Steal the sky

Chapter 1011 Source of Merit

At the instruction of Don't Begging, the dragon clan joined the war. They either messed around, or undercover traitors, or defected to the battle, or assassinated. In a word, they made a mess of the war.

No one can defeat anyone. Everyone is wasting their efforts in vain.

The three parties of Dayu, Lingchao and Jingchao were full of blood, while the East China Sea and Dawu made every effort to develop.

More than two years have passed, and more than two million years have passed in the underground spiritual cave covered by the Xuanyin Star Tower. Don't beg for a desperate and terrible murderous intention in the Tianding. The new Xuanyuan sword flew out of the Tianlianding with a very thin cold light. Thousands of weapons of human merit rotated around the Xuanyuan sword like a nebula, which more and more set off the supreme status of the Xuanyuan sword, the weapon of the human town.

The newborn Xuanyuan sword was dim and dull, and only the extremely thin cold light on the front of the sword flashed from time to time. This light is extremely fierce. Except for refining it, don't beggars, and others, including Qixia, whose cultivation has returned to its peak, can't face it. There were even many immortals under the door who accidentally looked at Xuanyuan Sword. His eyes were hurt by the sword, and his eyes were almost blinded by the invisible sword.

A roll of big sleeves put all the weapons of merit into the left hand sleeve. Don't beg to put the refining tripod in the spiritual cave. With the help of endless aura, it will be turned into more than 10,000 strange magic weapons in the rolling flame to warm the tripod. Originally, he had reworked these meritorious weapons two years ago, but he deliberately slowed down and spent a lot of time refining more than 10,000 magic weapons.

Now don't beg for materials. More than 10,000 magic weapons touch with thousands of human virtues day and night in the refining tripod, which is more or less contaminated with some of the mysterious powers. The original new magic weapon actually brings some of the vicissitudes of time and looks more powerful. It's just that these magic weapons have just been refined after all, and they lack some background, which makes be a little unsatisfactory.

These magic weapons can be regarded as the level of the top Taiyi fairy weapons at most, and there is still a lack of a line from the innate spiritual weapons, let alone compared with Hongmeng Zhibao and Chaos Lingbao. Calculate the power of the Taoist sect. Only the two little masters of Taihuang Huang Zengtian have two chaotic spiritual treasures, Xuanming Crystal Bottle and Qingxun Thunder Hammer. Don't beg, you are not in the mood to distribute these newly refined magic weapons to the disciples and the courtiers of the East China Sea.

After telling Princess Le and Qixia a few words, don't beg to step up to step high into the sky step by step, one trillion miles, and in the blink of an eye, you will be outside the Tianwa Palace. Looking at the Wa Palace in the boundless purple air, don't beg for the deep background of the Taoist gate and the Buddhist sect in your eyes. Since the countless disasters, almost all the treasures once owned by the fallen chaotic demons in the Pangu world have fallen into their hands. If you want to compete with the countless treasures of Taoism and Buddhism, you can only use

The weapon of the merits of the human race should be the way of heaven, the lower geography, and the middle of the people's hearts. It is the treasure of heaven and earth. As long as there are a large number of merits and virtues, don't beg for the magic weapons that have just been refined, so that they can absorb enough power of merit, and then they can be smoothly transformed into merit.

Even if you fight against the chaotic spiritual treasure, the weapon of merit will not fall behind. The only thing to worry about is the Hongmeng treasure. But how many Hongmeng treasures can there be in Taoism and Buddhism? If the Taoist realm can take action or not, if the disciples of Taoism and Buddhism use the Hongmeng Treasure, isn't it to begging for vegetables?

After thinking about it for a while, Don't beg to walk to the door of the Wako Palace step by step.

Auspicious and thousands of clouds, the fragrance of the wind floated on the nose, and a golden light stretched out from the Palace, spreading like a carpet in front of Don't begging. The Empress Wen opened a guard of honor under the crowd of thousands of maids and walked out slowly. From afar, the Emperor Wen laughed: "Friend Yuanling, you came two years later than I expected."

Don't beg for a little red skin. He can't tell the Empress Wen that he is using the breath of those merits to refine his magic weapons.

He waved his big sleeves" Xuanyuan Sword flew out with thousands of new weapons of merit, and the huge fluctuation of mana swept through the sky today, especially the terrible sharp roar released by Xuanyuan Sword tore open the purple gas barrier between the sky and the outside world, almost poking a big hole in the sky.

Wah Huangshi glanced at these meritorious weapons that were at least twice as powerful as before, and smiled and said to the leader, "The way of the old friend of the Yuanling is really the best in the world." With these things, the human race does not have to be afraid of the calculations of Taoism and Buddhism."

With a squint and a smile, the Juan Yan said as if she had something to say, "What's more, is there still a helper on the side of Ao Bu Zun?"

Don't beg and laughed. He knew that his little abacus was seen through by the Wasi Huangshi. It's okay to hide the little actions of the dragon clan from others, but don't hide these great abilities from the Taoist realm. It's just that the most powerful point of don't begging is here. Even if the seven Buddhas know that the dragon clan is playing tricks behind their backs, do you have the ability not to hire the dragon clan? If you don't hire the dragon clan, all the dragon clans will run to help Dayu fight. "Your Lingchao and Jingchao lost even more miserably.

