Steal the sky

Chapter 1079 Ruthless

Don't beg for a group of people staring at the huge demon god. He is the same as the fallen demon god. Everyone can think that he has something to do with the demon god.

The breath emanating from his body is not under the peak power of any Taoist realm, especially his qi is strange. The air emanating breath covers the space becomes sticky like glue, and the flow rate of time suddenly slows down several times, which is obviously an extremely powerful natural power.

In particular, the demon god just glanced at Begging and others from afar. Bemao and other people who broke the Taoist realm were fine, but the cultivation of the Mingdao realms such as the cattle and the Holy Spirit King shook their bodies together, and the three souls and seven souls were almost sucked out of the body by the strange eyes

As soon as the Tianding tripod was shaken, a blue light flew out, and 8,000 undead troops were sucked into the Tianding tripod one after another.

The six huge stars in the sky, arranged in the direction of the six stars of Nandou, shook for a while, and the sword spirit of the six poles roared down and hit the head of the demon god in the shape of a heavenly cow. A dazzling halo burst out of the huge insect's head. According to the law of one hundred and eight thousand heavenly laws in the Vientiane star core, the sword light split with the help of infinite stars fell on the head of the demon god, and it could not hurt him at all.

Seeing that Xuanyuan's magic sword array did no harm to the demon god, Liu Bang couldn't help grinning.

He nodded repeatedly and said, "It's wonderful. This broken weight born skill handed down from the chaotic demon god cooperates with the secret method of the taboo family. Sure enough, there is an unpredictable opportunity of ghosts and gods, and has the ability to destroy the universe. Don't beg for small

Son, if you hurt me today, I won't die. You have to die here.

With a swirling of his eyes, Liu Bang grinned at Princess Bile and Qixia and said, "You two are so fragrant, why do you follow and don't beg for such a bitch? If I can unify the three worlds in the future, I will set up nine empresses according to the position of the nine palaces. The two empresses of the middle palace can't be counted on, but the other eight emperors and queens have great hope.

Liu Bang proudly boasted about himself there. Princess Yule and Qixia spat in unison. Qixia drew one by one with her hands, and outlined a series of twisted black runes like earthworms in front of her. As Qixia's fingers continue to sketch, a wave of evil fluctuations gradually spread, and countless extremely thin colorful lights like hair appeared around Qixia's body.

Don't beg to watch Qixia's behavior attentively. Qixia's magic secret method comes from chaos, among which there are some places where don't beg is far worse. These details seem to be sprayed at any time, but they give people an extremely dangerous feeling.

The huge demon god slowly approached them. The demon god's body did not seem to be very flexible, and his muscles had not yet unfolded. The movements were extremely stiff, like an old zombie lying in the coffin for years without seeing the sun, and his every move was dull. Six more swords fell from the sky. Although it could not destroy his body, it also gave him great resistance to his action. He, who was originally unable to move, is now forced not to be begging like a snail crawling.

Liu Bang frowned, and he didn't pay attention to begging for others. He just turned back to the person who had just been rescued. Fan Yu, who was gritting his teeth and applying medicine to the wound, said, "I still haven't really warm and matured. It seems that he still owes a lot of heat. You can't let them leave here today." Otherwise, if they tell the world about the things here, I'm afraid I'll have a lot of trouble."

The wound medicine used by Fan Yu was like a paste, but the curative effect was really good. The ointment was applied to the wound, and the body injured by Ao Bugung began to heal and scabs with only a few breaths.

He gently moved his arm and said coldly, "Your Majesty, don't worry, they can't leave here.

I must be careful this time, and I will not let them be shamelessly besieged again.

Liu Bang nodded slowly. He turned his head and looked at Don't begging. He suddenly frowned and said, "How can you be so shameless? Such a siege is even worse than me. Tut, is there such a wonderful person in the world? If he doesn't die today, he will be a good opponent.

The emperor and minister here are chatting happily. Qixia waved her small hand in the box, and countless colorful lights of thin hair were strangled to the approaching demon god one after another. The colorful light was wrapped around the demon god, ignoring the evil spirit of roaring on the surface of his body, which went straight into his body, especially more than 90% of the light did not enter the head of the demon god.

Liu Bang's body suddenly trembled slightly, and blood dripped from his seven orifices at the same time. He looked at Qixia in shock and angrily, and shouted harshly, "1 The way to divination of a woman is so vicious, how can you directly attack the soul of Tianniu through the Hongmeng treasure ten thousand soul white bone beads? B bastard, bastard!"

Qixia's body also shook slightly." Her upturned nose suddenly spewed out two columns of colorful blood.

She shouted in a hoarse voice, "What a powerful monster, everything else. There is actually an evil bead in his sea to protect his soul in the core." Qixia tried her best to hurt it. As for Liu Bang, who left a trace of primordial spirit imprint in the monster soul, Qixia just attacked his primordial god imprint, but failed to really destroy it.

Don't beg for a palm on the Tianling cover of Qixia, and your own essence is constantly injected into Qixia [body]. Today, Qixia used the secret method of great power twice in a row, and her own spirit lost a lot of money. If she hadn't begged to supplement it with her own essence, it would definitely be a great nuisance to her in the future, and it would also be a great damage to the fetus in her abdomen.

