Steal the sky

Chapter 1016 Taiqing Bailian


The fairy light released by the nine Taoist charms is as clear as water, and the Taoist fairy power, which is pure to the extreme, is full of extremely extreme repulsion. Any alien power will be ruthlessly erased by this fairy power. Even if it is the fairy power cultivated by the Taoist code, it will touch the warning of this charm.

Don't beg to restrain all the breath, and carefully transform all your mana into exactly the same fluctuation as the immortal power of the extreme attributes released by the Taoist talisman. He is like a drop of water penetrating a thick layer of water curtain and quietly entering the Wanling Palace. Of course, the nine Taoist talisman is from the Taoist ancestor, but after all, it is a talisman made by the Taoist ancestor, and it is not the Taoist ancestor sitting here in person. It is really not difficult for Don't beg.

The prohibition near the Wanling Palace is still generally intact. Except for the elite forces of the Ling Dynasty, except for leading the attack on the generals of Dayu, all other high-end forces are guarded here. The Ling Dynasty itself did not have any cultivation above the Taoist realm. There were only hundreds of generals in the Hongmeng Pangu Heavenly Realm and the Heavenly Priest with a number of about 300 people, but the skills of these people were fatally flawed, and the heavenly court did not pass down all the skills.

In addition to the strength of the Ling Dynasty itself, the heavenly court has also stationed more than 3,000 star kings in the Wanling City in recent years. These star kings themselves are only the cultivation of golden immortals or even immortals, but once they are summon their own star power, they will at least have the strength of Taiyi Realm. As for the other immortals who have defected to, including the patriarchs of many immortals in the outer realm, although the number is large, there are very few who have reached the Taiyi realm.

Those who broke the Taoist realm were all sitting in the Luotian, thinking about how to recover the thirty-three days. There are thousands of star kings on the Wanling City, which can theoretically cope with Dayu's offensive. But now Da Luotian's external access is isolated, and Wanling City must rely on the power of his hand to deal with the demon disaster.

Don't beg. You just sneaked into the Wanling Palace. Your feet suddenly softened, and the whole Wanling City swayed.

A green dragon statue near the foot of the mountain was messed up with tentacles by dozens of demons who looked like extra-large jellyfish. The statue was destroyed, and a ten-mile diameter of Aoki thunderbolt exploded. These demons were also blown to pieces. But a passageway to the urban area on the upper floor of Wanling City had been blown up, and countless demons rushed up along the open passage.

More than 10,000 Lingchao soldiers stationed behind the Qinglong statue lined up in a neat phalanx, shouting the slogan of "death battle" to welcome them. They were dressed in heavy armor, holding heavy shields and spears, like a wall blocking the blown-up passage. But they ignored the most important thing: there was no priest's protection behind them!

After countless years of smooth sailing in the outer world, the Ling Dynasty has developed a proud and arrogant temper. The officers and soldiers who fought with Dayu on the front line were not bad. They learned all kinds of experience on the battlefield at the cost of blood. But in the Wanling City, the distinguished priests are high. They live in the high-rise area of Wanling City, which is the closest to Wanling Palace, and few priests are stationed near the foot of the mountain.

A four-winged eagle, with a beautiful woman's upper body, the demon god stared at her eyes wide and took a deep breath and suddenly let out a scream to tear the soul. More than ten thousand spiritual soldiers suddenly shook their bodies, and a large amount of colorful light spewed out of their seven orifices. That is, their torn souls were sucked out of their bodies by an evil magic force and sank into the body of the demon god one after another.

The roaring demon god laughed proudly, and a long roar tore the souls of more than ten thousand and a half scholars. This rich tonic made her extremely useful. The demons behind her roared angrily. They rushed to the bodies of the spiritual soldiers who had lost their souls, took off their armor and grabbed their bodies and stuffed them into their mouths.

The plasma splashed, and the terrible chewing sound came all the way.

A white tiger statue not far away slowly turned its body, and its big white mouth slowly opened, and a practice-like white light came. The thick white light hit the group of magic gods blocked at the entrance of the passage. The strong Gengjin Rui gas turned into countless sword lights and flew around, cutting the bodies of hundreds of demons to pieces.

The subsequent demon god did not consider the death of his companion in front of him at all, and continued to rush up like a tide. A rosefinch statue ten miles above also turned its body to this side. Countless extremely thin red streamers gradually jumped from the rosefinch's feathers and converged to its beak. Suddenly, a crisp bird song resounded through the sky, and large red flames rolled in. More than a thousand demons near this channel were burned to ashes, even the The nearby ground was burned red and softened. The demons continued to charge, and there was another loud noise in the distance. A Xuanwu statue was destroyed, and the black waves rolled out of the statue, instantly drowning the ground. The black wave turned into blue ice, which sealed the tens of thousands of demons in the ice of all things. They were stiff and sealed in the ice, and the anger in the body had been instantly erased by the cold.

More than ten thousand mythical beast statues continue to use their five elements to wipe out countless demon gods. Every time they attack, they will make Wanling City tremble. If any statue is destroyed, the recoil of the underground spiritual vein will also make Wanling City tremble violently as if it is about to sink into the ground.

