Steal the sky

Chapter 1059 Chain Reaction

"The power has been compressed 100,000 times, and it is the annihilism of the spread attack!"

Looking at the huge pillar of fire rising to the sky, the six holy emperors muttered to themselves. If a real annihilant thunder breaks out, the power will be compressed within thousands of miles, and it will never waste lethality on such proliferation. The power has been reduced by 100,000 times, and the scope of the explosion has increased by more than a million times, so that the destructive power of annihilism will not cause too much damage to Pangu Continent.

It's wrong that this annihire is that the Wah Huangshi has been warmly raised with the Wanling tripod for countless years, and it has a very strong spirituality. How can this kind of one-time thunder and fire control the power freely? If an annihilation occurs over the Pangu Continent, the power of the annihilation will only be compressed within thousands of thousands of miles, but the void will be completely destroyed and become a black hole-like existence, and then the resulting tide is enough to destroy half of the Pangu Continent.

That's why the six holy emperors deliberately compressed the power of annihilation to the limit.

As soon as the red pillar of fire moved, a dim purple sword light rushed out of the pillar of fire and swaying to the outer void. Then a roar came, and Shizun, who was left with only half a child's head and three arms, rushed out with a red flame all over his body, gritted his teeth and chased to the purple sword light.

The Taoist spit out blood and barely controlled the sword light to fly high into the sky. His mind was blank, and the annihilation broke out beside him and the World Honored One. Even if the power of the annihilation was compressed to the extreme, he was also blown up his internal organs and almost scattered. Dozens of protective treasures were all broken, and fortunately, with these treasures to protect his body, he barely escaped.

There is still a terrible loud noise in his ears, and his eyes are still full of red light shining. There is only one thought in the empty mind of the Taoist. Who triggered such a terrible thunder method? Who the hell is it? What is the coming of this Leifa? Why is it so powerful?

He only cares about the origin of the annihilation, and ignores the Yan Shizun who roared after him.

Just now, he and all the Buddhist saints and Taoist immortals around him disappeared, and now only the two of them are lucky to escape. Yan Shizun saw with his own eyes that the destructive red light spewed out from the Taoist priest. Although there were hundreds of Taoist immortals coming to help the battle around the Taoist priest at that time, Yan Shizuni absolutely did not believe that this kind of thunder method could be owned by those powerful Taoist immortals.

When the annihilation thunder broke out, the law of heaven in the virtual banquet was annihilated, which was the power that could destroy everything. The emperor even felt that even the Taoist priest was not qualified to use such a thunder method. Maybe it's the strange treasure given to him by his Taoist ancestors? This is the only explanation!

An ancestor suddenly appeared in the same empty mind. This word, Yan Shizun, who chased and killed the Taoist priest fiercely, was suddenly stunned. He stopped the cloud head and looked coldly at the Taoist who fled in a hurry. He waved his hand silently and summoned a huge foreign demon god who was timidly hiding in the distance. He stood on the head of the demon god with three pairs of meat wings on his back. The demon god's wings turned into a fast black light in the direction of Fly away.

The six holy emperors smiled. They shook their heads and left Lake City with Dayu's army,

returned to Liangzhu all the way.

The bear army in Mianhu City is still motionless, and the low-level officers loyal to Dayu control the whole bear army very well. Those bear soldiers who defected to Buddhism and Taoism, or themselves in Buddhism and Taoism, fled one after another. There are also a large number of sacred immortals of Buddhism and Taoism wandering around on the battlefield. They contacted these sacred immortals and were led out of the control of Lake City.

Originally, Buddhism and Taoism made great efforts and used a lot of manpower to compete for the bear army. However, with a thunder roar, Jingchao's core high-rise was completely destroyed, and Jinghua of Jingchao was completely destroyed in the war between the two sides. The immortals of the Taoist sect were extremely ruthlessly like a grass snake with tens of thousands of broken spines, and no longer had the strength to move.

When the unsullied emperor died, his few clan heirs were also killed and injured in the annihire explosion, and the quiet dynasty also stepped in the footsteps of the spiritual dynasty. Almost all the cities were destroyed, and all the members of the royal family were destroyed, and Jingchao also became an empty shell.

Dayu restrained his soldiers and horses, curled up in his own territory and waited to watch the bustle. There was a great chaos in the territory of the Jing Dynasty and the Ling Dynasty. The remnants of the Ling Dynasty rioted around with the support of Taoism, which added a lot of trouble to Buddhism. The army stationed by the Jing Dynasty was also wanton to suppress this kind of riot. The compassionate heart is all a joke at this moment. Those Buddhist monks use swords and sticks, killing people more like butchers than those professional soldiers.

The turbulence lasted for a few days, and the remnants of the Jing Dynasty and the Ling Dynasty were almost killed by their opponents. The forces that invaded the Pangu Continent in the outer world were actually lost in their consumption. Under the mutual calculation of Buddhism and Taoism, whether it is the Jing Dynasty or the Ling Dynasty, they have worked hard to cultivate the tools used to compete for the throne with Dayu for countless years. At this moment, they have all become yesterday's Huang Huā, and it is no longer the power that the soldiers' pressure on that day has made Dayu feel uneasy.

