Steal the sky

Chapter 1000 The unification of the dragon clan

A year has passed since the outside world, and it has been a full million years in the spiritual cave under the East China Sea City. I don't know whether it was the instruction of Wa Huangshi or Dayu, in order to appease and beg, the aura introduced into the underground spiritual cave from the space corridor has increased by more than a hundred times. Therefore, the concentration and quantity of the aura of the spiritual cave under the Donghai City have increased a lot more than before, almost reaching the level

A full million years, coupled with the endless aura of wanton squander, and do not hesitate to waste your own essence to improve Taoism with the art of enlightenment. In particular, don't beg to use Tianding to help exercise and purify the real fire of life, all of which have greatly benefited Ao Buzun.

Originally, he was the identity of the ancient Zulong in his previous life. His own Taoist power is extremely good. This life is just following the road of the previous life. Ao Bu-respect's cultivation speed is much faster than that of others. In addition, don't beg to open a small stove for him. Ao Bu-zeng has continuously broken through the realm of nine grades of Taiyi in just a million years, and reached the cultivation of breaking six grades.

When Ao Bul was blown up and wiped out in his previous life, he should have the strength equivalent to the broken Taoist grade. In this life, he finally returned to the level of the broken Taoist six grades, and his courage was also strong, and the rampant style in the previous life came back.

Without telling Don't beg, Ao Buzun sneaked out of the East China Sea and ran to the southern border with clouds. While driving the clouds, he sang his own tune in a low voice, such as "the treasure gun is nowhere in the world" and the blue blood silver gun, and so on are endless. He is watching Ao's Taoist realm power in strange spaces such as the sky and Da Luotian. He is extremely angry one by one. If it hadn't been for He Daojing can't wait to slap him to death.

At least Guiling, Zhuqing and Lv Niang of the Eighteen Saints will definitely do it.

Humming a minor tune, Ao Buzun quickly slipped out of the Wanling City of the Ling Dynasty. Hundreds of miles away from the city, Ao Buzun restrained the clouds, changed into an inconspicuous Taoist costume, and swaggered into the Wanling City. Seeing that the famous scourge in the chaotic demon god has empted into the Wanling City, the hearts of the nine Taoist ancestors in Daluo Tiandi, what is this guy going to do?

There is a magical existence that belongs to the best that harms wherever you go. Ao Bu Zun is undoubtedly such a kind of goods. As soon as he entered the Wanling City, he met the legendary bridge, the favorite eldest son of a major minister of the Yiling Dynasty, galloping around the street with a large group of guards.

Ao Buchun never knew how to give way to others this time. He stood in the middle of the street in a sloppy way. The prince rushed over with a series of scolding riders, and Ao Buchun slapped the mount's head in the face. Grabbing the neck of the golden fairy cultivation, Ao Bu-zun sniffed on him, pulled off his clothes, opened his mouth and stuffed him into his mouth.

, click, click, chewing the body bones of this unlucky man." Ao Buzun spewed out a lot of golden fairy blood from the corners of his mouth. He looked at the frightened guards vaguely and said, "I wanted to keep a low profile. Do you know what it means to keep a low profile? But you forced me to be high-profile. "What's wrong with this? Tell me, what are you forcing me to do? Why are you forcing me!" Three or two swallowed the prince's brother, and suddenly there was a strong siren in Wanling City. Countless prohibitions emerged from the palaces and pavilions around, and the dense prohibitions were connected, and the mota array with a hundred and 80 weights inside and outside of Wanling City was wrapped tightly.

Ao Buzun yawned and looked curiously at the Ling Dynasty soldiers rushing around.

At least a hundred thousand Ling Dynasty troops surrounded this urban area, and the mounts of 20,000 Ling Dynasty soldiers were all kinds of dragons. The most elite group of soldiers rode the dragons who had reached the realm of fairyland, and the other fishmen rode all kinds of strange subspecies of dragons.

The strong dragon spirit filled the void." Tens of thousands of bows and crossbows locked Ao Buzun's body, and there were hidden immortals hidden in the clouds and fog around him. The breath of flying swords and magic weapons remotely controlled Ao Buzun. Many generals scolded harshly in the sky, and asked Ao to squat on the ground and be captured.

Ao Bujiong looked at the soldiers' mounts with a strange smile. He swayed and took off all his clothes, and the black gas rose from his feet. He shouted sharply, "You bastards, make mounts for these bastards, it's almost my face!"

The black gas rises" Ao Buzun showed his Zulong's body. The whole body is dark, and the nine feet under the abdomen "every foot has bird claws". The ferocious and strange appearance is completely incompatible with the familiar dragon clan. Ao, who has a hundred miles long, looked up to the sky and roared, and his long tail was gently shaken. Dozens of spiritual immortals hiding in the void howling and pulled out by his tail. Ao Buji's blow was so powerful that those immortals were pumped into plasma and exploded, and dozens of blood mist were dazzling in the air.

The dragons and dragons riding on the Lingchao soldiers around made a harsh dragon chant at the same time. They twisted their bodies crazily and threw the Lingchao soldiers on their back far away. Where Ao Bizun's dark dragon spirit passed, all the dragons and dragons put away their four claws and respectfully lay on the water clouds. "Respeciously nod and worshipped Ao Buzun repeatedly.

The long chants of countless dragon clans sounded in all directions of Wanling City. Under the summoning of Ao Bu Zun's dragon spirit, "dragons soared up in the air" and quickly flew to Ao Bu Zun's side. Those influous * dragons are still in the shape of snakes and dragons, but the children of the dragon clan who have cultivated immortals and golden immortals have turned into human shapes and poured in fanatically.

