Steal the sky

Chapter 1092 The Tripod of All Souls

Next to the small lake, in the shade of trees, don't beg to sit opposite Pangu. Don't beg to observe Pangu at close range. The translucent body exudes a strong smell of flesh and blood, but Pangu is still just a spiritual spirit.

It's just that his own spiritual spirit has been condensed to the same level as the golden body of the body. How high is Pangu's cultivation today?

Measure it carefully, don't beg. It can only be said that maybe the power of three or five Taoist realms is not the enemy in front of him!

The big white cat, who was about to sleep and turned into a pile of dead meat, slowly got up, lay weakly beside Pangu, squinting two flattering eyes, and licking Pangu's calf affectionately with a light blue tongue. Pangu grabbed more than a dozen fist-sized purple beads from the void. All the beads were condensed with the purple aura, and then fed them to the big cat.

1 Meow, meow, meow, screaming, the big cat tilted its head and looked at Don't beg.

Don't curl your lips and take out a lot of monster flesh and blood from the storage ring. There are countless demons and monsters around him, and there are many people who like to eat fresh flesh and blood, so he took the corpses of mountain-like monsters with him to be prepared. The big cat's eyes suddenly released a fierce green light. He shouted strangely and rushed to the pile of monster flesh and blood. He greedily opened his mouth and nibbled desperately, and even the hard bones were chewed up by him.

Pangu patted the big cat's head and sighed softly, "I have been sleeping with me for countless years, and this boy is also hungry."

Don't beg, just laugh, but don't say anything. According to your Pangu's cultivation, isn't it difficult to find some blood food for this big cat? It's just that you are reluctant to take action. What a pity for this cat, was fed so fat by Pangu with the jewels condensed by the aura? He doesn't have the physique to get fat when he drinks water, does he?

Leaving the big cat, Don't beg and Pangu opened the wine jar, and Don't beg put out more than a dozen exquisite dishes. The two raised the wine jar and drank happily. Pangu seemed to have not touched this glass for many years. He swallowed the wine in a big mouthful of wine. In just a quarter of an hour, he poured down 30 jars of specially made a thousand catties of wine. The aura contained in these wines is comparable to the best fairy stones,

Even if Pangu is the body of the Yuanling, a strong red light appeared on his face, as if he were on fire.

"Fleasful, happy, the wine and tea of Yuanling's old friends are indeed the top wonders in my chaotic demon veins!" Pangu burped happily and slapped his belly contentedly: "Poor Pangu, I got the news in the ancient holy palace in those years. Under some s, although there was a period of time, it was self-imprisonment." How many years have you not enjoyed such wine?"

"The road can be expected,? Don't beg to ask bluntly, "What is the road?"

Pangu was silent for a long time. He gently rubbed his eyebrows, and a little golden light fell from his eyebrows one after another. After a full hour, he said slowly, "What is the road? Yuanling's old friends can go to the ancient holy palace, and you can know the clues. If you want to talk about Pangu, it's not clear. But Pangu can tell one or two to Yuanling's old friends, "What's going on in this Pangu world?"

Don't beg to take the lead happily. He is responsible for volunteering to tell what happened in those years and the privacy of the Pangu world. What's wrong with him?

Pangu was not polite. He stretched out his hand boat and asked for dozens of jars of wine to be put by his side. While drinking the wine, he told Don't beg. This Pangu world, and many things later, were actually after Pangu gathered a group of chaotic demons to visit the ancient holy palace.

The ancient holy palace is an indescribable place. Although Pangu and others have entered, few of them can come out safely. The prohibition in the ancient holy palace is a little bit of today's Buddha's one sand and one world, one huā one like charm, which may contain extremely terrible dangers in a very small place. There is a world in a small grain of dust, and that side of the world is full of violent and uncast chaotic power." Even if Pangu brought it to the ancient Some chaotic demons were born in chaos, but they could not stop the invasion of the world's power. They were often beaten into a wisp of chaotic vitality and dissipated between heaven and earth.

Pangu is very lucky. He has great powers and great wisdom. At the same time, his body is extremely strong. His mana is also very powerful. At the same time, he also has several extremely powerful treasures, so he went all the way into the ancient holy palace. In the central hall of the ancient holy palace, he got some news about the destroyed holy world and some relics related to the holy world.

, "What does the Holy World look like?" Don't beg, I couldn't help asking curiously. Regarding the ancient holy palace, Pangu was just lucky enough to enter the [Zhong] Central Hall. Don't beg if you want to go in, you have to try by yourself. Pangu was also a head of sewage for many of the layouts in the ancient holy palace. He only walked to the [Zhong] Central Hall and exited the ancient holy palace. There was still an extremely vast space behind him that could not be entered. Instead of asking him, it was better to try it by himself.

On the contrary, the news of the Holy World makes Begging curious and very curious.

Pangu grinned. He clicked his mouth, frowned and ponder for a while. After a long time, he slowly nodded and said, "The Holy World, that is, the strongest in the world, who called himself the "saint" has incredible great powers and great powers. Not to mention anything else, just a small bug in the holy world, like an ant here, has the same strength as the so-called Taiyi Jinxian today.