In the face of such a situation, Wa Huangshi was the happiest. She immediately sent dozens of powerful treasures she had collected over the years from Wa Palace and gave them to Haozun Emperor and the holy emperors of Dayu.

All these treasures are high-quality products with great power. With these treasures, the strength of the senior management of Dayu has been increased by ten times.

In addition to the elated Wa Huangshi and the complacent holy emperors, the real biggest gain is not to beg.

It's just that this harvest can only make you beg for fun. He doesn't dare to show this joy in the fact that the representative of Buddhism and Taoism, who bid for the Great Wu's national strength in the capital of Great Wu, has offered a sky-high price!

Liu Bang, the representative of the Taoist sect, promised that as long as the clumsy superiors persuaded Wu Tianming to gladly to cede the throne according to the ancient ritual Zen when the human race had not yet established Dayu and was still in the primitive tribal alliance of the human race, the clumsy superior would immediately be awarded the post of five Any party in the middle, and the Taoist ancestor personally rewarded him with nine pieces of Hongmeng's treasure, one piece for each Daozu, exactly nine pieces.

Moreover, Liu Bang also promised on behalf of the Taoist ancestors that as long as the clumsy superiors could convince Wu Tianming, the nine Taoist ancestors could ensure that the great emperor of the clumsy superiors absolutely had the real power in the heavenly court, and no one restrained his rights. The most important point is that the clumsy superior will not be affected by the heavy disaster of heaven and earth, and he can always live in the position of the emperor of heaven and enjoy endless immortal blessings.

The price of Taoism is not heavy. A worry-free emperor of heaven, nine Taoist ancestors rewarded nine Hongmeng treasures, which is the treatment that those great masters of Taoism did not have in the past 33 days. In order to successfully obtain Da Wu, a tool to compete with Da Yu, Daomen did not hesitate to bleed heavily.

In the face of the sky-high price offered by Liu Bang, the price quoted by the monk Xiangchan made him speechless.

Those things outside the body are fine. The seven Buddhas are willing to choose a Buddha at will by the Shouzhuo Shangren, and he will lose all his own heavenly enlightenment and all kinds of secret gods to the skill of awakening and enlightenment to Shouzhuo Shangren. After the clumsy superior got the Buddha's manture inheritance, the seven Buddhas joined hands to transform the immortal power of the [body] into the Buddha's power, and helped him unite the Buddha's golden body by means against the sky.

According to the words of the Xiangchan monk, the seven Buddhas joined hands in such alms, which is enough to let the clumsty superiors ascend to the Taoist realm and achieve immortality.

The great plan of sealing the gods is related to the future control of the Pangu world. The last card in the hand of the Buddha was destroyed by the Taoist priest. How can the seven Buddhas pay such a price? Use anti-sky means to forcibly create the power of a Taoist realm. Even if the clumsy superior is already a half-step realm, the seven Buddhas should also take on the responsibility of the heavenly system.

When the clumsy master informs the price of the Buddha's door not to beg, don't beg for a while.

My split body has achieved the throne of the Great Emperor of Heaven, which is a good thing, and it is definitely a good thing. The great emperor of heaven with real power, the immortals and heavenly soldiers under his command are more than hundreds of millions? Just look at how many immortals have flown to the heavenly court since the last heavy disaster of heaven and earth.

But if your own split achieves the realm of Taoism, isn't this also an excellent thing?

Don't beg for an indescribable hidden worry about entrusting your own spirit in the heavenly law of the Pangu world. The ancient holy world was so powerful that it was completely destroyed by the breakers. The Pangu world has no foundation of the holy world. Once the breakers of the world come, if the Pangu world collapses, won't he be unlucky?

But if it is only your own split to achieve the Taoist realm, the worst thing is to abandon the split at that time, and there will be no harm to your own body. By the means of stealing and collecting foreign objects to nourish yourself, even if a split is destroyed, it will not do too much harm to the begging noumenon.

After meditating for a long time, he sat on the back of the nine tails and closed his eyes, suspended over the ruins of Chengxin City.

"I can have both the fish and the bear's paw. I want the position of the Great Emperor. The quota of that Taoist realm, hehe, hehe!"

In the Dalong Mountains, a dragon roared to the sky in the Dalong Zen Courtyard. The Great Yi venerable was entangled with a group of monks such as the Bajie monks, followed by countless Buddhists and Taoist gates under his wings, and scattered practitioners, and ran all the way to the southern border of the Pangu mainland.

Along the way, the Great Yi Venerable released infinite Buddha light, chanting the Buddha's trumpets, and the drum trumpets went straight to Dawu.

Those immortals and monks who sheltered him had long released the news that Dayi Zun was going to Dawu to be merciful. He was very powerful and unpredictable to calculate that Dawu would have a disaster of swords and soldiers, so he did not hesitate to enter the world in person and was willing to take charge of the disaster of Dawu.

The Great Yi Venerable is even more popular, and the culprit who caused disaster for the Great Wu is now the Great Wu Protector of the country.

With his move, the Buddhist and Taoist sects suddenly towered together.

The Buddha was ecstatic, and the great masters in the Taoist sect wanted to join hands to tear up the bald donkey.