Force you to spend a huge amount of money and goods to hire an unreliable dragon clan to help your own war. Don't beg and Ao's way is extremely powerful." At the same time, it's disgusting to the extreme. The King of War doesn't really regard this matter as a matter. It is estimated that the seven Buddhas and nine paths have been so angry that they have vomited blood for a long time.

The two smiled at each other, and the Empress Wen happily put away thousands of meritorious weapons that greatly improved their power. With a smile, please don't beg for tea in the palace.

A good place with beautiful mountains and rivers in the Wan Palace, a small pavilion stands on a tall peak. The surrounding water was bright and the mountains were elegant. Several Maotou Gong'e carefully cooked the best spiritual tea that the emperor extorted from the beggar's hand, and the aroma of the tea floated thousands of miles away.

Don't beg to sit opposite the Wat Emperor's legs. Before the Wat Emperor opened his mouth, his hand shook, and a water curtain flew out of a waterfall next to the pavilion, and the image of a battlefield was shown in the water curtain. Don't beg to point to the water curtain and smile, "Emperor, Yuanling is puzzled. This foreign demon god invaded the Pangu world. Taoist sects and Buddhists have fought with them for several years, and killed countless foreign demon gods. Why didn't they get any merit?"

In the water curtain is a grass-green planet suspended in the void, and 70% of the area of the huge planet is boundless grassland. At this moment, thousands of Taoist immortals are fighting with tens of thousands of foreign demons. The cultivation of those Taoist immortals obviously overwhelms these foreign demons, and the sword light keeps falling like rain, killing those foreign demons who are injured crazily.

After concluding the contract with the Wa Emperor that the Taoist realm was not allowed to take action, the Taoist sect and the Buddhist sect immediately organized elite forces to counterattack the outer world, cleaned up the outer demon gods on the outer world planet one by one, and rescued the disciples of the Tao and Buddha sects trapped in the mountain gate After two or three years, these immortals who counterattacked the foreign countries had brilliant results, but as Don't begging said, these immortals killed the demon gods of the foreign countries, but did not lose any merit.

The image shown in the light curtain is the same. A golden fairy released a golden brick and smashed a demon god with four heads and eight arms, but there was no movement in the void, and there was no trace of merit.

Wah Huangshi laughed. She looked at the leader and said, "Does Yuanling's old friends need a large number of merits to refine treasures?"

Don't squint and smile, "Sure enough, you can't hide it from the Emperor. I have no choice but to have a weak foundation in the family, and many disciples under the family are still using magic weapons and spiritual weapons. There are also some disciples of Mingdao under the Yuanling Sect, but they are still using immortal weapons. If they run out to fight with the people of Buddhism and Taoism, let alone win or lose, they will lose all their face.

Wa Huangshi shook her head and smiled. With one finger in her hand, a purple gas spewed out from the top of her head. The Wanling tripod loomed in the purple gas, releasing a mysterious and unpredictable breath. Don't beg to feel that this breath is related to the whole Pangu world, and even affects the trend of heaven in the pangu world to some extent.

This is the first time that Wanlingding has released such a breath in front of people. Don't beg for amazed, "This Wanlingding is not just the source of the soul of everything in the Pangu world, is it? It..." is...

The Wah Huangshi sighed softly, and she said with her head, "The old friend of Yuanling said it is good. This Wanling tripod not only gathers more than 90% of the vitality of the Pangu Monkey King, but also integrates more than 90% of his wisdom and spirit. He created the Pangu world by creating the world. This Wanling tripod is the original spiritual treasure of the Pangu world. With this tripod, Nuwa can influence the general trend of heaven in the Pangu world.

Don't beg to look at the Empress, who has become a Taoist realm with merits. The weakest master of the Taoist realm in the Taoist realm, is actually the head of heaven in the practical sense of the Pangu world. Perhaps her influence on the heavenly way of the Pangu world is very weak, but no number of disasters, even if the influence is weak, it will converge into a torrent, just like this invasion of foreign demons, beating the power of Taoism and Buddhism to pieces.

He tilted his mouth and said, "Those old and immortals are really wronged. They don't know what Wanlingding is?"

Wah raised her eyebrows and said with a few cunning smiles: "The Nuwa is just a weak woman. The attack power of this Wanlingding is only equivalent to an ordinary innate spiritual weapon. In addition, it can only absorb the power of Hongmeng's aura into the origin of the soul. What they like is the powerful spiritual treasure Where's Wanlingding?"

Don't beg to have a secret conversation with the Wa imperial family for two hours in the Wa Palace, and then he turned around the East China Sea with a smile, and went straight to somewhere in the outer void with Princess Le, Qixia and a group of followers.

When you get to that place, don't beg to sacrifice the Tianding as an eye, and spit out 4,90,000 Kunwu swords to Yanhua Xuanyuan to kill the magic sword array.

Then with a loud noise, the magnificent space-time power of the Kunlun Mirror broke a door with a diameter of hundreds of thousands of miles in diameter in the void, and countless squeaky and strange-shaped demons rushed out of the door happily.

Don't beg for a thunder light that has been prepared for a long time. Xuanyuan killed the demons to the infinite sword spirit to sweep the void. These demon gods, who are the strongest but the peak of the golden fairy, howl and were torn to pieces by the uncast sword spirit. Every time a demon god is killed, a purple cloud falls in the void, and a large number of merits are absorbed by the Tianding.

Whether the merit falls after killing the demon god, everything is under the control of the Empress.

In the same way, kill the demon god, don't beg for infinite merit, and you don't get a single Buddhist or Taoist hair.