Steal the sky

Chapter 1003 The more the better

Chapter 103 The more the better (third update)

Some messy things in the past two days have made the pig's head in a bad mood, and the spirit of code words is not very good. Let's have three chapters today. Let's see if we can get things done in two days. When it's done, you will have a good mood. Alas...

The pig can't help complaining. Let's vomit in the next two days after the busy work.

Underground spiritual cave, don't beg to explain the way of Bai Qi and Han Xin's military use for Huang Li. Bai Qi's soldiers are in the middle of the rules, and there is no place to be outstanding for the time being. However, Han Xin's methods are extremely effective. He has given full play to the advantages of human resources and ordnance weapons.

There is no need to waste elite military strength to do what ordinary soldiers can do.

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers who are slightly stronger than mortals with bows and crossbows, abruptly withstood the charge of millions of soldiers. The soldiers of Dayu were constantly damaged and consumed energy in the arrows, while the elite army of the Ling Dynasty nourished their energy in the barracks. When the morale of Dayu declined, the army of the Ling Dynasty was killed by itself, and it was impossible to be defeated.

The battle on the scale of millions of people, whether it is against the Great Yu or the Ling Dynasty, is a small amount of cattle. Even if the soldiers are lost, it will not hurt the overall situation. But this represents the face of Bai Qi and Han Xin. No matter who loses, it is a great blow to themselves.

In particular, this is the first battle of the all-out war between Dayu and the Ling Dynasty. Whoever wins or loses will have a great impact on the morale of the two countries.

Arrows were like rain all over the sky, and the big Yu soldiers who charged on the left and right wings showed some fatigue. Although their bodies still maintain abundant strength, their souls are tired. They have been fighting from noon to the evening, constantly being blown away by arrows, and constantly recovering their strength and rejoining the battlefield. You know, it doesn't feel good to be inserted like a hedgehog with arrows all over.

Some soldiers' movements have slowed down. They still have strength, but they no longer have the will to fight.

The battalion was wrapped up in Zhongshan, and several spiritual generals around Han Xin laughed loudly. They complimented to Han Xin: "Marshal, that Bai Qi's soldiers are just like this. When his soldiers are tired, my elite soldiers will have a headache, and they can eat at least half of his soldiers!"

Han Xin hooked the corners of his mouth, smiled lightly, and then cursed: "A bunch of stupid pigs, is Bai Qi such an easy person to deal with? Didn't you see that he was still standing motionless in front of the broken wall? Always be on guard and see what else he has!"

Soon another half an hour passed, and the two-winged soldiers who hit Han Xin's camp had lost more than 10,000 people. They were all unlucky to be shot in the head by arrows, and the exploding arrows broke their heads and completely cut off their vitality. Other soldiers did not know how many times they were injured by arrows, and even many people's arms and thighs were blown off. However, under the nourishment of Pangu purple gas, they reborn their limbs continued to join the battle group.

But they were injured again and again, and the severe pain made them tired, and the speed and frequency of the soldiers' charge were several times slower than when they just launched the attack at noon. Some soldiers even stood hesitantly behind the team and had not continued to charge for a long time.

Han Xin on the mountain bag looked at Bai Qi standing in the distance. He clapped his hands gently, and a general beside him immediately took out the dragon horn and blew it. The sharp and unpleasant horn rushed straight into the sky, and the dull pace sounded. The Ling Dynasty was full of food in the camp. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers dressed in heavy armor and slowly left the barracks for a whole afternoon. They formed thousands of small and powerful cone charge formations in the hollow of the camp, like hungry wolves ready to attack, slowly forcing the tired army of the two wings.

The spiritual court priests who accompanied the army floated over the army. Large bone charms kept falling from their palms, and ghosts roared everywhere. The bodies of the spiritual court soldiers were covered with a faint layer of ghost fire with a certain defensive power and full of corrosive power, and their eyes also spewed out a trace Hundreds of thousands of spiritual soldiers breathed in a low voice at the same time, and the sound of 'wow' breath turned into a strong wind, blowing dust on the ground.

The hesitation and fear in the hearts of these soldiers were dispelled by the magic of the priests, and their strong fighting spirit and desire to kill controlled their minds. These soldiers of the Ling Dynasty turned into hundreds of thousands of bloodthirsty beasts and barely maintained the last trace of wisdom of Qingming to join the battle group.

The dull sound of war drums sounded, and a large number of priests in black robes appeared behind the two-winged Dayu army array. They also sprinkled a large number of bone charms, and also gave all kinds of defensive prohibitions to Dayu's soldiers. Some priests chanted spells in a shrill voice, sprinkled a large amount of blood to dispel the fatigue of the soldiers, encouraged their morale, and gave them the strength to continue to fight.

With the blessing of the priest, the tired soldiers were full of energy like a return of light. They howling and rushed to the barracks of the Ling Dynasty. The dense rain of arrows has stopped, and the Lingchao soldiers in the Tibetan cave have rushed back to the camp through the tunnel. Only hundreds of thousands of Lingchao elites, who have reached the peak of physical strength and morale, are slowly approaching them.

In the blink of an eye, the armies of both sides were stirred up, and the sound of fighting was everywhere. The long guns and swords tore the air and cut all the enemies in front of the edge. The generals of the two sides fought alone one-on-one, and the low-ranking officers fought crazily with their soldiers, and their blood spilled all over the ground.