Don't swallow a mouthful of wine with difficulty. The sip of wine was like a stone, and he almost choked in Don't beg's throat and suffocated him to death.

Pangu frowned and smiled at the leader, and continued to say something about what he knew.

The Holy World is such a world, an extremely powerful and huge world. A worm in the holy world has the strength comparable to the golden fairy of the Pangu world. Don't mention those creatures that are trillions more powerful than worms, let alone how powerful the real strongest person in the holy world has, which is a realm that Pangu can't fat about today.

For example, the power of those Taoist realms in the Pangu world now, the Hongmeng treasure in their hands is powerful, but compared with the sacred artifacts used by those really the strongest in the holy world, it is undoubtedly compared with the bright sun. The so-called Hongmeng treasure in the Pangu world is only the spiritual projection left in the chaotic world after the collapse of the holy weapon of the holy world. Compared with the real holy weapon, it is a shadow-like existence, so we can know how far the power of the holy world has reached.

Throw away these things outside the body. The powerful people in the holy world have the power to create things out of thin air. Wherever they think, they can create a strange treasure, a living creature, or create a race out of thin air.

It is created completely out of thin air and does not need any real materials at all. However, the human race in the Pangu world is made of the blood of Pangu and countless mythical beasts and birds, which cost countless rare materials to finally create the ancestor of the human race.

Even the ancient holy palace itself, when the holy world was destroyed, they thought about a grave that merged the power of all the strongest in the holy world out of thin air, or a monument, or something else. The ancient holy palace is the last trace left by the holy world, which hides countless mysteries about the holy world and keeps countless records about the holy world.

Pangu told Don't beg frankly that what he got from the ancient holy palace was probably just a drop in the ocean compared with the real treasury in the ancient holy palace. But Pangu had no courage to continue to stay in the ancient holy palace at that time. He just took away everything he could and immediately withdrew the same way. At that time, Pangu's cultivation was not even as good as the current Don't Beg. He was able to enter the [Zhong] Central Hall of the Ancient Holy Palace, which was already his great blessing.

After leaving the ancient holy palace, Pangu was extremely admirable for the holy world, but he also knew the risk of re-entering the ancient holy palace. Therefore, he used a secret method obtained from the ancient holy palace to turn the magic power of the Zhoutian world into dreams. He did not hesitate to destroy himself, split the chaos with extremely strong power to Gua has re-opened a small world, which is today's Pangu world.

Pangu's body has been transformed into Pangu Continent, and his internal organs have been turned into all the secret places in the Pangu world. More than 90% of his vitality is integrated with a secret treasure he got in the ancient holy palace, and has evolved into the original spiritual treasure of today's Pangu world.

Wanlingding can control the direction of the operation of heaven in the Pangu world, and it is also the core treasure of the dream magic power of the world of Zhoutian. With the Wanling tripod, Pangu's magic power can be applied smoothly without the Wanling tripod. Pangu's act of destroying himself to open up the world is equivalent to a suicide joke!

, "Pangu will not go to the ancient holy palace again until he has enough power." Pangu looked at Bu begging solemnly and said, "But the mysterious things of the Holy Realm are irresistible once they come into contact with them. The dream magic of the world can make Panguguan peep at the leopard and the mystery of the holy world.

Don't beg to look at Pangu curiously and wait for him to say.

Wanling Ding has only one effect, which is to extract the original particles of the soul from the boundless chaotic world, return it to the original, turn it into the true soul of the spirit and integrate it into the six reincarnations of the Pangu world. Therefore, it is said that this is the truth that the Huahuang family is in charge of the pregnancy and reproduction of all souls in time.

And these original particles of the soul are flat, which includes the soul particles of the strong and countless creatures who were scattered when the holy world was destroyed.

Don't beg, swallowed a sip of wine again, and stared at Pangu like a dead fish.

Pangu nodded with a smile and said, "Well, the original particles of the soul are indestructible. This is that the "constant law" is a higher rule than the so-called heavenly law in Pangu's world. Even if one person is beaten to the soul,

Flying soul is scattered, and the soul dies, but the original particles of the soul will never dissipate. Those creatures that once existed will more or less remain in the original particles of the soul.

Don't beg to look at Pangu and take a deep breath.

No wonder Wa Huangshi and Chaos Demon God created the human race. No wonder Pangu opened up the world of Pangu. There are Wanling tripods that constantly absorb the soul particles in the chaotic world to form the reincarnation of the Pangu world. The Pangu Yuanling sleeping in the Pangu world can peep at the memory from the holy world in all souls with that supernatural magic!

If someone's soul happens to have soul particles from the strongest in the holy world, those cultivation formulas, those runes, and the knowledge of the holy world all belong to Pangu?

What a Wanling tripod, a Wah Huangshi who is in charge of Wanlingding!

The Empress of the World can take charge of the Wanling Tripod for Pangu. Naturally, there is no need to say more about the relationship between the two. The problem is that since the Wanling tripod is so effective, the cultivation of the Wah Emperor is really the weakest in many Taoist realms?

Don't beg for a drinking hiccup. Only when he believes this can he be a ghost!


Oh, my God, sit on the stool and code words, and put a layer of water on your buttocks together!!!