Steal the sky

Chapter 1037 Let go and compete

Hundreds of thousands of miles apart" Shou Zhuo Shangren and the Great Yi Zun looked at each other from a distance. The eyes of the two were like a real collision in the void, and the invisible spiritual shock exploded like a tsunami. The void between the two shook violently, and countless demons turned into fans one after another. All over the sky was the blood light transformed by the demon god's body exploding, but there was nothing left in the void of hundreds of thousands of

The air emitted a scorching fluctuation, and theshou shang shang shang ren he and the Great Yi Venerable retreated a few steps at the same time. Both of them closed their eyes at the same time, and there were blood stains in the corners of their eyes. The clumsy master laughed wildly: "The bald donkey, it's my Taoist disciples who are imprisoned here. What are you bald donkey here to join in the fun?" The Venerable B tried to open his sore and damaged eyes. He shouted harshly, "Bullshit, fart, stinky!" Your Hua Taoist sect is useless, and you can't even protect your disciples. The Buddha issued an boundless wish to protect all sentient beings in the world. Anyone who has a wise call the Buddha a master, burns three fragrant incense to worship, and is naturally protected by the Buddha's Dharma. What are you doing with your cow's nose?",

Two huge demon god leaders howled angrily and rushed to the Great Venerable. The dragon head in the master's hand was convenient to wave the shovel at will, beating the two demon gods all over the sky.

It is convenient to shovel dozens of dazzling golden lights, condensed into golden dragons flying all over the sky, and the tails of the claws are inseparable from the bodies of the two demon gods. The two demon leaders who broke through the Taoist realm and six grades of cultivation were beaten in a mess, howling and fleeing to the distance.

But before they could escape, the Great Yi Venerable waved his left hand, and a golden Buddha handprint of Guangda Baili roared out, hitting the hearts of the two demon gods. The howling stopped abruptly, and the two powerful demon gods silently turned into nothing, leaving even a trace of powder.

The clumsy superior laughed loudly, and he shook his head and said, "Small tricks, do you dare to show off your power in front of the poor?",

He threw the water and fire front high into the sky, and the clumsy man shouted harshly, "Baby, spin!",

With his shout, the chaotic Lingbao water fire front, which is no longer than three feet, turned into one black, one red and two spiritual lights in the sky. It slowly rotated along the trajectory of the Taiji map. Suddenly, a large area of purple clouds condensed in the void, and countless black and red rainwater spilled down from the purple cloud. The rain lightly sprinkled all over the farm. The Taoist monks and mortals who touched the rain only felt a stream of heat pouring into their bodies, and they had more strength out of thin air. But as soon as those demons touched the rain, they were immediately pierced through countless holes.

The huge farm is almost equivalent to the vast land of thousands of Dayu Dazhou. Countless demons are suspended stiffly in the air. They looked at the huge black and red two-color Taiji picture in the sky in horror. Their bodies were shot out of countless holes by the seemingly weak rain, and their souls were completely destroyed by the rain. "Destruction" In addition to more than a hundred great demon gods who broke the Taoist realm, other demon gods were killed by theshou clumsy superiors.

"I am a stranger and a clumsy superior, and I have gone through infinite disasters to become a supreme road. Can you be the one who is willing to enter my door?" The clumsy man suspended in mid-air, exerted a magic power of heaven and earth, and lifted his body up to thousands of miles. He shines with golden light all over his body, no matter where he is"

Most of the people in Pangu Continent saw the golden figure of the clumsy superior. This Dharma is directly imprinted into the eyes of those immortals, monks and mortals. No matter where they are or what they are doing, in a word, the Dharma of clumsy superiors appears in their eyes. Hearing his call.

Almost all the immortals and monks imprisoned in the farm knelt to the ground. They worshipped devoutly and shouted the name of clumsy superiors. What an amazing way to kill the infinite demon god with one blow? On that day, it was said that there was a star king in the heavenly court to help the battle, but I didn't see any star king who could have such an anti-sky magic power to kill so many demons.

I'm afraid that only the legendary Taoist sage can have such magic power, right?

The face of the Great B was ugly. He sneered and shouted to the clumsy master, "A cow's nose, eating alone is punishable by God." The clumsy superior looked at the great lord of the Great B with cold eyes." He said lightly, "The countless immortals and monks here are all from our Taoist sect. Even if the poor eat alone and put them all under the door, this is also my Taoist matter. What does it have to do with your baldness?",

The Venerable of the Great B pondered for a moment, and he shook his head and said, "Buddha's Dharma is the first to come true" and there is a lack of believers to fill the Buddha country. There are countless immortals here, and the Buddha intends to cross them into the Buddha's kingdom and enjoy boundless purity. Touching the bare head, Master B said bluntly, "Today, the faith of immortals is more than 100,000 mortals, and the faith of a golden fairy is more than 100 million mortals. There are countless immortals here, and countless golden immortals. "You give half of it to the Buddha, and the Buddha remembers your love!"

Before the clumsy man could speak, the Great Yi said more and more bluntly, "The Buddha's view comes from Ran Fang, and there is only one country in the south called Da Wu. If you help Dawu and the Jing Dynasty to fight against each other, as long as you divide half of the immortals here to the Buddha today." In the future, the Jing Dynasty will fight with Dawu, and the Buddha will definitely not intervene. If you want to eat alone, hey hey, Buddha can't avoid falling into the well.