Millions of soldiers on both sides were entangled, and the priests of both sides in the sky also joined the battle group. Fire, thunder, ice, storm and snow roared across the earth, a large number of soldiers were thrown up and torn to pieces, and some soldiers suddenly turned black, or bled in seven orifices, or spit out long tongues, or shed a lot of visceral blood. In front of the strange priestly mantra, a large number of soldiers on both sides suffered a large number of casualties.

Han Xin frowned. The degree of the great Yu soldiers was beyond his imagination. Basically, two or three Ling Dynasty soldiers could barely fight against a Yu soldier. In a quarter of an hour of war, 100,000 soldiers of the Ling Dynasty were killed and injured. Although more than 90,000 wounded soldiers soon returned to the battlefield, their strength was greatly weakened.

There is a trace of strange blue on the blade of the soldier of Dayu, which is highly poisonous prepared by the priest of Dayu. As long as he is injured by this quenched weapon, even if the injury is quickly recovered with the help of Pangu purple gas, the injured soldier will lose 20% or 30% of his energy. Although the soldiers of Dayu are tired, they have gradually gained the upper hand.

"Poisoning on the weapon?" Han Xin raised his long eyebrows and sneered, "Why don't the priests of the Ling Dynasty match this poison?"

The generals of the Ling Dynasty around looked at each other and couldn't say anything. All the spells of the priests of the Ling Dynasty were taught by the immortals of the heavenly court. In order to better control the spiritual dynasty and prevent the spiritual dynasty from finally evolving into another big Yu, the immortals of the heavenly court were not stupid enough to pass down the

The poison on the weapons of Dayu soldiers not only has a good weakening effect on human soldiers, but also has an extremely terrible lethal effect on the fragile body of immortals. Unless the brains of those immortals in the heavenly court have brain cramps, it is too late for them to destroy these terrible poison formulas. How can they teach the preparation methods of these poisons to the priests of the Ling Dynasty?

Han Xin spread out his hands helplessly. He smiled bitterly and said, "I see... Well, the soldiers are not as elite as others, and the weapons and weapons are not as good as theirs. It's not my march and deployment. I'm afraid this army has long been annihilated by Dayu! With this point of family background, do you dare to shout to destroy the great Yu and replace it?

The generals of the Ling Dynasty on the side did not dare to take this. Han Xin's complaints were not only aimed at the Ling Dynasty, but also about some people in the heavenly court. Han Xin dares to say this, his backstage backer is hard enough! But if these generals dare to say so, I'm afraid they will disappear in a few days.

After complaining for a while, Han Xin shook his head and shook his hand to shoot a fireball high in the air.

The white fireball rushed dozens of miles high with a long tail of smoke, and then exploded into a dazzling light at high altitude. The flame lasted for a long time, and a nearly crazy shout of killing suddenly came from the surrounding mountains and forests.

Countless monks with the highest cultivation are just monks in the realm of Yuanshen who escape from the mountains and forests in the distance and rushed into the army of Dayu with the light of the sword. These monks randomly chopped the sword light around, detonated all kinds of dark thunder and spiritual charms in their hands, and then blamboyantly blew up the yuan god.

The cultivation of these monks is low, but once they self-exploded, their power is extremely terrible. There was a strange smell in their bursting blood. When the nearby soldiers smelled the fragrance, they suddenly felt a burst of bone and tendons. Many people simply softened on the ground and couldn't move, allowing the soldiers of the Ling Dynasty to cut off their heads like melons and vegetables.

Tens of thousands of monks rushed into the Dayu army, and their thunder and spiritual charms killed and injured tens of thousands of Dayu soldiers. Their self-explosion messed up the array of Dayu soldiers. The strange fragrance in their bodies is similar to the drunken dragon fragrance that of the don't beggar. The soldiers were soft on the ground in rows, and they could only watch the soldiers of the Ling Dynasty wave their swords and cut them down at them.

Bai Qi frowned and looked at his soldiers shaking. He shouted harshly, "Han Xin, you are so shameless that you have used poison?"

Han Xin snorted coldly and glanced at Bai Qi sarcasmfully. Bai Qi suddenly woke up, and the blades of Dayu's soldiers were also quenched. No one said anyone. It was not only Han Xin who used poison. Bai Qi immediately changed his words and said, "You even use these low-level monks. Is it that there is no one in the Ling Dynasty?"

Han Xin laughed disapprovingly: "Only by defeating your army led by Bai Qi with these unpopulous monks can I show my means!"

Han Xin, who laughed loudly, pointed to nine white fireballs in a row and shot straight into the sky. In the huge explosion, there was a shout of killing from all directions at the same time. More than 200,000 monks who hid in the mountains and forests were killed crazily with all kinds of escape methods. Like those monks who had just exploded themselves, they inspired the thunder charm, rushed into the army of Dayu, and then self-exploded Yuanying and Yuanshen.

The aura flashed in the void, and a trace of the true spirit of these people was sucked away by the aura.

Dayu's army array was completely chaotic, and the soldiers' footsteps were weak, and they didn't even have the strength to turn around and escape.

The soldiers of the Ling Dynasty were like rain, killing the soldiers of Dayu one by one without mercy.

Bai Qi's face turned blue with anger, and he waved his hand heavily.

Han Xin said in a careless long voice, "Bai Qi, I, Han Xinbing, am like this. Even if it is a group of garbage, as long as there are enough people, I can use them to defeat all the enemies in front of me. Do you have any follow-up means? If not, I will order a general attack!"

Bai Qi smiled and looked back.

A Taoist in a cyan cloth robe with strange bones like ancient pines slowly walked out of the city. RO