The demons are unswervingly charging to the Wanling City. No matter how much the neck is, no matter how much the death or injury is, they always keep moving forward. 1 Another statue of a mythical beast was destroyed. Countless spiritual soldiers died tragically under the magic magic of the demons.

Angry scolding came from the Wanling Palace, and Zhang Tengyun was jumping on his feet to curse the priests of the Ling Dynasty.

Only then did the high-level high priests of the Ling Dynasty suddenly realize that they hurriedly took countless disciples to reinforce the soldiers of the Ling Dynasty who were slaughtered in large quantities by the magic god's soul-stricking secret method. Countless bone runes fell, and the soldiers of the Ling Dynasty rose the unique spiritual light of all kinds of prohibitions. Under the protection of the protective prohibition, they gradually stabilized their positions and fought with those ferocious demons.

Driven by some secret arts, the spiritual soldiers and demon gods, who became extremely brave and fearless of life and death, fought loudly. With the strong air ban released by the nine talismans, these soldiers resisted the invasion of the demon gods in the streets and alleys of the Wanling City and the traffic arteries everywhere.

But even if the demon god has suffered a great loss, the demon god outside the Wanling City is boundless and can't see the end at a glance. Their number does not seem to have been reduced at all. Instead, the living power in Wanling City is constantly being consumed.

There were wailings everywhere. Those low-cultivated servants in Wanling City were attacked by the demon gods. Their masters fled to the high places of Wanling City under the protection of masters, leaving these servants and servants to be swallowed up by those demons in various ways. Some demons like bone marrow, some like muscles, some like blood, and some like brains. As long as they fall into their hands, these servants don't even have a hair left, because there are still some demons who like to wear clothes with human hair.

Don't beg in the Wanling Palace and look coldly at all kinds of miserable scenes below.

His consciousness locked the figures of some important people in the Wanling Palace and calculated what he would do next.

Originally, don't beg to let the wars of Dayu, Lingchao and Jingchao continue forever. It's better to continue one or two disasters. He needs time to strengthen his strength, to let himself have more power around him, or directly cultivate a few characters in the Taoist realm, otherwise he will not have enough voice in the Pangu world.

However, this small trick of the seven ancestors of Buddhism suddenly broke the balance of the war situation, and the Ling Dynasty was pushed to the edge of destruction. If the heavenly court could not send reinforcements in time to destroy these demons, once the Ling Dynasty was destroyed, then the great Yu would not be much better. With these demons as the vanguard, Jingchao may be able to replace Dayu, and then all the pressure will fall on the East China Sea.

"The methods of these seven old guys are fierce enough, and they hit the point with one blow. The methods of those Taoist ancestors will only be smarter than theirs. Why hasn't there been any movement yet?" Don't frown, turn into an ordinary bodyguard, and carefully shuttle through the chaotic Wanling Palace.

How to deal with it? If you want to get the war back into a deadlock, don't beg to help the Ling Dynasty tide over the difficulties, but...

Looking up at the hundreds of demon gods with broken Taoist cultivation and are frantically beating the forbidden by the Wanling Palace. Don't beg, you can't help shaking your head. If you want to help the Lingchao, you have to fight with these terrible guys. Don't beg for such a high-spiritedness. What does it have to do with the death of the whole Ling Dynasty?

At the moment of calculation, Zhang Tengyun's sneer resounded throughout Wanling City.

A little white light spewed up from the core of the Wanling Palace, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a white light curtain and spread around. The nine-fold white lotus rose up in a circle of white light, and countless extremely fine fairy lights were emitted on each lotus petal of the huge white lotus. These seemingly non-lethal fairy lights fell on those demon gods, making them rot and smoke like thick sulfuric acid.

Black smoke came out of all the demons within hundreds of thousands of miles of Wanling City at the same time, and their bodies were rapidly corroded by the fairy light.

Taiqing Bailian, the Hongmeng treasure given by the Taoist ancestor to Zhang Tengyun to protect himself, and the supreme treasure of the Ling Dynasty to suppress the fortune of a country finally became powerful.

And after the development of this purely defensive treasure city, no one would have such a powerful lethality against the foreign demon god.

Zhang Tengyun's proud laughter resounded through the sky: "The ignorant devil dares to come to Wanling City to be presumptuous, and I want you to die today! Dear Xingjun, there are also great forces!"

A voice of promise sounded, and more than 3,000 huge breaths rushed straight into the sky, waving their fists to smash the hundreds of demons banned by the Wanling Palace and flying up to the sky in horror. One is that the pressure of Taiqing Bailian makes them a little unbearable, and the other is that these more than 3,000 breaths are really amazing.

Don't beg to look at the huge white lotus above your head. Suddenly, your heart moved and hurriedly ran away to the Wanling Palace.

In a heavily defended hall of Wanling Palace, Zhang Tengyun is holding the white lotus on his head, constantly urging the mana to let the white lotus shine thousands of miles of light on the void.

Don't beg for a moment. He turned into a breeze and carefully approached Zhang Tengyun.

Taiqing Bailian, Hongmeng is the most precious treasure. Don't beg for such a treasure.