Not only is Qixia pregnant, but also Princess Po Le. Don't beg not to let them work too hard, lest they hurt the child in their stomach.

Like Don't beg, their every move is in line with the heavenly way of Pangu. Princess Po Le and the child in Qixia's belly can't be born with time to ban and freeze. These children must be their own mothers who have been conceived for enough time in the heavenly time of Pangu World in order to be born naturally. That is to say, even if you don't beg for the secret method to let the time around Qixia and Princess Bule pass by trillions of years in an instant, but the outside world has only passed three or five days, so the child in their belly has only developed for three or five days.

In the child's womb, Qixia risked to use her own blood to fight with people, which made it very sad and worried, and he could only use his own blood to make up for Qixia desperately.

While rapidly exporting his own essence, don't beg and look at the huge demon god sadly. The kingdom of immortality, Liu Bang, everything here is full of evil spirit that makes you not beg. Don't beg to pay for yourself. If you do your best, if Liu Bang only shows the cards in front of him, he is still 60% sure to beat Liu Bang to death.

But if Liu Bang still hides something else, then if he can't get it, he will offend Liu Bang to death. "Don't beg for a person, but he is not afraid of him, but he still has so many followers.

Those ordinary soldiers and civilians in the East China Sea are all fine. Now they all live in the small world of Don't Beg. Don't beg for death and they won't be hurt. But don't beg so many civil servants and generals brought out of the East China Sea, so many immortals and demons who follow him. Is it difficult to let them hide in the small

Is there no sun in the world?

But they are really not Liu Bang's opponents. Not to mention anything else, he is not the opponent of this demon god before Ao Buzun recovers all the strength of his previous life. Don't beg has shown his deeds today. If you offend Liu Bang to death, if Liu Bang escapes, and then he takes people back to revenge, how many people around you will be killed and injured?

After a moment' hesitation, don't beg to pat the Tianding on the top of your head, and a clear light rolled out the Nandou Emperor. Don't beg to grab the Nandou Emperor's neck, looked at Liu Bang and shouted harshly, "Liu Bang, the Nandou Emperor is here. Let's stop today's matter. How about I return the Nandou Emperor to you?"

Emperor Nandou looked at Liu Bang sitting on the chariot in the distance in shock. It was indeed Liu Bang's appearance, but his breath, his temperament, his domineering and majesty, is not the least favorite child that Emperor Nandou is familiar with? Especially his breath, that's the breath of the top-quality Daluo Jinxian, right? I am just the peak of Taiyi Jinxian. How can Liu Bang have the cultivation of Daluo Jinxian?

And what is the huge long flag above Liu Bang's head? Why did the evil spirit make the Nandou Emperor feel scared?

Especially the demon god who is approaching this side step by step in the air. He is so similar to the body of the fallen demon god in the distance, and the breath he exudes makes the muscles of the Nandou Emperor tense. The soul trembles involuntarily, as if the rabbit saw the natural enemy. Looking at that situation, the demon god also seems to be controlled by Liu Bang. What's going on?

Just as the Nandou Emperor was puzzled, Liu Bang suddenly laughed loudly. He laughed forward and backward, shook his head and sighed, "Don't beg, are you confused? Do you know the story of "a piece of the pie"? It's just a "father". Do I care about his life or death? This Nandou Emperor, if you want to chop him or take a nap on him, you can do whatever you want. If you want, send his skull to me, just use it as a wine vessel.

Emperor Nandou was so angry that his lips turned blue. He looked at Liu Bang and shouted harshly, "Sin, why are you so ruthless?"

Liu Bang's lips curled." He sneered and said, "Reless and righteous? Son of a bitch? Oh, I have been reincarnated countless times in the world of the world. I don't know how many my father has changed. His mother is willing to call you father. That's your creation. What are you going to do?"

A spit spit out hundreds of feet away this way. Liu Bang put on a hooligan posture, rolled up his sleeves and shouted to this side with his bare arms, "Nandou, I don't care whether you live or die. Did you bite my bird? Damn it, when I was just playing with you as a maid of honor, and I was forced by you to reincarnate in the world as a tool for you to control the world, I won't treat you as my father!"

With his lips crooked and his head, Liu Bang sneered and said, "After so many reincarnations, I don't know how many my fathers there are. Who the fuck cares about you?" Fan Yu laughed quietly, and Emperor Nandou's eyes turned white with anger, and he almost fainted in one breath.

Don't beg to hear such a wonderful passage from Liu Bang. He sighed and casually threw the Nandou Emperor into the Liantianding. Then Liantianding sucked everyone around him in and quickly went into the distance incarnated with a stream of light.

It's just a flash of time. There is no trace of begging in Liu Bang's sight and consciousness.

Liu Bang, who rolled up his sleeves and cursed, was stunned. He looked back at Fan Wei in horror, and Fan Wei was also at a loss.

, "God? Ghost? What? How can his mother be so haunted? Liu Bang subconsciously touched his arm, and his arm was full of goose bumps the size of rice. He was stunned by the amazing escape.


The whole body is cold in the code, and sweat can drip on the forehead.

I finally understand that chrysalis and eels can't be eaten together.

I don't know if it's because of these two things, but what I ate yesterday was exactly the same as my wife's. Only the pig's head ate the chrysalis and the eel. The fruit tossed around all night, and the abdominal pain was like hanging.

. Shit!