to fight against the list of gods has finally been practiced.