The generals of the Ling Dynasty wanted to stop these dragon members, but their blocking immediately provoked the violent counterattack of the dragon members. A general of the Ling Dynasty, who had reached the peak level of Pangutian, had just pulled out his sword. The real dragon under his seat, which was also the peak of the golden fairy, suddenly turned around and opened its mouth to make a huge dragon sound. The general Qiqiao, who had no time to guard against it, sprayed blood, and his brain was blown out of his ears by the dragon's roar.

There are more than 500,000 dragon members as mounts in the whole Wanling City, and there is a vast ocean behind Wanling City, in which all the dragons sent by the heavenly court to Wanling City are stationed. There are even 18 elders of the dragon clan sitting here, of which the four dragon clan elders with the highest cultivation are the cultivation of Taiyi Sanpin.

But I sensed the ancestral dragon breath emitted by Ao Buzun, and heard the dragon chant directly from the depths of the souls of the members of the dragon clan, and the eighteen elders of the dragon clan roared with all the clan. The members of the dragon clan who are closest to Ao Buzun turned into human figures and knelt down on the cloud group, while the other members of the dragon clan attracted clouds and fog, and their long bodies flew through the edges and danced in the clouds. From time to time, they roared to the extreme.

Ao Buzun vented his dragon spirit to his heart's content. He looked up to the sky and shouted, "Children, my mother will go with me and don't work for these bastards!" Hey hey, we are the only ones to ride them in the future. Who dares to use Laozi not to be a mount? I will castrate him alive!" The dragon clan has the most important bloodline and class. Under the infection of Ao's ancestral dragon breath, all the members of the dragon clan around Wanling City roared together. Ao Bu respect turned into The dragon clan belonging to the 100,000 spirits let out a long roar and happily followed Ao Buzun to the west.

After flying far away, Ao Buzun suddenly killed another horse gun. He ran to the outside of Wanling City and shouted sharply, "The Laozi dragon clan will not be a human mount from now on. Some of you are smart. If you are willing to go with me, just leave!" Hahaha, I'm going to the East China Sea to find a good place for you to thrive. Why do you want to be sat under your buttocks?

After a moment of silence, there was a riot in Wanling City. Those phoenixes, green birds, those mysterious turtles, crocodiles and other scales, those white tigers, green deer and other beasts, all kinds of spiritual mounts flew up one after another. Except for a very small number of people who have feelings with their masters, 90% of the mounts with spiritual cultivation in Wanling City have turned into human figures and followed Ao Buzun to leave.

The angry roar came from the Wanling Palace. Zhang Tengyun chased out with a ticket of literary ministers and generals of the Ling Dynasty, trying to kill Ao Buzun. However, Ao Buzun unscrupulously released his breath of breaking the Taoist realm, and the terrible spiritual pressure hit 80% of the Lingchao Wenwu on the spot.

In Ao Buzun's wild laughter, the vast spirit rushed westward to the mount army.

Outside the Chengxin City of Jingchao, Ao Buzun also played this skill. The strong dragon spirit swept in all directions. In Chengxin City, the dragon clan belonging to the Buddha's Tianlong eight sects flew up to the sky. After respectfully kneeling down and salute Ao Buzun, the dragon clan belonging to hundreds of thousands of eight subordinates proudly left Chengxin City.

The strong dragon gas spread from the Pangu mainland to all directions. The dragon clan for thirty-three days felt it, the dragon clan in the Great Spirit Slu Mountain also sensed it, and the dragon clan that existed as a mount in the immortal mansions on Sunday also sensed it. Under the leadership of some strong dragon elders, the dragons scattered in the Pangu world have marched to the Pangu continent one after another.

All the dragon clans in Dayu ran cleanly in one day. All the dragon clans went straight to the East China Sea under the call of Ao Buzun. More than 30% of the elite troops in Dayu lost their mounts, and the combat effectiveness of these armies was at least more than doubled.

The fragmented dragon clan immediately condensed into a strong fist because of the sudden appearance of Ao Bu-respect. When those powers of the Taoist realm carefully examined the situation of the whole dragon clan for the first time, they were surprised to find that there was also a broken Taoist realm in the dragon clan, among which there were many of them in the Taiyi realm

A large number of dragon clans have served as the important ministers of the heavenly court, and one of the Buddha's Tianlong Eight clans is directly composed of members of the dragon clan. Now these dragon clans have defected to Ao Bu-respect, and a strong military force has suddenly gathered under the command of this dragon. There are more than 30 dragon elders who have broken the Taoist realm, more than a thousand dragon elders in the Taiyi realm, countless golden immortals, immortal-level dragons, real dragons, and the cultivation of Buddhism, Taoism and the dragon clan's own forging skills. The number of this army is shocking, and their combat effectiveness is even more disturbing.

For the first time, I found that the unified dragon clan was so powerful!

This does not include the various subspecies of dragons derived from the dragon clan. The men of the dragon clan have more or less inherited some of the nature of Ao Bu Zun. They are all working very hard to spread the seeds of the dragon clan everywhere, so the number of subspecies of dragons is extremely large, which is more than a thousand times

A thousand times the horrible number, all the waters and wetlands near the East China Sea, were immediately filled with dragons and dragons.

On the third day after Ao Buzun's party in southern Xinjiang, the Ling Dynasty and the Jing Dynasty launched a full-scale attack on Dayu at the same time.