Steal the sky

Chapter 1063 Enerment

Outside Chang'an City, Wu Tianming cried and sadly, in front of tens of millions of people and countless immortals,

The strange face gave up the throne of Da Wu to Liu Bang. When Liu Bang took over the scepter representing the great Wu emperor's power from Wu Tianming's hand, a sharp and high-pitched dragon voice kept coming from Wu Tianming's [body]. Nine purple-wrapped Zhang Xu Changjinlong flew from Wu Tianming's forehead, circled three times in the air and fell into Liu Bang'

For a moment, Liu Bang's golden light shone around him, and his slightly cunning and slippery face suddenly became extremely resolute. A vast domineering spirit gushed out. Liu Bang's eyes flashed purple, and he naturally brought boundless majesty with every move.

Although Liu Bang was once the founding monarch in the world of the world of the world, what was the population of the founding of the Han Dynasty in the world of the world? And the great Wu people are more than trillions. Even if half of the people's hearts are divided by Wu Dili, the spirit of the emperor in Wu Tianming is still tens of millions of times better than that of Liu Bang. At this moment, the imperial spirit entered the body, and the various wonders of the emperor's spirit naturally were naturally added to Liu Bang. Liu Bang, who had reached the realm of the golden immortals, immediately drove the imperial spirit with the secret method of Taoist ancestors. With a dragon roar, Liu Bang's cultivation soared under the promotion of the emperor's spirit The realm of B.

Seeing that Liu Bang absorbed the spirit of the emperor gushing out of Wu Tianming's [body], he couldn't help laughing. He smiled extremely brightly and happily. He got nine Hongmeng treasures and an unswerving position of the Great Heavenly Emperor. This harvest was really wonderful.

Xinwu Capital City 1 Yixin City, inside, the Great Yi Venerable stands tall at the head of the hall of the New Wu Palace, and his seat is still above the New Wu Dili, the new Wu Emperor. Xiangchan monks and other Buddhists stood in the hall and turned a vision of this obvious passover. Wu Dili, the new emperor of Wu, stood obediently beside the Great Yi Venerable, as if he were the waiter and servant of the Great Yi Venerable.

Feeling the powerful imperial pressure from the direction of Chang'an City, the Great Yi said angrily, "There is no reliable cow's nose. Well, Xiangchan little monk, Buddha, I handed over the new Wu to the Buddha's door. As for the benefits promised by the Buddha, "Hey hey!"

Before the monk Xiangchan opened his mouth to speak, the fragrant wind floated through the hall, and a tall, thin figure appeared out of thin air. Shouyi Buddha dressed in a sweater, stepped on a white lotus, and quietly came out of the void. He looked at the great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-

The venerable of Dayi was slightly stunned. He stood up and saluted the eleventh ceremony to the Shouyi Buddha: "The outside monk Dayi, I have seen the Shouyi Buddha." I wish the Buddha a holy life without bounds." It has always given people the impression that the Great Yi Venerable, who is very rough, rough and even barbaric, walked down from the throne, respectfully followed the etiquette of Buddhism, and respectfully completed a whole set of etiquette.

The Shouyi Buddha happily accepted the worship of the Great Yi Venerable. He didn't even look at Wu Dili. He stepped on the white lotus to the throne and sat in the position where the Great Yi Venerable was sitting. Wu Dili stepped back a few steps in panic. He bowed his head respectfully and did not dare to face the guardian Buddha. "Wu Dili knew that in front of these great abilities, he was the most humble pawn. If he was not respectful, he would not even know how he died.

What Buddhism wants is only the emperor status of the new Wu, and all he wants is the imperial spirit in Wu Dili.

If Wu Dili dares to disobey the Buddha, these of the Buddha's, compassionate, the monk will definitely have 10,000 ways to kill him, take away his [body] and give it to the heir chosen by the Buddha. It may be his son of Wu Dili, or his grandson. For the sake of the throne, his son and grandson will I don't mind killing him with my own hands.

The Shouyi Buddha overlooks the Great Yi, and the Great Yi also held his head high and looked at the Shouyi Buddha energetically.

The Shouyi Buddha nodded and smiled with great appreciation. Compared with those worldly respected persons and Buddhas in Buddhism, the Great Venerable has a strong wildness, full of vitality. This wildness is exactly what today's Buddhist powers lack. After countless years of worship by believers and countless years of incense, the great powers of Buddhism are like real wood carving mud tires, which always gives people a sense of death.

And the Venerable of the Great B is very different. He is full of vitality. His means of action are tyrannical and direct, but this kind of tyrannical and direct means is extremely effective. At least from the Venerable Great Yi's actions in the past few times, it can be seen that he always takes advantage of him

The monk Xiangchan was still lobbying Wu Tianming to return to the Buddhist sect, and the Great Yi Venerable actually sent people to hook up with Wu Dili and let Wu Dili directly defect to the Buddhist sect. This kind of scheming, this kind of means, this kind of strength is really a first-class talent. The most wonderful thing is that the Great Venerable is a disciple of Buddhism, which gives the Shuyi Buddha a close heart innate.

After meditated for a moment, the Shuyi Buddha said in a low voice, "Da Yi, the old brother can fulfill the conditions promised to the master of Shouyi for you."

The venerable of Dayi grinned and said, "So, Buddha... Can the little monk also be in the same way?

The Shouyi Buddha just shook his head and smiled and smiled for a long time. Then he said in a loud voice, "The old man will teach you all the enlightenment of his life with the skill of rolling. But the old way is not necessarily your way.

You can borrow the right way, but you may not be able to get through this way. Therefore, it's hard to say whether you can succeed or not.