The clumsy master looked at the venerable Dayi and sneered, "You bald donkey is simply not as hypocritical as other Buddhists. It's just that if you want to get benefits from here, at least let the poor know what means you have.

With a wave, the twelve Taiyi golden immortals behind the clumsy upper body took out a boundless cloud at the same time, and there was a flag with starlight wrapped in it. Even the nine Taoist ancestors peeped at the huge figure of the Heavenly Killing God Array loomed in the array, and the low and powerful roar came

The Great Venerable sneered. He looked around and pointed to the foreign demons that came out again from the distance: "How about these demons?"

The clumsy superior pointed at the huge black and red two-color Taiji picture in the sky: "If they dare to approach, they will all die. Monk, you just have to share the same with the poor, and you don't have to worry about the rest.

The Great B master meditated for a moment. He pulled down a string of 108 purple rosary beads from his neck and threw them high into the sky. Suddenly, 108 rounds of huge purple light rushed high into the sky, like 108 bright moons hanging high in the sky. The demon god who heard the news in the distance rushed to this side. As soon as he approached the huge farm, he was immediately bombarded by the Buddha's demon god thunder from the purple light.

More than a hundred demon god leaders who had just escaped from the water and fire front were so scared that they fled to the distance. They roared and stopped the demon gods outside from continuing to come to die. Today, these demons are also unlucky. The real strong demons have been transferred to Jingchao to fight against Dayu. What is left in the farm is only a group of handymen. Although the number is large, it is useless. The clumsy master and the great man of the Great B are all half-step. Once they let go and kill, it's like blowing up ants with a nuclear bomb, and how much of them will be erased with one blow.

After the casting was completed, the Great B laughed and turned into a golden body three feet and six feet high, showing a strange golden body with nine heads, eighteen arms and four feet. The whole body emitted a shining light. The eighteen arms were divided into all kinds of robbed Buddhist soldiers, shouting and shouted and rushed into the Heavenly

The clouds released by this array of killing gods can cover tens of thousands of miles outside, but as soon as you enter the array, you will find that the array is boundless. In the eyes of the array is a huge ancient mirage, and a huge mirage suspended above the mirage. It is releasing a boundless mirage to confuse others. This mirage is the manifestation of the yuan spirit of the clumsy master, and its cultivation is extremely amazing. Even the release of the mirage can't see through the power of the Taoist realm, and even the divine consciousness of the saint of the Taoist realm will be disturbed by this mirage.

There are countless dragon uncles with huge bodies running back and forth in the array. These dragon uncles are holding all kinds of flags and flags, and are following the trajectory of the mountains and rivers in the array. Every time they change their position, the breaths in the array quickly change hundreds of millions of times. The strange and changeable breath is the real reason why even the Taoist ancestors of the Taoist realm can't see through.

It seems that this array is only a joint deployment of twelve Taiyi Jinxian, which does not seem to be very complicated.

But in fact, there are 36,000 Jinxian-level Longbo people responsible for the evolution of the formation in the large array, and 1.08 million people in the Tianxian-level Longbo Kingdom. They correspond to the changes of Zhou Tianxing and the vein respectively, and the change of their formation is even stronger than the Xuanyuan Zhu magic sword array.

He strode into the array, and the Venerable Yi immediately returned to his original form, and looked up to the sky with a lot of no image and laughed three times.

Dozens of dragons with huge bodies immediately put on heavy armor and waved their big fists to fight with each other in the array.

The clumsy superior shouted angrily outside the battle and turned into a strong light to escape into the battle. Dozens of Longbo people fighting with each other in the array turned into hundreds of people, and the loud noise of fists and armor collided across tens of thousands of miles.

A monk looked at each other and smiled in the big array, with a trace of chilling tack in his smile.

After three days and three nights, I heard the roar of the Great B. He flew backwards from the array like a cannonball, and there was an extremely amazing clear fist mark on his chest that was three inches deep into his body.

A strong and powerful arm wrapped around the glazed glazed flame slowly retracted into the clouds. Obviously, it was this arm that gave the last blow to the Great Yi Venerable. The Venerable was beaten to spit out blood. He fell to the ground in embarrassance. After a long time, he staggered up and turned around and left without saying a word.

"Dayi Taoist friend, your cultivation is really amazing. It's not that you and I have different positions. Maybe you and I still have a chance to sit down and talk about it. It's a pity, it's a pity. "It's your contribution, but it's still slightly inferior to poverty."

He coughed gently a few times, and the clumsy man slowly walked out of the divine array.

Countless peeping at the movement of this side in all directions have been taken back one after another." Some people with intentions have already made final accounts.

The clumsy master picked up his hands with a faint smile. He looked at the immortals and monks who were kneeling all over the mountains and said with a smile, "Wait" Would you like to fall under the door of poverty?"

Those immortals and fortune-takushi shouted fiercely one after another, worshipping the ground with great enthusiasm.

The clumsy superiors casually point out hundreds of inspirations, select the most exquisite group of peak-level golden immortals among these immortals, and accept them as named disciples. This act even more stimulated these immortals, who worshipped the clumsy superiors more and more fanatically.