Looking at the Great B with appreciation, the Buddha smiled and said, "The seven of our brothers have sum up. If you can be the Taoist, you are the mountain owner of the Buddha's big ** Mountain. In Buddhism, your position is only below the seven of me. It is the head of thousands of Buddhas, hundreds of millions of Bodhisatt The Great Yi stunned his eyes and looked at the Shouyi Buddha: "Wow, the owner of the Great Spirit Vulture Mountain? Why does it smell like a mountain king? The face of the Shouyi Buddha suddenly stiffened, and he was almost spit out of blood by the words of the Great Yi Venerable. The king of the mountain? The mountain owner of Dalingjiu Mountain is still above the Buddha master. How could he say that this is the king of the mountain?

This is a rough man, and this is a straight man... The benevolent Buddha kept telling himself that there was no need to argue with such a rude person. He took a deep breath and nodded his head with a smile, "You are a disciple of my Buddhism, and the junior of my seven brothers. If you can agree, it is not easy to be side by side with the seven of me. Therefore, if you can agree, you are the Lord of the Great Spirit Vulture Mountain, ranking above the many sacredness of Buddhism."

Dai Yi smiled. He smiled extremely brightly. He said bluntly, "Please ask the Buddha to enlighten the little monk... Well, if the little monk is the most sacred of Buddhism, "If there are no two treasures at the bottom of the box, it's too outrageous!"

The Shouyi Buddha laughed angrily at the words of the Great Yi Venerable. He pointed to the Great Yi Venerable and scolded with a smile: "... The thief is bald, you are really rude!" The Xiangchan monk and a group of Buddhists looked very strange. They scolded the bald donkey in front of the monk. If it was someone else, they would definitely be beaten by the Xiangchan monks. But this curse is the guarding Buddha. What can they do? Besides, the seven Buddhas were all dressed as Taoist people, and the guarding Buddhas scolded them as bald thieves."

This is also true to the name, and there is nothing we can do about it.

The smile was restrained, and the Shouyi Buddha stared at the venerable Dayi and said coldly, "The old man's skill of awakening the otter's enlightenment will be conveyed to you together with the old man's hard work. This is a great opportunity. However, there have been a lot of traitors in Buddhism recently, and Lao Kun will teach you the magic of the road with the art of awakening and enlightenment. At the same time, he will also search for the secret of your reincarnation of tens of millions of the world. Would you like it?

The great man stared at the cow's eyes, opened his mouth with a careless smile and said, "The little monk has nothing to be seen. The Buddha just let go and do it."

The Shouyi Buddha was even more happy." He immediately greeted the Venerable of Dayi to sit in front of his seat. He put his hand on the top of the head of the Venerable of Dayi, and a little golden light oozed out of his palm, and gradually poured into the Venerable of the Great Yi. Soon, the Great B and the Shouyi Buddha were wrapped in the light of the Buddha. In the light of the Buddha, the six heads, eighteen arms and four feet of the Buddha were hidden. After the golden body, there was a whole body full of golden light and big eyes, and the body was like a male lion. The whole body was a dark back with two wings.

This strange beast is the original form of the Buddha born in chaos. Xuanhun is born with the ability to peep into other people's souls, and can absorb the power of other people's souls for its own use. This kind of talent is most suitable for practicing Buddhist skills, so the Shouyi Buddha will establish a Buddhist sect with six other like-minded gods who have similar talents in the contract.

The deep and dark divine light shot out at the same time in the big eyes of the Xuanhun soul beast locked the whole body of the Great B Venerable, especially the seven orifices of the Great Yi Venerable and the passages of the heavenly spirit, eyebrows and other souls in and out of the body.

The huge and incredible Buddha's original soul almost tore open the defense of the sea of the Great Yi Venerable Zifu, and the golden soul of the Great B Venerable was exposed to the guardian Buddha. The original soul of the Shouyi Buddha rushed to the original soul of the Great B, wrapped in the strange black divine light of Dao Dao,

inch by inch, he began to search for the original soul of the Great B Venerable.

In the past, the seven Buddhas never treated their disciples in this way, for fear of causing the uneasiness and fear of the disciples. But at this very moment, the worries in Buddhism can't stand more disturbances. Even if the search for the soul will cause the unhappiness of the Great B Venerable, the Shouyi Buddha can't care so much.

The Great Venerable Well is also very good at means. As long as he is not a nail arranged by Taoism or others, the seven Buddhas will cultivate and reuse him wholeheartedly.

Da Yizun saw that there was not much of the frankness in the soul.

He was born as a bandit in this life. In a small country on a planet in the outer world, he killed and set fire to the people's daughter. "Indescribable pleasure. One day, he robbed and killed a wandering monk, and had to listen to a heart sutra from his mouth. "He suddenly realized that he put down the butcher's knife and shaved himself to become a monk.

After a hundred years of arhat cultivation, the Great Yi Master worked hard to accumulate a spiritual stone and left the small planet for Pangu Continent. He closed his retreat in the Dalong Mountains, sat in meditation for countless years, went through countless difficulties and obstacles, and finally had today's cultivation.

The Shouyi Buddha nodded with satisfaction, so that it seemed that there was no problem with the Venerable.

Then, the Shouyi Buddha launched the secret method of Buddhism to check the previous life of the Great Venerable...,

All kinds of wonders appeared in front of the Shouyi Buddha, and the Shouyi Buddha was suddenly surprised and happy. With a click, his thin face was full of smiles.


I can't stay in my hometown in Hunan anymore!

My wife cried and said that her face was round, and she ate Haisai with a big bowl...

Er, contradiction, contradiction...

Er, it seems that the pig's head is also slightly in a circle of drums!

This, Shanghai cuisine is still light, hey!